From Pittsburgh Streets
This page lists some generally useful sources. For a full list of all sources used in Pittsburgh Streets, see Category:Sources.
Origins of names
Street names
The following sources have the origins of Pittsburgh street names as their primary focus or as a major topic.
In addition to the sources listed below, the newspaper columns of George T. Fleming cover the origins of street names, especially the columns from November 29, 1914, through November 30, 1919.
- W. G. Kaufmann. "Names of streets: Pittsburg ransacked creation when doing its christening: Honors for local celebrities: The hard fighters and the noble Indians all taken care of: How other titles originated." Pittsburg Dispatch, Mar. 15, 1891, p. 15. 76218287. [view source] kaufmann
- "Signs for streets: With the names in big letters, to be placed at every corner: Following the Paris style: An attempt to label the city that proved a sad failure: How some streets were named." Pittsburg Dispatch, Aug. 10, 1892, p. 2. 76578361. [view source] signs-for-streets
- Julia Morgan Harding. "Names of Pittsburgh streets: Their historical significance." Pittsburgh Bulletin, Feb. 15, 1893. Reprinted in Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt: Early Names of Pittsburgh Streets, 13th ed., pp. 52–60, Fort Pitt Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 1958 (HathiTrust 007074456). [view source] harding
- Francis X. Burns. "History recorded in street names: The way in which the march of events have left their mark on the city of Pittsburg." Pittsburg Post, Dec. 30, 1900, p. 21. 86393131. [view source] history-recorded
- Annie Clark Miller. Early Land Marks and Names of Old Pittsburgh: An Address Delivered Before the Pittsburgh Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution at Carnegie Institute, Nov. 30, 1923. Pittsburgh Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, 1924. Historic Pittsburgh 00awn8211m; Internet Archive earlylandmarksna00mill. [view source] miller
- "Early streets." A Fact a Day About Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Dec. 9, 1927, p. 6. 89853112. [view source] fact-a-day
- Joseph J. Cloud. "Curious minded trace city's history through oft' changing street names." Pittsburgh Press, Sept. 1, 1931, p. 6. 146897284. [view source] cloud
- "Street names sketch history of city: Tribute to many pioneers dimmed by time." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 26, 1936, anniversary section IV, p. 16. 88921069. [view source] street-names
- Gilbert Love. "What's in a name? A lot!: Titles of city streets recall persons famed in U. S. history: From Golden Triangle eastward, thoroughfares list great and near great of colonial and revolutionary days." Pittsburgh Press, Feb. 12, 1944, p. 9. 147946752. [view source] love-titles
- George Swetnam. "Here in Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh Press, Sept. 29, 1947, p. 15. 149729673. [view source] swetnam
- Gilbert Love. "How names came." Pittsburgh Press, Aug. 11, 1952, p. 11. 141584890. [view source] love
- Margaret Carlin. "How our streets got their names." Pittsburgh Press, Feb. 6, 1966, Pittsburgh's Family Magazine, p. 10. 149098376. [view source] carlin
- James K. DeLaney. "Spectres of past haunt Pittsburgh's corner signposts: Street names 'pennants of tribute.'" Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mar. 30, 1967, [p. 41]. 88235360. [view source] delaney
- Mike Moyle. "Brochure spotlights local history: City's street name origins on tap." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Dec. 28, 1973, [p. 11]. 90047546. [view source] moyle
- Kathryn Roberts. "Signs of the times: Street names tell Pittsburgh history." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Aug. 15, 1974, p. 6. 88158543. [view source] roberts
- William M. Rimmel. "Street names tell stories." Out of the Past. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Feb. 28, 1976, Daily Magazine, [p. 17]. 90063484. [view source] rimmel-street-names
- Deborah Deasy. "The corners of time: A city street by any name spells history." Pittsburgh Press, Jan. 22, 1982, [p. A-16]. 146681316. [view source] deasy
- Joe Browne. "Streets are index of local history." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 28, 1983, p. 37. 89790718. [view source] browne-streets
- Al Donalson. "Signing in: Names of city streets reflect colorful history." Pittsburgh Press, Mar. 19, 1985, p. A7. 146595524. [view source] donalson
- William M. Rimmel. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mar. 14, 1987, p. 21. 89379012. [view source] rimmel-1987
- Lillian Thomas. "City plays the name game." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mar. 26, 2001, pp. C-5, C-8. 90410524, 90410540. [view source] thomas-city
- Bob Regan. The Names of Pittsburgh: How the City, Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks and More Got Their Names. The Local History Company, Pittsburgh, 2009, ISBN 978-0-9770429-7-5. [view source] regan
Sources that discuss the process or motivation of naming or renaming streets are rarer, but there are a few.
- "Street nomenclature." Pittsburgh Commercial, Sept. 20, 1873, [p. 4]. 85644399. [view source] street-nomenclature-1873-09-20
- "Street nomenclature." Pittsburgh Commercial, Nov. 1, 1873, [p. 4]. 85548999. [view source] street-nomenclature-1873-11-01
- "Street nomenclature: The changes proposed by the committee." Pittsburgh Commercial, Dec. 30, 1873, [p. 4]. 85549642. [view source] street-nomenclature
- James C. Purdy. "Changes down town: A picture of Diamond street drawn half a century back: The new street nomenclature: How the innovation was opposed and how unwillingly accepted: Pittsburgers always loved music." Pittsburg Dispatch, June 1, 1890, p. 17. 76223480. [view source] changes-down-town
- "May be called Verona boulevard: Property owners want name Paisley avenue changed: Ordinance will be offered at next meeting of councils—South African names incorporated in the street nomenclature of Pittsburg." Pittsburg Press, Apr. 20, 1900, p. 9. 141320270. [view source] may-be-called-verona
- "Paisley avenue is not popular: Property holders will petition city councils to change its name: A Grand Army suggestion: Annual revision of the titles of thoroughfares: Officials have hard time naming new streets—'Zaza' accepted; 'Sapho' rejected—Spionkap [sic] selected." Pittsburg Post, Apr. 20, 1900, p. 8. 86427378. [view source] paisley-not-popular
- "Making a joke of street names: Clerks assigned to wipe out duplications choose any old titles: Hippo, Tumbo, Fortitude!: Also Divinity, Sunday, Starch, Parkhurst, Chianti, Wry and Prudence." Pittsburgh Gazette Times, July 28, 1909, p. 2. 85879633. [view source] making-a-joke
- "'Ridiculous' and 'silly,' a 'huge joke': Changes of street names bring criticism on Clerk Clark; telephones ring—sharp queries keep wires hot: Historical Society indorses the work." Pittsburg Press, July 28, 1909, pp. 1–2. 141334964, 141334983. [view source] ridiculous
- "Citizens will be strangers: Hard to locate homes after city streets are renamed." Pittsburgh Post, July 28, 1909, pp. 1–2. 86422549, 86422563. [view source] citizens-will-be-strangers
- "Councils to fix names of streets: Will pass finally on new selections ordered reported favorably by surveys committee—Historical Society aids City Clerk Clark: Some changes which are recommended." Pittsburg Press, Jan. 27, 1910, p. 5. 141338336. [view source] councils-to-fix-names-of-streets
- "City will mark renamed streets: Bids received for signs: Downtown thoroughfares in revision list." Pittsburgh Post, May 6, 1915, p. 2. 88027126. [view source] city-will-mark
- "137 streets to get new names: City officials and postal chiefs unite to wipe out duplications: Program tentative." Pittsburgh Gazette Times, Jan. 22, 1925, pp. 1, 5. 86164194, 86164222. [view source] 137-streets
- "Street name changes made in 150 cases by council: Members balk postal authorities in some designations: Conflict in titles cause." Pittsburgh Post, Jan. 22, 1925, pp. 1, 8. 88486660, 88486701. [view source] 150-cases
- Gilbert Love. "What's in a name? A lot!: Christening streets is big chore for Pittsburgh has 5888 of them: Official Thinker Up of Street Names even goes to seed and mail order catalogs to find appropriate titles: Complications rise when residents complain." Pittsburgh Press, Feb. 11, 1944, p. 25. 147943383. [view source] love-christening
- Beatrice Paul Hirschl. "Surprising signs of the times." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 2, 1989, p. 15. 89701256. [view source] hirschl
- Lillian Thomas. "City plays the name game." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mar. 26, 2001, pp. C-5, C-8. 90410524, 90410540. [view source] thomas-city
Other place names
- Annie Clark Miller. Early Land Marks and Names of Old Pittsburgh: An Address Delivered Before the Pittsburgh Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution at Carnegie Institute, Nov. 30, 1923. Pittsburgh Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, 1924. Historic Pittsburgh 00awn8211m; Internet Archive earlylandmarksna00mill. [view source] miller
- Ruth Ayers. "What's in a name?: Crafts, Gibsons and Irwins all gave their names to towns: Borough of Crafton was once estate of Pittsburgh lawyer: Pioneers played big part in development of communities." Pittsburgh Press, Oct. 3, 1936, p. 9. 147045286. [view source] ayers
- Albert W. Bloom. "Pittsburgh today made up of many villages: City a composite of 25 to 30 municipalities whose separate identities meant much years ago." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jan. 14, 1953, Daily Magazine, [p. 1]. 89450362. [view source] bloom-villages
- Deborah Deasy. "The corners of time: A city street by any name spells history." Pittsburgh Press, Jan. 22, 1982, [p. A-16]. 146681316. [view source] deasy
- Torsten Ove. "Site names here are out of sight: From Swamp Poodle Road to Grant Street, locales in the region bear names that are little understood or largely forgotten." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 8, 1998, pp. A-1, A-6. 94754709, 94754864. [view source] ove
- William Bright. Native American Placenames of the United States. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2004, ISBN 978-0-8061-3598-4. [view source] bright
- Bob Regan. The Names of Pittsburgh: How the City, Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks and More Got Their Names. The Local History Company, Pittsburgh, 2009, ISBN 978-0-9770429-7-5. [view source] regan
The following sources can be useful when trying to find information about a particular person.
- William Henry Egle. Pennsylvania Genealogies: Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German. Harrisburg Publishing Co., Harrisburg, 1896. Google Books d7_akH9VO_cC; HathiTrust 100328946, 100770592; Internet Archive cu31924028856900. [view source] egle
- History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: Including Its Early Settlement and Progress to the Present Time; a Description of Its Historic and Interesting Localities; Its Cities, Towns and Villages; Religious, Educational, Social and Military History; Mining, Manufacturing and Commercial Interests; Improvements, Resources, Statistics, Etc.: Also Portraits of Some of Its Prominent Men, and Biographies of Many of Its Representative Citizens. A. Warner & Co., Chicago, 1889. Google Books DwzYAAAAMAAJ; Internet Archive historyofalleghe1889cush. [view source] history-of-allegheny-county
A Century and a Half of Pittsburgh and Her People
- John W. Jordan, ed. A Century and a Half of Pittsburg and Her People: Genealogical Memoirs of the Leading Families of Pittsburg and Vicinity, vol. 3. Lewis Publishing Company, 1908. HathiTrust 008651569; Historic Pittsburgh 03awn7797m; Internet Archive centuryandhalfof03bouc. [view source] pittsburg-and-her-people-3
- John W. Jordan, ed. A Century and a Half of Pittsburg and Her People: Genealogical Memoirs of the Leading Families of Pittsburg and Vicinity, vol. 4. Lewis Publishing Company, 1908. Historic Pittsburgh 04awn7797m; Internet Archive centuryandhalfof04bouc. [view source] pittsburg-and-her-people-4
Century Cyclopedia of History and Biography of Pennsylvania
- George Irving Reed, Andrew A. Lambing, and Eli Sheldon Glover, eds. Century Cyclopedia of History and Biography of Pennsylvania, vol. 1. Century Publishing and Engraving Company, Chicago, 1904. Google Books AMwwAQAAMAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 31735060396185. [view source] century-1
- George Irving Reed, Andrew A. Lambing, and Eli Sheldon Glover, eds. Century Cyclopedia of History and Biography of Pennsylvania, vol. 2. Century Publishing and Engraving Company, Chicago, 1904. Google Books _s4wAQAAMAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 31735060396227. [view source] century-2
Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania
- John W. Jordan, ed. Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania: Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, vol. 1. Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1911. Google Books arAfWBsvO1gC; HathiTrust 011529041; Internet Archive colonialrevoluti00jord, colonialrevoluti01jord. [view source] jordan-colonial-1
- John W. Jordan, ed. Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania: Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, vol. 2. Lewis Publishing Co., New York and Chicago, 1911. Google Books pq8yAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 011529041; Internet Archive colonialrevoluti02jord, colonialrevolutiv2jord. [view source] jordan-colonial-2
- John W. Jordan, ed. Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania: Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, vol. 3. Lewis Publishing Co., New York and Chicago, 1911. Google Books 9NQ4AQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 011529041; Internet Archive colonialrevolutiv3jord. [view source] jordan-colonial-3
- Wilfred Jordan, ed. Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania: Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, vol. 4. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1932. Internet Archive colonialrevoluti41jord. [view source] jordan-colonial-4
Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography
- Frederic A. Godcharles, ed. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography: Index—Volumes I–XX. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1932. Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe00unse. [view source] ency-pa-biog-index
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. I. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1914. Google Books K-UsAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 008588881; Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe01jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-1
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. II. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1914. Google Books muUsAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 008588881; Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe02jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-2
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. III. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1914. Google Books CuYsAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 008588881; Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe03jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-3
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. IV. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1915. Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe04jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-4
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. V. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1915. Google Books PWHQ8QPD0fYC; Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe05jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-5
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. VI. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1916. Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe06jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-6
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. VII. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1916. Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe07jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-7
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. VIII. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1917. [view source] ency-pa-biog-8
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. IX. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1918. [view source] ency-pa-biog-9
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. X. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1918. Internet Archive encyclopediaofpe10jord; [view source] ency-pa-biog-10
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, [vol. XI]. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1919. [view source] ency-pa-biog-11
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, [vol. XII]. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1919. [view source] ency-pa-biog-12
- John W. Jordan. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, [vol. XIII]. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1921. Google Books xAI9AAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 008588881; [view source] ency-pa-biog-13
- Thomas Lynch Montgomery, ed. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. XIV. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1923. [view source] ency-pa-biog-14
- Thomas Lynch Montgomery, ed. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, vol. XV. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1924. Google Books 4fLnF_xK7sYC. [view source] ency-pa-biog-15
Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania
- John W. Jordan, ed. Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania, vol. 1. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1915. Google Books rMswAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 011262501; Internet Archive genealogicalpers01injord. [view source] genealogical-1
- John W. Jordan, ed. Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania, vol. 2. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1915. Google Books Ls5JFy74VbgC; Historic Pittsburgh 02aee8434m; Internet Archive genealogicalpers02injord. [view source] genealogical-2
- John W. Jordan, ed. Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania, vol. 3. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York, 1915. Google Books 9MswAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 011262501; Historic Pittsburgh 03aee8434m; Internet Archive genealogicalpers03jord. [view source] genealogical-3
History of Pittsburgh and Environs
- History of Pittsburgh and Environs, vol. 3. American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books k_kMAAAAYAAJ, QMtaAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 011262563; Internet Archive historyofpittsbu03flem. [view source] history-pgh-environs-3
- History of Pittsburgh and Environs, [vol. 4?] (biographical). American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books 1M8wAQAAMAAJ, 5so0AQAAMAAJ, 98l140mUH4kC, v6QUAAAAYAAJ, VvkMAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 011262563; Internet Archive historyofpittsbu05flem, historypittsbur00socigoog. [view source] history-pgh-environs-4
- History of Pittsburgh and Environs, [vol. 5?] (biographical). American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books IdAwAQAAMAAJ, iGROWogZLRkC, VP9HAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 011262563; Internet Archive historyofpittsbu05inflem, historypittsbur00compgoog. [view source] history-pgh-environs-5
- History of Pittsburgh and Environs, [vol. 6?] (biographical). American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books iP9HAQAAMAAJ, UNAwAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 011262563; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723013. [view source] history-pgh-environs-6
Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
- Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: Personal and Genealogical with Portraits, vol. 1. Northwestern Historical Association, Madison, Wis., 1904. Google Books S9U4AQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 008726649; Historic Pittsburgh 01awn7753m; Internet Archive memoirsofalleghe01innort, memoirsofalleghe01nort, memoirsofalleghe01nort_0. [view source] memoirs-1
- Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: Personal and Genealogical with Portraits, vol. 2. Northwestern Historical Association, Madison, Wis., 1904. Google Books y6syAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 008726649; Historic Pittsburgh 02awn7753m; Internet Archive memoirsofalleghe02nort, memoirsofalleghe02nort_0. [view source] memoirs-2
For judges and lawyers
- Daniel Agnew. "Address to the Allegheny County Bar Association, December 1, 1888." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, vol. 13, no. 1, Apr. 1889, pp. 1–60. [view source] agnew
- The Twentieth Century Bench and Bar of Pennsylvania, vol. 1. H. C. Cooper, Jr., Bro. & Co., Chicago, 1903. Internet Archive twentiethcentury01chic, twentiethcentury01unse_0. [view source] twentieth-1
- The Twentieth Century Bench and Bar of Pennsylvania, vol. 2. H. C. Cooper, Jr., Bro. & Co., Chicago, 1903. Google Books JkRGAQAAMAAJ; Internet Archive twentiethcentury02chic, twentiethcentury02unse_0. [view source] twentieth-2
City directories and street guides
See Project:City directories and street guides.
General history
- Neville B. Craig. The History of Pittsburgh: With a Brief Notice of Its Facilities of Communication, and Other Advantages for Commercial and Manufacturing Purposes. John H. Mellor, Pittsburgh, 1851. Google Books cE0OAAAAIAAJ; HathiTrust 001263103; Historic Pittsburgh 00aee7261m, 31735056285699; Internet Archive historyofpittsbu00crai. [view source] craig
- History of Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania: With Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks and Important Manufactories, from Original Sketches by Artists of the Highest Ability. L. H. Everts & Co., Philadelphia, 1876. Historic Pittsburgh 00aee8639m. [view source] durant
- A. A. Lambing and J. W. F. White. Allegheny County: Its Early History and Subsequent Development. Snowden & Peterson, Pittsburgh, 1888. Google Books 6bY-AAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 008957728, 100693049; Historic Pittsburgh 00aee8946m; Internet Archive centennialhistor00lamb; LCCN 18008828. [view source] lambing
- George H. Thurston. Allegheny County's Hundred Years. A. A. Anderson & Son, Pittsburgh, 1888. Google Books 7mq5vRa_l_IC, na2TNhB3BuAC; HathiTrust 008651472; Historic Pittsburgh 00adg8023m; Internet Archive alleghenycounty00thurgoog, alleghenycountys00thur. [view source] allegheny-hundred
- History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: Including Its Early Settlement and Progress to the Present Time; a Description of Its Historic and Interesting Localities; Its Cities, Towns and Villages; Religious, Educational, Social and Military History; Mining, Manufacturing and Commercial Interests; Improvements, Resources, Statistics, Etc.: Also Portraits of Some of Its Prominent Men, and Biographies of Many of Its Representative Citizens. A. Warner & Co., Chicago, 1889. Google Books DwzYAAAAMAAJ; Internet Archive historyofalleghe1889cush. [view source] history-of-allegheny-county
- Carl Wilhelm. Complete History of the City of Allegheny, Pennsylvania: Officially Authorized by the Centennial Committee: Beginning with the First Dwelling That Was Ever Built Within Its Limits by White Man, and Giving an Account of the Thrilling Incidents in the Life of the Early Settlers, Their Struggles for Supremacy with the Savage and Blood-Thirsty Indians, Their Many Acts of Heroism, Their Martyrdom in the Cause of Civilizatition [sic], and Their Final Triumph; Also a Full and Accurate Account of the Social, Educational and Industrial Development of Allegheny from That Period Up to the Present Day, with Appendix Containing Full Account of Semi-Centennial, July 17. Pittsburgh Photo-Engraving Co., Pittsburgh, 1890. Google Books 3v9HAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust 009607525, 100692559; Internet Archive completehistoryo00wilh. [view source] wilhelm
- T. J. Chapman. Old Pittsburgh Days. J. R. Weldin & Co., Pittsburgh, 1900. HathiTrust 100551464; Historic Pittsburgh 00hc03930m. [view source] chapman
- George T. Fleming. "Flem's" Views of Old Pittsburgh: A Portfolio of the Past Precious with Memories. Geo. T. Fleming, Pittsburgh, 1905. HathiTrust 011204797, 100770599; Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290277; Internet Archive flemsviewsofoldp00flem; LCCN 08028848. [view source] flems-views
- Sarah H. Killikelly. The History of Pittsburgh: Its Rise and Progress. B. C. & Gordon Montgomery Co., Pittsburgh, 1906. HistPgh1909M; Google Books kXmloex-vr8C, poRU0YjqrzsC; HathiTrust 100122020; Historic Pittsburgh 00adc8925m; Internet Archive historyofpittsbu00kill, historypittsbur00killgoog. [view source] killikelly
- Samuel Harden Church. A Short History of Pittsburgh: 1758–1908. De Vinne Press, New York, 1908. HathiTrust 011212328; Historic Pittsburgh 00ade7723m; Internet Archive shorthistoryofpi00chur_0; Project Gutenberg 23507. [view source] church
- George Thornton Fleming. History of Pittsburgh and Environs: From Prehistoric Days to the Beginning of the American Revolution, vol. 1. American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books 7ctaAAAAYAAJ, ffQMAAAAYAAJ, S88wAQAAMAAJ, tzUafgt-eskC; HathiTrust 011262563; Historic Pittsburgh 01aee9405m; Internet Archive historypittsbur01compgoog, historypittsbur01socigoog, historypittsbur01yorkgoog. [view source] fleming-history
- History of Pittsburgh and Environs, vol. 2. American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books 3staAAAAYAAJ, TPUMAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 011262563; Internet Archive historypittsbur00yorkgoog, historypittsbur02socigoog. [view source] history-pgh-environs-2
- History of Pittsburgh and Environs, vol. 3. American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books k_kMAAAAYAAJ, QMtaAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 011262563; Internet Archive historyofpittsbu03flem. [view source] history-pgh-environs-3
- George T. Fleming. Fleming's Views of Old Pittsburgh: A Portfolio of the Past. Crescent Press, Pittsburgh, 1932. [view source] flemings-views
- Leland D. Baldwin. Pittsburgh: The Story of a City. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 1937. HathiTrust 001263101. [view source] baldwin
See Project:Maps.