Winifred Sweeny and P. M'Kenna. "Orphans' Court sale." Daily Morning Post (Pittsburgh), Aug. 14, 1851, [p. 2]. 86645750.
MOUNT EMMET BUILDING LOTS AT PUBLIC AUCTION—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, I will sell at public auction, on Wednesday, the 20th day of August, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, about sixty beautifully and eligibly situated Building Lots, on Mount Emmet, Allegheny City, in a plan of lots laid out by Hugh Sweeny. These Lots present many advantages to capitalists, as well as to those of small means. The location is unequalled for beauty and scenery. They are within fifteen minutes walk of the Allegheny Bridge.
A Plan of Lots can be seen at the Office of Robb & M'Connell, Fourth street, and on the premises.
Terms at sale.
Adm'rx of Hugh Sweeny, dec'd;
P. M'KENNA, Auct'r.