"An ordinance vacating Gazette Square, between Dante Way, Bigelow Boulevard and Pentland Street; a portion of Bigelow Boulevard, between Chatham Street, Pentland Street and Gazette Square, as widened by Ordinance No. 542, approved October 25, 1940; Chatham Street, between Pentland Street and Bigelow Boulevard; Pentland Street, between Seventh Avenue and Gazette Square; Unnamed Way, between Pentland Street and O'Neil Way; O'Neil Way, between Seventh Avenue and Strawberry Way; O'Neil Way, off Dante Way northwardly for a distance of 19.20 feet, more or less; Strawberry Way, between Grant Street and Gazette Square; Dante Way, between Sixth Avenue and Gazette Square; a portion of Bigelow Boulevard, from a point 114.96 feet south of Seventh Avenue to a point 331.00 feet, more or less, southwardly therefrom, all in the Second Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, abandoning all sewer and water lines in the vacated streets, and providing certain terms and conditions." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1966, no. 519. Passed Nov. 14, 1966; approved Nov. 22, 1966. Ordinance Book 68, p. 291. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1966, appendix, pp. 494–497, Park Printing, Inc., Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1966).
No. 519
AN ORDINANCE—Vacating Gazette Square, between Dante Way, Bigelow Boulevard and Pentland Street; a portion of Bigelow Boulevard, between Chatham Street, Pentland Street and Gazette Square, as widened by Ordinance No. 542, approved October 25, 1940; Chatham Street, between Pentland Street and Bigelow Boulevard; Pentland Street, between Seventh Avenue and Gazette Square; Unnamed Way, between Pentland Street and O'Neil Way; O'Neil Way, between Seventh Avenue and Strawberry Way; O'Neil Way, off Dante Way northwardly for a distance of 19.20 feet, more or less; Strawberry Way, between Grant Street and Gazette Square; Dante Way, between Sixth Avenue and Gazette Square; a portion of Bigelow Boulevard, from a point 114.96 feet south of Seventh Avenue to a point 331.00 feet, more or less, southwardly therefrom, all in the Second Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, abandoning all sewer and water lines in the vacated streets, and providing certain terms and conditions.
Whereas, A Petition and affidavit has been filed in the Office of the City Clerk by Park View Corporation as the owners of the properties fronting or abutting on said streets; and
Whereas, A Petition and affidavit has been filed in the Office of the City Clerk by Park View Corporation with the written consent of the Urban Redevelopment Authority of the City of Pittsburgh and the Arena Parking, Inc., as the owners of properties fronting or abutting on Bigelow Boulevard between Tunnel Street and Sixth Avenue, praying that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh enact an Ordinance for the vacation of above named streets between said terminals; and
Whereas, Upon vacation of said streets, the City desires to abandon the existing sewers and water lines therein; and
Whereas, Said vacation is part of a project for the erection of a new multi-story office building in the affected area, which project involves also the conveyance of certain property by Park View Corporation to the City for a consideration of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) and the conveyance of certain property by the City to Park View Corporation for a consideration of Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000); and
Whereas, The consideration for the vacations herein provided is Sixty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($67,500), which sum is to be charged to Park View Corporation and taken into account in the determination of the net amount due from the City with respect to the foregoing conveyance; and
Whereas, Park View Corporation agrees to provide a catch basin of suitable size to handle the storm drainage from Bigelow Boulevard at a place designated by the Department of Public Works; also cut and plug the water lines at locations designated by the Department of Water, Therefore,
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. That Gazette Square, between Dante Way, Bigelow Boulevard and Pentland Street, hereinafter more fully described; a portion of Bigelow Boulevard, between Chatham Street, Pentland Street and Gazette Square, as widened by Ordinance No. 542, approved October 23, 1940; Chatham Street, between Pentland Street and Bigelow Boulevard, Pentland Street, between Seventh Avenue and Gazette Square; Unnamed Way, between Pentland Street and O'Neil Way; O'Neil Way, between Seventh Avenue and Strawberry Way; O'Neil Way, off Dante Way northwardly for a distance of 19.20 feet, more or less; Strawberry Way, between Grant Street and Gazette Square; Dante Way, between Sixth Avenue and Gazette Square; a portion of Bigelow Boulevard, from a point 114.96 feet south of Seventh Avenue to a point 315.00 feet, more or less, southwardly therefrom, hereinafter more fully described, all in the Second Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, shall be and the same are hereby vacated, and all the existing sewer and water lines located in said streets are hereby abandoned.
BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of Strawberry Way and the westerly line of Pentland Street; thence South 62° 56′ 22″ East for a distance of 78.69 feet to a point of curve on the westerly line of Bigelow Boulevard, as recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County, State Highway Plan Book Volume 26, Pages 65 to 77, inclusive; thence along said curve on the westerly line of Bigelow Boulevard deflecting to the right in a southwesterly direction having a radius of 494.17 feet, a central angle of 19° 44′ 10″, an arc distance of 134.15 feet to a point on the westerly line of formerly Tunnel Street, as shown in the Mrs. E. F. Denny Plan of Lots, of record in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County Plan Book Volume 6, Pages 178 and 179; thence along said westerly line of formerly Tunnel Street North 24° 37′ 22″ West for a distance of 65.50 feet, more or less, to a point on the westerly line of Pentland Street; thence along said westerly line of Pentland Street North 27° 02′ 08″ East for a distance of 91.60 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
BEGINNING at a point on the present westerly right-of-way of Bigelow Boulevard (as shown on condemnation plans of Bigelow Boulevard, Route 1026, Section 2-R/W, signed by the Governor on September 12, 1961, as recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Allegheny County in State Highway Plan Book Volume 26, Pages 65 to 77), said point of beginning being located South 27° 01′ 19″ West along said westerly right-of-way line of Bigelow Boulevard a distance of 114.96 feet from the southerly line of Seventh Avenue 80.09 feet wide and also being at the intersection of said westerly right-of-way line o fBigelow Boulevard and the center line of Chatham Street, as shown in the Denny Estate Plan and recorded in said Recorder's Office in Plan Book Volume 6, Pages 178 and 179; thence along the aforesaid westerly line of Bigelow Boulevard South 27° 01′ 19″ West a distance of 72.96 feet to a point of curve; thence by the same by an arc of a circle deflecting to the right (having a radius of 494.17 feet, a central angle of 19° 48′ 18″, a tangent length of 86.27 feet, a chord bearing of South 36° 55′ 28″ West and a chord length of 169.97 feet) for an arc distance of 170.82 feet to a point on the former westerly line of Tunnel Street 40 feet wide; thence by the same and along said former westerly line of Tunnel Street, North 4° 37′ 22″ West, a distance of 1.24 feet to a point; thence by the same by an arc of a circle which is not tangent to the preceding course, deflecting to the right (having a radius of 493.00 feet, a central angle of 10° 07′ 59″, a tangent length of 43.71 feet, a chord bearing of South 51° 50′ 52″ West and a chord length of 87.08 feet) for an arc distance of 87.19 feet to a point; thence leaving said westerly line of Bigelow Boulevard in a northeasterly direction by the arc of a circle deflecting to the left (having a radius of 225.96 feet, a central angle of 18° 20′ 58″ a tangent length of 36.50 feet, a chord bearing of North 57° 47′ 34″ East and a chord length of 72.06 feet) for an arc distance of 72.37 feet to a point of compound curve; thence by the arc of a circle deflecting to the left and maintaining a 5.16 foot eastwardly offset from the second course in this description (having a radius of 499.33 feet, a central angle of 21° 35′ 46″, a tangent length of 95.24 feet, a chord bearing of North 37° 49′ 12″ East, and a chord length of 187.10 feet) for an arc distance of 188.21 feet, to a point; thence by a tangent line and maintaining a 5.16 foot eastwardly offset from the first course in this description North 27° 01′ 19″ East, a distance of 73.04 feet to a point on the aforesaid center line of Chatham Street; thence by said center line of Chatham tSreet [sic] North 63° 53′ 22″ West, a distance of 5.16 feet to the point of beginning.
Section 2. The vacations provided for in Section 1 hereof are made upon the following terms and conditions:
(a) The consideration for said vacations shall be Sixty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($67,500), which sum shall be charged to Park View Corporation and taken into account in the determination of the net amount due from the City with respect to the conveyances mentioned in the recitals to this Ordinance, which conveyances are to be authorized by an Ordinance enacted concurrently with this Ordinance.
(b) If required to do so by the Department of Public Works, Park iVew [sic] Corporation shall at its sole expense, after vacation of said streets, rebuild, support and/or maintain as required the retaining wall along the northerly side of the affected portion of Bigelow Boulevard, such work to be subject to the inspection and approval of the Department of Public Works.
(c) Park View Corporation agrees to provide a catch basin of suitable size to handle the storm drainage from Bigelow Boulevard at a place designated by the Department of Public Works; also cut and plug the water lines at locations designated by the Department of Water.
Section 3. If the terms of this Ordinance are not accepted in writing by Park View Corporation by the filing of its duly executed certificate of acceptance of the terms hereof with the City Controller within ninety (90) days of the approval hereof, this Ordinance shall be void and of no effect.
Section 4. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Ordinance.
Passed November 14, 1966.
Approved November 22, 1966.
Ordinance Book 68, Page 291.