Notes:Sunday Street
1837: Source:Harris, p. 83: "Sweeny Hugh, Union Hotel c of Federal and Isabella st. At."
- p. 73: "Emmet Hotel, at the end of old Allegheny Bridge, on Federal st Allegheny city, Hugh Sweeny, proprietor."
- p. 141: "Sweeny, Hugh, Emmet Hotel, end of old Allegheny bridge, Federal."
1843-05-31: Source:Mt-emmet-hotel: "Mount Emmet. ¶ THE patrons of this pleasant retreat and all who seek pleasure in the pure air of the country, are informed that the Mount Emmet House is now open for visitors."
Source:Harris-1844, p. 83: "Sweeny, Hugh, Emmet Hotel, Federal"
1845-09-12: Source:Another-cemetery: "It adjoins the ground on which Mr. Sweeny's Hotel stands, and will be called 'Mount Union Cemetery.'"
1845-09-30: Source:Mount-union-cemetery: ". . . the above Cemetery, near Mount Emmet Hotel, . . ."
Source:Harris-1847, p. 191: "Sweeny H, Emmet hotel, c Isabella a Federal"
1848-11-04: Source:Sale-of-building-lots: "Persons having purchased Lots in Mr. Hugh Sweeny's plan of Mount Emmet property, at public sale, on the 4th, 15th and 22d days of May last, . . ."
1850: Source:Fahnestock, p. 95: "Sweeny Mrs. Emmet House, cor Federal and Isabella, Al"
Source:Orphans-court-sale-1851-08-14: ". . . about sixty beautifully and eligibly situated Building Lots, on Mount Emmet, Allegheny City, in a plan of lots laid out by Hugh Sweeny. . . . They are within fifteen minutes walk of the Allegheny Bridge."
- But note that Reserve Tract lot no. 237 was in Manchester, not Allegheny, at that time. And it was much further than 15 minutes' walk from the Allegheny Bridge.
Source:Thurston-1856, p. 239: "Sweeney Winfield [sic], corner Federal & Isabella"
Source:Mcgowin-1852: Reserve Tract lot no. 237 marked "Sweney"
Source:Hopkins-1872, pp. 88–89: Plan appears with unlabeled streets.
Source:Hopkins-1882, plate 35: Sweeney St
Source:Hopkins-1901-allegheny-vol-1, plate 4: "D Jacob Franz Plan"
1909-07-28: Source:Making-a-joke: "Sunday" highlighted in deck, alongside Divinity Street (also in subhead)
Source:Ordinance-1909-1910-715: "Sweeney st. and ay., from California av. to Oriana, old 6th wd., changed to Sunday st. and ay., 21st wd."
1915-03-28: Source:Fleming-washington:
Source:Hopkins-1925-vol-5, plate 13: "A Mt Emmett Plan (H Sweeney Est)" (unrecorded)
Source:Old-allegheny-city, p. 31: "Inns beyond the town limits were popular too. One, known as Hartman's Tavern, near Woods Run, was presided over by Mrs. Hartman, a genial hostess, who '. . . set an excellent table, served the best home-made wines, and her guests were free to roam in the five acres of ground planted with trees and shrubbery, or to rest in the favorite termini for sleighing parties.' A similar establishment was the Mt. Emmett Hotel, situated farther beyond the western suburbs of the town, where Hugh Sweeny played 'mine host.'"