
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Street nomenclature." Pittsburgh Commercial, Sept. 20, 1873, [p. 4]. 85644399.

Street Nomenclature.

There has long been trouble regarding the numbering of houses on our streets and also in regard to the duplication of names of streets. This last has been made more serious by the addition of the South Side to the city and a renaming of many of them is imperatively demanded for the public good. Some time since, probably more particularly at the instance of members from the South Side, a committee was appointed to consider and report a plan for relief in the matter of the nomenclature. The committee held a short session yesterday, and with Clerk Morrow made search for those names that are duplicated. As the work progresses the confusion of names was found to be worse than expected, and the committee ascertained that their labors were likely to be extensive and that it will be some time before they can be able to make a satisfactory report. After a discussion of the matter the committee adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman.

We learn that it is proposed to add to the numbered streets in the new districts the word south, as for instance South Sixth street, South Tenth street, &c., but we hardly think this plan would be satisfactory. Another suggestion is to letter these streets on the South Side as A, B, C, &c.