Notes:Gazette Square

From Pittsburgh Streets

1910: Source:Hopkins-1910, plate 1: Grant Boulevard (Bigelow Boulevard) ended at Seventh Avenue, so there was no square.

1914: Source:Municipal-record-1914

  • 1914-06-30 (p. 376): "[p. 375: Mr. Garland presented] No. 1335. An Ordinance changing the names of portions of Grant boulevard, Pentland street and Tunnel street, in the Second ward, City of Pittsburgh, to 'Gazette square.' ¶ Which were read and referred to the Committee on Public Service and Surveys."
  • 1914-07-03 (p. 401): "No. 1384. Communication from J. W. Cree, Jr., protesting in the name of Henry E. H. Brereton and Harmar D. Denny against changing the names of Grant boulevard, Pentland and Tunnel streets to 'Gazette Square.' ¶ Which was read."
  • 1914-07-07 (p. 415): "Bill No. 1335. An Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance changing the names of portions of Grant boulevard, Pentland street and Tunnel street, in the Second ward, City of Pittsburgh, to "Gazette square."' ¶ Which was read. ¶ Mr. Rauh moved ¶ A suspension of the rule to allow the second and third readings and final passage of the bill. ¶ Which motion prevailed. ¶ And the bill was read a second time. ¶ The Chair took up ¶ Bill No. 1384. Communication from J. W. Cree, Jr., protesting in the name of Henry E. H. Brereton and Harmar D. Denny against changing the names of Grant boulevard, Pentland and Tunnel streets to 'Gazette square.' ¶ In Council July 3, 1914. Read. ¶ Which was read, received and filed. ¶ And the bill as read a second time was agreed to. ¶ And the bill was read a third time and agreed to. ¶ And the title of the bill was read and agreed to. ¶ And on the question, 'Shall the bill pass finally?' ¶ The ayes and noes were taken agreeably to law, and were: ¶ Ayes—Messrs. English, Garland, Herron, Hoeveler, Kerr, Rauh, Woodburn (Pres. pro tem.) ¶ Ayes—7. ¶ Noes—None. ¶ And a majority of the votes of Council being in the affirmative, the bill passed finally."

1914-07-08: Source:Ordinance-1914-246: "Changing the names of portions of Grant boulevard, Pentland street and Tunnel street, in the Second ward, City of Pittsburgh, to 'Gazette square.'"

1923: Source:Hopkins-1923-vol-1, plate 6, shows an open pentagonal square, unlabeled.

1928: City of Pittsburgh Geodetic and Topographic Survey, sheet 2 (Historic Pittsburgh 002e1928) shows Gazette Square surrounding a trapezoid.

1929: Source:Hopkins-1929-vol-10, plate 6, shows Gazette Square as a green trapezoid.

1930-02-20: Source:Ordinance-1930-21: Gazette Square → Telegraph Square

1951: Parts of Telegraph Square and Webster Avenue were renamed Bigelow Square. See Notes:Bigelow Square.

1960-09-07: Source:Budget-time: "City May Change Name Of Square ¶ Legislation has been introduced in City Council to have the name Telegraph Square changed to 'Gazette' Square. ¶ Telegraph Square—bounded by Strawberry Way, Webster Avenue, Tunnel and Pentland Streets—was named for the old Sun-Telegraph newspaper which was taken over by the Post-Gazette."

1960-09-14: Source:Ordinance-1960-330: Telegraph Square → Gazette Square

1960-09-14: Source:Original-name: "Original Name Is Restored to Square ¶ CHANGING SIGNS — Mayor Joseph M. Barr, with an assist from Mrs. Dolores Scheck of the Post-Gazette, hoisted the new Gazette Square sign into place yesterday. The Telegraph Square, the area in front of the Post-Gazette Building, was renamed Gazette Square by City Council. It was originally named Gazette Square in 1914, and then changed to Telegraph Square in 1930 under Mayor Charles H. Kline."

1966-11-22: Source:Ordinance-1966-519: Vacated Gazette Square and other streets.