
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Citizens will be strangers: Hard to locate homes after city streets are renamed." Pittsburgh Post, July 28, 1909, pp. 1–2. 86422549, 86422563.

Citizens Will Be Strangers
Hard to Locate Homes After City Streets Are Renamed.

A stranger in a strange town will be as much at home as Pittsburghers in Pittsburgh when the names of 933 streets are changed in September. Robert Clark, assistant city clerk, has compiled a list of changes which are embodied in an ordinance to be presented to councils in September.

Honors are as plentiful as commissions were in the Confederate army according to Private John Allen, but some obscure Pittsburgh family may claim the distinction of not having a street named after it.

The time-honored custom of taking a railway time table and naming streets from the stations or from the mystical combination of letters used as titles for Pullman cars was abandoned and instead, scores of amateur and professional politicians have been honored by having streets named for them.

Mrs. Samuel A. Ammon, former regent of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was delighted with the change made in Fifth avenue's name. From Ross street to Frankstown avenue it will be called Washington avenue. Other suggestions by her and the D. A. R. committee were acted upon.

"It is never wise, though, to name streets after living persons," Mrs. Ammon said in commenting on the numerous new names.

A feature in the ordinance is the renaming of streets in Diamond square, Northside, surrounding the old Allegheny city hall. South Diamond will be Fortitude street; North Diamond, Temperance street; East Diamond, Prudence street, and West Diamond, Justice street.

The commercial interests were not forgotten, for there will be a Starch and Chianti street. Ball players and even "Nick" Longworth is remembered. Superintendent of Police McQuaide bestows his name on Steuben street.

Many celebrities in Pittsburgh's early history are remembered in the renaming, particularly men who fought in the French and Indian wars and who were prominent here in Revolutionary times.

Kosher street, in the Hill district, is apt, for many Hebrews live in the locality, but no reason is known for the changing of Craig street, Northside, to Cremo street.

Changes in Downtown Streets.

Ninth street will be considered a continuation of Anderson street, Northside, Seventh street a continuation of Sandusky street and Sixth street a continuation of Federal street.

Streets in the vicinity of the blockhouse will all be given historical names and Beechwood boulevard, from Schenley park to Fifth avenue, will be called Fort Pitt boulevard.

Some of the streets named after latter-day men are: Adair, for W. J. Adair, former councilman; Riggo for the Italian violinist; Goehring, for the late district attorney; Hooper, for M. J. Hooper, councilman; Baldauf, for former Councilman J. P. Baldauf; Frock, for the Pittsburgh pitcher; Chesbro, for the former Pirate twirler; Kalson, for Councilman Harry Kalson; Grenet, for the delinquent tax collector; Rothpletz, for a former Northside councilman; Ridgway, for the late director of public safety, and Wettach, for a former Northside councilman.

Following are the old names of the streets, the proposed names and their locations:

Old Name of Street. Changed to New Ward.
Adrain Adair 24
Alaska alley Ainger 24
Albert alley Aboite ay 24
Allegheny Alluvian 15
Alma Reuben 27
Alpine Alpena 5
Anderson alley Andem ay 25
Anderson Anaheim 5
Angle Ancona 24
Ann South av 22
Ann Aner 26
Ann Watson 1–4
Anna Howard 26
Arch Arcena 2–5
Arcola Ardale ay 18
Arlington avenue Armandale av 25
Arthur avenue Orchlee 27
Ash alley Ater ay 6
Ashland Ashmead 5
Ashton Atmore 27
Atlantic avenue Atkins 27
Atlantic avenue Atherton av 8–10
Avery Ayers 4
Bailey Bainton 27
Bailiff Riggo ay 21
Baker Banker 24–26
Bakewell Baldridge 27
Bakewell alley Scrip ay 1
Bank Bandera 6
Banks alley Buscola ay 14
Barker alley Bard ay 26
Barnett alley Brim ay 22
Bartlett Bartold 27
Basin alley Bustrick ay 3
Bayard Branchport 21
Bayne Devine ay 21
Beaver Geyer av 27
Beech alley Beade ay 11
Beech alley Bolin ay 23
Beech Breesport 10
Bell alley Bronco ay 23
Belmont Covode 14
Benton Bison 27
Benton av Belgium 27
Benton Belinda 5
Benton av Bascom 26
Bennett Boyer 26
Beta ay Billiard ay 14
Bidwell Devonshire 7
Blaine ay Bavarta place 23
Blaine Bohem 4
Blaire ay Boer ay 25
Blanche Blanton 15
Blossom ay Board ay 14
Bluff Goehring 24
Bond ay Brace ay 27
Boquet Behan 22
Borland ay Babbitt ay 22
Beechwood av William Pitt blv 7–14–15
Boston Brenham 4
Bothwell Bowden 11
Boundary Botkin 26
Bradford Bradish 17
Braddock Bowater 22
Braddock Brocket 22
Bradley av Boyson 26
Brereton Bethoven 6
Brady Blevins 21
Branch Ley 24
Branch Marcella 6
Branch Blakely 6
Brighton av Westborn 27
Brighton place Brightridge 25
Brighton Brintell 10
Broad Damas 24–26
Brookline Bertillion 14
Brooks McKee place 4
Browne Broughton 8
Bryn Mawr av Diploma 27
Burgess ay Buhl ay 22
Burns ay Bucher ay 26
Burke ay Moravian ay 23
Buttercup ay Pansy ay 14
Byron ay Beryl ay 26
Bellefield av Blessing 5
Cabinet Cassidy 21
Cairo ay Cajon ay 22
Caldwell Cohutta 27
California Cedarhurst 18
Cambridge Cambronne 27
Campbell Campau 20
Cana ay Canada ay 13
Carpenters ay Conductor ay 3
Carrie Carrillo 5
Carroll Carrington 25
Carroll Ditzler 20
Carson Carsell 21
Carson's lane Henricks 27
Catawba Itin 24
Cato Catoma 25
Cedar ay Ceredo ay 27
Cedar Cedarville 8
Cecil De Silver 12
Centre South Side av 26
Charles Taggart 25–26
Charlotte Crispen 26
Chartieres [sic] Chateau 21
Chelsea Chellis 27
Cherry Chesbro 23
Cherry Chidell 27
Chester ay Chinn ay 11
Chestnut Hooper 1
Cherokee Cherryfield 26
Church av North Canal 22–23
Church Coffey ay 2
Chislett ay Citron ay 22
Christian st and ay Chopin 9
Cicero ay Carnival ay 18
Clark Claim 24
Clay ay Cake ay 27
Cliff Clifferty 22
Clifton av Chautauqua 25–26
Clifton av Cutler 26
Clyde Chilson 26
Coleman Chenoa 22
Columbia Colville 2
Columbia av Colescott 20
Compromise Composite 15
College av Campus 27
Concord ay Covel ay 5
Conestoga ay Casanova ay 11
Congress Constance 23
Cook ay Coppay ay 23
Cooper Colbert 1
Cornell Cornwall 10
Corona ay Costar ay 11
Cottage Cottage place 27
Cottage ay Cessna ay 9
Courtland Courtright 27
Cowan Cantril 27
Craig Cremo 22
Cross ay Crosat ay 26
Cross South Tenth 1
Curtin av Craighead 18
Cypress ay Czar ay 21
Daisy av Daisy 26
Daisy ay Della ay 12
Darrah Dasher 22
Davis Davenport st.–ay. 5
Dawson Sampson ay 22
Dean ay Defree ay 26
Decatur Delray 1
Delaware Deldorf 21
Delaware Delger 26
Delaware ay Desplane ay 5
Denniston Diagonal 7
Denny English st.–ay. 22
Denny Lalus 20
Diana ay Diaz ay 3
Dickson Dobson 6
Dill Sedgwick 21
Dill ay Doll ay 21
Dilworth ay Devers ay 21
Dilworth Dosch 19
Division Divinity st.–ay. 25
Doan Woodstock 20
Dorsey Dornestic 26
Douglas place Dounton ay 22
Donald way Donald place 20
Donegal Anthony 15
Downing Dehaven 24
Dunlap Dunseith 4
Dunmoyle place Delphas place 14
Durango Drifton 26
Duquesne av Dritt av 26
East Diamond Prudence 22
East Diamond Drummond 1
East End av Elkland 26
East End av Eastnor av 14
Edison Elkton 20
Edmond ay Enipo ay 27
Edward Etola 27
Eighth Ellesmere 2
Elgin Elreno 27
Ella Edenvale 25
Ellis av Ellzey 26
Ellsworth av Eloise 22
Elm Embury 27
Elwood av Hazelton av 26
Eleanor Enoness 20
Eleanora Emlin ay 23
Emerson place Emodi ay 26
Emerson av Textor 27
Erie Baldauf 17
Euclid av Burgess 26
Eudora av Euterpe 26
Eudora ay Eustace ay 19
Evans Pusey 26
Evergreen ay Edata ay 14
Excelsior ay Burd ay 22
Fair Oaks Fennimore 14
Fairview av Watson entrance 26
Fall Falba 5
Fayette French 2
Fifth Stanwix 2
Fifth av Wash'on av 2–3–4–7–12–14
Federal lane Federal 26
Federal Fernando 3
Federal Hill av Landview 14
Ferry lane Fenway 27
Filbert Firth 24
Filmore Freedmore 25
First Foreland 23
Fisk Filson 22
Florence Elba 5
Fleming ay Flash ay 15
Folsom Flowers av 15
Flora ay Floree ay 19
Flora Fonville 5
Florida ay Flossie ay 4
Flowers av Kilbourne 15
Flowers av Hansen 15
Forest av Fleeger ay 26
Forest Froman 24
Fourth Fancourt 2
Fairmount Henderson 25
Fountain Pentland 2
Francis av Freitag 26
Franklin Foxhurst 3
Frazier Fontella 21
Frederick Freyburg 17
Fremont Brighton road 25
Fremont Fram 13
Fremont Flocker ay 25
French ay Felbinger 20
Friendship ay Fireman ay 25
Fritz ay Frock ay 24
Fulton Fullerton 3
Fulton Furber ay 26
Funston ay Pride 3
Gardeners [sic] ay Garwood ay 9
Garnet ay Gazena ay 23
Garrison Geranium 25
Gas Gasoline 1
Geneva Glenrose 26
George Crawford 3
Geyer ay Gentry ay 22
Geyer road Gershom 26
Gilpin ay Gilchrist ay 26
Girard ay Galena ay 4
Gibson av Giboney 26
Glosser ay Bloomer ay 5
Gladstone Gaymont 21
Gladstone Gironde 21
Grace way Guyman way 18
Graham Gribble 26
Graham Greeves ay 22
Graham Garvin 26
Grant av Galveston av 22
Grant Goshen 26
Green Suismon 23
Girty ay Mugele ay 3
Greenwood Pennsylvania av 21
Gross way Groom ay 26
Grove Groyne 26
Grove Gravity 5
Hahn ay Woodville av 20
Hall Hubley 19
Hamilton place Hippo 26
Hamilton Hatteras 24
Hampton Heppner 21
Hancock Honduras 25
Hanover Eckert 27
Harding Hardesty 22
Harold ay Honora ay 27
Harriet Hackney 26
Harrison av Holyoke 25–26
Harrison av Harbor 26
Hoellerman Hunnel 24
Hawkins Herndon 20
Haworth av Heldron 26
Hay Heisel 26
Hays ay Habit ay 24
Hays Huntress 11
Hazel Harpster 24
Heath Highview 11
Hecla ay Starch 18
Hemlock ay Hulburt ay 9
Henderson Ajax st.–ay. 5
Hendricks Higden 15
Herron ay Hydro ay 22
Hiawatha Hooten 14
Hickory ay Voegtly st.–ay. 23
Highland av Holstein 26
Hiland Hillis 26
Hill Hybla 27
Hill Overbeck 24–26
Hill Husk 26
Hill Horace 1
Hobart av Semicir 26
Hobart av Munhall 14
Hoffer av Hertzog 27
Hoffman way Hankla way 19
Holmes Henley 27
Home Hodgkiss 27
Home place McCrory ay 25
Homer Huguenot 11
Hope ay Herb ay 22
Hope Hobbs 26
Howard Hyperion 26
Howard ay Hyoid ay 6
Howard Hollace 5
Howe Hotop 24
Hudson av Hiona 27
Hudson Havre 4
Hudson ay Hike ay 4
Hudson Hanlon 21
Hughes ay Garwood ay 9
Humboldt Hutoff 27
Isabella Idaline 8
Ionia ay Ionic ay 11
Iowa ay Colorado st.–ay. 27
Itasco ay Ishar ay 5
Irwin av Isleboro av 22–25–26
Irwin place Sherrod 9
Irwin ay St. John's ay 9
Irene Idolia 20
Imbrie North End av 26
Island av Izora 26–27
Ivanhoe place Ivonton ay 25
Jackson Jarvella 25
James st. and ay. Janero 11
Jane ay Jesup ay 27
Jeanette Jonathan 14
Jefferson Jarbola 25
Jefferson, West Japanese 25
John Hallett 5
Joliet Jawett 27
Jones Breretos 2–6
Juniata Jubilee 21
Juno ay Jabok ay 22
Justice Judge ay 3
Kaiser av Warrington av 18
Kansas ay Kalorama ay 27
Katherine Kathleen 18
Keeling place Kimbol 17
Kennedy av North End av 26
Kennedy Kellogg 14
Killy-Moon Kennebec 15
Kentucky av Goebel 21
Kenova Ketler 27
Kent ay Kalson ay 26
Kenwood Kambach 18
Kenwood Kemper 14
Keokuk ay Key ay 15
Kerr Ketchum 27
Kilbuck Hypolite 22
Kilbuck Kilbourne 15
King ay Kilday ay 23
King Dougan 27
Kirkpatrick ave Kirkbride 21–25
Kirkpatrick ay Kunkle ay 21
Knox Atmore 21–27
Knox ay Kulp ay 22
Lafayette ave Langhorn 15
Lake Ladson 12
Lanark Lovelace 20
Lane ay Ludene ay 27
Laclede Luster 14
Landis Laveta 26
Latrobe ay Leeds ay 21
Laurel Lorigan 6–8–9
Lawn ay Gazena ay 23
Lawrence ave Loresch 25
Leckey ay Leduc ay 25
Lee ay Leaton ay 19
Leland Lippert 14
Lemon ay Lieb ay 27
Lenox ay Light ay 13
Lewis Leydon 10
Liberty Lockhart 23
Lillian Leister 24
Lillian ay Lehr ay 18
Lincoln Goebel 21
Lincoln Lynndale ave 21–22
Linden Le Feore 23
Linden La Schall 12
Linden ay Lutton ay 18
Lindsay Law 27
Llewellyn ay Lizardi ay 19
Lloyd Linus 26
Locust List 26
Locust Liverpool 1
Logan Lysle 21–25
Lombard Letsche 25–26
Long ay Lovett ay 23
Long lane Lappe lane 24–26
Longview ave Loeffler 27
Louis ay Lucia 27
Louis Levene 14
Louise ave Letort 27
Lowry Longworth 15
Ludwig ay Steigerwalt ay 23
Lyon terrace Lyseum [sic] 25–26
Lyons ave Lyzell 26
Madison Milwaukee 5
Magee ay Mace ay 25
Magnolia Magdalene 17
Main Mina 26
Main Madrone 23
Main Muth 26
Main Creek 26
Manchester way Birn ay 22
Manilla ay Maolis 21–22
Mansion ave Morrell 27
Manton Maud 27
Maple ave Merritt 26
Maple ave Madelia 25–26
Maple Millbridge 18
Marble ay Mero ay 25
Margaret Mar Vista 21
Margaretha Mazant 26
Maria Seitz 1
Marine ay Marvin ay 27
Marion av Merchant 22
Maripoo Marsonia 25
Market Metropolitan 21
Marlboro av Marmaduke 27
Martin av Martindale 22
Marshall Musgrave 15
Mary Minott 27
Maryland av Taggart 26
Masters way Drummond 1
Mathilda Monhagen 27
May av Matson 26
Meade Meadville 25
Mellow Dickson 27
Melrose way McLain 18
Melwood ave Montview st–ay 26
Merton Maline 26
Meyer Meschell 26
Meyran av Semicir 26
Miami ay Mohn ay 26
Michigan av Mexico 27
Middle Marohn 5
Mifflin ay Mimosa ay 22
Mifflin Milgate 9
Mildred Loeffler 27
Mill Murat 24
Miller Medley 21
Milroy Maromas 14
Mingo ay Moddiz ay 27
Milton ay Padget st–ay 26
Mint ay Murko ay 25
Mitchell Music 27
Mitchell ay Haydon ay 5
Mobile Moneta 23
Mohawk Mattern 27
Monitor Moravian 23
Monitor Monteiro 15
Montana ay Muskego ay 19
Monterey Mattisee 18
Montgomery Mellinger 20
Moore ay Malden ay 27
Moorwood Moale 27
Montrose av Magnet 26
Morgan Mendota 23
Morningside av Mossfield 9–10
Morris Mercy 25
Morris Mackey 4
Morrison Monfort 12
Morton Mystic ay 22
Mound ay Mend ay 8
Mulberry Mumford 21
Murtland ay Nance ay 22
Myron ay Mend ay 8
Myrtle Metcalf 25
McCauslin McCullough 25
McClure av Grenet 27
McClure av McComber av 14
McClure av Eckert 27
McClurg way McElroy 21
McCombs McBride 26
McDonald McDowell 27
McKain ay McNary ay 22
McKee Rothpletz 27
McKee place McAlvy 26
Negley av Roup av 7–8–14
Nelson Nash 23
Nevada Nublock 25
Niagara Neuhart 26
Nimick Neff 19
Nixon Naylor 14
North Norris 26
North Diamond Temperance 22
North Diamond Byng 1
Norwood Neffle 16
Oak ay Ogle ay 2
Oak Grove av Oswald 27
Oakland Orlana 21
Oakland square Argentine place 4
North Oakland square Olindo 4
Oakwood av Oakhill 27
Ogden Oxline 21
O'Hara av Spring Garden av 23
Ohio Orr 4
Oliver Orpwood 4
Olive Orbin 5
Olympia Woodville 20
O'Neil Oxfield 27
Omaha Ophir 26
Omega Owenton 26
Ontario Onendago 14
Orchard ay Orsenius ay 11
Orchard ay Ogleby ay 11
Oregon ay Overcliff ay 27
Orwell ay Orville ay 9
Oswega Starch 18
Ottawa Owatonna 26
Overhill Lager 24
Overlook ay Overlea ay 14
Pacific av Parviss 27
Palmer ay Press ay 22
Palmer ay Pascoe ay 23
Palo Alto ay Humber ay 5
Paoli ay Kirsch 5
Parker ay Painter 22
Parker Pierce 7
Park View av Catoma 25
Park Pollmey 22
Park av Paulson av 12
Park way Plank 20
Parnell Probst 27
Pasture lane Palisade lane 26
Patterson Plough 27
Pattison Peterson 27
Pawnee Pettis 22
Paxton ay Pawling ay 7
Payne ay Hamlin ay 21
Payne Pegg 18
Peach terrace Percival 26
Pearl, West Pernod 22
Pearl Parkhurst 22
Pearl Pratt 26
Peebles Pitney 26
Penn Plush 22
Perry Peralta 23
Petrel Petosky 27
Pheasant Pressler 26
Phillips Pitkin 26
Pike Phineas st.–ay. 23
Pine Pindam 23
Pitt Pitham 25
Pitt Pocono 14
Pleasant av Portola av 26
Plumb Pynchon 25–26
Point Province 24
Pontiac ay Pretense ay 17
Poplar Porterfield 22–25
Porter Charles 5
Post ay Chelps ay 23
Preble av Paulowna 6
Primrose ay Pedder ay 26
Princeton road Pemberton 27
Proctor ay Purse ay 24
Prospect Province 24
Paulaski Paula way 20
Purkiss Padget 26
Quaker Quaker way 20
Quarry Queen 24
Quarry ay Quell st.–ay. 25
Quarry ay Quinter ay 12
Quebec Quipo 15
Quincy Warren 25
Quincy Mission 16–17
Race Reddour 23
Rampart ay Range ay 22
Randolph Roller 27
Ravine Rialto 24
Daymond [sic] Rostock 24
Rebecca Reedsdale 21–22
Red Oak ay Retail ay 24
Reed Riggo ay 27
Regina ay Retanus 22
Relief ay Riffle ay 25
Relief ay Resort ay 2
Reseca ay Robb ay 14
Reserve Romig 27
Reserve Regent 26
Reserve Rescue 26
Reserve Ruff 26
Richard Ransom 26
Richards ay Rennig 7
Richey, East Ruggles 26
Richey av Richdale 26
Richie ay Rastus ay 12
Ritchie ay Rufus ay 26
Richmond Richards st.–ay. 26
Ridge Ridgway 3–5–6
Ridgewood Ridgeville 14
River av Chianti 11
Roberts Redknap 25
Robinson Rockledge 24–25
Robinson Reliance 22–23
Robinson road Walz 24
Rogers ay Ryolite 11
Ronald Raff 15
Roscoe ay Rivet ay 26
Rose ay Rodney 27
Rose ay Rieseck ay 22
Rose Kosher 3
Rosedale Roalman 21
Rosina ay Recoup ay 8
Ross ay Ream ay 27
Roup place Roup av 8
Roup Roup ave 8
Royal ay Royster ay 5
Rubens Rugraff 17
Rugby ay Aquatic ay 27
Rural ave Rothpletz 27
Rush Pinerune ave 20
Ruth Ribb 27
Rutland ay Rosella ay 14
Sabina ave Stoltz 26
Saginaw Sagwa 27
Sarah Strauss 26
Sandusky ay Samantha ay 11
Sassafras lane Sundeman 24
School Scotland 22
Scott Scoville 23
Scott Shomin 3
Scrip ay Seam ay 21
Second Suismon 23
Sedgwick Stromberg 16
Seloma Stilwell 26
Seneca ay Searles ay 26
Seneca ay Mohn ay 26
Seward Seabright 26
Seventh Sandusky 2
Shady ave Sorrell 27
Shady ave Shadeland ave 27
Sharp ay Snively ay 11
Shawnee Shawano 23
Shelby Seal 5
Sheridan Sherlock 26
Sheridan place Shadwell 11
Sherman Sherrod 9
Sherwood place DeVictor place 11
Shiloh Shull ay 24
Shields Strong 21
Shingiss Sturm 26
Short Shank 26
Short ay Storey ay 26
Shrub ay Strap ay 27
Sidney Sutton 25
Simen Simonton 14
Simpson Sartwell 27
Sioux ay Salter ay 23
Sixth Federal 2
Sloan Savoy 27
Slocum Steese 27
Smith ay Spann 25
Snowden Stengel 22
Snyder Sackett 12
Solar Shalom 4
Somerset Stranmore 21
South ay Shine ay 26
South Diamond Fortitude 22
South Diamond Marjorie 1
South End ave Hawkins ave 26
South Thirty-third Handler 16
Spencer Spice 26
Spring ave Sprain 25
Spring ave Spiral 26
Springfield Shypole 25
Spruce Stieren 27
Stanton ave Seymour 21
Star ay Stiles ay 25
State ay Sinaloa ay 3
Station way Sugdon way 20
St. Clair Stroble ay 22
St. Clair Terrace St. Ives 21
Steels way Shockoe ay 25
Sterling Doerr 27
Stewart Swanson 26
Stewart Stedman 21
Sturgeon ay Book ay 2
Summit Succop 24
Summer Shreve 26
Summer Success 21
Superior ay Sulphite ay 10
Swatsworth Symphony 20
Sweeney st–ay Sunday st.–ay. 21
Swentzell way Swantek 20
Sylvan av Swamp 26
Sylvan av Frazier 4
Syracuse av Stonelea 27
Syracuse Pringell 10
Tacoma Talco 26
Taylor av Tarleton av 22
Tempest Ingham 27
Tennis ay Heinz ay 14
Terrace av Trueman 25
Terrace place Tumbo 27
Theta ay Thays ay 14
Third Tripoli 23
Third Barbeau 1–2
Thomas Tobin 22
Thompson Toberg 27
Thompson way Totten ay 20
Thorn Tiffany 27
Tioga Tretow 26
Towanda Twain 26
Tower Thropp 23
Trenton Trimbur 26
Tripod ay Truax ay 24
Troy ay Test ay 24
Troy ay Thum ay 24
Turner ay Turtle ay 24
Tustin Tupelo 27
Union Graeme 1
Unity ay Uneeda ay 23
Upland ay United ay 23
Unnamed street Flora 27
Unnamed street Kirby 27
Unnamed street Loeffler 27
Unnamed street Rife 26
Unnamed street Hespen 26
Unnamed alley Ireland ay 27
Unnamed street Tumbo 27
Unnamed st. and ay. Trimble st.–ay. 27
Unnamed street Speck 27
Valentine Valonia 20
Vassar lane Vosco ay 27
Valley Venture 26
Venango ay Verse ay 10
Vermont Vennette 21
Verona ay Voorhees ay 3
Vesper Vantassel 26
Veto ay Vonark ay 16
Victor ay Vensel ay 27
Victor ay Vance ay 4
Victoria Volunteer 24
Villa Voskamp 24
Vine Valette 24
Vine Varley 26
Vine ay Veazie ay 23
Vine Vallejo ay 23
Viola ay Violin ay 11
Virginia av Veteran 26
Vista ay Vintage ay 8
Vulcan ay Ventnor ay 14
Wabash Wabana 26
Wabash av Waldorf 26
Wade ay Waino ay 22
Waldo Wilt 24
Walker av Wapello 27
Wallace Wardwell 27
Walnut Warfield 23
Wampum War 16
Ward Warlo 21
Warner ay Waseon ay 14
Warren ay Weak ay 14
Warsaw av Wealth 27
Washington place Park Way 22–23
Washington av Columbus av 21–25
Washington Van Buren 2–3
Washington av, south Warrington av 17–18–19
Wayne Gironde 21
Water ay Welser ay 24
Water st., South South Water 16–17
Watson ay Waco ay 24
Watson Whitla 27
Watson blvd Watsonia blvd. 26
Wellesley av Wickshire 27
West Canal Gorecomar 22
West Diamond Justice 22
West Diamond Graeme 1
West Market Westmar 27
Western Walbridge 20
Westminster Welcome 27
Westminster Winshire 27
Wheeler av Wilksboro av 27
White ay Violin ay 11
Wilkins Westhall 27
William Wadlow 27
Williams Waldeck 15
Willow Welto 26
Wilma Worth 14
Wilmot place Welsford 4
Windsor Wolfendale 21
Wilson Westborn 27
Wilson ay Weitz ay 27
Wilson Whitcomb 3
Winona ay Wyona ay 27
Winters Wolfrum 22
Winthrope Winhorst 27
Wolf ay Hyena ay 21
Woods ay Weld ay 27
Wood Wolpert ay 25
Wooster Wettach 23
Wright Wry 24
Wyoming Wortman 27
Woodville av Woodstock 20
Woodville Woodruff 19–20
Yale ay Yardley ay 7
Young ay Yuba ay 3
Zara ay Zaza ay 15

See also