Notes:Rising Main Avenue

From Pittsburgh Streets

1882-06: "Plan of lots situated on Warren St. 12th Ward City of Allegheny: Surveyed for John Hannah Esq." June 1882; recorded 1882-11-17. Plan Book 6, p. 294 (Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3779536). Unlabeled 30-foot street.

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1884-06-05: "Principally steps: The work of the Allegheny Road Committee last night," Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, p. 4: "Resolution for steps on Rising Main street, Twelfth ward, and East Ohio street, Eighth ward, were also referred to the same committee [a sub-standing committee]."

1890: Source:Hopkins-1890-allegheny-vol-2, plate 5: "Rising Main St." appears for the first time. There is a pump house at its bottom, at the intersection with Howard Street, and a tank at its top, at Lanark Street. Adjacent plans of lots: (B) Sarah Ferguson, (E) John Huckenstein's Plan, (F) John Hannah's Plan, (I) C. F. King's Plan.

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1903–1906 layer: extension named Pipe Street.

1910-03-31: Source:Ordinance-1910-716: "Rising Main av., from Howard to Meadville, 24th and 25th wds."

1916: Source:Public-works

  • p. 50: "Howard Street Pumping Station, completed in 1882, is still in operation as the secondary station of the North Side."
  • pp. 50–51: "The pumping station known as Troy Hill Station, locate [sic] on Troy Hill, North Side, was abandoned, the pumping work was transferred to Howard Street Station and the water conveyed to Troy Hill by means of an additional pipe line from Spring Hill tanks."
  • p. 56: "Howard Street Pumping Station, elevation center of suction 135′, located on Howard Street, North Side, is the main secondary pumping station of the North Side and handles all the water used in the highlands of this district. The 60″ line previously described as entering this district, from the North Side Reservoir, along the northerly side of the Allegheny River, is connected with the Howard Street Station by means of a 30″ branch line. The Water is pumped to two levels, the intermediate district is supplied by two separate tank systems, elevation 503′, located on the highlands on either side of the East Street valley and known as the Montgomery Tanks and Spring Hill Tanks. The high service is supplied from the Lafayette Tanks, elevation 583.5′, located on Lafayette Avenue. ¶ A small electrically operated station known as Greentree Station, elevation centre of suction 450′, located on Broadway in the outer Perrysville district draws its supply from the system fed by the Lafayette Tanks and elevates the same to the Greentree Tanks, elevation 692′. These tanks supply a small district of maximum elevation at the extreme northern boundary of the City."
  • p. 63: "Howard Street Pumping Station: ¶ This station receives its supply from the North Side Reservoir, through a 60″ and a 30″ suction line, and pumps to Spring Hill and Lafayette Tanks. Pumping Equipment: 1—8 M. G. and 1—5 M. G. vertical, triple, expansion, crank and fly-wheel pumping engine; 3—3 M. G. horizontal compound, direct acting pumps; total head, 427 feet for Lafayette Tanks and 332 feet for Spring Hill Tanks. Steam Generating Equipment: 6—250 H. P. water tube boilers; steam pressure 125 lbs."
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1931-10: Source:Kennon