Category:Minor street redirects
From Pittsburgh Streets
Pages in category "Minor street redirects"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 521 total.
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- A Way
- Acme Alley
- Aiken Street
- Alice Alley
- Almond Alley
- Alpha Alley
- Alumni Alley
- Alvena Alley
- Amanda Avenue
- Amberson Street
- Amsterdam Avenue
- Anderson Street (Ninth Street)
- Antwerp Alley
- Aquatic Alley
- Arch Street (West Commons)
- Argyle Alley
- Arion Way
- Arizona Alley
- Asterisk Alley
- Ater Alley
- Atlantic Avenue (Baum Boulevard)
- Azimuth Alley
- Back Alley
- Bank Lane (Alcor Street)
- Bank Lane (Bank Street)
- Bank Lane (Martindale Street)
- Bank Lane (River Avenue)
- Bank Lane (Scotland Street)
- Banksville Road (Wenzell Avenue)
- Banner Alley
- Barker Place
- Barkers Alley
- Baum Avenue
- Baum Street
- Beaver Street (Arch Street)
- Beech Street
- Beechwood Avenue
- Beechwood Boulevard (Washington Boulevard)
- Beelens Road
- Beetler Street
- Bellefonte Street (44th Street)
- Bellevoir Alley
- Belvit Alley
- Benton Avenue (Belgium Street)
- Berlin Alley
- Beta Alley (Beta Way)
- Betty Street
- Billiard Alley
- Black Oak Street
- Blackadore Avenue
- Blackberry Alley
- Boquet Street
- Borough Street
- Bouquet Street (Dawson Street)
- Bowery Alley
- Branch Alley
- Brashear Street (Juniata Place)
- Brashear Street (Sleeth Place)
- Brereton Avenue
- Brereton Street (Bethoven Street)
- Brighton Road (Brighton Place)
- Brooks Alley
- Bunker Hill Street
- Butler Street (Negley Run Boulevard)
- Buttercup Alley (Buttercup Way)
- Cake Alley
- Calcutta Alley
- California Avenue (Kunkle Avenue)
- Calliope Alley
- Campus Street (Purdue Street)
- Canoe Alley
- Cantee Street
- Carmine Alley
- Carnegie Avenue
- Carpenter Alley (Conductor Way)
- Caruso Alley
- Casanova Alley
- Cash Alley
- Cayugo Street
- Cecil Alley
- Cessna Alley
- Chancery Lane
- Chancery Lane (Delray Street)
- Charles Street North
- Charley Alley
- Cherry Alley (Central Business District)
- Cherry Alley (Esplen)
- Cherry Alley (William Penn Place)
- Cherry Way (William Penn Place)
- Chislet Street
- Choate Alley
- Choate Street
- Christmas Alley
- Clark Alley
- Clark Way
- Clarke Street
- Cleo Alley
- Cleo Way
- Coal Road
- Cobalt Alley
- Coffey Alley
- College Avenue (College Street)
- Collins Avenue
- Collins Street (Centre Avenue)
- Colton Alley
- Comet Alley
- Conductor Alley
- Corday Alley
- Cornell Avenue (Cornell Street)
- Costume Alley
- Cotton Alley
- Craft Avenue (Belgreen Place)
- Crooked Alley
- Cub-ba-you-quit Alley
- Cubba-you-quit Alley
- Cubba-you-quit Way
- Fair Haven Avenue
- Fairacres Avenue (Alton Street)
- Fargo Alley
- Federal Street (Sixth Street)
- Felix Alley
- Fennis Alley
- Ferry Street (Fenway Street)
- Fiber Alley
- Fillmore Street
- Finley Alley
- Fireman Alley
- Flocker Street (Brighton Place)
- Forest Place
- Formosa Alley
- Foster Alley (Foster Way)
- Fralich Street (Woodlawn Avenue)
- Fred Alley
- Freeland Alley
- Frew Avenue
- Front Alley
- Fudge Alley
- Fuller Alley
- Furman Alley
- Furnace Alley