Berry Street

From Pittsburgh Streets
Berry Street
Neighborhoods Crafton Heights, Sheraden, Windgap
Second Avenue (1893–1908)
Origin of name Sequential numbering north to south in a plan of lots
Garfield Avenue (until 1922)
Origin of name James A. Garfield
Swentzell Street (1908–1922)

A road in the location of the southern part of modern Berry Street appears in the 1876 and 1886 Hopkins atlases.[1][2] The 1876 atlas shows the road as forming the southeastern boundary of the village of Aschenaz[1] (later Sheraden), which is labeled Berry Avenue in the 1869 plan laid out by N. P. Sawyer.[3] The middle part of the road has since been rerouted somewhat to the east, and the Berry Avenue of Aschenaz is today Tyndall Street. The southern part of the road is labeled Berry Street in the 1896 Hopkins atlas.[4]

The northern part of today's Berry Street was laid out as Second Avenue in the Sheraden Land Co. Limited Plan No. 7 in 1893.[5] When the borough of Sheraden was annexed to the city of Pittsburgh, this name conflicted with Second Avenue in the old city, so in 1908 it was renamed Swentzell Street.[6] (At that time, Swentzell Street was part of one of Pittsburgh's F–S–T sequences.) Swentzell Street was made part of Berry Street in 1922.[7]

The middle part of modern Berry Street was laid out as Garfield Avenue in 1902 in the Ideal Plan No. 1.[8][9] The parallel streets in the plan were Grant Avenue (today Oakglen Street), Taylor Avenue (today Straka Street), and Jackson Avenue (today Justine Street), all named for presidents; Garfield Avenue was named for James A. Garfield (1831–1881), 20th President of the United States (1881). After Chartiers Township was annexed by Pittsburgh in 1921,[10] this name conflicted with Garfield Avenue on the North Side, so Garfield Avenue was made part of Berry Street in 1922.[11]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Atlas of the Cities of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and the Adjoining Boroughs, p. 45. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1876.; included in the 1872 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps ( [view source]hopkins-1876
  2. Atlas of the Vicinity of the Cities Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pennsylvania, plates 26, 27. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1886.; included in the 1882 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps ( [view source]hopkins-1886
  3. "Boro of Ashchenaz plan of lots situate in Chartiers Tow'p laid out for N. P. Sawyer." Laid out June 1869; recorded Sept. 21, 1880, Plan Book 6, pp. 223–225. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3779448. [view source]ashchenaz-plan
  4. Real Estate Plat-Book of the Southern Vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penna., plates 14, 16. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1896.; included in the 1890 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps ( [view source]hopkins-1896
  5. "The Sheraden Land Co. Limited Plan No. 7 in Chartiers Twp, Allegheny Co., Pa." Laid out Apr. 1893; recorded June 13, 1893, Plan Book 14, p. 25. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3780939. [view source]sheraden-plan-7
  6. "An ordinance changing and establishing the names of avenues, streets and alleys in the Forty-third ward (formerly the Borough of Sheraden) of the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1907–1909, no. 393. Passed July 9, 1908; approved July 13, 1908. Ordinance Book 19, p. 496. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Years 1907–'08–'09, appendix, pp. 210–214, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1909 (Google Books gMBEAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust chi.096598897; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecordselect1907, Pghmunicipalrecordcommon1907). [view source]ordinance-1907-1909-393
  7. "An ordinance changing the names of certain avenues, streets and ways in the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1922, no. 333. Passed Sept. 25, 1922; approved Sept. 27, 1922. Ordinance Book 33, p. 597. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh for the Year 1922, appendix, pp. 232–233, Kaufman Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Google Books -UEtAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223972; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1922). [view source]ordinance-1922-333
  8. "The Pittsburg Realty Co's. Ideal Plan № 1: Chartiers Twp. Allegheny Co. Pa." Laid out Jan. 1902; recorded Apr. 29, 1902, Plan Book 19, pp. 126–127. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3781850. [view source]ideal-plan
  9. Real Estate Plat-Book of the Southern Vicinity of Pittsburgh, plate 21. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1905.; included in the 1903–1906 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps ( [view source]hopkins-1905
  10. Mark A. Connelly. "Chartiers Township–Pittsburgh City 1921 Merger." Local Geohistory Project. [view source]lgeo-chartiers-annexation
  11. "An ordinance changing the names of various streets, avenues, lanes, roads, alleys and ways in the Twentieth and Twenty-eighth Wards (formerly Chartiers Township)." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1922, no. 336. Passed Oct. 2, 1922; approved Oct. 3, 1922. Ordinance Book 33, p. 604. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh for the Year 1922, appendix, pp. 238–244, Kaufman Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Google Books -UEtAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223972; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1922). [view source]ordinance-1922-336