Isaac Harris. Harris' Business Directory of the Cities of Pittsburgh & Allegheny: And also, of the boroughs of Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Manchester, Sharpsburg, and the towns of Temperanceville, Riceville, Oakland, Minersville, East Liberty, Stewartstown, Wilkinsburgh, M'Keesport, Elizabethtown, &c.: With a brief notice of the police, city, borough, state and United States officers—the courts and public offices,—the manufacturers—the mechanics—hotels,—boarding houses—seminaries—colleges—academies—schools, &c. &c.: The churches and ministers of the various denominations—the Sabbath schools and various religious, benevolent and literary societies—our banks, insurance offices—commercial and steam boat business of Elizabethtown, Freedom & Pittsburgh, the important coal trade of M'Keesport, Pittsburgh, &c. and the cards & correct addresses of our principal merchants, manufacturers, mechanics, attornies at law, professional gentlemen and business community, with an index at the end of the volume. A. A. Anderson, Pittsburgh, 1944. PGH_ALLEGH1844_BDM; Historic Pittsburgh 00z989983m; Internet Archive harrisbusinessdi00harr.