Kurtz Street

From Pittsburgh Streets
Kurtz Street
Neighborhood Chartiers City
Fate Partly vacated in 1970; does not exist today
Elm Street (until 1908)

This former street ran from the eastern end of Isoline Street north to Hass Street.[1] It was laid out as Elm Street in 1889 in Charles Haas' plan of lots.[2]

The Borough of Sheraden, including today's neighborhood of Chartiers City, was annexed by Pittsburgh in 1907.[3] Pittsburgh already had an Elm Street in the Lower Hill District, so the following year this Elm Street was renamed Kurtz Street.[4]

The portion of Kurtz Street between Isoline Street and Cream Way was vacated in 1970.[5] The segment between Cream Way and Hass Street seems never to have been officially vacated, but it does not exist today.

See also


  1. Alexander Gross. Pittsburgh and Vicinity: Featuring transit lines and house numbers. Geographia Map Co. Inc., New York, 1953. Published with Alexander Gross, The Complete Street Guide to Pittsburgh and 16 Nearby Suburbs: With large map of Pittsburgh and suburbs; streets, house numbers, transportation lines, places of interest, churches, etc., etc., Geographia Map Co. Inc., New York, 1953 (DonsList.net PghStreets1953M). A slightly different version entitled The Premier Map of Pittsburgh and Vicinity is reproduced in Sam Stephenson, ed., Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Project, pp. 22–23, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 2023, ISBN 978-0-226-82483-3 (LCCN 2022055151). [view source]gross-map
  2. "Chas. Haas' plan of lots, in Chartiers Twp." Laid out Apr. 1889; recorded Apr. 27, 1889, Plan Book 9, p. 1. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3780122. [view source]haas-plan
  3. Mark A. Connelly. "Sheraden Borough–Pittsburgh City 1907 Merger." Local Geohistory Project. https://www.localgeohistory.pro/en/pa/event/sheraden-borough-pittsburgh-city-1907-merger/. [view source]lgeo-sheraden-annexation
  4. "An ordinance changing and establishing the names of avenues, streets and alleys in the Forty-third ward (formerly the Borough of Sheraden) of the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1907–1909, no. 393. Passed July 9, 1908; approved July 13, 1908. Ordinance Book 19, p. 496. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Years 1907–'08–'09, appendix, pp. 210–214, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1909 (Google Books gMBEAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust chi.096598897; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecordselect1907, Pghmunicipalrecordcommon1907). [view source]ordinance-1907-1909-393
  5. "An ordinance vacating Kurtz Street from Isoline Street to Cream Way in the Twentieh [sic] Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, reserving the 15-inch sewer line located therein." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1970, no. 487. Passed Oct. 13, 1970; approved Oct. 22, 1970. Ordinance Book 71, p. 765. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1970, appendix, p. 342, Park Printing, Inc., Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1970). [view source]ordinance-1970-487