Project:City directories and street guides
John Taylor and R. Patterson. The Honest Man's Almanac: For the city of Pittsburgh and the surrounding country. Patterson & Hopkins, Pittsburgh, 1813. Internet Archive honestmansextraa1813tayl. [view source] honest-man
James M. Riddle. The Pittsburgh Directory for 1815: Containing the names, professions and residence of the heads of families and persons in business, in the borough of Pittsburgh, with an appendix containing a variety of useful information. James M. Riddle, Pittsburgh, 1815. Internet Archive pittsburghdirect00ridd. Republished by the Colonial Trust Co., Pittsburgh, 1905 (Google Books 9ihRAAAAYAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 00ach3238m); and by Duquesne Smelting Corporation, Pittsburgh, 1940 (Internet Archive pittsburghdirect00repu). [view source] riddle
- List of streets, p. 130 (Google Books 9ihRAAAAYAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 00ach3238m; Internet Archive pittsburghdirect00ridd, pittsburghdirect00repu).
John Armstrong. The Pittsburgh Town & Country Almanac: For rogues and honest folks: 1816: Being leap year, and from the fourth of July, the 41st year of American independence: Adapted to the meridian of Pittsburgh, lat. 40° 33′ N. of the equator, and long. 80° 38′ W. of London. R. Patterson, Pittsburgh, 1816. Internet Archive pittsburghtownco1816arms. [view source] town-country-1816
James M. Riddle and M. M. Murray. The Pittsburgh Directory for 1819: Containing the names, professons [sic], and residence of all the heads of families, and persons in business, in the city of Pittsburgh, and its suburbs; and a variety of other useful information. Butler & Lambdin, Pittsburgh, 1819. Internet Archive pittsburghdirect00murr. [view source] riddle-murray
- List of streets, pp. 27–29 (Internet Archive pittsburghdirect00murr).
S. Jones. Pittsburgh in the Year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty-Six: Containing sketches topographical, historical and statistical; together with a directory of the city, and a view of its various manufactures, population, improvements, &c. Johnston & Stockton, Pittsburgh, 1826. PGH_ALLEGH1826_CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290285; Internet Archive Pgh1826. [view source] jones
- List of streets, pp. 99–101 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290285)
Isaac Harris. Harris' Pittsburgh Business Directory, for the Year 1837: Including the names of all the merchants, manufacturers, mechanics, professional [sic], & men of business of Pittsburgh and its vicinity. Isaac Harris, Pittsburgh, 1837. PGH1837_BDM; Historic Pittsburgh 00afv6656m, 31735056287505. [view source] harris
- List of streets, pp. 21–28 (Historic Pittsburgh 00afv6656m, 31735056287505)
Isaac Harris. Harris' Pittsburgh & Allegheny Directory, with the Environs, &c.: Including the Boroughs of Lawrenceville and Birmingham, and all the towns and principal inhabitants within five miles of the City of Pittsburgh, with their trades, business or occupation, and the public, literary, scientific & religious institutions: With a variety of interesting statistical notices, making with "Harris' Pittsburgh and Western Business Directory," a complete account of Pittsburgh & vicinity. A. A. Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1839. Internet Archive harrispittsburgh00harr. [view source] harris-1839
Isaac Harris. Harris' General Business Directory, of the Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny: And also of the most flourishing and important towns and cities of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Western New York, Virginia, &c., containing a correct outline of their general business, together with a statement of the canal and steamboat business, and commerce on the waters of the West; a statistical view of the moral, religious, and literary societies, and a variety of important general and statistical information, with an index, at the end of the volume. A. A. Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1841. Internet Archive harrisgeneralbus_01harr. [view source] harris-1841
Isaac Harris. Harris' Business Directory of the Cities of Pittsburgh & Allegheny: And also, of the boroughs of Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Manchester, Sharpsburg, and the towns of Temperanceville, Riceville, Oakland, Minersville, East Liberty, Stewartstown, Wilkinsburgh, M'Keesport, Elizabethtown, &c.: With a brief notice of the police, city, borough, state and United States officers—the courts and public offices,—the manufacturers—the mechanics—hotels,—boarding houses—seminaries—colleges—academies—schools, &c. &c.: The churches and ministers of the various denominations—the Sabbath schools and various religious, benevolent and literary societies—our banks, insurance offices—commercial and steam boat business of Elizabethtown, Freedom & Pittsburgh, the important coal trade of M'Keesport, Pittsburgh, &c. and the cards & correct addresses of our principal merchants, manufacturers, mechanics, attornies at law, professional gentlemen and business community, with an index at the end of the volume. A. A. Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1944. PGH_ALLEGH1844_BDM; Historic Pittsburgh 00z989983m; Internet Archive harrisbusinessdi00harr. [view source] harris-1844
Isaac Harris. Harris's General Business Directory of the Cities of Pittsburgh & Allegheny: With the environs. A. A. Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1847. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723054; Internet Archive harrissgeneralbu00harr. [view source] harris-1847
Samuel Fahnestock. Fahnestock's Pittsburgh Directory for 1850: Containing the names of the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, & vicinity, their occupation, places of business and dwelling houses; also, a list of the public offices, banks, &c. Geo. Parkin & Co., Pittsburgh, 1850. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723096; Internet Archive fahnestockspitts00unse; LCCN ltf91000003. [view source] fahnestock
George H. Thurston. Directory for 1856–'57, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, Birmingham, East Birmingham, South & West Pittsburgh, Temperanceville, Manchester, Duquesne and Lawrenceville Boroughs, East Liberty, and Parts of Pitt and Collins Townships. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1856. Google Books HwYuAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 011562263; Historic Pittsburgh 31735038289074. [view source] thurston-1856
- Map of Fort Pitt in 1795, preceding p. iii (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038289074)
- Street directory, Allegheny, p. xxii (Google Books HwYuAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust hvd.hn46ja; Historic Pittsburgh 31735038289074)
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. xxv–xxvi (Google Books HwYuAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust hvd.hn46ja; Historic Pittsburgh 31735038289074)
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Vicinity, for 1857–'58. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1857. PGH1857CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 01a894773s. [view source] thurston-1857
- Street directory, pp. 253–255 (Historic Pittsburgh 01a894773s).
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Vicinity, for 1858–'59. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1858. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286630. [view source] thurston-1858
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 285–288 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286630)
- Street directory, Allegheny, p. 288 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286630)
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh & Vicinity for 1859–'60. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1859. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723062. [view source] thurston-1859
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities: And the adjoining boroughs of Birmingham, East Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Manchester, Duquesne, West Pittsburgh, South Pittsburgh, Monongahela, and Temperanceville; also, of the villages of Brownstown, Minersville, East Liberty, Hatfield, Woodville, Troy Hill, Mt. Washington, Spring Garden, East Pittsburgh & Oakland, together with parts of Pitt, Collins, Peebles, St. Clair, M'Clure, Reserve, Chartiers & Shaler Townships, for 1860–61. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1860. Google Books sAZNAAAAMAAJ, YQYuAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust mdp.39015068426785. [view source] thurston-1860
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 361–364 (Google Books sAZNAAAAMAAJ, YQYuAAAAYAAJ)
- Street directory, Allegheny, p. 364 (Google Books sAZNAAAAMAAJ, YQYuAAAAYAAJ)
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities: And the adjoining boroughs of Birmingham, East Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Manchester, Duquesne, West Pittsburgh, South Pittsburgh, Monongahela, and Temperanceville; also, of the villages of Brownstown, Minersville, East Liberty, Hatfield, Woodville, Troy Hill, Mt. Washington, Spring Garden, East Pittsburgh and Oakland, together with parts of Pitt, Collins, Peebles, St. Clair, M'Clure, Reserve, Chartiers and Shaler Townships, for 1861–62. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1861. Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288050. [view source] thurston-1861
- Street directory, pp. 359–362 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288050).
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities: And the adjoining boroughs of Birmingham, East Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Manchester, Duquesne, West Pittsburgh, South Pittsburgh, Monongahela, and Temperanceville; also, the villages of Brownstown, Minersville, East Liberty, Hatfield, Woodville, Troy Hill, Mt. Washington, Spring Garden, East Pittsburgh and Oakland; together with parts of Pitt, Collins, Peebles, St. Clair, M'Clure, Reserve, Chartiers and Shaler Townships, for 1862–63. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1862. Historic Pittsburgh 31735038289116. [view source] thurston-1862
- Street directory, pp. 355–358 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038289116).
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjoining Boroughs and Villages; Also, Parts of the Adjacent Townships, for 1863–'64. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1863. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723104. [view source] thurston-1863
- Street directory, pp. 389–393 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723104)
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjoining Boroughs and Villages, Also, Parts of the Adjacent Townships, for 1864–'65. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1864. PGH_ALLEGH1864_CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 05z902933s. [view source] thurston-1864
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 383–386 (Historic Pittsburgh 05z902933s)
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 387–389 (Historic Pittsburgh 05z902933s)
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjoining Boroughs and Villages, Also, Parts of the Adjacent Townships, for 1865–'66. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1865. PghAllegh1865CDM; HathiTrust mdp.39015068000614; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722783. [view source] thurston-1865
- Street directory, pp. 3–9 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722783).
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjoining Boroughs and Villages, Also, Parts of the Adjacent Townships, for 1866–67. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1866. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723112. [view source] thurston-1866
- Street directory, pp. 3–9 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723112).
The Iron City: A compendium of facts concerning Pittsburgh and vicinity, for strangers and the public generally. George W. Pittock and Kinsey McFall, Pittsburgh, 1867. Internet Archive ironcitycompendi01pitt. [view source] iron-city
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 20–26 (Internet Archive ironcitycompendi01pitt).
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 89–93 (Internet Archive ironcitycompendi01pitt).
- Map of Pittsburgh and environs, following p. 132 (Internet Archive ironcitycompendi01pitt).
Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Almanac: Being a business directory of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Lawrenceville, Manchester and surrounding boroughs; also, calendar for 1867: Business statistics of Allegheny Co. and directory of city and state governments, schools, churches, societies, &c., &c. Woods & Co., Pittsburgh, 1867. Historic Pittsburgh 00afq9224m. [view source] almanac-1867
- Pittsburgh street directory, pp. 9–16 (Historic Pittsburgh 00afq9224m).
- Allegheny street directory, pp. 16–21 (Historic Pittsburgh 00afq9224m).
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjoining Boroughs and Villages; Also, Parts of the Adjacent Townships; for 1867–68. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1867. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723138. [view source] thurston-1867
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjacent Boroughs, Also, Parts of the Adjacent Townships; for 1868–69. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1868. Google Books vwYuAAAAYAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723146; [view source] thurston-1868
- Street directory, pp. 3–9 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723146).
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjacent Boroughs, and Parts of the Adjacent Townships; for 1869–70. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1869. Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288522. [view source] thurston-1869
- Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 3–7 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288522).
- Allegheny streets and alleys, pp. 7–9 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288522).
George H. Thurston. Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities, the Adjacent Boroughs, and Parts of the Adjacent Townships; for 1870–71. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1870. HathiTrust mdp.39015068426777; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723153. [view source] thurston-1870
- Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 29–33 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723153).
- Allegheny streets and alleys, pp. 33–35 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723153).
H. Boone. Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities, the Adjacent Boroughs, and Parts of the Adjacent Townships, for 1871–72. Geo. H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1871. Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431283. [view source] boone-1871
- Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 29–34 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431283).
- Allegheny streets and alleys, pp. 35–39 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431283).
- South Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 39–40 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431283).
- Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, p. 40 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431283).
- East Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 40–41 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431283).
H. Boone. Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities, the Adjacent Boroughs, and Parts of the Adjacent Townships, for 1872–73. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1872. PghAllegh1872CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722825. [view source] boone-1872
- Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 3–9 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722825).
- Allegheny streets and alleys, pp. 9–15 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722825).
- South Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, p. 15 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722825).
- Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 15–16 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722825).
- East Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, p. 16 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722825).
H. Boone. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities and Parts of Adjoining Townships, for 1873–74. George H. Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1873. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286671. [view source] boone-1873
- Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 5–11 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286671)
- South Pittsburh [sic] streets, alleys, and courts, p. 12 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286671)
- Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, p. 12 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286671)
- East Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 12–13 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286671)
- Allegheny streets and alleys, pp. 13–19 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286671)
George H. Thurston and J. F. Diffenbacher. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities and Parts of Adjoining Townships, for 1874–75. Thurston & Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1874. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723179. [view source] thurston-diffenbacher-1874
- Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 5–12 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723179)
- South Pittsburgh streets, alleys, and courts, p. 12 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723179)
- Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, p. 13 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723179)
- East Birmingham streets, alleys, and courts, pp. 13–14 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723179)
- Allegheny streets and alleys, pp. 14–20 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723179)
George H. Thurston and J. F. Diffenbacher. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny for 1875–76: Embracing a general directory of the residences of citizens; a full classified business directory; a register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city governments; a directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches. Thurston & Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1875. HathiTrust mdp.39015068426769; Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286960. [view source] thurston-diffenbacher-1875
- Street directory, pp. 5–20 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286960)
George H. Thurston and J. F. Diffenbacher. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny for 1876–7: Embracing a general directory of the residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city governments, directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches. Thurston & Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1876. Google Books 8dkCAAAAYAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288480. [view source] thurston-diffenbacher-1876
- Street directory, pp. 6–15 (Google Books 8dkCAAAAYAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288480)
George H. Thurston and J. F. Diffenbacher. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny for 1877–8: Embracing a general directory of the residences of citizens; full classified business directory; register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city governments; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches. Thurston & Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1877. PGH_ALLEGH1877_CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288449. [view source] thurston-diffenbacher-1877
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 6–12 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288449).
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 12–15 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038288449).
J. F. Diffenbacher. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, 1878–9: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city governments; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1878. PghAllegh1878M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735054778604. [view source] diffenbacher-1878
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 20–26 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735054778604)
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 26–29 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735054778604)
J. F. Diffenbacher. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, 1879–80: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city governments; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1879. PghAllegh1879CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722866. [view source] diffenbacher-1879
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 36–42 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722866)
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 42–45 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722866)
J. F. Diffenbacher. Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, 1880–81: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city governments; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1880. HathiTrust mdp.39015068426751; Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431366. [view source] diffenbacher-1880
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 36–42 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431366)
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 42–45 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735033431366)
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, 1881–82: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches. Diffenbacher & Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1881. Historic Pittsburgh 31735038317693. [view source] diffenbacher-1881
- Street directory, pp. 36–45 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735038317693)
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities for 1882–'83: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies, and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, twenty-sixth [sic] annual issue. Diffenbacher & Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1882. Historic Pittsburgh 31735051650889. [view source] diffenbacher-1882
- Recently changed street names, pp. 29–32 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735051650889).
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 36–49 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735051650889).
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 49–54 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735051650889).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1883: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, twenty-eighth annual issue. Diffenbacher & Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1883. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286713. [view source] diffenbacher-1883
- Street directory, pp. 36–54 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286713).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1884: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, twenty-ninth annual issue. Diffenbacher & Thurston, Pittsburgh, 1884. Pgh1884M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290798. [view source] diffenbacher-1884
- Street directory, pp. 36–54 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290798).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1885: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirtieth annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1885. Pgh1885M; HathiTrust mdp.39015068427643; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723187. [view source] diffenbacher-1885
- Street directory, pp. 36–52 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723187).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1886: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-first annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1886. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723195. [view source] diffenbacher-1886
- Street directory, Pittsburgh, pp. 36–48 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723195).
- Street directory, Allegheny, pp. 48–52 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723195).
A. M. Neeper. Maps and Descriptions of the Election Districts in the Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. W. V. Dermitt & Co., Pittsburgh, 1886. Google Books clI_AQAAMAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 00c595180m. [view source] neeper
- Changed street names: Google Books clI_AQAAMAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 00c595180m.
- Street directory: Google Books clI_AQAAMAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 00c595180m.
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1887: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-second annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1887. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290806. [view source] diffenbacher-1887
- Street directory, pp. 33–49 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290806).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1888: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-third annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1888. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290848. [view source] diffenbacher-1888
- Street directory, pp. 33–49 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290848).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1889: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-fourth annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1889. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286754. [view source] diffenbacher-1889
- Street directory, pp. 33–51 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286754).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1890: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-fifth annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1890. Pgh1890M; HathiTrust mdp.39015068427635; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723211. [view source] diffenbacher-1890
- Street directory, pp. 33–52 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723211).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, for 1891: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies, and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-sixth annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1891. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723229. [view source] diffenbacher-1891
- Street directory, pp. 33–54 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723229).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburg and Allegheny Cities for 1892: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies, and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-seventh annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1892. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723237. [view source] diffenbacher-1892
- Street directory, pp. 33–54 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723237).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburg and Allegheny Cities for 1893: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-eighth annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1893. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723252. [view source] diffenbacher-1893
- Street directory, pp. 33–54 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723252).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburg and Allegheny Cities for 1894: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, thirty-ninth annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1894. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723260. [view source] diffenbacher-1894
- Street directory, pp. 33–55 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723260).
Martha W. Brown Haven. The Pittsburg and Allegheny Blue Book: An elite directory containing prominent professional, literary, business and society families of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Lawrence, Mercer and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania: Also East Liverpool, Salem and Youngstown, Ohio: June, 1895. Martha W. Brown Haven, Pittsburgh, 1895. PGH_ALLEGH1895_BBM; Historic Pittsburgh 09acu4141s. [view source] brown-haven
- Street directory, pp. vii–xxxvii (Historic Pittsburgh 09acu4141s).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburg and Allegheny Cities for 1895: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, fortieth annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1895. Pgh1895M; Google Books 8ptIwuAxp1wC; HathiTrust mdp.39015068427627; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723278. [view source] diffenbacher-1895
- Map of Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, following p. 2 (Google Books 8ptIwuAxp1wC).
- Street directory, pp. 33–55 (Google Books 8ptIwuAxp1wC; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723278).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburg and Allegheny Cities for 1896: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, forty-first annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher, Pittsburgh, 1896. Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723294. [view source] diffenbacher-1896
- Street directory, pp. 33–69 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723294).
J. F. Diffenbacher. J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory of Pittsburg and Allegheny Cities for 1897: Embracing a general directory of residences of citizens, full classified business directory, register of public institutions, benevolent societies and city government; directory of the streets, secret societies, schools and churches, forty-second annual issue. J. F. Diffenbacher and R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1897. Pgh1897M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723278. [view source] diffenbacher-1897
- Street directory, pp. 33–55 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723278).
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory: Adjacent territory and complete business compendium of Allegheny County for 1898, forty-third annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1898. PghAllegh1898CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722874. [view source] polk-1898
- Street directory, pp. 33–84 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722874).
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory: Adjacent territory and complete business compendium of Allegheny County for 1899, forty-fourth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1899. Pgh1899M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723310. [view source] polk-1899
- Street directory, pp. 33–85 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723310).
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1900, forty-fifth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1900. PGH1900CDM; Google Books dBFNAAAAMAAJ; HathiTrust mdp.39015068427619; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723344. [view source] polk-1900
- Street directory, pp. 33–87 (Google Books dBFNAAAAMAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723344)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County Business Directory: Allegheny City; Aspinwall; Avalon; Bellevue; Ben Avon; Braddock; Carnegie; Chartiers; Coraopolis; Crafton; Duquesne; East Pittsburg; Edgewood; Elizabeth; Etna; Homestead; Knoxville; Millvale; Mount Oliver; McKees Rocks; McKeesport; North Braddock; Oakmont; Pittsburgh; Rankin; Sewickley; Sharpsburg; Sheraden; Swissvale; Tarentum; Turtle Creek; West Elizabeth; Wilkinsburg; Wilmerding; nineteen-hundred. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1900. Pgh1900M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723336. [view source] polk-1900-business
- Street directory, pp. 17–73 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723336)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1901, forty-sixth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1901. Pgh1901M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723351. [view source] polk-1901
- Street directory, pp. 53–108 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723351)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1902, forty-seventh annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1902. Pgh1902M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723377. [view source] polk-1902
- Pittsburg street and ward directory, pp. 53–92 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723377)
- Allegheny street and ward directory, pp. 92–109 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723377)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1903, forty-eighth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1903. Pgh1903M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723385. [view source] polk-1903
- Street directory, pp. 45–131 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723385).
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1904, forty-ninth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1904. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286911. [view source] polk-1904
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 45–105 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286911)
- Allegheny street and ward directory, pp. 105–132 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286911)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1905, fiftieth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1905. Pgh1905M; HathiTrust mdp.39015068427601; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723393. [view source] polk-1905
- Pittsburg street and ward directory, pp. 45–76 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723393)
- Allegheny street and ward directory, pp. 76–89 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735055723393)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1906, fifty-first annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1906. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286929. [view source] polk-1906
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 45–73 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286929)
- Allegheny street and ward directory, pp. 74–86 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286929)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Directory, 1907, fifty-second annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1907. Pgh1907M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193818. [view source] polk-1907
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 37–66 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193818)
- Allegheny street and ward directory, pp. 67–79 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193818)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1908, fifty-third annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1908. Pgh1908M; HathiTrust mdp.39015035098667; Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193826. [view source] polk-1908
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 37–70 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193826)
- Allegheny street and ward directory, pp. 71–83 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193826)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1909, fifty-fourth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1909. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286648. [view source] polk-1909
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 29–79 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286648)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1910, fifty-fifth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1910. Pgh1910M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193834. [view source] polk-1910
- Street directory, pp. 29–75 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193834).
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1911, fifty-sixth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1911. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286689. [view source] polk-1911
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 21–67 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286689)
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1912, fifty-seventh annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1912. Pgh1912M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193842. [view source] polk-1912
- Street directory, pp. 21–69 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193842).
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1913, fifty-eighth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1913. Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193867. [view source] polk-1913
- Street directory, pp. 21–69 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193867).
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1914, fifty-ninth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1914. Pgh1914M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193859. [view source] polk-1914
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 21–97 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735058193859)
Lewis' Pittsburgh Street & Trolly Guide: Pocket directory of public buildings, office buildings, depots, theatres, hotels, amusement resorts, libraries, parks, hospitals, and all places of interest and importance: Containing a map of the business districts and indexed to conform with Lippincott & McNeil's map of Greater Pittsburgh published in conjunction herewith. Lewis Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, 1915. [view source] lewis-1915
R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley. Pittsburgh Directory 1915, sixtieth annual issue. R. L. Polk & Co. and R. L. Dudley, Pittsburgh, 1915. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286721. [view source] polk-1915
- Pittsburgh street and ward directory, pp. 21–97 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286721)
Pittsburgh Street Directory: As revised since the consolidation of the Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Pittsburgh Printing Co., Pittsburgh, 1916. PghStreets1916M; Historic Pittsburgh 00hc14724m. [view source] street-directory-1916
R. L. Polk & Co. R. L. Polk & Co.'s Pittsburgh City Directory, 1916: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, copartnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address, a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide and a complete classified business directory and a "buyers guide," vol. LXI. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1916. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056291002. [view source] polk-1916
R. L. Polk & Co. R. L. Polk & Co.'s Pittsburgh City Directory, 1917: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, copartnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address, a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide and a complete classified business directory and a "buyers guide," vol. LXII. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1917. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056291044. [view source] polk-1917
R. L. Polk & Co. R. L. Polk & Co.'s Pittsburgh City Directory, 1918: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations, followed by their officers, copartnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address, a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide and a complete classified business directory and a "buyers guide," vol. LXIII. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1918. Pgh1918M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290962. [view source] polk-1918
R. L. Polk & Co. R. L. Polk & Co.'s Pittsburgh City Directory, 1919: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations, followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address, a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide and a complete classified business directory and a "buyer's guide," vol. LXIV. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1919. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056291085. [view source] polk-1919
R. L. Polk & Co. R. L. Polk & Co.'s Pittsburgh City Directory, 1920: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations, followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address, a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide and a complete classified business directory and a "buyer's guide," vol. LXV. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1920. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056288545. [view source] polk-1920
R. L. Polk & Co. R. L. Polk & Co.'s Pittsburgh City Directory, 1921: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations, followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address, a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide and a complete classified business directory and a "buyer's guide," vol. LXVI. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1921. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056288578. [view source] polk-1921
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh City Directory, 1922: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address; a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide, a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXVII. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1922. Pgh1922M; Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286762. [view source] polk-1922
J. L. Lewis. Lewis' Pittsburgh Street & Trolly Guide: Pocket directory of public buildings, office buildings, depots, theatres, hotels, amusement resorts, libraries, parks, hospitals, and all places of interest and importance; Pittsburgh traffic regulations; containing a map of the business section, a ward and district map, and a map of the interurban electric lines. Lewis Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, 1923. Historic Pittsburgh 15c599171s. [view source] lewis-1923
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh City Directory, 1923: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupation, business connections and home address; a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide, a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXVIII. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1923. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286838. [view source] polk-1923
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh City Directory, 1924: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupations, business connections and home address; a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide, a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXIX. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1924. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286804. [view source] polk-1924
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh City Directory, 1925: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupations, business connections and home address; a directory of all churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary, religious and other societies, banks and trust companies, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide, a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXX. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1925. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286796. [view source] polk-1925
- Street directory, pp. 63–138 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286796).
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh City Directory, 1926: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupations, business connections and home address; a directory of all churches, public and private schools, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide, a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXXI. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1926. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286846. [view source] polk-1926
- Street directory, pp. 29–112 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286846).
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh City Directory, 1927: Containing an alphabetical list of business firms, corporations followed by their officers, co-partnerships giving names of partners, and private citizens with their occupations, business connections and home address; a directory of all churches, public and private schools, a compendium of the federal government, officers of the state, county and city governments, a street and avenue guide, a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXXII. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1927. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286879. [view source] polk-1927
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) City Directory, 1928: Containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a street and avenue guide and much information of a miscellaneous character; also a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXXIII. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1928. Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286887. [view source] polk-1928
- Street directory, pp. 33–120D (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056286887).
R. L. Polk & Co. Polk's Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) City Directory, 1930: Including Brentwood and Mount Oliver Boroughs, Banksville and the recent annexations to the City of Pittsburgh known as Brierly Plan, Calhoun Park Plan, Carrick, Crafton Heights, Hays Borough, Knoxville, Lincoln Place, McElhany Plan, Mifflin Township, Overbrook, Parkview Plan, Penn Township, Ross Township and Westwood; containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders, occupants of office buildings and other business places, including a complete street and avenue guide and much information of a miscellaneous character; also a buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, vol. LXXV. R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, 1930. Pgh1930CDM; Historic Pittsburgh 31735055722841. [view source] polk-1930
Bloom's Street Guide and Transportation Directory of Pittsburgh and Important Suburbs: Showing streets in the City of Pittsburgh, cross streets, range of street numbers . . . also streets in Wilkinsburg, Edgewood, Swissvale, Bellevue, Avalon, Emsworth, Ben Avon, Crafton, Ingram, Mt. Lebanon, Dormont, Mt. Oliver, Brentwood . . . complete street car and motor bus service available to all nearby boroughs and towns. Steel City Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, 1947. [view source] bloom-1947
Bloom's Street Guide and Transportation Directory of Pittsburgh and Important Suburbs: Showing streets in the City of Pittsburgh, cross streets, range of street numbers . . . also streets in Wilkinsburg, Edgewood, Swissvale, Bellevue, Avalon, Emsworth, Ben Avon, Crafton, Ingram, Mt. Lebanon, Dormont, Mt. Oliver, Brentwood, . . . complete street car and motor bus service available to all nearby boroughs and towns. Steel City Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, 1951. [view source] bloom-1951
Alexander Gross. The Complete Street Guide to Pittsburgh and 16 Nearby Suburbs: With large map of Pittsburgh and suburbs; streets, house numbers, transportation lines, places of interest, churches, etc., etc. Geographia Map Co. Inc., New York, 1953. PghStreets1953M. [view source] gross