From Pittsburgh Streets
Wm. J. Burnside and Hugh Sweeny. "Sale of building lots." Daily Morning Post (Pittsburgh), Nov. 4, 1848, [p. 2]. 86640451.
Sale of Building Lots.
NOTICE TO PURCHASERS.—Persons having purchased Lots in Mr. Hugh Sweeny's plan of Mount Emmet property, at public sale, on the 4th, 15th and 22d days of May last, are hereby notified to call without delay at the office of John Coyle, Esq., Fourth street, near Smithfield st., Pittsburgh, and fulfil the terms of sale.—A few more Lots, in same plan, for sale.
Enquire of JOHN COYLE, as above.
WM. J. BURNSIDE, Auc'tr.
HUGH SWEENY, Proprietor.
(Journal and Allegheny City paper copy and ch. Post.)