
From Pittsburgh Streets
(Redirected from Source:Ordinance-1910-716)

"An ordinance establishing the names of the avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1909–1910, no. 716. Passed Mar. 31, 1910; approved Apr. 5, 1910. Ordinance Book 21, p. 359. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Years 1909–1910, appendix, pp. 328–381, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1910 (Google Books doQzAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223832; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1909). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Apr. 29, 1910, pp. 12–16 ( 86616256, 86616285, 86616314, 86616333, 86616343), and Apr. 30, pp. 12–16 ( 86616643, 86616672, 86616694, 86616726, 86616748).

No. 716

AN ORDINANCE—Establishing the names of the avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of the avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh shall be and the same are hereby established as follows, to wit:

A, from Columbus av. to Nublock, 25th wd.

Aaron, from Phillips av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Abbott, from Eastnor av. to city line, 14th wd.

Abbs ay., from Steel av. to Springfield, 20th wd.

Abdell, from Allegheny av. to Bidwell, 21st wd.

Abner av., from Camfield to city line, 18th wd.

Abolt ay., from Kaiser eastward, 24th wd., formerly Albert.

Absecon, from Wilkinsburg av. to Dornbush, 13th wd.

Abstract av., from Harmony av. to Timberland av., 19th wd.

Academy lane, from Campus to Brighton rd., 27th wd.

Acasto ay., from Frankfort to twp. line, 20th wd.

Acker ay., from Arkana ay. to Oetting, 20th wd.

Acme, from Benton av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Acoma, from Chippewa to Springfield, 20th wd.

Acton ay., from Dornbush to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Acorn, from Forward av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Ada ay., from Brushton av. to Willing, 13th wd.

Adair, from Buchanan to Herman, 24th wd., formerly Adrian.

Adams, from Ohio River to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 21st wd.

Adderly, from Grace to Ottawa, 19th wd.

Addison, from Centre av. to Ruch, 5th wd.

Adena, from Stadium to Stafford, 20th wd.

Adel way, from Nye way to Hilton way, 20th wd.

Adelaide, from Milwaukee to Iowa, 5th wd.

Adelphia, from Morningside av. to prop. line, 10th wd.

Adolph, from Castor to New York, 20th wd.

Adrian, from Sylvan av. to Boundary, 4th wd.

Aerial ay., from Acker ay. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Agnes ay., from Linton to Hoffers ay., 3d wd.

Agnew, from Lincoln av. to Hartmans lane, 12th wd.

Ahlers ay., from Genesta to prop. line, 15th wd.

Aidyl av., from Pioneer av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Aiken, from Fifth to Centre av., 7th wd.

Ainger, from Morse ay. to prop. line, 15th wd., formerly Alaska ay.

Ainsworth, from Lorenz av. to Marlow, 20th wd.

Aisbett, from Morningside av. to Schenley av., 11th wd.

Ajax st. and ay., from Herron av. to prop. line, 5th wd., part formerly Henderson.

Alamo ay., from Lundy to twp. line, 20th wd.

Alaska, from Mexico to Davis av., 27th wd.

Albany, from Steel av. to Camden, 20th wd.

Albemarle av., from Forbes to Murdoch, 14th wd.

Albert, from Boggs av. to Ruth, 19th wd.

Albertice, from Brushton av. to Mohler, 13th wd.

Albertine av., from Endo ay. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Albion, from Finance to Hamilton av., 13th wd.

Albree ay., from Highland av. to Mellon, 11th wd.

Album, from Clifford to Dunmore, 12th wd.

Alden av., from Hutton to Robins, 20th wd.

Alder, from Maryland av. to Shady av., 8th wd.

Alderson, from Murray av. to Tilbury, 14th wd.

Alexander, from Steuben to Plank, 20th wd.

Alexis, from Forward av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Alger, from William Pitt blvd. to Greenfield av., 15th wd.

Alhambra ay., from Mathilda to Atlantic av., 10th wd.

Alice ay., from Arlington av. to prop. line, 18th wd.

Aline, from Bailey av. to Bernard, 18th wd.

Allegheny av., from South av. to Columbus av., 21st, 22d and 25th wds.

Allemannia ay., from Lincoln av. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Allen, from McLain to Lillian, 18th wd.

Allendale, from Tyndall to twp. line, 20th wd.

Allendorf, from Bellevoir ay. to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Allequippa, from Soho to Centre av., 4th and 5th wds.

Alles, from Eunice to Wallace, 5th wd.

Allison, from Haverhill to city line, 13th wd.

Alluvian, from Second av. to prop. line, 15th wd., formerly Allegheny.

Allyn ay., from Straka to Swentzell, 20th wd.

Alma ay., from Gladstone to Shields, 15th wd.

Almeda, from Second av. to Glenwood av., 15th wd.

Almira ay., from Ashlyn to Wyncotte, 20th wd.

Almond ay., from Valley to Butler and Davison to St. Johns, 9th wd.

Aloe, from Mathilda to Gross, 8th wd.

Alora ay., from Ladoga to Wynett, 20th wd.

Alpena, from Camp to Allequippa, 5th wd., formerly Alpine.

Alpha, from Lucinda to Lydia, 15th wd.

Alpine av., from Monterey tho [sic] Federal, 25th wd.

Alsace st. and ay., from Hale to Braddock av., 13th wd.

Alta,, from Olympia to Meridan, 19th wd.

Althea, from Bernd to Estella, 19th wd.

Alturia, from Fallowfield av. to Fairacres av., 19th wd., formerly Algeo av.

Alumni ay., from Aidyl av. to Bindley way, 19th wd., formerly Allerton ay.

Alva, from Mohawk to Allequippa, 4th wd.

Alvena ay., from Dabney ay. to Pioneer av., 19th wd., formerly Arion ay.

Alverado av., from Wentworth av. to Cagwin, 19th wd., formerly Alton av.

Alvin, from Tunstall to Yoder's prop. line, 15th wd.

Alward, from Miller to Roberts, 3rd wd.

Amabell, from Grandview av. to Omaha, 19th wd.

Amanda, from Birmingham to Arlington av., 16th and 17th wds.

Amber, from Eva to Baum, 8th wd.

Amberson, from Fifth to P. R. R., 8th wd.

Amboy ay., from Corday ay. to Coral, 8th wd.

Ambrose av., from Caperton to Bon Air av., 18th wd.

American, from Second av. to Dike, 15th wd.

Amherst, from Steuben to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Amity ay., from Forrest ay. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Ampere, from Elizabeth to Kilbourne, 15th wd.

Anaheim, from Bryn Mawr rd. to Iowa, 5th wd., formerly Anderson.

Anchor av., from Lothrop to De Soto, 4th wd.

Ancona, from Voskamp to Shull, 24th wd., formerly Angle.

Aucora [sic] ay., from Thayer pl. to Eliska, 20th wd.

Andall ay., from Allyn ay. to Straka, 20th wd.

Andem ay., from Armandale to Alpine av., 25th wd., formerly Anderson ay.

Anderson, from North Canal to Liberty av., 2d, 22d and 23d wds., part formerly Ninth.

Andoe, from Boundary to Haworth, 15th wd.

Aner, from Muth to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Ann.

Angelo, from St. Thomas to Amanda, 17th wd.

Angle, from Attica to Talbot, 20th wd.

Annan ay., from Homewood av. to Braddock av., 13th wd.

Anneta, from Paulson to Helen, 12th wd.

Anoka ay., from Frontenac to Toledo, 20th wd.

Anthony, from Ray to Naylor, 14th and 15th wds., part formerly Donegal.

Antelope, from Junius to Adolph, 20th wd.

Antietam, from Witherspoon to President ay., 10th wd.

Antler ay., from Sheridan to Highland av., 8th wd.

Antrim, from California av. to McClure av., 27th wd.

Antwerp ay., from Eden ay. to Lycurgus ay., 9th wd.

Apex ay., from Francisco to Huxley, 20th wd.

Apollo, from Melwood to Brereton av., 6th wd.

Apple, from Lincoln av. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Aquatic ay., from Termon av. to Cornell av., 27th wd., formerly Rugby ay.

Arbor st. and ay., from P. R. R. to Lincoln av., 12th wd.

Arbuckle ay., from Reliance to W. P. R. R., 23d wd.

Arcade ay., from McKee to Black, 10th wd.

Arcena, from Ridgway to Grant blvd., 2d and 5th wds., formerly Arch.

Arch, from Stockton av. to Lane ay., 22d and 25th wds.

Archon ay., from Harriett to Albatross, 8th wd.

Arcola, from Voskamp to Itin, 24th wd.

Ardale ay., from Althea to Climax, 18th wd., formerly Arcola.

Ardary, from Columbo to Breedshill, 11th wd.

Ardsley av., from Dorchester av. to Fordham av., 19th wd.

Arena ay., from Chartiers av. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Argentina pl., from Dawson to prop. line, 4th wd., formerly Oakland sq.

Argyle ay., from Bates to prop. line, 4th wd.

Arion, from Southern av. to Boggs av., 19th wd.

Arizona, from McCook to Clarence ay., 27th wd.

Ark ay., from Ohio to Moody, 22d wd.

Arkana ay., from Acker ay. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Arkway, from Shannon way to Schuk way, 20th wd.

Arletta ay., from Aschenez to prop. line, 20th wd.

Arlington av., from Warrington av. to Josephine, 17th and 18th wds.

Armandale, from Irwin av. to Saturn, 25th wd., formerly Arlington av.

Armitage ay., from Fairmount to prop. line, 11th wd.

Armstrong ay., from Tripod ay. to Turret, 12th wd.

Arnold, from Herschel to city line, 20th wd.

Arsenal ay., from 42d to Percy ay., 9th wd.

Artemus ay., from Atlantic av. to Pacific av., 8th wd.

Artesian, from Forward av. to Naylor, 14th wd.

Arthur, from Centre av. to Webster av., 3d wd.

Arval ay., from Morgan to prop. line, 5th wd.

Asbury pl., from Northumberland av. to Aylesboro av., 14th wd.

Aschenez, from Kelvin to twp. line, 20th wd.

Ash, from Langtry to Hall, 27th wd.

Ashland, from Oakdale to Dorsey, 26th wd.

Ashley, from Luna to Meadow, 12th wd.

Ashlyn, from Motor to Stafford, 20th wd.

Ashmead, from Kirkpatrick to Devilliers, 5th wd., formerly Ashland.

Ashtola ay., from Allendale to Thayer pl., 20th wd.

Ashton av., from Glenwood av. to Johnston av., 15th wd.

Asia ay., from Cypress to prop. line, 8th wd.

Aspen, from Liberty av. to Cypress, 8th wd.

Asterisk ay., from Harriet to Artemus ay., 8th wd.

Asteroid way, from Warrington av. to Lillian, 18th wd.

Astor way, from Marlow to Parnassus way, 20th wd.

Ater ay., from Butler to Peoria, 6th wd., formerly Ash ay.

Athens, from Nimick pl. to city line, 13th wd.

Atherton av., from Craig to Liberty av., 8th and 10th wds., formerly Atlantic av.

Atkins, from Termon av. to Benton av., 27th wd., formerly Atlantic av.

Atlantic av., from Liberty av. to Breedshill, 8th and 10th wds.

Atmore, from California av. to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Ashton and Knox.

Attica, from Chartiers av. to city line, 20th wd.

Atwell, from Lincoln av. to Charlie ay., 12th wd.

Atwood, from Fifth to Dawson, 4th wd.

Auburn, from Lowell to Larimer av., 12th wd.

Audley, from Gazzam to Emma, 4th wd.

Augusta, from Grandview av. to Shannon, 19th wd.

Aurelia, from Putnam to Shady av., 7th wd.

Aurora, from Second av. to Pocono, 14th wd.

Austin ay., from Rebecca to Graham, 8th wd.

Avalon, from Allequippa to Harold, 5th wd.

Averilla way, from Herndon to Lorenz, 20th wd.

Avery, from Cedar av. to Madison av., 23d wd.

Avoca way, from Navajo way to Ramona, 20th wd.

Avon ay., from Kirkpatrick to Moultrie, 5th wd.

Avondale pl., from Negley av. to Highview, 11th wd.

Ayers, from Lawn to prop. line, 4th wd., formerly Avery.

Azalia, from Crucible to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Azimuth ay., from Mildred ay. to prop. line, 11th wd.

B, from Columbus av. to Cemetery prop., 25th wd.

Babbitt ay., from South av. to Hardesty, 22d wd., formerly Borland ay.

Babcock, from Greenfield av. to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Babylon way, from Hollydale way to Fernwood, 20th wd.

Back ay., from Lockhart to Virgin ay., 23d wd.

Baden ay., from South Main to Wettengel, 20th wd.

Bader ay., from Dunlap to Semicir, 26th wd.

Badger ay., from Rutledge to Vaughn, 19th wd.

Bagdad way, from Babylon way to Oregon, 20th wd.

Bailey av., from Beltzhoover av. to Boggs av., 18th wd.

Bainton, from California av. to Richardson av., 27th wd., formerly Bailey.

Baker, from Butler to Allegheny River, 10th wd.

Balboa, from Lisbon to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Baldauf, from Oporto to prop. line, 17th wd., formerly Erie.

Baldridge, from Fenway to Geyer av., 27th wd., formerly Bakewell.

Balfour, from Elliott to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Balkam, from River av. to Reliance, 22d wd.

Ballard ay., from Morningside av. to Haights av., 10th wd.

Balph ay., from Penrod to McBrier ay., 22d wd.

Baltic ay., from Eleanor to Sterling, 16th wd.

Baltimore, from Wenzell way to Fallowfield av., 19th wd., formerly Broadway and Fremont.

Bancroft, from 46th to prop. line, 9th wd.

Bandera, from 36th to 38th, 6th wd., formerly Bank.

Bandi av., from Camargo av. to Camfield av., 18th wd.

Banfield, from Ferndale to city line, 13th wd.

Bangor, from Prospect to Natchez, 19th wd.

Bank, from Ridge av. to Marburg, 22d wd.

Banker, from Damas to Rescue, 24th and 26th wds., formerly Baker.

Banksville av., from Wabash av. to city line, 20th wd.

Banner ay., from Eden ay. to Willow, 9th wd.

Barbeau, from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 1st and 2d wds., formerly Third.

Bard ay., from Montana to Botkin, 26th wd., formerly Barker ay.

Barkers pl., from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Barn ay., from Morgan to prop. line, 5th wd.

Barnes av., from Hazelton to prop. line, 26th wd.

Barnett ay., from Morgan to Watt, 5th wd.

Barnsdale, from Aylesboro av. to Wilkins av., 14th wd.

Barr, from Ruch to Devilliers, 5th wd.

Barris av., from Hawkins to prop. line, 26th wd.

Barry, from Josephine to Sumner, 16th wd.

Bartlett, from Beacon to Schenley Park, 14th wd.

Bartold, from Hodgkiss to Superior av., 27th wd., formerly Bartlett.

Bascom, from Perrysville av. to city line, 26th wd., formerly Benton av.

Basin, from Troy Hill rd. to Spring Garden av., 24th wd.

Batavia, from Oakwood to Tokio, 13th wd.

Bates, frm [sic] Second av. to Boquet, 4th wd.

Battallion ay., from Allequippa to Wyandotte, 4th wd.

Baum av., from Rebecca to Highland av., 8th wd.

Bavaria pl., from Howard to prop. line, 23d wd., formerly Blaine ay.

Baxter, from Tyson to Braddock av., 13th wd.

Bayard, from Craig to Amberson, 4th and 7th wds.

Baylock ay., from Dornbush to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Bayne, from Washington blvd. to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Bayonne av., from Dagmar av. to Bronson av., 19th wd.

Bay Ridge av., from Castlegate av. to Sussex av., 19th wd.

Baywood, from Negley av. to Chislett, 11th wd.

Bazore, from Skitmore av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Bennis av.

Beacon, from William Pitt blvd. to Schenley Park, 14th wd.

Beade ay., from Annie to prop. line, 11th wd., formerly Beech ay.

Beagle, from North View to Mission, 16th wd.

Beamer pl., from Granville to Sweeney, 3d wd.

Beatty st. and ay., from Center to Jackson and Wellesley to prop. line, 8th and 11th wds.

Beaufort av., from Gallion av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd.

Beaver av., from Ohio River to Island av., 21st wd.

Beckett ay., from Highland av. to Sheridan, 11th wd.

Beckfield, from Varley to unnamed ay., 26th wd.

Beckham, from Reuben av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Bedford av., from Seventh av. to Herron av., 2d, 3d and 5th wds.

Beebe pl., from Beamer pl. to Enoch, 3d wd.

Beech av., from Allegheny av. to Irwin av., 22d wd.

Beecher, from Monticello to Monfort, 12th wd.

Beechview av., from Baltimore to Crane av., 19th wd.

Beelen, from Mohawk to prop. line, 4th wd.

Beeler, from Forbes to Wilkins av., 14th wd.

Behan, from Allegheny av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 22d wd., formerly Boquet.

Behrens, from Columbia av. north and south, 19th wd.

Behring, from Brownsville av. to Newton, 17th wd.

Beitler, from Highland av. to Shakespeare, 8th wd.

Belasco av., from West Liberty av. to Crane av., 19th wd.

Belgium, from Jacks Run rd. to Hiawatha av., 27th wd., formerly Benton av.

Belgrade, from Lavonia east and west, 10th wd.

Belinda, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd., formerly Benton.

Bell av., from Letche to Meade, 25th wd.

Bellaire av., from Pioneer av. to city line, 19th wd.

Bellboir ay., from Chartiers av. to Allendale, 20th wd.

Bellbrook, from Pioneer av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Bankerd.

Bellefield, from Centre av. to Forbes, 4th wd.

Bellefonte, from Fifth av. to Ellsworth av., 7th wd.

Belle Isle av., from Pioneer av. to West Liberty av., 19th wd., formerly Boyer av.

Bellevue, from St. Patrick to unnamed ay., 16th wd.

Bellman ay., from Violin ay. to Collins, 11th wd.

Bellrock, from Wilkins av. to Northumberland av., 14th wd.

Bells ay., from Exchange ay. to Penn av., 1st wd.

Belmar, from Upland to Kedron, 12th wd.

Belmont, from Western av. to Ohio River, 21st wd.

Belonda, from Kearsarge to Wilbert, 19th wd.

Belton way, from Berdella to Steuben, 20th wd.

Beltzhoover av., from Bailey av. to city line, 18th wd.

Belvidere, from Lorigan to prop. line, 9th wd.

Benevola, from Wyandotte to Corwin, 5th wd.

Bengal way, from Herschel to Weston way, 20th wd.

Bennett, from Frankstown av. to Oakwood, 12th and 13th wds.

Bensonia av., from Mackinaw av. to Shiras av., 19th wd., formerly Bedford av.

Benton av., from California av. to city line, 27th wd.

Ben Venue av., from Millvale av. to Enfield, 7th wd.

Berea ay., from Oswego av. to Wilksboro, 27th wd.

Berdella, from Belton way to Crucible, 20th wd.

Berg, from Sterling to Mission, 16th wd.

Bergman, from Sherwood av. to Ashlyn, 20th wd.

Berkley, from Edington to Graphic, 15th wd.

Berkshire av., from Pioneer av. to Sussex av., 19th wd.

Berlin ay., from 51st to 57th, 10th wd.

Bernard, from William to Etta, 18th wd.

Bernd st. and ay., from Vandalia to Climax, 18th wd.

Berry, from Middletown rd. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Bertha, from Grandview av. to Virginia av., 19th wd.

Berthoud, from Eunice to Breckenridge, 5th wd.

Berwick, from Sylvan av. to Second av., 15th wd.

Berwin av., from Pioneer av. to Glenarm av., 19th wd.

Beryl ay., from Watsonia blvd. to Delaware, 26th wd., formerly Byron ay.

Bessemer, from 42d to 44th, 9th wd.

Bessie av., from Mina to South Side av., 26th wd.

Beta ay., from Bothwell to Catoctin, 26th wd.

Bethel pl., from Highland av. to Collins, 11th wd.

Bethoven, from Harding to Ridgway, 6th wd., formerly Brereton.

Beulah, from Sumner to Picnic, 16th wd.

Beverage av., from Berwin av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Beverly av.

Beverly pl., from King av. to Negley av., 11th wd.

Beymer av., from Bidwell to McElroy, 21st wd.

Biddle, from Commercial to Savannah, 14th wd.

Bidwell, from Western av. to Allegheny av., 21st wd.

Bigelow, from Sylvan av. to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Bigger, from Boggs av. to Montooth, 18th wd.

Biggs av., frm [sic] Lafayette av. to Rising Main av., 25th and 26th wds.

Bigham, from Grandview av. to Omaha, 19th wd.

Billiard ay., from Hutchison av. at Overton av., 14th wd., formerly Beta ay.

Bindley way, from Halstead ay. to Pioneer av., 19th wd.

Bingham, from South Fourth to South 17th, 17th wd.

Binler, from Frankstown av. to P. R. R., 11th and 12th wds., formerly Berlin.

Bingler, from Gladstone to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Binney ay., from Fairdale to Southerland, 20th wd.

Binning, from Wettengel to Wettengel, 20th wd.

Birch ay., from Althea to Lillian, 18th wd.

Birchwood av., from Laclede av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Birn ay., from Factory ay. to Anderson, 22d wd., formerly Manchester way.

Birmingham, from Manor to Arlington av., 17th and 18th wds.

Bishop, from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd.

Bismark, from Finland east and west, 5th wd.

Bison, from Stieren to Sands ay., 27th wd., formerly Benton.

Black, from Stanton av. to Highland av., 11th wd.

Blackadore, from Frankstown av. to city line, 13th wd.

Blackberry, from 47th to 50th, 9th wd.

Blackhawk, from Pocono to Commercial, 14th wd.

Blackmore, from McFarren to B. & O. R. R., 14th wd.

Blackoak, from Ober to Whipple, 14th wd.

Blair, from Hazelwood av. to Melanchton, 15th wd.

Blacke ay., from Western av. to Faulkner, 21st wd.

Blakely, from Ridgway to Grant blvd., 6th wd., formerly Branch.

Blanche av., from Shadeland av. westward, 27th wd.

Blanco way, from Sylvania av. to Climax, 18th wd.

Blanton, from Winterburn to Minnesota, 15th wd., formerly Blanche.

Blessing, from Grant blvd. to prop. line, 5th wd., formerly Bellefield av.

Blevins, from Chauteau [sic] to Beaver av., 21st wd., formerly Brady.

Block House way, from Water to 4th av., 1st wd.

Bloomer st. and ay., from Somers to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd., formerly part Glosser ay.

Bloon av., from Waltham to Mohamet, 19th wd.

Blossom ay., from Turtle ay. to Palmer ay., 23d wd.

Bluff, from Shingiss to Seneca, 1st and 4th wds.

Board ay., from Pansy ay. to city line, 14th wd., formerly Blossom ay.

Boaz ay., from Shannopin to Greenleaf, 19th wd.

Boehmig, from Spring Garden av. to Hippely, 24th wd.

Boer ay., from Creighton ay. to Ramage ay., 25th wd., formerly Blaire ay.

Boggs av., from Bailey av. to Warrington av., 19th wd.

Boggston av., from Sylvania to Warrington av., 18th wd.

Bohem, from Frazier to B. & O. R. R., 4th wd., formerly Blaine.

Bohemian ay., from Basin westward, 24th wd.

Bolin ay., from Madrone to River av., 23d wd., formerly Beech ay.

Bolivar, from Burns to Montooth, 18th wd.

Bollman av., from Grand av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Bolton, from Graphic to Longview, 15th wd.

Bon Air av., from Camfield av. to P. & C. S. R. R., 18th wd.

Bonaventure ay., from California av. to Winhorst, 27th wd.

Book ay., from Diamond to Oliver av., 1st wd., formerly part Sturgeon ay.

Boone ay., from Clairant ay. to Hazel, 3d wd.

Booth, from Craddock to Frazier, 4th wd.

Borden ay., from Ashlyn to Sherwood av., 20th wd.

Borland, from Black to Rippey, 11th wd.

Bossart, from Chislett to Haights, 10th wd.

Boston, from Fenway to Geyer av., 27th wd.

Bostwick, from Motor to Glen Mawr av., 20th wd.

Bothwell av., from Drifton to Betta [sic] ay., 26th wd.

Botkin, from Grizella to Bard ay., 26th wd., formerly Boundary.

Boulder ay., from Motor to Glen Mawr av., 20th wd.

Boundary, from Neville to prop. line, 4th and 15th wds.

Bouquet, from Allequippa to Dawson, 4th wd.

Boustead, from Baltimore to city line, 19th wd.

Bout av., from Sebring av. to Brookside av., 19th wd.

Bowater, from Allegheny av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 22d wd., formerly Braddock.

Bowden, from Melon to Euclid av., 11th wd., formerly Bothwell.

Bowen, from Galveston to Sturgeon, 22d wd.

Bower, from Montezuma to Point View, 12th wd.

Bowery ay., from Garden ay. to Government ay., 9th wd.

Bowser ay., from Fadette to Kelvin, 20th wd.

Boyd, from Diamond to Locust, 1st wd.

Boyer, from Vesper to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Bennett.

Boyle, from North av. to Henderson, 22d and 25th wds.

Boyson, from Perrysville av. to city line, 26th wd., formerly Bradley av.

Brabec, from Point to Basin, 24th wd.

Brace ay., from Ribb ay. northeast, 27th wd., formerly Bond ay.

Braden ay., from Carver to Meadow, 12th wd.

Braddock av., from Race to city line, 12th, 13th and 14th wds.

Bradford av., from Montrose av. to Burgess, 26th wd.

Bradish, from South 10th to South 12th, 17th wd., formerly Bradford.

Bradley, from Greenleaf to Horner, 19th wd.

Brady, from Fifth av. to Carson, East, 4th and 16th wds.

Brahe, from McLain to Hanover, 18th wd.

Brahm, from Lareda to Overbeck, 24th and 26th wds., formerly Buente.

Brainard, from Paulson av. to unnamed ay., 12th wd.

Branchport, from Beaver av. to Ohio River, 21st wd., formerly Bayard.

Breckenridge, from Reed to Allequippa, 5th wd.

Breed, from South 12th to South 15th, 17th wd.

Breedshill, from Mathilda to Fairmount, 11th wd.

Breen, from Horton to Wandless, 5th wd.

Breesport, from Black to Mathilda, 10th wd., formerly Beech.

Breker, from Dickson to Reserve line, 27th wd.

Brenham, from Beeler to Fifth av., 4th wd., formerly Boston.

Brereton, from Arcena to Hancock, 2d and 6th wds., formerly part Jones av.

Brewery, from Second av. to B. & O. R. R., 1st wd.

Briar ay., from Fordham av. to Woodbourne av., 19th wd.

Brice way, from Blanco way to Montooth, 18th wd.

Bricelyn, from Dornbush to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Bridge, from Ohio across Herrs Island, 24th wd.

Bridgelyn way, from South Bergman to Hillsboro, 20th wd.

Brighton rd., from Pennsylvania av. to city line, 25th, 26th and 27th wds., formerly part Fremont.

Brightridge, from Holyoke to Brighton rd., 25th wd., formerly Brighton pl.

Brim ay., from Reddour to Arch, 22d wd., formerly Bennett ay.

Brintell, from Somerville to prop. line, 10th wd., formerly Brighton.

Briscoe, from Mutual to Tyndall, 20th wd.

Bristol st. and ay., from Berwick to Tredegar, 15th wd.

Brittliff ay., from Bellman ay., to Jackson, 11th wd.

Broad, from Frankstown av. to Mathilda, 10th and 11th wds.

Broadway, from Perrysville av. eastward, 26th wd.

Brocket, from Irwin av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 22d wd., formerly Braddock.

Brodhead, from Somerset to Campania, 12th wd.

Bronco ay., from River av. to Lacock, 23d wd., formerly Bell ay.

Bronson av., from Bayonne av. to Goldstrom av., 19th wd.

Brooch ay., from Ashlyn to Narcissus, 20th wd.

Brookes ay., from Greenwood to Bishop, 10th wd.

Brookline blvd., from West Liberty av. to city line, 19th wd.

Brookside av., from West Liberty av. to Sebring av., 19th wd.

Brosius way, from Warrington av. to Hargrove, 19th wd., formerly Beckard way.

Broughton, from Atherton av. to Morewood, 8th wd., formerly Browne.

Brown ay., from Mathilda to Elora ay., 10th wd.

Brownell, from Negley av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Brownsville av., from Carson, West, to Warrington av., 18th wd.

Bruce, from 42d to 44th, 9th wd.

Brunot av., from Narcissus to Sacremento, 20th wd.

Brushton av., from Penn av. to city line, 13th wd.

Bryant, from Stanton to Duffield, 10th and 11th wds.

Bryn Mawr rd., from Herron av. to Centre av., 5th wd.

Bryson ay., from Monitor to Greenfield av., 15th wd.

Buchanan, from Lowrie to prop. line, 14th wd.

Bucheous way, from Eliza to prop. line, 14th wd.

Bucher ay., from Link to Portman av., 26th wd., formerly Burns ay.

Bucyrus, from Chartiers av. to Lakewood, 20th wd.

Buena Vista, from North av. to Perrysville av., 22d and 25th wds.

Buente, from Overbeck to Rockaway, 24th and 26th wds.

Buffalo, from Terrace to unnamed st., 4th wd.

Buffington av., from Montooth to Shannon way, 18th wd.

Buhl ay., from Ohio to Stobo, 22d wd., formerly Burgess ay.

Bulana ay., from Wistar ay. to Moore ay., 5th wd.

Bunkerhill, from Heberton to Mellon, 11th wd.

Burbank, from Richardson av. southwest, 27th wd.

Burchfield av., from Murray av. to William Pitt blvd., 15th wd.

Burd, from Stockton av. to Montgomery av., 22d wd., formerly West Diamond.

Burdock, from River av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 22d wd., formerly Excelsior ay.

Burgess, from Wurzell av. to Irwin av., 26th wd., formerly Euclid.

Burk ay., from Ida to prop. line, 20th wd.

Burmah ay., from Green to Devilliers, 3d wd.

Burns ay., from Humboldt to Side ay., 2d and 6th wds.

Burrows, from Mohawk to Terrace, 4th wd.

Burton ay., from Camp to Lyon, 5th wd.

Buscola ay., from Phillips av. to Mabella, 14th wd., formerly Banks ay.

Bustrick ay., from Epiphany to Elm, 3d wd., formerly Basin ay.

Butler, from Penn av. to Haights Run bridge, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th wds.

Buttercup ay., from Allegheny av. to Rope ay., 22d wd.

Butternut ay., from Junius to Springfield, 20th wd.

Buttonwood, from Weaver to prop. line, 20th wd.

Byng, from Graeme to Drummond, 1st wd., formerly East Diamond.

Byron, from Craig to Winter, 4th wd.

Cabinet st. and ay., from Denny to Main, 6th and 9th wds.

Cable pl., from Semple to Atwood, 4th wd.

Cabot way, from south 4th to South 10th, 17th wd.

Cadet av., from Timberland av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Cadman, from Haslett to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Cass.

Caesser [sic] ay., from Sterling to Eleanor, 16th wd.

Cagwin, from Belasco to city line, 19th wd., formerly Crossan.

Cain ay., from Standard av. to Dersam, 13th wd.

Cairo, from Natchez to Ennis, 19th wd.

Cajon ay., from Federal to Sandusky, 22d wd., formerly Cairo ay.

Cake ay., from Casement to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Clay ay.

Calcutta way, from Steuben to city line, 20th wd.

Caledonia way, from Stadium to prop. line, 20th wd.

Calhoun, from Mohler to Snowden, 13th wd.

California av., from Sedgwick to city line, 21st and 27th wds.

Calistoga, from Nimick pl. to prop. line, 13th wd.

Calle av., from Institute to Camfield, 18th wd.

Callen, from Queen to Rostock, 24th wd.

Callery, from Heberton to Sheridan, 11th wd.

Calliope st. and ay., from Centre av. to Reed, 5th wd.

Callowhill, from Negley av. to Highland av., 11th wd.

Calton, from 48th to 49th, 9th wd.

Calumet, from Narrow way to prop. line, 20th wd.

Calvary, from Harlem to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Calvin, from 42d to prop. line, 9th wd.

Camargo av., from Theobald to Bon Air av., 18th wd., formerly Conniston av.

Cambridge, from Ridgway to prop. line, 5th wd.

Cambronne, from Brighton rd. to Winhorst, 27th wd., formerly Cambridge.

Camden, from Castor to Crest ay., 19th wd.

Camelia, from 53d to Woodbine, 10th wd.

Cameron way, from Lethans to Lorenz av., 20th wd.

Camfield, from unnamed ay. to city line, 18th wd., formerly Caledonia av.

Camp, from Shawnee to Jefferson, 5th wd.

Campania av., from Gopher to Huntington, 12th wd., formerly part Asthalter.

Campau, from Rudolph to Bucyrus, 20th wd., formerly Campbell.

Campbell ay., from Jarvella to Armandale, 25th wd.

Campus, from Diploma to Bismark, 27th wd., formerly College.

Cana ay., from Irene ay. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Canada ay., from Perchment to Ferndale, 13th wd., formerly Cana ay.

Candace, from Wenzell way to Catalpo [sic], 19th wd., formerly Cambridge av.

Canoe av. [sic], from Cayuga to Woolslayer ay., 9th wd.

Canopolis, from Stanhope to Furman ay., 20th wd.

Canteen, from 2d av. to Hike ay., 4th wd., formerly Canton.

Canton av., from Coast av. to Graymore, 19th wd.

Cantril, from Westmar to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 27th wd., formerly Cowan.

Cape May av., from Hampshire av. to West Liberty av., 19th wd.

Capital av., from Pioneer av. to Haddon way, 19th wd.

Caperton, from Bon Air av. to Camargo av., 18th wd., formerly Carvel av.

Caramel ay., from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd.

Carbon, from Cassatt to Ledlie, 3d wd.

Cardiff ay., from Althea to Industry, 18th wd.

Caress ay., from Rossmore av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd., formerly Clover ay.

Carey ay., from South 17th to South 32d, 16th and 17th wds.

Cargill st. and ay., from Herron av. to Apollo, 5th wd.

Carlisle ay., from Scoville to Grantham, 23d wd.

Carlton, from 46th to prop. line, 9th wd.

Carmine ay., from Violin ay. to prop. line, 11th wd.

Carnak, from Herron av. to prop. line, 6th wd.

Carnation av., from Princess to Suburban av., 19th wd.

Carnegie, from Stanton av. to 57th, 10th wd.

Carnival ay., from Millbridge to Emerald, 18th wd., formerly Cicero ay.

Caroline, from Galveston to Babbit ay., 24th wd.

Carpenter ay., from Madison av. to Pindam, 23d wd.

Carrie st. and ay., from Denham ay. to Henderson, 25th wd.

Carrillo, from Wallace to Robinson, 5th wd., formerly Carrie.

Carrington, from Saturn to Federal, 25th wd., formerly Carroll.

Carroll, from Friendship av. to Edmond, 8th and 9th wds.

Carron, from Alder to Ravenna, 8th wd.

Carsell, from Manhattan to prop. line, 21st wd., formerly Carson.

Carson, East, from Smithfield to east city line, 16th, 17th and 18th wds.

Carson, West, from Smithfield to west city line, 18th, 19th and 20th wds.

Carter ay., from Eckert to prop. line, 27th wd.

Carthage, from Brushton av. to Mohler, 13th wd.

Caruso ay., from Thornton to twp. line, 20th wd.

Carber, from Lincoln av. to St. Andrews, 12th wd.

Casanova ay., from Janiero [sic] to Jackson, 11th wd., fromerly [sic] Conestoga ay.

Casement, from Shadeland av. to Mullins, 27th wd.

Cash ay., from Pocono to Nevada, 14th wd.

Cassatt, from Bedford av. to Ridgway, 3d wd.

Cassidy, from Allegheny av. to Bidwell, 21st wd., formerly Cabinet.

Cassina ay., from Homewood av. to Rosedale, 13th wd.

Castalia, from Carson west to prop. line, 20th wd.

Castlegate av., from Dorchester av. to Brookline blvd., 19th wd., formerly Crawford av.

Castleman, from Morewood av. to Amberson, 7th wd.

Castor, from Independence to Adolph, 20th wd.

Catalpa, from Crosby av. to Banksville rd., 19th wd., formerly Curran av.

Catawba ay., from Munsell to Leon ay., 10th wd.

Cato, from Romeo to Ward, 4th wd.

Catoctin st. and ay., from Viola to Howard, 26th wd.

Catoma, from Sutton to Warren, 25th wd., formerly Cato and Parkview.

Catron ay., from Dornbush to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Cavett, from Chippewa to Springfield, 20th wd.

Cayuga, from Liberty av. to P. R. R., 9th wd.

Cecil pl., from Penn av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Cedar av., from North Canal to North av., 22d and 23d wds.

Cedarhurst, from Beltzhoover av. to Delmont, 18th wd., formerly California.

Cedarville, from Edmond to Lorigan, 8th wd., formerly Cedar.

Celadine, from Stanton av. to 56th, 10th wd.

Celsus way, from Springfield to Camden, 19th wd.

Centennial ay., from Francis to Watt, 5th wd.

Central av., from Woods Run av. to Grand av., 27th wd.

Centralia, from Chartiers av. to Pilgrim, 20th wd.

Centre av., from Fullerton to Penn av., 3d, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th wds.

Ceredo ay., from Kutchum to Southward, 27th wd., formerly Cedar ay.

Ceres ay., from Beltzhoover av. to Excelsior, 18th wd.

Cessna ay., from 44th to Weneberg ay., 9th wd., formerly Cottage ay.

Chalfont, from Beltzhoover av. to Montooth, 18th wd.

Chambers ay., from Christmas ay. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Chance ay., from Sylvan av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Chancery lane, from 4th av. to Water, 1st wd.

Chapel ay., from Galveston to Rope ay., 22d wd.

Chaplain ay., from Path ay. to Melanchton, 15th wd.

Charles, from Reed to Webster av., 5th wd., formerly part Porter.

Charlotte, from 34th to 38th, 6th wd.

Charm av., from Waltham to prop. line, 19th wd.

Chartiers av., from Steuben to city line, 20th wd.

Chase av., from Montana av. to Botkin, 26th wd.

Chatauqua, from Irwin av. to Holyoke, 25th and 26th wds., formerly Clifton av.

Chateau, from Ohio River to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 21st wd., formerly Chartiers.

Chatham, from Fifth av. to Pentland, 2d and 3d wds.

Chatsworth av., from Flowers av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Chaucer, from Lincoln av. to Spencer, 12th wd.

Chauncey, from Centre av. to Bedford av., 5th wd.

Chellis, from Brighton rd. southwest, 27th wd., formerly Chelsea.

Chelsea, from Allequippa to Berthoud, 5th wd.

Chemung, from Perrysville av. to Beryl ay., 26th wd.

Chenoa, from Martinsdale to Marburg, 22d wd., formerly Coleman.

Cherokee, from Iowa to Ossipee, 5th wd.

Cherry way, from Liberty av. to Water, 1st and 2d wds.

Cherryfield, from Perrysville av. to Dunlap av., 26th wd., formerly Cherokee.

Chesbro, from River av. to South Canal, 23d wd., formerly Cherry.

Chesney avy., from Bayard to Centre av., 4th wd.

Chess, from Grace to Weinman, 19th wd.

Chester av., from Irwin av. to Burgess, 26th wd.

Chestnut, from River av. to Itin, 23d wd.

Chetopa, from Lanpark to prop. line, 20th wd.

Chianti, from Butler to Washington blvd., 11th wd., formerly River av.

Chicora way, from Sylvania to Lafferty av., 18th wd.

Chidell, from Mexico av. to Fleming av., 27th wd., formerly Cherry.

Childs, from Sylvan av. to Frazier, 15th wd.

Chilson, from Broadway southward, 26th wd., formerly Clyde.

China, from Independence to prop. line, 20th wd.

Chinn ay., in D. C. Negley's plan (old 19th wd.), 11th wd., formerly Chester ay.

Chippewa, from Independence to prop. line, 20th wd.

Chislett, from Black to A. V. R. R., 10th and 11th wds.

Choate, from Friendship av. to Edmond, 9th wd.

Choctaw ay., from Mansion to Lynda ay., 15th wd.

Chopin, from Belvidere to Cayuga, 9th wd., formerly Christian st. and ay.

Christian ay., from Liberty av. to Howley, 9th wd.

Christmas st. and ay., from Bieglow to Tredegar, 15th wd.

Christopher, from 57th to Camelia, 10th wd.

Christy, from Ashlyn to Parson, 20th wd.

Cicero ay., from Craighead to Haberman, 18th wd.

Circle ay., from Homewod [sic] av. to Dunfermline, 12th wd.

Citadel, from Lanpark to Sherwood av., 20th wd.

Citron ay., from Federal to Sandusky, 22d wd., formerly Chislett ay.

Claim, from Lowrie to Harpster, 24th wd., formerly Clark.

Clairant ay., from Townsend to Fullerton, 3d wd.

Claire, from Mohler to unnamed ay., 13th wd.

Clara ay., from Cowan to Prospect, 19th wd.

Clarence, from Greenleaf to Shannon way, 19th wd.

Clarendon pl., from Fairmount av. to Roup av., 8th wd.

Clarion, from Edington to Graphic, 15th wd.

Clarissa, from Milwaukee to Iowa, 5th wd.

Clark st. and ay., from Elm to Passavant ay., 3d wd.

Clary, from Prospect to Cowan, 19th wd.

Claude ay., from Winhorst to Chellis, 27th wd.

Clave ay., from Springfield to Camden, 20th wd.

Clawson, from Hamilton av. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Clay ay., from Chatham to Epiphany, 2d wd.

Claybourne, from Aiken av. to Negley av., 8th wd.

Clayton av., from Perrysville av. to Perrysville av., 25th wd.

Clement, from Denny to Main, 8th wd.

Cleo, from Althea to Freeland ay., 18th wd.

Clermont av., from Hartranft to Elmbank, 19th wd.

Cleveland av., from Belgium to Goe av., 27th wd.

Clever ay., from Furman ay. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Cliff, from Fullerton to Ledlie, 3d wd.

Clifferty, from Merchant to Irwin av., 22d wd., formerly Cliff.

Clifford st. and ay., from Montezuma to prop. line, 12th wd.

Clifton, from South 18th to South 21st, 16th and 17th wds.

Climax, from Amanda to Blanco way, 18th wd.

Clinton, from Birmingham to prop. line, 16th wd.

Clover, from Wellington ay. to Arlington av., 16th wd.

Cloverdale, from Winona to city line, 20th wd.

Clyde, from Fifth av. to Bayard, 7th wd.

Coal, from William to prop. line, 18th wd.

Coast av., from Kenberma av. to city line, 19th wd.

Cobalt ay., from 36th to Sardis ay., 6th wd.

Cobden, from Sterling to Berg, 16th wd.

Coffey ay., from Sixth av. to Strawbeerry way, 2d wd., formerly Church ay.

Cohassett, from Grandview av. to Pawnee, 19th wd.

Cohutta, from Eckert to O. C. R. R., 27th wd., formerly Caldwell.

Colbert, from Locust to Bluff, 1st wd., formerly Cooper.

Colchester, from Graphic to Longview, 15th wd.

Colebrook av., from Fairacres av. to Cape May av., 19th wd.

Coleman, from Rupple ay. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Coleridge, from Morningside av. to prop. line, 10th wd.

Colfax, from Darlington's line to Uniondale Cemetery, 21st wd.

College, from Fifth av. to Centre av., 7th wd.

Collier, from Hamilton av. to Mt. Vernon, 13th wd.

Collins, from Penn av. to Jackson, 11th wd.

Colmar, from Lisbon to Bellefield av., 5th wd.

Cologne, from Arlington av. to Sumner, 16th wd.

Colon, from Olivant to prop. line, 12th wd.

Colonial pl., from Ellsworth av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Colorado st. and ay., from Superior av. to Island av., 27th wd., part formerly Iowa ay.

Coltart av., from Forbes to Bates, 4th wd.

Coltor, from 45th to St. Mary's Cemty., 9th wd.

Columbia pl., from Irwin av. to O'Hern, 25th wd.

Columbo, from Negley av. to Morningside av., 11th wd.

Columbus av., from Irwin av. to Ohio River, 21st and 25th wds., formerly Washington av.

Colville, from Mulberry ay. to Allegheny River, 2d wd., formerly Columbia.

Colvin, from Furnace ay. to prop. line, 4th wd.

Colwell, from Clark to Wyandotte, 3d and 5th wds.

Colwyn, from Sherwood av. to Aschenez, 20th wd.

Comanche ay., from Picnic to Clover, 16th wd.

Comet ay., from Copeland to Myrtle ay., 8th wd.

Commerce, from Baum av. to Negley av., 8th wd.

Commercial, from Forward av. to Blackhawk, 14th wd.

Como ay., from Flag ay. to Cowan, 19th wd.

Complete, from Shadeland av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Composite, between Second av. and Kansas, parallel to Kansas, 15th wd., formerly Compromise.

Compromise, from Fountain to Rising Main av., 23d, 24th and 25th wds.

Comrie ay., from Winebiddle to Friendship av., 8th wd.

Comstock way, from Furley to Pinerue av., 20th wd.

Concord, from Madison av. to Chestnut, 23d wd.

Conductor ay., from Colwell to Hazel, 3d wd., formerly Carpenters ay.

Conemaugh, from Wheeler to Tokio, 13th wd.

Cones way, from Hill way to Totten way, 20th wd., formerly Clay way.

Conestoga, from city line to prop. line, 20th wd.

Conewago ay., from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd.

Congress, from Fifth av. to Webster av., 3d wd.

Conkling, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd.

Connor, from Bigelow to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Constance, from Peralta to Spring Garden av., 23d wd., formerly Congress.

Continental, from Frankstown av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Converge ay., from Lockhart to North Canal, 23d wd.

Converse, from Narcissus to Glen Mawr av., 20th wd.

Conway, from Arlington av. to Salisbury, 16th wd.

Cook, from Woods Run av. northeast, 27th wd.

Cooper av., from McClure av. to California av., 27th wd.

Copeland, from Howe to Ellsworth av., 7th wd.

Coppay ay., from Watsonia blvd. to Chemung, 26th wd., formerly Cook ay.

Cora, from Mulford to Tioga, 13th wd.

Coral, from Winebiddle to Negley av., 8th wd.

Corday ay., from Ella to Pacific, 8th wd.

Cordelia, from Purkiss to Portman av., 26th wd.

Corfu, from Angle to prop. line, 20th wd.

Corinth, from Independence to Castor, 20th wd.

Cork ay., from Watsonia blvd. to Chemung, 26th wd.

Corliss, from Chartiers av. to P., C., C. & St. L. R. R., 20th wd.

Cornell, from Wapello to Campus, 27th wd.

Cornelius ay., from Howe to Hawser ay., 8th wd.

Cornet, from Maurice to prop. line, 4th wd.

Cornwall, from Rebecca to Atlantic av., 10th wd., formerly Cornell.

Corona, from Simonton [sic] to prop. line, 27th wd.

Corry, from Hypolite to Martindale, 22d wd.

Corto av., from Bon Air av. to unnamed ay., 18th wd.

Corwin, from Kirkpatrick to Devilliers, 5th wd.

Costar ay., from Sharp ay. to Wellesley ay., 11th wd., formerly Corona ay.

Costella, from Chippewa to Steel av., 20th wd.

Costume ay., from Carson, east, to Sumpter, 16th wd.

Cottage pl., from California av. to Greneda [sic], 27th wd., formerly Cottage.

Cotton ay., from Eden ay. to Valley, 9th wd.

Council ay., from Meade to McPherson, 12th wd.

Courtland, from Second av. to Monongahela River, 15th wd.

Courtright, from Shadeland av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd., formerly Courtland.

Covel ay., from Centre av. to Ruch, 5th wd., formerly Concord ay.

Covington, from Colwell to prop. line, 3d wd.

Covode, from Wightman to park line, 14th wd., formerly part Belmont.

Cowan, from Greenbush to Prospect, 19th wd.

Cowley, from Ley to Wickline's lane, 24th wd.

Craddock, from Griffith to prop. line, 4th wd.

Craft av., from Fifth av. to Hodge, 4th wd.

Crafton, from Clayton av. northward, 25th wd.

Craig, from Ridgway to Marbury, 4th and 5th wds.

Craighead, from Warrington av. to Kathleen, 18th wd., formerly Curtin av.

Crane av., from Quay to city line, 19th wd.

Cratty, from Phoenix to Herschel, 20th wd.

Crawford, from Reed to Cliff, 3d wd., part formerly George.

Cream ay., from Pickett ay. to Kurtz, 20th wd.

Creek, from Hyperion to city line, 26th wd., part formerly Main.

Cremo, from Merindale to Allegheny River, 22d wd., formerly Craig.

Crescent, from Ridgway to Brereton, 2d and 6th wds.

Cresson st. and ay., from Bailey av. to Secane av., 19th wd.

Crest ay., from Springfield to Camden, 19th wd.

Crestline, from Nimick pl. to city line, 13th wd.

Creve ay., from Pickett ay. to Oltman, 20th wd.

Crimson av., from West Liberty av. to Sebring av., 19th wd.

Crispen, from Taggart to Marshall av., 26th wd., formerly Charlotte.

Criss, from Huxley to Allendale, 20th wd.

Crocus ay., from Dorchester av. to Norwich av., 19th wd.

Croesus ay., from Jewel to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Croft, from Lowrie to city line, 24th wd.

Croghan, from Fifth av. to O'Hara, 4th wd.

Crombie, from Tilbury to William Pitt blvd., 14th wd.

Cooked [sic] ay., from Greenleaf to Shannopin, 19th wd.

Crosat ay., from Entrance av. to Roberta ay., 26th wd., formerly Cross ay.

Crosby av., from Fallowfield av. to city line, 19th wd.

Crosman, from South 18th to St. Leo, 16th wd.

Cross, from Strauss to Taggart, 26th wd.

Crown, from Whitla to Wardwell, 26th wd.

Crucible, from Steuben to city line, 20th wd.

Cruikshank way, from Pennsylvania av. to Jarvella, 25th wd.

Crystal ay., from Shady av. to Weak ay., 14th wd.

Cubba-you-quit ay., from Jumonville to Wyandotte, 5th wd.

Cullen, from Torley to Penn, 9th wd.

Culloden ay., from Tara ay. to Walnut, 8th wd.

Culver, from prop. line to Dundee, 11th wd.

Curran, from Saline av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Curranhill av., from Fairacres av. to Rockland av., 19th wd.

Curtin av., from Warrington av. to Chalfont, 18th wd.

Curtis st. and ay., from Lelia to prop. line, 19th wd.

Cust, from Sunnyside to Glenwood, 14th wd.

Cuthbert, from Natchez to Virginia, 19th wd.

Cutler, from Perrysville av. to Nelson, 26th wd., formerly Clifton av.

Cygnet, from Braddock av. to Brushton av., 13th wd.

Cynthia, from Woodville av. to Saw Mill Run, 20th wd.

Cypress, from Edmond to Centre av., 8th wd.

Cyrus Reed, from Volz to prop. line, 10th wd.

Czar ay., from Devers ay. to Reedsdale, 21st wd., formerly Cypress ay.

Dabbs av., from Biddle av. to Willock, 14th wd.

Dabney ay., from Winterhill to Belle Isle av., 19th wd., formerly Derby ay.

Dagmar av., from Crane av. to Cemetery prop., 19th wd.

Dahlem ay., from Berlin to prop. line, 12th wd.

Dahlia ay., from Edgebrook av. to city line, 19th wd.

Daisey, from Perrysville av. to Howard, 26th wd., formerly Daisey av.

Dakota, from Alpena to Bryn Mawr rd., 5th wd.

Dallas, from William Pitt blvd. to Frankstown av., 12th and 14th wds.

Dalton av., from Sabina av. to Ashland av., 26th wd.

Dalzell pl., from William Pitt blvd. to Dallas, 14th wd.

Damas, from Rockaway to city line, 24th and 26th wds., formerly Broad.

Dane st. and ay., from Tarragonna to Bon Air av., 18th wd.

Danley, from Chartiers av. to P., C., C. & St. L. R. R., 20th wd.

Dante ay., from Sixth av. to Chatham, 2d wd.

Danube, from Webster av. to Monroe, 5th wd.

Dapper ay., from Graham to Baum av., 8th wd.

Darlington rd., from William Pitt blvd. to Schenley Park, 14th wd.

Darragh, from Fifth av. to Carillo, 4th and 5th wds.

Darsie, from Minerva to Panama ay., 9th wd.

Darwin ay., from Corday ay. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Dasher, from River av. to Lacock, 22d wd., formerly Darragh.

Davenport st. and ay., from Wylie av. to Bedford av., 5th wd., formerly Davis.

David av., from Brunot av. to city line, 20th wd.

Davis av., from Verner av. to Riverview Park, 27th wd.

Davison, from 40th to 47th, 9th wd.

Dawn av., from Waltham to Hargrove, 19th wd.

Dawson, from Bouquet to Frazier, 4th wd.

Day, from Eloise to Tarleton, 22d wd.

Dayton ay., from Indiana ay. to Lenora, 12th wd.

Dean, from Montezuma to prop. line, 12th wd.

De Armitt ay., from Negley av. to Fair Oaks, 14th wd.

Dearborn, from Mathilda to Atlantic av., 10th wd.

Deary, from Lincoln av. to Larimer av., 12th wd.

Decatur, from Manhattan to Allegheny av., 21st wd.

Decision ay., from Rebecca to Graham, 11th wd.

Dedrick ay., from wettengel to prop. line, 20th wd.

Deely, from Melbourne to Frank, 15th wd.

Defree ay., from Gilpen ay. to Flint ay., 26th wd., formerly Dean ay.

Dehaven, from Lowrie to Hatteras, 24th wd., formerly Downing.

Delevan, from Norfolk to Greenfield, 15th wd.

Delaware, from Perrysville av. to Chemung, 26th wd.

Deldorf, from Preble av. to Ohio River, 21st wd., formerly Delaware.

Delger, from Hawkins to Mayfield av., 26th wd., formerly Delaware.

Della ay., from Verona blvd. to prop. line, 12th wd., formerly Daisey ay.

Delmont av., from Vandalia to Warrington av., 18th wd.

Dalphas pl., from Roup av. to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Dunmoyle.

Delray, from 4th av. to Liberty av., 1st wd., formerly Decatur.

Delta ay., from Oakley ay. to Shelly, 16th wd.

Denham st. and ay., from Rising Main av. to Carrie, 25th wd., formerly Sentinel ay.

Denmarsh, from Winterburn to Hoosack, 15th wd.

Denniston, from Fair Oaks to Darlington rd., 14th wd.

Denny, from 34th to Penn av., 6th wd.

Dent ay., from Montezuma to unnamed ay., 12th wd.

Denver, from Dover to Craig, 5th wd.

Derby ay., from Braddock av. to city line, 12th wd.

Dersam, from Standard av. to city line, 13th wd.

De Ruad, from Wyandotte to prop. line, 4th wd.

De Silver, from Nelson to Olivant, 12th wd., formerly Cecil.

De Soto, from Fifth av. to Allequippa, 4th wd.

Desplane ay., from Kirkpatrick to Soho, 5th wd., formerly Delaware.

Devers ay., from Czar ay. to prop. line, 21st wd., formerly Dilworth ay.

De Victor pl., from Stewart to Bryant, 11th wd., formerly Sherwood pl.

Devilliers, from Jumonville to Bedford av., 3d and 5th wds.

Devine ay., from Allegheny av. to Riggo, 21st wd., formerly Bayne.

Devonshire, from Fifth av. to Morewood av., 7th wd., formerly Bidwell.

Dewey av., from Staver to unnamed ay., 26th wd.

Dewhurst, from Haworth to Haworth, 15th wd.

De Wolf av., from Gusky av. to prop. line, 26th wd.

Dewitt, from Boggs av. to Southern av., 19th wd.

Dhrew av., from Freitag to Wyman, 26th wd.

Diagonal, from Penn av. to Fifth av., 7th wd., formerly Denniston.

Diamond, from Liberty av. to Fifth av., 1st, 2d and 3d wds.

Diana, from Itin to Homer, 24th wd.

Diaz ay., from Mugele ay. to prop. line, 3d wd., formerly Diana av.

Dick, from Arbor to Apple av., 12th wd.

Dickson, from Stayton to Mullins, 27th wd., formerly Mellow.

Dido ay., from Prescott to Folsom, 15th wd.

Dike, from Vespucius to B. & O. R. R., 15th wd.

Dill ay., from Prospect to Adderly, 19th wd.

Dillon ay., from Frew av. to Pioneer av., 19th wd.

Dilworth, from Prospect to Adderly, 19th wd.

Dinwiddie, from Centre av. to Fifth av., 3d wd.

Dion ay., from Olcott to Fernleaf, 16th wd.

Diploma, from Stanford rd. to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Bryn Mawr av.

Dithridge, from Forbes to Grant blvd., 4th wd.

Ditzler, from Chartiers av. to Lanpark, 20th wd., formerly Carroll.

Diulius, from Dawson to Boundary, 4th wd.

Divinity st. and ay., from Honduras to Means ay., 25th wd., formerly Division.

Division, from Dunbar to Rosedale, 13th wd.

Dobson, from Brereton to Herron av., 6th wd., formerly Dickson.

Dodge, from Bredin ay. to Sago, 12th wd.

Doerr, from Preble av. to Ohio River, 27th wd., formerly Sterling.

Doll ay., from California av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 21st wd., formerly Dill ay.

Dollar, from Centre av. to prop. line, 5th wd.

Dolphin, from Gertrude to Kilbourne, 15th w.d [sic]

Donald pl., from Alden av. to Chartiers av., 20th wd., part formerly Donald way.

Donegal ay., from Nantasket to prop. line, 15th wd.

Donna, from Cornwall to Breedshill, 10th wd.

Donora ay., from Rescue to Miles ay., 26th wd.

Dorchester av., from Midland to Queensboro av., 19th wd.

Dornbush st. and ay., from Frankstown av. to Calistoga, 13th wd.

Dornestic, from Dritt av. to Ashland, 26th wd., formerly Dorsey.

Dorothy pl., from Ardary to prop. line, 12th wd.

Dorset ay., from South Main to Mathias ay., 20th wd.

Dorsey, from Dritt av. to Glenside av., 26th wd.

Dosch, from Prospect to Gray, 19th wd., formerly Dilworth.

Dougan, from Haller to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly King.

Douglass, from William Pitt blvd. to Murray av., 14th wd.

Dounton ay., from Rope ay. to Allegheny av., 22d wd., formerly Douglas pl.

Dover, from Denver to Winter, 5th wd.

Downing, from Dobson to Hancock, 6th wd.

Dragoon ay., from Elmwood to prop. line, 10th wd.

Drain ay., from Upland to Saxon, 12th wd.

Drake ay., from Vilsack to prop. line, 10th wd.

Dravo ay., from Campania to Otisco, 12th wd.

Dream av., from Harmony av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd.

Dresden ay., from Stanton av. to 55th, 10th wd.

Dressing ay., from Pringle [sic] to Marietta, 10th wd.

Drifton, from Milroy av. to Oklahoma, 26th wd., formerly Durango.

Dritt av., from Richards to Perrysville av., 26th wd., formerly Duquesne av.

Drovers, from Eloise to Tarleton, 22d wd.

Drum, from Holyoke to Wilson, 25th and 26th wds.

Drummond, from Fifth av. to Marjorie, 1st wd., formerly Masters way and South Diamond.

Drury ay., from Webster av. to Erin, 5th wd.

Drycove, from Theobald to Tarragonna, 18th wd., formerly Day av.

Dryden ay., from Friendship av. to Torley, 9th wd.

Duart av., from Reifert to city line, 18th wd.

DuBois, from Chartiers av. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Dubroff ay., from Gallion av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Daisey ay.

Duff, from Wylie av. to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Duffield, from Adelphia to Stanton av., 10th wd.

Dunbar, from Tioga to Division, 13th wd.

Duncan, from Stanton av. to 57th, 10th wd.

Dundee ay., from Collins av. to Princeton pl., 11th wd.

Dunfermline, from Edgerton av. to Hamilton av., 13th and 14th wds.

Dunkeld ay., from 42d to 44th, 9th wd.

Dunkirk, from Fairmount to prop. line, 11th wd.

Dunlap st. and ay., from Perrysville ay. to East, 26th wd.

Dunlevy, from Gettysburg to Linden av., 14th wd.

Dunloe av., from James to Compromise, 23d wd.

Dunmore, from Paulson av. to Olivant, 12th wd.

Dunmoyle, from Wilkins av. to Roup av., 14th wd.

Dunseith, from Terrace to Allequippa, 4th wd., formerly Dunlap.

Dunster, from Pioneer av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Denton av.

Dupont ay., from Friendship av. to Torley, 9th wd.

Durango ay., from Finance to Frankstown av., 13th wd.

Duquesne way, from Water to 11th, 1st and 2d wds.

Dyke, from Second av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Dysart ay., from Dornbush to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Eagle, from Perry to Tripoli, 23d wd.

Earl, from Carson, west, to Naples av., 20th wd.

East, from Ohio to Perrysville av., 23d, 24th and 26th wds.

Eastnor av., from Penn av. to city line, 14th wd., formerly East End av.

East View, from Frankstown av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Eathan av., from Wolford to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Eldon av.

Ebbs ay., from Bertha to Merrimac, 19th wd.

Ebdy ay., from Sabina to Frank, 15th wd.

Ebel, from Huntington to Campania, 12th wd.

Eberhardt av., from Froman to prop. line, 24th wd.

Eboda ay., from Narrow way to Vienna, 20th wd.

Eccles, from Julia to Clover, 16th wd.

Eccrue ay., from Formosa ay. to Felicia ay., 12th wd.

Eckert, from Shadeland av. to Refuge, 27th wd., part formerly Hanover.

Eden ay., from 40th to 47th, 9th wd.

Edenvale, from Catoma to Rising Main av., 25th wd., formerly Ella.

Edeta ay., from Nevada to city line, 14th wd., formerly Evergreen ay.

Edgar ay., from Breedshill to Cornwall, 10th wd.

Edgebrook av., from Brookline blvd. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Edgecliff, from Carson, west, to Powell, 20th wd.

Edgerton av., from Gettysburg to city line, 14th wd.

Edgevale ay., from Aidyl av. to Jillson av., 19th wd., formerly Emmons way.

Edington, from Hazelwood av. to Flowers av., 15th wd.

Edison, from Preble av. to Ohio River, 27th wd.

Edith, from Rutledge to Shannon way, 19th wd.

Edmond, from Lorigan to Penn av., 8th wd.

Edna, from Marion to Miltenberger, 1st wd.

Edwards ay., from South 17th to prop. line, 16th and 17th wds.

Edwin, from Oakdale to Transvaal av., 27th wd.

Effingham ay., from Winona to city line, 19th wd.

Eggers, from Heckelman east and west, 24th wd.

Egina av., from Pansy ay. to city line, 15th wd.

Ehlers ay., from Redknap to Japanese, 25th wd.

Eider, from Nelson to Allemannia, 12th wd.

Eighteenth, from Penn av. to Pike, 2d wd.

Elba, from Hallett to Francis, 5th wd., formerly part Florence.

Elbon st. and ay., from Herschel to Steuben, 20th wd.

Elbow, from Lofink to unnamed ay., 24th wd.

Eldora pl., from Michigan to Palm ay., 18th wd.

Eldridge, from Nicholson to Pocussett, 14th wd.

Eleanor, from Arlington av. to Josephine, 16th wd.

Electric, from Elizabeth to Passaic, 15th wd.

Eleventh, from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Elgin, from Negley av. to Highland av., 11th wd.

Eliska, from Ashtola ay. to Ladoga, 20th wd.

Eliza, from Phillips av. to Spear av., 14th wd.

Elizabeth, from Second av. to B. & O. R. R., 15th wd.

Elk ay., from Dupont ay. to Dryden ay., 9th wd.

Elkland, from North End av. to Quebec, 26th wd., formerly East End av.

Elkton, from Lethans to Romana, 20th wd., part formerly Edison.

Ella, from Friendship av. to Lorigan, 8th and 9th wds.

Ellers, from Wallace to prop. line, 4th wd.

Ellesmere, from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd., formerly Eighth.

Ellicott, from Jumonville to Ruch, 5th wd.

Elliott, from Planet to Talbot, 20th wd.

Ellis st. and ay., from North End av. to Rivet ay., 26th wd.

Ellsworth av., from Neville to Highland av., 7th wd.

Ellzey, from Perrysville av. to Ellis av., 26th wd., formerly Ellis.

Elm, from Fifth to Grant blvd., 3d wd.

Elmbank, from Oldshue prop. to Paul prop., 19th wd., formerly Elinore av.

Elmer, from Aiken to College, 7th wd.

Elmhurst av., from Termon av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Elmira, from East to Biggs av., 26th wd.

Elmore way, from Fostoria way to Herchel, 20th wd.

Elmwood, from Nolo ay. to Adelphia, 10th wd.

Eloise, from Irwin av. to Federal, 22d wd., formerly Ellsworth.

Elora ay., from Jordon ay. to Perth, 11th wd.

El Paso, from Adelphia to prop. line, 10th wd.

Elreno, from Grand av. to Smithton av., 27th wd., formerly Elgin.

Elrod ay., from Westmoreland av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Elsie ay., from Glenwod [sic] av. to Mansion, 15th wd.

Elsinore sq., from Craft av. to Ophelia, 4th wd.

Elwood, from Negley av. to Highland av., 7th wd.

Elysian, from Fifth to Hastings, 14th wd.

Emahlia, from Hazelwood av. to Promenade, 15th wd.

Emans ay., from Indiana ay. to Kenesaw ay., 12th wd.

Embargo, from Verneta to Camfield, 18th wd., formerly Eagle av.

Embury, from Stayton to Frederick, 27th wd., formerly Elm.

Emerald, from Brownsville av. to Hanover, 18th wd.

Emerson, from Fifth av. to Ravenna, 7th wd.

Emily, from Craft av. to Halket, 4th wd.

Emlin, from James to Madison av., 23d wd., formerly Eleanor.

Emma, from Antoniette [sic] to Wallace, 4th wd.

Emmett, from Soho northward, 5th wd.

Emodi ay., from Holyoke to Wilson av., 25th wd., formerly Emerson pl.

Emory ay., from Friendship av. to Clarendon pl., 8th wd.

Emporia, from Kelvin to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Endo ay., from Wittman to Albertine ay., 19th wd.

Enfield, from Centre av. to P. R. R., 8th wd.

English st. and ay., from Ridge av. to Reedsdale, 22d wd., part formerly Denny.

Enipe ay., from Herald ay. to reserve line, 27th wd., formerly Edmond ay.

Ennis, from Wilbert to Adderly, 19th wd.

Enoch, from Roberts to Devilliers, 3d wd.

Enola ay., from Leipsic ay. to Waneka ay., 19th wd.

Enon ay., from Sarah to Breed, 17th wd.

Enoness, from Corinth to Woodville av., 20th wd., formerly Eleanor.

Ensign av., from Intervale to Edgebrook av., 19th wd.

Enterprise, from Frankstown av. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Entrance av., from South Side av. to Reserve line, 26th wd.

Entress, from Lawson to prop. line, 5th wd.

Eola ay., from Greely to Sterling, 16th wd.

Epiphany, from Grant blvd. to Fifth ave., 2d and 3d wd., formerly Washington.

Equator, from Irene ay. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Erie, from Sherman av. to Union av., 22d wd.

Erin, from Centre av. to Ridgway, 3d and 5th wds.

Ermine ay., from Bates to prop. line, 4th wd.

Ernie, from Janewood way to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Eshelman, from Perrysville av. to unnamed ay., 25th wd.

Esop ay., from Bellevue to Sterling, 16th wd.

Esplanade, from North av. to Hemlock, 22d wd.

Esplen st. and ay., from Earl to Florien, 20th wd.

Essen, from Gilpin ay. to Geyer rd., 26th wd.

Essex ay., from Pearl to Edmond, 8th wd.

Estella av. and ay., from Vandalia to Kambach, 18th and 19th wds.

Ester way, from Furley to Uvilla, 20th wd.

Ethel, from Bates to Bohemia, 4th wd.

Etna, from Eleventh to Fourteenth, 2d wd.

Etola, from Corona to Simonton [sic], 27th wd., formerly Edwards.

Etta, from Bailey av. to Bernard, 18th wd.

Ettwein, from Dabbs av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Euclid av., from Centre av. to Bunkerhill, 8th and 11th wds.

Eudora, from Wesley to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd.

Eugenie way, from Manton ay. to Lillian, 18th wd.

Euler ay., from Atwood to prop. line, 4th wd.

Eupee ay., from Harvard to Sheridan, 11th wd.

Euphrasia av., from Eliza to prop. line, 14th wd.

Eunice, from Wadsworth to Berthoud, 5th wd.

Eureka, from Ruth to Renwick, 18th and 19th wds.

Eustace ay., from Bradley to unnamed ay., 20th wd., formerly Eudora ay.

Eutaw, from Boggs av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Euterpe, from Kenwood av. to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Eudora av.

Eva, from Negley av. to Euclid av., 7th wd.

Evaline, from Liberty av. to Breesport, 8th and 11th wds.

Evans ay., from Duquesne way to Liberty av., 2d wd.

Everett, from Frankstown av. to Butler, 11th wd.

Evergreen plank rd., from East st. to city line, 26th wd.

Everton, from Oakford ay. to Oakdene, 12th wd.

Ewarts ay., from Breckenridge to Centre av., 5th wd.

Ewing, from Sassafras to Cayuga, 9th wd.

Excelsior, from Estella av. to Starch, 18th wd.

Exchange ay., from Eleventh to prop. line, 2d wd.

Exeter st. and ay., from Greenfield av. to McCaslin, 15th wd.

Exley ay., from Tokio to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Ezra, from Attica to Balfour, 20th wd.

Factory ay., from Reliance to Isabella, 23d wd.

Fadette, from Ladoga to Mutual, 20th wd.

Fahnestock, from Dornbush to Tioga, 13th wd.

Fair av., from West Liberty av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Fairacres av., from Curranhill av. to Longmore av., 19th wd.

Fairbanks av., from Montana av. to Botkin, 26th wd.

Fairdale, from Chartiers av. to Aschenez, 20th wd.

Fairfax, from Richland to Brushton av., 12th wd.

Fairfield, from Old Lane to unnamed ay., 10th wd.

Fairmount, from Roup av. to Columbo, 8th and 11th wds.

Fair Oaks, from William Pitt blvd. to Wilkins av., 14th wd.

Fairplay, from Hampshire av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Fairacres.

Fairston, from Fusion to prop. line, 20th wd.

Fairview, from Furley to Pinerue av., 20th wd.

Falba, from Entress to prop. line, 5th wd., formerly Fall.

Falck av., from Wortman to Fleming av., 27th wd.

Falcon ay., from Addison to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd.

Fall, from Damas to prop. line, 24th and 26th wds.

Fallow av., from Timberland av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd.

Fallowfield av., from Crane av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Fancourt, from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd., formerly Fourth.

Fannel, from Breedshill to Cornwall, 10th wd.

Farel ay., from Negley av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Fargo st. and ay., from Allison to city line, 13th wd.

Farmington, from Old Lane to unnamed ay., 10th wd.

Farnsworth, from Haldane to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Faronia, from Mutual to prop. line, 20th wd.

Farragut, from Stanton av. to Grafton, 11th wd.

Farris, from Taggart to John, 25th wd.

Faulkner, from Ramsey to Allendale, 20th wd.

Faust, from Chartiers av. to Allendale, 20th wd.

Fayette, from Bidwell to Ohio River, 21st wd.

Federal, from Liberty av. to Hawkins, 2d, 22d, 25th and 26th wds., part formerly Federal lane and Sixth.

Fedora, from Almeda to Cust, 15th wd.

Felbinger ay., from Redmond ay. to twp. line, 20th wd., formerly French ay.

Felicia ay., from Frankstown av. to Oakwood, 12th and 13th wds.

Felix ay., from Spahr to Maryland, 7th wd.

Fennimore, from Gettysburg to unnamed ay., 14th wd., formerly Fair Oaks.

Fenton way, from Henderson to Comstock, 20th wd.

Fenway, from Romig to Forsythe, 27th wd., formerly Ferry lane.

Ferguson av., from Rising Main av. to Suffolk, 25th and 26th wds.

Fern way, from Manton ay. to Lillian, 18th wd.

Fernando, from Fifth av. to Wylie av., 3d wd., formerly Federal.

Ferncliff av., from Fernhill av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Ferndale st. and ay., from Brushton av. to city line, 13th wd.

Fernhill av., from Bellbrook to Ferncliff av., 19th wd.

Fernleaf, from Schiller ay. to Arlington av., 16th wd.

Fernwood, from Carson, west, to city line, 20th wd.

Ferry, from Water to Liberty av., 1st wd.

Festival, from Hauser ay. to Shakespeare ay., 7th wd.

Festoria, from Oakdale av. to prop. line, 26th wd.

Festus ay., from Addison to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd.

Fetterman ay., from Meta to prop. line, 20th wd.

Fetzer, from Kearsarge to Bertha, 19th wd.

Fiber ay., from Ermine ay. to Argyle ay., 4th wd.

Fielding ay., from Beecher to Braddock av., 12th and 13th wds.

Fierro ay., from Chartiers av. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Fifteenth, from Liberty av. to Pike, 2d wd.

Fifth av., from Penn av. to Frankstown av., 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 7th, 12th and 14th wds.

Fiftieth, from Butler to A. V. R. R., 9th wd.

Fifty-first, from Butler to Allegheny River, 9th and 10th wds.

Fifty-second, from Stanton av. to Harrison, 10th wd.

Fifty-third, from Butler to McCandless av., 10th wd.

Fifty-fourth, from McCandless av. to A. V. R. R., 10th wd.

Fifty-fifth, from McCandless av. to A. V. R. R., 10th wd.

Fifty-sixth, from Celadine to A. V. R. R., 10th wd.

Fifty-seventh, from Camelia to A. V. R. R., 10th wd.

Filbert, from Walnut to Ellsworth, 7th wd.

Filmore, from Bellefield av. to Neville, 4th wd.

Filson, from Eloise to Tarleton, 22d wd., formerly Fisk.

Filter ay., from Delray to unnamed ay., 1st wd.

Finance, from Homewood av. to Brushton av., 13th wd.

Finch, from Chartiers av. to Furley, 20th wd.

Fineview av., from Lanark to Edenvale, 25th wd.

Fingal, from Rutledge to prop. line, 19th wd.

Finland, from Ridgway to Ruthven, 5th wd.

Finley, from Frankstown av. to Shetland, 12th wd.

Fir ay., from Reward ay. to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd.

Fire ay., from Ladoga to Berry, 20th wd.

Fireman ay., from Jarvella to Jarbola, 25th wd., formerly Friendship ay.

First av., from Iron ay. to Liberty av., 1st wd.

Firth, from Spring Garden av. to city line, 24th wd., formerly Filbert.

Fiscal ay., from Ladoga to Jeffers, 20th wd.

Fishel, from Ebel to prop. line, 12th wd.

Fisk, from Butler to Liberty av., 9th wd.

Fitch ay., from prop. line to city line, 19th wd., formerly Fern ay.

Fitzhugh way, from Aidy av. to Jillson av., 19th wd., formerly Frazier way.

Flag ay., from Clara ay. to Como ay., 19th wd.

Flash ay., from Dike to Herbert ay., 15th wd., formerly Fleming ay.

Flatbush av., from Brookline blvd. to Berwin av., 19th wd.

Flath ay., from Elston to Larimer av., 12th wd.

Flavel st. and ay., from Station to Luna, 11th wd.

Flavian, from Jewel to Croesus ay., 5th wd.

Fleck, from Lowrie to unnamed st., 24th wd.

Fleeger, from Hawkins northward, 26th wd., formerly Forest ay.

Fleming av., from Antrim to Termon av., 27th wd.

Flemington, from Graphic to Murray av., 15th wd.

Fletcher ay., from Brushton av. to prop. line, 12th and 13th wds.

Fleury ay., from Dallas to Durango ay., 12th and 13th wds.

Flocker, from Brighton rd. to Nublock, 25th wd., formerly Fremont.

Flora, from Klein to Loeffler, 27th wd., formerly part unnamed.

Floree ay., from Greenleaf to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Flora ay.

Florence, from Lappe lane to Rhine, 24th wd.

Florida, from Wortman to California av., 27th wd.

Florien, from Carson, west, to Oregon, 20th wd.

Flossie ay., from Zebina ay. to Neville, 4th wd., formerly Florida ay.

Flotilla ay., from Waverly to prop. line, 14th wd.

Flowers av., from Second av. to Graphic, formerly part Folsom–Nansen.

Flushing way, from Puckety rd. to Mt. Vernon, 12th wd.

Flynn st. and ay., from Cobden to unnamed ay., 16th wd.

Folsom, from Flowers av. to Flowers av., 15th wd.

Fontella, from Pennsylvania av. to Reedsdale, 21st wd., formerly Frazier.

Fonville, from Chauncey to Duff, 5th wd., formerly Flora.

Forbes, from Diamond to Peebles, 1st, 4th and 14th wds.

Fordham av., from Midland to city line, 19th wd.

Fordyce, from Calle av. to Caperton, 18th wd., formerly Freda av.

Foreland, from Cedar av. to Madison av., 23d wd., formerly First.

Forest ay., from Gerritt to Tyson, 12th and 13th wds.

Forge ay., from Porter to prop. line, 27th wd.

Formosa ay., from Fifth to Mulford, 12th and 13th wds.

Fornof, from Creek to prop. line, 26th wd.

Forrester, from Kaercher to Bigelow, 14th wd.

Forest pl., from Julia to Hardie ay., 4th wd.

Forsythe, from Fenway to unnamed ay., 27th wd.

Fort way, from Lydia to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Fort Hill, from Fernleaf to Sterling, 16th wd.

Fortieth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny River, 6th and 9th wds.

Forty-first, from Butler to Water, 9th wd.

Forty-second, from Penn av. to Valley, 9th wd.

Forty-third, from Davison to Allegheny River, 9th wd.

Forty-third and a Half, from Eden ay. to A. V. R. R., 9th wd.

Forty-fourth, from Penn av. to Water, 9th wd.

Forty-fifth, from Penn av. to Valley, 9th wd.

Forty-sixth, from Valley to St. Mary's Cemetery, 9th wd.

Forty-seventh, from Butler to Water, 9th wd.

Forty-eighth, from Butler to Allegheny River, 9th wd.

Forty-ninth, from Butler to A. V. R. R., 9th wd.

Forward av., from Second av. to city line, 4th, 14th and 15th wds.

Foster, from 44th to Yazoo ay., 6th and 9th wds.

Fostoria way, from Hilton to Elbon, 20th wd.

Fountain, from Henderson to Compromise, 25th wd.

Fourth av., from Liberty av. to Try, 1st wd.

Fourteenth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny River, 2d wd.

Fox, from South 17th to South 24th, 16th and 17th wds.

Foxhurst, from Epiphany to Fullerton, 3d wd., formerly Franklin.

Fram, from Alsace to Mulford, 13th wd., formerly Fremont.

Frampton av., from Buffington av. to Taft av., 20th wd.

Francis, from Centre av. to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Francisco, from Redmond ay. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Frank, from Hazelwood av. to Greenfield av., 15th wd.

Frankford, from Chartiers av. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Franklin, from Allegheny av. to Ohio River, 21st wd.

Frankstown av., from Penn av. to city line, 11th, 12th and 13th wds.

Frazier, from Greenfield av. to Hodge, 4th and 15th wds., formerly part Sylvan av.

Fred ay., from Kentucky av. to Howe, 8th wd.

Frederick, from Woodlawn av. to Wing ay., 27th wd.

Fredericka, from Friendship av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Fredonia, from Lorenz to city line, 20th wd.

Freedmore, from Irwin av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 25th wd., formerly Filmore.

Freeland, from Montooth to South 18th, 18th wd.

Freeman st. and ay., from Olivant to De Silver, 12th wd.

Freitag, from Woods Run av. to Woods Run av., 26th wd., formerly Francis av.

Fremont av., from Banksville rd. to Shiras av., 19th wd., formerly West Broadway.

Fremont pl., from Mackinaw av. to Fremont av., 19th wd., formerly Broadway.

French, from Anderson to 10th, 2d wd., formerly Fayette.

Fresco ay., from Mawhinney to Oral ay., 4th wd.

Frew av., from Brookline blvd. to Belle Isle av., 19th wd.

Freyburg, from South 10th to South 12th, 17th wd., formerly Sedgwick.

Friendship av., from Penn av. to Baum av., 8th and 9th wds.

Fritz, from Manor to Birmingham, 17th and 18th wds.

Frock ay., from Kaiser av. to Wilt, 24th wd., formerly Fritz ay.

Froman, from Ley to Eberhardt, 24th wd., formerly Forest.

Fronona av., from Hammond to Converse, 20th wd.

Front way, from Earl to Frustum, 20th wd.

Frontenac, from Swentzell to Municipal, 20th wd.

Frost ay., from Ashlyn to Otterson, 20th wd.

Frustum, from Carson, west, to Esplen, 20th wd.

Fuchsia ay., from Lang to prop. line, 12th wd.

Fudge ay., from Thayer pl. to Eliska, 20th wd.

Fuller ay., from Chartiers av. to Allendale, 20th wd.

Fullerton, from Colwell to Cliff, 3d wd., formery [sic] Fulton.

Fulton, from Ridge av. to Adams, 21st wd.

Funston av., from Travella blvd. to city line, 12th wd.

Furber ay., from Rescue to Miles ay., 26th wd., formerly Funston ay.

Furley, from Finch to Attica, 20th wd.

Furman ay., from Chartiers av. to Aschenez, 20th wd.

Furnace ay., from Frazier to Ethel, 4th wd.

Fusion, from Straka to Fairston, 20th wd.

Gable, from Quarry to St. Patrick, 16th wd.

Gael ay., from Chislett to prop. line, 10th wd.

Gala ay., from Fourth av. to Diamond, 1st wd.

Galena, from Hamlet to Forbes, 4th wd., formerly Girard ay.

Gallatin, from Witherspoon to A. V. R. R., 10th wd.

Gallion av., from Pioneer av. to Glenarm av., 19th wd., formerly Glendale av.

Galveston av., from Pennsylvania av. to Allegheny River, 22d wd., formerly Grant av.

Gama ay., from Watsonia blvd. to Orleans, 26th wd.

Gang st. and ay., from Rialto to Niggel, 24th wd.

Gangwish, from Howley to Ella, 9th wd.

Garden ay., from Fisk to St. Mary's Cemetery, 9th wd.

Gardner, from Troy Hill rd. to Hazel, 24th wd.

Garfield av., from Jarvella to Japanese, 25th wd.

Garland ay., from Sixth av. to Strawberry way, 2d wd.

Garnet ay., from Liberty av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Garrison pl., from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Garvin, from Franklin rd. to Swanson, 26th wd., formerly Graham.

Garwood ay., from 42d to 45th, 9th wd., formerly Gardners ay.–Hughes.

Gaskel, from Cuthbert to prop. line, 19th wd.

Gasoline, from Second av. to First av., 1st wd., formerly Gas.

Gass av., from Davis av. to Reuben, 27th wd.

Gate Lodge av., from Lynda ay. to Alluvian, 15th wd.

Gatewood ay., from Baker to A. V. R. R., 10th wd.

Gaymont, from Fayette to Reedsdale, 21st wd., formerly Gladstone.

Gayton ay., from Greenbush to prop. line, 19th wd.

Gazena, from River av. to South Canal, 23d wd., formerly Lawn ay.–Garnet ay.

Gazzam, from Soho to Audley, 4th wd.

Gearing av., from Althea to Climax, 18th wd.

Geist ay., from Independence to Junius, 20th wd.

Gelston, from Phoenix to Herschel, 20th wd.

Gem ay., from Mathilda to Atlantic av., 11th wd.

Genesta, from Lytle to Gloster, 15th wd.

Geneva, from 40th to 45th, 9th wd.

Gentry ay., from Arch to Sherman av., 22d wd., formerly Geyer ay.

George ay., from Columbus av. to Franklin, 21st wd.

Georgia, from Lillian to city line, 18th wd.

Geranium, from Buena Vista to Overlook, 25th wd., formerly Garrison.

Gerber av., from Brighton rd. to Shadeland av., 27th wd.

German sq., from German to Windom, 17th wd.

German, from German sq. to Brownsville av., 17th wd.

Gerritt, from Frankstown av. to Monticello, 12th wd.

Gershon, from Royal to city line, 26th wd., formerly Geyer rd.

Gertrude, from Flowers av. to Johnston, 14th wd.

Gettysburg, from Reynolds to William Pitt blvd., 14th wd.

Geyer av., from Woodland av. to Shadeland av., 27th wd., formerly part Beaver av.

Gibbon, from Hooper to Stevenson, 1st wd.

Giboney, from Garvin to Staver, 26th wd., formerly Gibson av.

Gibson, from Marlow to Lorenz av., 20th wd.

Gidding, from Frank to Flowers av., 15th wd.

Gifford, from Atmore to Shadeland av., 27th wd.

Gilchrist ay., from Lamar to Kalson, 26th wd., formerly Gilpin ay.

Giles, from Gate City Lodge ay. to Sunnyside, 15th wd.

Gill ay., from Peck ay. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Gilmore, from Fullerton to Manilla, 3d wd.

Gilpin ay., from Krupp to twp. line, 20th wd.

Gilroy, from Narrow way to Strickler, 20th wd.

Girard av., from Lecky to McClure av., 27th wd.

Gironde, from Sheffield to Island av., 21st wd., formerly Gladstone–Wayne.

Girty pl., from Dawson to Ward, 4th wd.

Gist, from Fifth av. to Bluff, 4th wd.

Gittens, from Wilkesboro northeast, 27th wd.

Gladefield, from Grotto to Brushton av., 12th wd.

Gladstone, from Kaercher to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Gladys av., from Crane av. to prop line, 19th wd.

Glasgow, from Narcissus to Conestoga, 20th wd.

Glenarm av., from Brookline blvd. to Eathan av., 19th wd., formerly Glendon av.

Glen Caladh, from Second av. to Morse ay., 15th wd.

Glendale, from Menlo to Groom ay., 26th wd.

Glendora, from Devilliers to Sweeney ay., 3d wd.

Glen Mawr, from Carson, west, to Motor, 20th wd.

Glenn ay., from May ay. to Enfield, 8th wd.

Glenrose, from Biggs av. to Ferguson av., 26th wd., formerly Geneva.

Glenside, from Melwood [sic] to city line, 26th wd.

Glen View pl., from Heberton to prop. line, 11th wd.

Glenwood av., from Second av. to Flowers av., 15th wd.

Globe ay., from Lorretta [sic] to Montclair, 15th wd.

Glosser ay., from Kirkpatrick to Bloomer, 3d wd.

Gloster, from Hazelwood av. to Melancthon [sic], 15th wd.

Goe av., from Brighton rd. to Harvard Circle, 27th wd.

Goebel, from Manhattan to prop. line, 21st wd., formerly Lincoln–Kentucky.

Goehring, from Kaiser av. to Itin, 24th wd., formerly part Bluff.

Gold ay., from Denver to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Goldstrom av., from Bronson av. to Rutherford av., 19th wd., formerly Greely av.

Gomer, from Greeley to Sterling, 16th wd.

Gomez, from Byron to Winter, 5th wd.

Gonsha ay., from Bellaire av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd., formerly Grape ay.

Good ay., from Dorchester av. to Norwich av., 19th wd., formerly Glen ay.

Goodman, from Ober to Whipple, 14th wd.

Goodrich, from River av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 23d wd.

Goodwood ay., from Comrie ay. to Paper ay., 7th wd.

Gopher, from Brushton av. to Verona blvd., 12th wd.

Gordon, from Murtland av. to Dallas av., 12th wd.

Gorman ay., from Frazier to Cato, 4th wd.

Formley ay., from Wettengel to Kerr, 20th wd.

Goshen, from North End av. to Hawkins, 26th wd., formerly Grant.

Gould av., from Perrysville av. to East, 26th wd.

Government ay., from Main to Fisk, 9th wd.

Grace, from Kearsarge to Bigham prop., 19th wd.

Graeme, from Liberty av. to Marjorie, 1st wd., formerly N. Diamond–Union.

Grafton, from Highland av. to Heberton, 11th wd.

Graham, from Columbo to Ellsworth, 7th, 8th and 11th wds.

Graib, from Compromise to prop. line, 25th wd.

Granby ay., from Standard av. east and west, 13th wd.

Grand av., from Wilson to Riverview Park, 27th wd.

Grandview av., from Wyoming to prop. line, 19th wd.

Graniet, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd.

Grant, from Liberty av. to Water, 1st and 2d wds.

Grant blvd., from Sixth av. to O'Hara av., 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th wds.

Grantham, from River av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 23d wd.

Granville, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 3d wd.

Grape, from Lyric to Deary, 12th wd.

Graphic, from Monterio to Johnston av., 15th wd.

Gravity, from Corwin to Ellicott, 5th wd., formerly Grove.

Gray, from Southern av. to Prospect, 19th wd.

Graymore, from Goldstrom av. to city line, 16th wd.

Greeley st. and ay., from Josephine to prop. line, 19th wd.

Green, from Centre av. to Wylie av., 3d wd.

Greenbriar, from Elwood to Ravenna, 8th wd.

Greenbush, from Wyoming to Boggs av., 18th wd.

Greenfield av., from Second av. to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Greenleaf, from Sweetbriar to South Main, 19th wd.

Green Tree av., from Perrysville av. to Evergreen rd., 26th wd.

Greenwood, from Antietam to Adelphia, 10th wd.

Greer, from Winterburn av. to Minnesota, 15th wd.

Greeves ay., from Palo Alto to Sherman av., 22d wd., formerly Graham.

Gregg ay., from Stobo to prop. line, 22d wd.

Gregory, from Porter to prop. line, 16th wd.

Grenada, from Davis av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Grenet, from Kleber to unnamed ay., 27th wd., formerly McClure.

Gribble, from Evergreen rd. to Staver, 26th wd., formerly Graham.

Griffin, from De Witt to Arion, 19th wd.

Griffiths, from Frazier to prop. line, 4th wd.

Grizella, from Waldorf to Botkin, 26th wd.

Groom ay., from Glendale av. to Stoltz, 26th wd., formerly Gross way.

Gross, from Mathilda to Penn av., 8th wd.

Grotto, from Spencer to Lemington av., 12th wd.

Grove, from Centre av. to Reed, 5th wd.

Grover ay., from Chatsworth to Chance ay., 15th wd.

Groyne, from Venture to Cherryfield, 26th wd., formerly Grove.

Guckert ay., from Madison av. to prop. line, 23d wd.

Gusky, from Perrysville av. to Woods Run av., 26th wd.

Guthrie, from Braddock av. to Savannah, 14th wd.

Guy, from William Pitt blvd. to Kemper, 14th wd.

Guyman way, from Beltzhoover av. to Pegg, 18th wd., formerly Grace way.

Gypsum ay., from Wichita ay. to Iowa, 5th wd.

Haberman av., from Michigan to Bailey av., 18th and 19th wds.

Habit ay., from Compromise to East, 24th wd., formerly Hays ay.

Hackney, from Quebec to Montrose av., 26th wd., formerly Harriet–Howard.

Hackstown, from Birmingham to prop. line, 16th wd.

Haddon ay., from Capital av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Holmes way.

Hahn ay., from Jubilee to Rush, 21st wd.

Hailman, from Aurelia to Howe, 8th wd.

Haights st. and ay., from Sharp ay. to Butler, 10th and 11th wds.

Haldane, from Greenfield av. to Connor, 15th wd.

Hale, from Frankstown av. to Alsace, 13th wd.

Halket, from Fifth av. to Wilmot, 4th wd.

Hall, from Central av. to Whitla, 27th wd.

Hallam, from Perchment to city line, 13th wd.

Haller, from Speck to prop. line, 27th wd.

Hallett, from Francis to Mahon, 5th wd., formerly part John.

Hallock, from Grandview av. to Olympia, 19th wd.

Halpin st. and ay., from Prospect to Belonda, 18th wd.

Halsey pl., from California av. to Shadeland av., 27th wd.

Halstead av., from Jillson av. to Brookline blvd., 19th wd.

Hamburg, from Independence to city line, 19th wd.

Hamilton av., from Penn av. to Oakwood, 12th and 13th wds.

Hamlet, from Craft av. to Lawn, 4th wd.

Hamlin st. and ay., from Beaver av. to Bidwell, 21st wd., formerly part Payne ay.

Hammond, from South Bergman to Glasgow, 20th wd.

Hampshire av., from Graymore to Westfield, 19th wd.

Hampton, from Highland av. to Duffield, 10th and 11th wds.

Hancock, from Monroe to Downing, 5th and 6th wds.

Handler, from Jane to Arlington, 16th wd., formerly South 33d.

Handy way, from Steel av. to Jennings av., 20th wd.

Hankla way, from Greenbush to Greenbush, 19th wd., formerly Hoffman way.

Hanlon, from Gironde to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 21st wd., formerly Hudson.

Hannah ay., from South 12th to South 13th, 17th wd.

Hanover, from Roanoke to prop. line, 18th wd.

Hansen way, from Weston way to Wymore, 20th wd.

Haran, from Brereton to Grant blvd., 6th wd.

Harbor, from Rescue to Miles ay., 26th wd., formerly Harrison av.

Harcum ay., from South 17th to South 33d, 16th and 17th wds.

Hardesty, from Babbitt ay. to English ay., 22d wd., formerly Harding.

Hardie ay., from Frazier to Thora ay., 4th wd.

Harding, from Ridgway to Herron av., 6th wd.

Harex ay., from Pioneer av. to city line, 19th wd., formerly Holly ay.

Hargnette ay., from Warren to Lanark, 26th wd.

Hargrove, from Warburton to West Liberty av., 19th wd., formerly Herman.

Harker st. and ay., from Walbridge to Steuben, 20th wd.

Harlan av., from Strauss to Irwin av., 26th wd.

Harlem, from Edington to Calvary, 15th wd.

Harmar, from Dickson to P. R. R. prop., 6th wd.

Harmony av., from Edgebrook av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd.

Harold, from Breckenridge to Centre av., 5th wd.

Harpster, from Gardner to prop. line, 24th wd., formerly Hazel.

Harriet, from Winebiddle to Roup av., 8th wd.

Harrison, from 47th to 56th, 9th and 10th wds.

Harrods pl., from Enfield to Glenn ay., 8th wd.

Harry, from Lisbon to Bellefield, 5th wd.

Hartford, from Brownsville av. to Fritz, 18th and 16th wds.

Hartley, from Aschenez to twp. line, 20th wd.

Hartman, from Casement to prop. line, 27th wd.

Hartranft, from Oldshue prop. to Paul prop., 19th wd., formerly Handem av.

Harvard, from Negley av. to Sheridan, 11th wd.

Harvard Circle, from Goe av. to Goe av., 27th wd.

Harwood, from Secane av. to Kathleen, 19th wd.

Haslage av., from Rhine to Kaiser av., 24th wd.

Haslett, from East to city line, 26th wd.

Hasley, from Compromise to East, 24th wd.

Hass, from Prosser ay. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Hassler, from Steuben to prop. line, 20th wd.

Hastings, from Fifth av. to Shady av., 14th wd.

Hatfield, from 44th to 52d, 9th and 10th wds.

Hatteras, from Gardner to Froman, 24th wd., formerly Hamilton.

Hauser ay., from Festival to Cornelius, 7th wd.

Havelock ay., from Bertha to Kearsarge, 19th wd.

Haverhill, from Oakwood to city line, 13th wd.

Havre, from Allequippa to prop. line, 4th wd., formerly Hudson.

Hawkeye, from Dunbar to P. R. R., 13th wd.

Hawkins, from Barris av. to Hazelton av., 26th wd., formerly South End av.

Haworth, from Greenfield to Alger, 15th wd.

Hawthorne, from Stanton av. to prop. line, 10th wd.

Haydon ay., from Chauncey to Duff, 5th wd., formerly Mitchell ay.

Hays, from Highland av. to Chislett, 11th wd.

Hazel, from Elm to Fullerton, 3d wd.

Hazelton, from North End av. to Suffolk, 26th wd., part formerly Elwood.

Hazelwod [sic] av., from Monongahela River to Saline, 15th wd.

Hazlett ay., from Penn av. to Smallman, 6th wd.

Hazlip ay., from Citron ay. to Henderson, 22d and 25th wds.

Heath, from Federal to Sandusky, 25th wd.

Heberton, from Stanton av. to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Heckelman, from Ohio to Lowrie, 24th wd.

Hecla, from Cotoma to Henderson, 24th wd.

Hedge, from Bower to Pointview, 12th wd.

Heideger, from California av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Heiner ay., from Furman ay. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Heinz ay., from Hastings to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Tennis ay.

Heisel, from Dalton to Stoltz, 26th wd., formerly Hay.

Heldron, from Wyman to Freitag, 26th wd., formerly Haworth av.

Helen, from Annetta to Nelson, 12th wd.

Helena, from Starch to Brownsville av., 18th wd.

Hemans, from Calliope to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd.

Hemlock, from Federal to Middle, 22d, 23d and 25th wds.

Hemp av., from Young ay. to Whig ay., 22d wd.

Henderson, from Federal to Carrie, 25th wd., formerly part Fairmount.

Henley, from Grand av. to Highwood Cemty., 27th wd., formerly Holmes.

Henrietta, from LaClair to city line, 14th wd.

Henry, from Dithridge to Neville, 4th wd.

Hepatica ay., from Mansion to Rosebud, 15th wd.

Heppner, from California av. to Island av., 21st wd., formerly Hampton.

Herb ay., from Cremo to W. P. R. R., 22d wd., formerly Hope ay.

Herbert ay., from Vespucius to Alluvian, 15th wd.

Herdman ay., from Rural to Broad, 11th wd.

Herman, from Adair to Gardner, 24th wd.

Hermitage, from Brushton av. to prop. line, 13th wd.

Herndon, from Furley to Quinton, 20th wd., formerly Hawkins.

Herr, from Wallace to Outlet, 5th wd.

Herron av., from Centre av. to Liberty av., 5th and 6th wds.

Herschel, from Kerr to Steuben, 20th wd.

Hertzog, from Fleming av. eastward, 27th wd., formerly Hoffer av.

Hetzel, from Robinson rd. to Fall, 26th wd.

Hespen, from South Side av. to prop. line, 26th wd.

Hewitt, from Portman av. to Woods Run av., 27th wd.

Hiawatha st. and ay., from Belgium to Hiona, 27th wd.

Hibbs, from Spahrgrove to Chess, 19th wd.

Hickey, from Castle Shannon prop. to prop. line, 18th wd., formerly Hill.

Hickory ay., from Webster av. to Grant blvd., 2d wd.

Hief, from Dilworth to Wade, 19th wd.

Higden, from Lytle to Gloster, 15th wd., formerly Hendricks.

High, from Itin to Lager, 24th wd.

Highfield rd., from Forbes to Reynton lane, 14th wd.

Highland av., from Fifth av. to Highland Park, 8th and 11th wds.

Highview, from Stanton av. to Wellesley, 10th and 11th wds., formerly Heath.

Highwood, from Brighton rd. to Bartold, 27th wd., formerly Henricks and Carsons lane.

Hike ay., from Canton to Brady, 4th wd., formerly Hudson ay.

Hildago way, from Buffington av. to Percilla way, 18th wd.

Hill way, from Kearns road to Independence, 20th wd.

Hillis, from Creek southward, 26th wd., formerly Hiland.

Hillsboro, from South Bergman to Middletown rd., 20th wd.

Hillsdale, from Oakford ay. to Oakdene av., 12th wd.

Hillside, from Gazzam to Wallace, 4th and 5th wds.

Hilltop st. and ay., from Gladstone to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Hilton, from Mertz to Harker, 20th wd.

Hiona, from Elmherst [sic] to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Hudson av.

Hippely, from Boehmig north and south, 24th wd.

Hoag ay., from Smithfield to Cherry way, 1st wd.

Hobart, from Shady av. to Schenley Park, 14th wd., part formerly Munhall.

Hobbs, from North av. to Shreve, 26th wd., formerly Home.

Hodge, from Lawn to Halket, 4th wd.

Hodgkiss, from Superior av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd., formerly Home.

Hoeveler, from Highland av. to Everett, 11th wd.

Hoff, from Dehaven east and west, 24th wd.

Hoffers ay., from Roberts to Overhill, 3d wd.

Hoffman, from Gironde to Manhattan, 21st wd.

Hoke ay., from Minerva to unnamed ay., 9th wd.

Holden, from College av. to Summerlea, 8th wd.

Hollace, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd., formerly Howard.

Holly ay., from Modoc ay. to Valley, 9th wd.

Holydale way, from Oregon to Babylon, 20th wd.

Hollywood, from Second av. to Monongahela River, 15th wd.

Holmes, from Stanton av. to 54th, 10th wd.

Holt, from Sterling to Barry, 16th wd.

Holtz ay., from Rose to Reed, 2d wd.

Holyoke from Ridgewood av. to Chester av., 25th and 26th wds., formerly Harrison av.

Home, from Butler to Hatfield, 9th wd.

Homer, from Spring Garden av. to Damas, 24th wd.

Home Rule, from Sylvan av. to Parade, 15th wd.

Homestead, from Pocono to Nevada, 14th wd.

Homewood av., from Spencer to Homewood Cemetery, 12th and 14th wds.

Honduras, from Langley to Perrysville av., 25th wd., formerly Hancock.

Honora ay., from Wadlaw to Enipo, 27th wd., formerly Harold ay.

Hooker, from Larimer av. to Butler, 12th wd.

Hooper, from Fifth av. to Bluff st., 1st wd., formerly Chestnut.

Hoosac, from Rupple ay. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Hooten, from Naylor to Forward av., 14th wd., formerly Hiawatha.

Hoover, from Kelvin to Huxley, 20th wd.

Hope, from River av. to Lacock, 23d wd.

Hopkins, from Beaver av. to Fulton, 21st wd.

Horace, from Shingiss to P., C., C. & St. L. R. R., 1st wd., formerly Hill.

Hornberger ay., from Dike to Herbert ay., 15th wd.

Horner, from Greenleaf to Bradley, 19th wd.

Horton st. and ay., from Wylie av. to Centre av., 5th wd.

Hotop, from Basin to Herman, 24th wd., formerly Howe.

Howard, from North av. to Suffolk, 23d, 24th and 26th wds., formerly part Anna.

Howe, from Aiken to Festival, 7th wd.

Howley, from Denny to Friendship av., 8th wd.

Hubley, from Prospect to Cowan, 19th wd., formerly Hall.

Hudson pl., from Washington blvd. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Hughes ay., from Fenway southward, 27th wd.

Hugo ay., from 44th to prop. line, 9th wd.

Huguenot, from Negley av. to Highview, 11th wd.

Hulburt ay., from 48th to 50th, 9th wd., formerly Hemlock ay.

Humber ay., from Erin to prop. line, 5th wd., formerly part Palo Alto ay.

Humboldt, from Ridgway to Brereton, 2d, 5th and 6th wds.

Humphrey, from Kelvin to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Hunnell, from Haslage av. to Steine, 24th wd., part formerly Hoellerman.

Hunt, from Rochelle to Glen Mawr av., 20th wd.

Huntington, from Campania av. to Ebel, 12th wd.

Huntress, from Collins to Princeton pl., 11th wd., formerly Hays.

Huron, from Oporto to prop. line, 16th wd.

Husk, from Creek to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Hill.

Hutchison, from Richmond to city line, 14th wd.

Hutoff, from Knapp to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Humboldt.

Hutson, from Gironde to Fulton, 21st wd.

Hutton av., from Sherwood av. to Hillsboro, 20th wd., formerly Boulent av.

Huxley, from Tyndall to twp. line, 20th wd.

Hybla, from Bainton to California av., 27th wd., formerly Hill.

Hydro, from Moody to Montgomery av., 22d wd., formerly Herron ay.

Hyena ay., from California av. to Island av., 21st wd., formerly Wolf ay.

Hyoid ay., from 34th to prop. line, 6th wd., formerly Howard ay.

Hyperion, from Venture to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Howard.

Hypolite, from Cremo to Scotland, 22d wd., formerly Kilbuck.

Ibex ay., from Connor to Wasp ay., 15th wd.

Ibsen ay., from Ikon ay. to Isle ay., 14th wd.

Ida ay., from Lampe to Independence, 20th wd.

Idaho ay., from Josephine to Lulu ay., 16th wd.

Idaline, from Ella to Pearl, 8th wd., formerly Isabella.

Idlewild, from Beecher to Braddock av., 12th and 13th wds.

Idolia, from DuBois to Cana ay., 20th wd., formerly Irene.

Ihmsen, from Pfeil to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Heckman.

Ikon ay., from Monitor to Morrowfield, 14th wd.

Ilion, from Gladstone to Tasso, 15th wd.

Imperial, from Phillips av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Independence, from south Main to city line, 19th and 20th wds.

Index ay., from Lothrop to DeSoto, 4th wd.

India, from Cana ay. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Indiana ay., from Orange ay. to Everett, 12th wd.

Indus, from Edington to Graphic, 15th wd.

Industry, from Amanda to Montooth, 18th wd.

Inez ay., from Ikon ay. to Isle ay., 14th wd.

Ingalls ay., from Marine ay. to Comrie ay., 8th wd.

Ingham, from Stayton to Brighton rd., 27th wd., formerly Tempest.

Inglenook pl., from Oakwood to Rosedale, 13th wd.

Inglis, from Smithton av. to Highwood Cem'ty., 26th wd.

Ingram, from Estella av. to Craighead, 18th wd.

Ingress ay., from Fritz to prop. line, 16th wd.

Institute, from Dane to Bon Air av., 18th wd., formerly Iliad av.

Intervale, from Timberland av. to Warrington av., 18th and 19th wds., formerly Ivy.

Inwood, from Frankstown av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Iona, from Diana to Itin, 24th wd.

Ionic ay., from Mildred ay. to prop. line, 11th wd., formerly Iona [sic] ay.

Iowa, from Cherokee to Bellefield, 5th wd.

Ireland ay., from California av. to Patterson, 27th wd.

Irene ay., from Kentucky av. to Howe, 7th wd.

Iris ay., from Trent to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd.

Iroquois, from Meyran av. to Atwood, 4th wd.

Irvine, from Greenfield av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Irwin av., from Martindale to Reserve Line, 22d, 25th and 26th wds.

Isabella, from Federal to Sandusky, 23d wd.

Isham ay., from Crocus ay. to Queensboro av., 19th wd., formerly Ivy ay.

Ishar ay., from Erin to Kirkpatrick, 5th wd., formerly Itasco ay.

Isis ay., from Yarrow ay. to Joncaire, 4th wd.

Island av., from Ohio River to Brighton rd., 27th wd.

Isle ay., from Monitor to Morrowfield, 14th wd.

Isleboro av., from Dallas av. to Forbes, 14th wd., formerly Irwin av.

Isoline, from India to DuBois, 20th wd.

Itasco, from Hypolite to Martindale, 22d wd.

Ithica, from Kerr to Gilead, 20th wd.

Itin, from Chestnut to Rhine, 23d and 24th wds., formerly part Catawba.

Ivanhoe, from Colbert to prop. line, 1st wd.

Ives ay., from Iona to unnamed st., 24th wd.

Ivondale, from Boundary to Donegal, 15th wd.

Ivonton ay., from Boyle to Loraine, 25th wd., formerly Ivanhoe pl.

Ivy, from Fifth av. to Brownell, 7th wd.

Izora, from Taggart to Strauss, 26th and 27th wds., formerly Island av.

Jabok ay., from Allegheny av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 22d wd., formerly Juno ay.

Jackson, from Negley av. to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Jacks Run rd., from P., Ft. W. & C. R. W. to city line, 27th wd.

Jacobs ay., from Birmingham to prop. line, 16th wd.

Jacobus ay., from Upfold ay. to Verdant ay., 5th wd.

Jadwin ay., from Standard av. to Cain ay., 13th wd.

Jamaica ay., from Adelphia to prop. line, 10th wd.

James, from Ohio to Fountain, 23d and 25th wds.

Jancey, from Stanton av. to Butler, 10th wd.

Jane, from South 17th to South 34th, 16th and 17th wds.

Janeoux, from Tarragonna to prop. line, 18th wd., formerly Jay av.

Janero, from Euclid av. to Portland, 11th wd., formerly James st. and ay.

Janet ay., from Rebecca to Fairmount, 11th wd.

Janewood way, from prop. line to city line, 20th wd.

Japan ay., from Harding to Herron av., 5th wd.

Japanese, from Buena Vista to Saturn, 25th wd., formerly West Jefferson.

Japonica way, from Graham east and west, 7th wd.

Jarbola, from Saturn to Perrysville av., 25th wd., formerly Jefferson.

Jared ay., from Braddock av. to Council ay., 12th wd.

Jarvella, from Federal to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 25th wd., formerly Jackson.

Jason, from Penrose to Pawpaw ay., 15th wd.

Jasper, from Boggs av. to Warington [sic] av., 19th wd.

Java ay., from Antietam to Haights, 10th wd.

Jawett, from McCook to Shadeland av., 27th wd., formerly Joliet.

Jay, from Henderson to prop. line, 25th wd.

Jeanette, from Boggs av. to Chess, 19th wd.

Jefferson, from Alpena to Milwaukee, 5th wd.

Jeffers, from Middletown rd. to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Jennie, from Boggs av. to Nimick, 19th wd.

Jennings av., from Albany to Hamburg, 19th wd.

Jericho way, from Sedan way to Herschel, 20th wd.

Jerome, from Cloverdale to city line, 19th wd.

Jesup ay., from Gittens to Termon av., 27th wd., formerly Jane ay.

Jet ay., from Dawson to prop. line, 4th wd.

Jewel, from Brereton to Ruthven, 5th wd.

Jillson av., from Parquet to Pioneer av., 19th wd.

John, from Farris to Brighton rd., 25th wd.

Johnston av., from Second av. to Graphic, 15th wd.

Joliet, from Corday ay. to Friendship av., 8th wd.

Jonathan, from Homewood av. to Lexington av. 14th wd., formerly Jeannette.

Joncaire, from Bouquet to Boundary, 4th wd.

Jones, from McPherson to prop. line, 12th wd.

Joplin, from Oakdene av. to city line, 12th wd.

Jordan ay., from Mathilda to Rebecca, 11th wd.

Joseph, from Thompson to Lenora, 12th wd.

Josephine, from South 17th to South 27th, 16th and 17th wds.

Joshua, from prop. line to Somerset, 12th wd., formerly part Hartman.

Joslyn, from Strickler to Adena, 20th wd.

Journal, from Independence to Adolph, 19th wd.

Jubilee, from Allegheny av. to Ohio River, 21st wd., formerly Juniata.

Jucunda, from Hecla to prop. line, 25th wd.

Judge ay., from Kearney ay. to prop. line, 3d wd., formerly Justice.

Judicial, from Bailey av. to Kathleen, 19th wd.

Judson, from Arcena to Blakely, 6th wd.

Julia, from Arlington av. to unnamed ay., 16th wd.

Juliet, from Wilmot to Frazier, 4th wd.

Julius, from Frankstown av. to Rainbow, 12th wd.

Jumonville, from Bluff to Devilliers, 4th and 5th wds.

June ay., from Linden to Fifth av., 12th wd.

Juniata, from Allegheny av. to Ohio river, 21st wd.

Junilla, from Centre av. to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Juno, from Sylvan av. to Semple, 4th wd.

Juniper, from Lorigan to Edmond, 8th wd.

Junius, from Independence to Adolph, 19th wd.

Kaercher, from Greenfield to Forrester, 15th wd.

Kaiser av., from Goehring av. to Frock, 24th wd.

Kalamazoo ay., from Adelphia to prop. line, 10th wd.

Kalida ay., from Collins to Princeton pl., 11th wd.

Kalorama ay., from Falck av. to Maud, 27th wd., formerly Kansas ay.

Kalson ay., from Gilchrist to Geyer rd., 26th wd., formerly Kent ay.

Kambach, from Judicial to Haberman av., 18th wd., formerly Kenwood.

Kanawha ay., from Frank to Folsom, 15th wd.

Kansas, from Duke to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Kappa ay., from Howard to Drifton, 26th wd.

Karl, from Allison to Sickles, 13th wd.

Katherine, from Marshall av. to McKeever, 26th wd.

Kathleen, from Ruth to Beltzhoover av., 18th wd., formerly Katherine.

Kaufman ay., from east of Festival to unnamed ay., 7th wd.

Kearney ay., from Reed to Rose, 3d wd.

Kearns, from Independence to city line, 19th wd.

Kearsarge, from Grandview av. to Halpin, 19th wd.

Kedron, from Sterrett to Belmar, 12th wd.

Keelen, from Colvin to Wakefield, 4th wd.

Keeling, from Manton ay. to Birmingham, 17th wd.

Keith ay., from Hastings north and south, 14th wd.

Keller, from 42d to 45th, 9th wd.

Kellogg, from McPherson to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Kennedy.

Kelly, from Penn av. to Oakwood, 12th and 13th wds.

Kelvin, from Chartiers av. to Tyndall, 20th wd.

Kemper, from Maromas to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Kenwood.

Kenberma av., from Hampshire av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Kendall, from Kent to Celadine, 10th wd.

Kenilworth, from Aidyl av. to Jillson av., 19th wd., formerly Knowlson av.

Kennebec, from Graphic to prop. line, 15th wd., formerly Killy-moon.

Kennesaw, from Mayflower to St. Andrews, 12th wd.

Kennett sq., from Craft av. to prop. line, 4th wd.

Kenney ay., from Humboldt to Haran, 6th wd.

Kenova, from Haberman to Cresson, 18th wd.

Kensington, from Braddock av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Kent st. and ay., from Stanton av. to 55th, 10th wd.

Kenton ay., from Clayton av. to Federal, 25th wd.

Kentucky av., from Aiken av. to William Pitt blvd., 7th wd.

Kenwood av., from Wilson av. to Elkland, 26th wd.

Keokuk ay., from North End av. to North End av., 26th wd.

Kepler ay., from Somers to prop. line, 5th wd.

Kermit, from Crosby av. to Boustead av., 19th wd.

Kerr, from Wettengel to Herschel, 20th wd.

Ketchum, from Preble av. to Refuge, 27th wd., formerly Kerr.

Ketler, from Wyona to Stonelea, 27th wd., formerly Kenova.

Key ay., from Dike to Herbert ay., 15th wd., formerly Keokuk ay.

Keystone, from Stanton av. to 55th, 10th wd.

Kilbourne, from Glenwood av. to Graphic, 15th wd., formerly Flowers av.–Kilbuck.

Kilbuck, from Graphic to Gittings, 15th wd.

Kilday ay., from Park way to Lockhart, 23d wd., formerly King ay.

Kilida ay., from Collins av. to Princeton pl., 11th wd.

Kilkenbeck, from Return to Buchanan, 24th wd.

Kimberlin, from Taggart to unnamed ay., 26th wd.

Kimbol, from Bell to Gable, 17th wd., formerly Keeling pl.

Kincaid, from Mathilda to Fairmount, 11th wd.

King av., from Avondale to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Kingsboro, from Haberman av. to Craighead, 18th wd.

Kingston ay., from Selwyn to Hastings, 14th wd.

Kintner, from Behrings to prop. line, 19th wd.

Kiralfy av., from Lamasco av. to Longmore av., 19th wd., formerly Kenberma av.

Kirby, from Benton to Loeffler, 27th wd., formerly unnamed.

Kirkbride, from Sedgwick to Brighton rd., 21st and 25th, formerly Kirkpatrick.

Kirkland, from Willard to Homewood Cemetery, 14th wd.

Kirkpatrick, from Wyandotte to Arcena, 5th wd.

Kirkwood, from Negley av. to Collins av., 11th wd.

Kirsch ay., from Itasco ay. to prop. line, 5th wd., formerly Paoli ay.

Kleber, from Brighton rd. to Winshire, 27th wd.

Klein av., from Edmond to 10-foot ay., 27th wd.

Kling ay., from Compromise to Rising Main av., 25th wd.

Knob ay., from Julia to Fernleaf, 16th wd.

Knoll, from James to Middle, 25th wd.

Knowlton ay., from Sparta to Wettengel, 20th wd.

Knox, from Arlington av. to city line, 18th wd.

Koenig way, from prop. line to prop. line, 18th wd.

Koerner av., from Perrysville av. to prop. line, 25th and 26th wds.

Kohlmeyer's lane, from Boggs av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Konold ay., from Drifton to Neuhart, 26th wd.

Kosciusko ay., from Josephine to Lebanon, 16th wd.

Kosher, from Miller to Crawford, 3d wd., formerly Rose.

Kosta ay., from Cornwall to unnamed ay., 11th wd.

Kramer way, from Boggs av. to Ruth, 18th wd.

Krupp, from Chartiers av. to Hass, 20th wd.

Kufner ay., from Vinial to Point, 24th wd.

Kuhn, from Dilworth to Wade, 19th wd.

Kulp ay., from Sherman av. to Mulvey ay., 22d wd., formerly Knox ay.

Kunkle ay., from Sedwick [sic] to Cemetery line, 21st wd., formerly Kirkpatrick ay.

Kurtz, from Hass to Isoline, 20th wd.

La Belle, from Grandview av. to Wildflower, 19th wd.

La Clair, from Henrietta to Hutchison, 14th wd.

Lacock, from Scotland to Madison av., 22d and 23d wds.

Lacrosse, from Warsay [sic] to P. & W. R. R., 27th wd.

Laclede, from Secane av. to unnamed ay., 18th wd.

Lacy ay., from Dunlevy to Light ay., 14th wd.

Ladoga, from Eliska to Middleton rd., 20th wd.

Ladora ay., from Elizabeth to Portland, 15th wd.

Ladson, from Lincoln av. to Turret, 12th wd., formerly Lake.

Lafayette av., from Perrysville av. to Ferguson av., 26th wd.

Lafferty av., from Boggston av. to Montooth, 18th wd.

Lager, from Lowrie to High, 24th wd., formerly part Overhill.

Lajoie ay., from Briar ay. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Laurel ay.

Lake, from Chateau to Allegheny av., 21st wd.

Lakewood av., from Lorenz av. to Ramona, 20th wd.

Lalus, from Woodville av. to prop. line, 20th wd., formerly Denny.

Lamar, from Gilpin to Geyer rd., 26th wd.

La Marido, from Bellbrook to Elmbank, 19th wd., formerly Lilly av.

Lamb ay., from Mathews ay. to Black, 11th wd.

Lambert, from Frankstown av. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

La Moine, from Fernhill av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Luverne av.

Lamont, from Sedgwick to A, 25th wd.

Lampe, from Independence to prop. line, 19th wd.

Lanark, from Catoma to Rising Main av., 25th wd.

Lancaster, from Overton to Charleston av., 14th wd.

Lander ay., from Attica to Balfour, 20th wd.

Landis, from Sherwood av. to Ashlyn, 20th wd.

Landgraf av., from South Side av. to Mina, 26th wd.

Landview, from Saline av. to prop. line, 14th wd., part formerly Federal Hill.

Landwehr, from Penn av. to Aurelia, 8th and 11th wds.

Lane ay., from Jarbola to prop. line, 25th wd.

Lang, from Spencer to Homewood Cemetery, 12th and 14th wds.

Langfitt av., from Richardson av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Langhorn, from Woodlawn av. to Melancthon, 15th wd., formerly Lafayette.

Langley, from Perrysville av. to Clayton av., 25th wd., formerly Observatory av.

Langtry, from Shelby to Whitla, 27th wd.

Lanpark, from Tyndall to Hillsboro, 20th wd.

Laona, from Herndon to Attica, 20th wd.

Lapeer, from Stetson to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Lenox av.

Lapish rd., from Benton av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

La Place, from Kirkpatrick to Centre av., 5th wd.

La Porte, from Ashthalter [sic] to Verona blvd., 12th wd.

Lappe lane, from Spring Garden av. to city line, 24th and 26th wds., formerly Long lane.

Larimer, from Broad to Olivant, 11th and 12th wds.

Lark ay., from Murtland to Dallas, 12th wd.

Larkins ay., from South 17th to city line, 16th and 17th wds.

Lareda, from East to Husk, 26th wd.

Lariat ay., from Thistle ay. to Sussex av., 19th wd., formerly Laurel ay.

Larue ay., from Wickliffe to McCandless, 10th wd.

La Schall, from Hamilton av. to Frankstown av., 12th wd., formerly Linden.

Latana av., from Oakford ay. to Oakdene, 12th wd.

Latrobe, from Fernleaf to prop. line, 16th wd.

Lauer ay., from Brownsville av. to Manor, 16th wd.

Laurel, from Fayette to Seymour, 21st wd.

Lautner, from Heckelman east and west, 24th wd.

Lava, from William to Nimick, 19th wd.

Laveta, from Rescue to Miles ay., 26th wd., formerly Landis.

Law, from Shadeland av. to Woods Run av., 27th wd., formerly Lindsay.

Lawn, from Hodge to Forbes, 4th wd.

Lawndale, from Perchment to city line, 13th wd.

Lawrence, from 45th to 46th, 9th wd.

Lawson, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd.

Lawton av., from Elkland to Lydell, 26th wd.

Leander, from Rust ay. to prop. line, 5th wd.

Leaton ay., from Rubicon to Woodruff, 19th wd., formerly Lee ay.

Leavitt, from Timberland av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Lester.

Lebanon, from Sterling to prop. line, 16th wd.

Lecky av., from Eckert to Minott, 27th wd.

Ledlie, from Bedford av. to Ridgway, 3d wd.

Leduc ay., from Creighton ay. to Fireman ay., 25th wd., formerly Leckey ay.

Lee, from Quincy to prop. line, 25th wd.

Leech, from 35th to 36th, 6th wd.

Leeds ay., from Pennsylvania av. to Jubilee, 21st wd., formerly Latrobe ay.

Le Feore, from North av. to Knowles, 23d wd., formerly Linden.

Lehigh av., from Elwood to Ravenna, 7th wd.

Lehr ay., from Gearing av. to Lutton ay., 18th wd., formerly Lillian ay.

Leipsic ay., from Waneka ay. to Halpin ay., 19th wd.

Leister, from Wilt to prop. line, 24th wd., formerly Lillian.

Leland, from Taggart to Mayfield, 26th wd.

Lelia, from Southern av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Lemington av. from Gladefield to Washington blvd., 12th wd.

Lemon ay., from Cherry way to Smithfield, 1st wd.

Lenora, from Carver to Orphan, 12th wd.

Lenox, from Holyoke to Wilson av., 26th wd.

Leon ay., from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd.

Leonard, from Morewood av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Leonora, from Beecham to Reuben av., 27th wd.

Lester way, from Azalia to city line, 20th wd.

Lethans, from Calonia to Pinerue, 20th wd.

Letort, from Fleming av. to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Louise av.

Letsche, from Bell av. to Lafayette av., 25th and 26th wds., formerly Lombard.

Letzkus way, from Taft av. to prop. line, 18th wd.

Levan ay., from Morgan to unnamed ay., 5th wd.

Levene, from Forward av. to Naylor, 14th wd., formerly Louis.

Lewis, from Woodville av. to Wilmerding av., 19th wd.

Lexington, from Reynolds to Jeanette, 12th and 14th wds.

Ley, from Sundeman to city line, 24th wd., formerly part Branch.

Leydon, from Kent to Celadine, 10th wd., formerly Lewis.

Liberty av., from Water to Centre av., 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th and 9th wds.

Lieb ay., from McCook to Jawett, 27th wd., formerly Lemon ay.

Liedertafel st. and ay., from Sundeman to city line, 24th wd.

Lietha ay., from Brereton to Phelan, 6th wd.

Light ay., from Linden av. to prop. line, 13th wd., formerly Lennox ay.

Lighthill, from Ridge av. to South av., 21st wd.

Ligonier, from Liberty av. to Penn av., 6th wd.

Lilac, from Graphic to William Pitt blvd., 15th wd.

Lillian st. and ay., from Amanda to Beltzhoover av., 18th wd.

Lily, from Haverhill to Batavia, 13th wd.

Lima ay., from Edmond to Winebiddle, 8th wd.

Limasco av., from West Liberty av. to Catalpa, 19th wd., formerly Lonergran av.

Lime, from Lewis to Meta, 19th wd.

Limestone ay., from Esop ay. to unnamed ay., 16th wd.

Limore ay., from Midland to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Lilac ay.

Lincoln av., from Frankstown av. to city line, 12th wd.

Linden, from Simen [sic] to William Pitt blvd., 14th wd.

Lindo, from Taft av. to prop. line, 18th wd.

Lindsay, from Herschel to Harper, 20th wd.

Linhart, from Steuben to city line, 20th wd.

Linial av., from Fallow av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Link ay., from Adams to Deldorf, 21st wd.

Linnett way, from Weston to Harper, 20th wd.

Linoleum, from Melwood to Ruthven, 5th wd.

Linton, from Roberts to Green, 3d wd.

Linus, from Portman to Padget, 26th wd., formerly Lloyd.

Linwood av., from Taggart to Marshall av., 26th wd.

Lippert, from Nevada to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Leland.

List, from Buente to Lappe lane, 26th wd., formerly Locust.

Litchfield, from Frontenac to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Lithgow av., from Romp way to Divinity, 25th wd.

Liverpool, from Allegheny av. to Ohio River, 6th wd., formerly Locust.

Livery ay., from Beatty to Chislett, 11th wd.

Livingston, from Trinity to unnamed ay., 10th wd.

Livonia, from Butler to prop. line, 10th wd.

Lizardi ay., from Rutledge to Bradley, 19th wd., formerly Llewellyn ay.

Llewellyn, from Turrett to Lincoln av., 12th wd.

Lloyd, from Willard to Reynolds, 14th wd.

Lockhart, from Cedar av. to Ohio, 23d wd., formerly Liberty.

Locust, from Shingiss to Gist, 1st wd.

Lodi ay., from Butler to Allegheny River, 6th wd.

Loeffler, from Speck to city line, 27th wd., formerly Longview–Mildred.

Lofink, from Lowrie to prop. line, 24th wd.

Logan, from Fifth av. to Bedford av., 3d wd.

Lohrman ay., from Winamac to city line, 19th wd.

Lombard, from Colwell to Reed, 3d wd.

Lomar av., from Landview north and south, 14th wd.

Lomond, from Boyd to Hooper, 1st wd.

London ay., from Nublock to Venture, 26th wd.

Long ay., from Eden ay. to Valley, 9th wd.

Longfellow ay., from Viola to Delaware, 26th wd.

Longmore av., from Westinghouse to Dagmar av., 19th wd.

Longview, from Killbuck to Bolton, 15th wd.

Longworth, from Second av. to Monongahela River, 15th wd., formerly Lowrie.

Lookout, from Croft to prop. line, 24th wd.

Loraine, from North av. to Fountain, 22d and 25th wds.

Lorenz av., from Herschel to Pinerue av., 20th wd.

Loresch, from Catoma to Fineview, 25th wd., formerly Lawrence av.

Loretta, from Winterburn to William Pitt blvd., 15th wd.

Lorigan, from Ewing to Edmond, 6th, 8th and 9th wds., formerly Laurel.

Los Angeles av., from Mackinaw av. to Shiras av., 19th wd.

Lothrop, from Fifth av. to Terrace, 4th wd.

Louisa, from halket to Schenley Park, 4th wd.

Loudon, from Rastus ay. to Enterprise, 12th wd.

Lougeay av., from Saline av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Love, from Ober to Blackoak, 14th wd.

Lovelace, from Woolbridge to prop. line, 20th wd., formerly Lanark.

Lovitt ay., from Madison av. to Chestnut, 23d wd., formerly Long ay.

Lowen, from Natchez to Grace, 19th wd.

Lowell, from Frankstown av. to Renfrew, 12th wd.

Lowrie, from Buchanan to city line, 24th wd.

Loyal ay., from Amanda to Gearing av., 18th wd.

Lucia ay., from Gass av. eastward, 27th wd., formerly Louis ay.

Lucilla, from Nevada to Forward av., 14th wd.

Lucy, from Welto to Joe, 26th wd.

Ludene ay., from Woodland av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd., formerly Lane ay.

Ludlow, from Edington to Grpahic, 15th wd.

Ludwick, from Shady av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Ludwig ay., from Madison av. to East, 24th wd.

Luella, from Geyer rd. to South Side av., 26th wd.

Lumberman ay., from River av. to W. P. R. R., 23d and 24th wds.

Luna, from Paulson av. to Everett, 12th wd.

Lundy, from Universal to Allendale, 20th wd.

Lupton, from Well to Olympia, 19th wd.

Luray, from Norwood av. to Linwood av., 26th wd.

Luster, from William Pitt blvd. to Landview, 14th wd., formerly Laclede.

Luther, from Landwehr to Aurelia, 8th wd.

Lutton ay., from Loyal ay. to Sylvania av., 18th wd., formerly Linden ay.

Luzerne, from Morningside av. to Mathilda, 11th wd.

Lyceum, from Biggs av. to Ferguson av., 25th and 26th wds., formerly Lyon Terrace.

Lycurgus ay., from Cotton ay. to 47th, 9th wd.

Lydia, from Ronald to Bigelow, 15th wd.

Lyell ay., from Dolphin to Kilbuck, 15th wd.

Lygia ay., from Choctaw ay. to Elsie ay., 15th wd.

Lyman, from Eastnor to Peebles, 14th wd.

Lynda ay., from Second av. to Glenwood av., 15th wd.

Lyndhurst Green, from William Pitt blvd. to Reynolds, 14th wd.

Lynn ay., from Murtland to Gordon, 12th wd.

Lynnbrook av., from Milan av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Lynndale av., from Irwin av. to prop. line, 21st and 22d wds., formerly Lincoln av.

Lynnwood, from Phillips to Euphrasia, 14th wd.

Lyon, from Clarissa to prop. line, 5th wd.

Lyric, from Puckety rd. to Montezuma, 12th wd.

Lysle, from Riffle ay. to Sedgwick, 21st and 24th wds., formerly Logan.

Lytle, from Hollywood to Melancthon, 15th wd.

Lyzell, from Lawton av. to McIntyre av., 26th wd., formerly Lyons av.

Mabelle av., from Banks ay. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Mace ay., from Federal to Boyle, 25th wd., formerly Magee ay.

Macfarren, from Willock to unnamed ay., 14th wd.

Mackey, from Lawn to prop. line, 4th wd., formerly Morris.

Mackinaw av., from Banksville rd. to Skidmore av., 19th wd.

Macon av., from Hutchison av. to Overton av., 14th wd.

Macrum ay., from Bellman ay. to prop. line, 11th wd.

Maddock pl., from Penn av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Madelia, from Lafayette av. to Bell av., 25th and 26th wds., formerly Maple av.

Madiera, from Dunbar to prop. line, 13th wd.

Madison av., from River av. to East, 23d and 24th wds.

Madrone, from Madison av. to Pindam, 23d wd., formerly Main.

Magdalene, from Oporto to prop. line, 17th wd., formerly Magnolia.

Magee, from Fifth av. to Bluff, 1st wd.

Magic av., from Sepoy to prop. line, 19th wd.

Maginn, from Irwin av. to Towanda, 26th wd.

Magnet, from Suffolk to Hazelton, 26th wd., formerly Montrose av.

Magnolia, from Fayette to Seymour, 21st wd.

Mahon, from Centre av. to Francis, 5th wd.

Main, from Butler to Liberty av., 9th wd.

Maitland av., from Wilkins av. to Dallas av., 14th wd.

Malden ay., from McClure av. to Lecky av., 27th wd., formerly Moore ay.

Maline, from Dritt av. to Wabana, 26th wd., formerly Merton.

Mallard way, from Wymore to Herschell [sic], 20th wd.

Maloney ay., from Carson, west, to P. & L. E. R. R., 19th wd.

Malta ay., from Sunbury ay. to Allequippa, 4th wd.

Malvern av., from Plainfield to prop. line, 14th wd.

Manchester way, from Kearns road to Independence, 19th wd.

Manetto ay., from Palma ay. to Rodman ay., 11th wd.

Mango way, from Mohamet to Hargrove, 19th wd., formerly Montour way.

Manhattan, from Reedsdale to Nixon, 21st wd.

Manilla, from Webster av. to Cliff, 3d wd.

Manitoba, from Graphic to Longview, 15th wd.

Manning, from Montezuma to Lincoln av., 12th wd.

Manion, from Liberty av. to Cabinet, 8th wd.

Manokin, from Hargrove to West Side B. R. R., 19th wd., formerly Merchant av.

Manor, from Brownsville av. to South 17th, 16th and 17th wds.

Mansfield av., from South Main to Plank, 20th wd.

Mansion, from Second av. to Elizabeth, 15th wd.

Manton ay., from Beltzhoover av. to Amanda, 18th wd.

Maolis ay., from Rope ay. to prop. line, 21st and 22d wds., formerly Manilla ay.

Maple Terrace, from grandview av. to Halpin, 19th wd.

Mapleton ay., from Highview to Wayne ay., 11th wd.

Maplewood av., from Tokio to city line, 13th wd.

Marble ay., from Marine ay. to Comrie ay., 8th wd.

Marburg, from Merchant eastward, 22d wd.

Marbury, from Forbes to Boundary, 4th wd.

Marcella, from Bedford av. to Grant blvd., 5th and 6th wds., formerly Branch.

March ay., from May ay. to Ben Venue av., 8th wd.

Marchand, from Shady av. to Fifth av., 7th wd.

Marcus ay., from St. Patrick to prop. line, 16th wd.

Marena, from Quaker way to Ramona, 20th wd.

Marengo, from Bellevue to Arlington, 16th wd.

Margaretta, from Highland av. to prop. line, 11th wd.

Marguerite ay., from Kleber to unnamed ay., 27th wd.

Marietta, from Baker to prop. line, 10th wd.

Marion, from Fifth-av. to Bluff, 1st wd.

Maripoe, from Millvale to Enfield, 8th wd.

Marine ay., from Edmond to Mathilda, 8th wd.

Marjorie, from Graeme to Drummond, 1st wd., formerly West Diamond.

Market, from Water to Liberty av., 1st and 2d wds.

Marlborough av., from Murray av. to Shady av., 14th wd.

Marlow, from Chartiers av. to Pinerue av., 20th wd.

Marmaduke, from California av. to Hiawatha, 27th wd., formerly Marlboro.

Marohn, from Bedford av. to Ridgway, 5th wd., formerly Middle.

Maromas, from Kemper to prop. line, 22d wd., formerly Milroy.

Marple ay., from Columbo to Janet ay., 11th wd.

Marquis ay., from Columbus av. to Nero ay., 25th wd.

Marsden, from Chatsworth to Sylvan av., 15th wd.

Marshall av., from Island av. to Perrysville av., 26th and 27th wds.

Marsonia, from Biggs av. to Madelia, 25th wd., formerly Maripoo.

Martha, from Trinity to Chislett, 10th wd.

Martin ay., from Attica to Balfour, 20th wd.

Martindale, from Cremo to Irwin av., 22d wd., formerly Martin.

Marvin ay., from Chellis to Winhorst, 27th wd., formerly Marine ay.

Marvista, from California av. to prop. line, 21st wd., formerly Margaret.

Mary, from South 17th to South 32d, 16th and 17th wds.

Mary Ann, from South 11th to South 12th, 17th wd.

Maryland av., from Fifth av. to P. R. R., 7th wd.

Mascot ay., from Berwin av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Mason, from Belonda to Woodville, 19th wd.

Massachusetts av., from Rankin av. to Termon Av., 27th wd.

Mast ay., from Dubroff ay. to Glenarm ay., 19th wd., formerly Magic ay.

Mathews ay., from Euclid av. to Reyner ay., 11th wd.

Mathias ay., from Dorset ay. to city line, 20th wd.

Mathilda, from Columbo to P. R. R., 8th and 11th wds.

Matson, from Hawkins northward, 26th wd., formerly May ay.

Mattern, from Halsey pl. to Marshall av., 27th wd., formerly Mohawk.

Mattisee, from Brownsville av. to Hickey, 18th wd., formerly Monterey.

Maud, from Fleming av. to Massachusetts av., 27th wd., formerly Manton.

Maurice, from Second av. to Fifth av., 4th wd.

Mawhinney, from Forbes to Penobscot ay., 4th wd.

Maxwell ay., from Paulson av. to Larimer, 12th wd.

May ay., from Ben Venue av. to Glenn ay., 8th wd.

Mayapple ay., from Second av. to Sunnyside, 15th wd.

Mayberry ay., from Francis to prop. line, 5th wd.

Mayfield av., from Perrysville av. to Marshall av., 26th wd.

Mayflower, from Lincoln av. to Kenesaw ay., 12th wd.

Mayo ay., from Westmoreland to prop. line, 12th wd.

Mayville av., from Pioneer av. to Edgebrook av., 19th wd.

Mazant, from Lucy to unnamed ay., 26th wd., formerly Margaretha.

Meade, from Linden to city line, 14th wd.

Meadow, from Finley to Stanton av., 12th wd.

Meadville, from Catoma to Marsonia, 25th wd., formerly Mead.

Means ay., from Kenton ay. to Divinity ay., 25th wd.

Mecca, from Sylvan av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Medley, from Manhattan to Fulton, 21st wd., formerly Miller.

Melanchton, from Second av. to Monongahela River, 15th wd.

Melaney ay., from East to Cherryfield, 26th wd.

Melba pl., from Cable pl. to unnamed ay., 4th wd.

Melbourne, from Greenfield av. to Frank, 15th wd.

Mella, from McDowell to Brighton rd., 27th wd.

Mellinger, from Junius to Adolph, 26th wd., formerly Montgomery.

Mellon, from Margaretta to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Melmore ay., from Aurela to Shakespeare, 7th wd.

Melrose av., from Taggart to Holyoke, 25th wd.

Melville ay., from 36th to Yazoo ay., 6th wd.

Melvin, from Wightman to Phillips av., 14th wd.

Melwood av., from Herron av. to Bayard, 4th, 5th and 6th wds.

Mend ay., from Corday ay. to Millvale av., 8th wd., formerly Mound ay.–Myron ay.

Mendota, from River av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 23d wd., formerly Morgan.

Menges, from Wyncote to Motor, 20th wd.

Menlo, from Richards to Dornestic, 26th wd.

Mentor ay., from Penn av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Mercer, from Webster av. to Bedford av., 3d wd.

Merchant, from Martindale to Ohio, 22d wd., formerly Marion av.

Mercia ay., from Choctaw ay. to Glenwood av., 15th wd.

Mercy, from Federal to Letsche, 25th wd., formerly Morris.

Meridian [sic], from Grandview av. to Lupton, 19th and 20th wds.

Mero ay., from Marquis to Buena Vista, 25th wd., formerly Marble ay.

Merrimac, from Grandview av. to Woodville av., 19th wd.

Merriman st. and ay., from South 17th to South 24th, 16th and 17th wds.

Merritt, from Hawkins to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Maple av.

Merton, from Dritt to Waldorf, 26th wd.

Mertz, from Nye way to Hilton way, 20th wd.

Merwyn av., from Ashlyn to Glasgow, 20th wd.

Meta, from Meridan to Lime, 19th wd.

Metcalf, from Magnet to Strouss [sic], 25th wd., formerly Mytrle.

Meteor ay., from Penn av. to Cabinet ay., 8th wd.

Methyl, from Coast av. to Crane av., 19th wd., formerly Malvern.

Metropole ay., from West Liberty av. to Suburban av., 19th wd., formerly Maple ay.

Metropolitan, from Fayette to Seymour, 21st wd., formerly Market.

Mexico, from Rankin av. to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Michigan av.

Meyer, from Ruth to Lelia, 19th wd.

Meyran, from Terrace to Bates, 4th wd.

Miami, from Mohawk to Emma, 4th wd.

Michael, from East to Joseph, 26th wd.

Michigan, from Beltzhoover to Montooth, 18th wd.

Middle, from Avery to Knoll, 23d wd.

Middlesex ay., from Maurice to prop. line, 4th wd.

Middleton, from Kenebec to William Pitt blvd., 15th wd.

Midland, from Dorchester av. to Fordham av., 19th wd., formerly Merton av.

Mifflin, from Denny to Fisk, 6th and 9th wds.

Mignonette, from Negley av. to Whitfield, 8th wd.

Milan av., from Edgebrook av. to city line, 19th wd.

Mildred ay., from Callowhill to Bryant, 11th wd.

Miles ay., from Varley to city line, 26th wd.

Milgate, from Main to Friendship, 9th wd., formerly Mifflin.

Mill, from Neptune to Steuben, 20th wd.

Millbridge, from McLain to Lillian, 18th wd., formerly Maple.

Miller, from Colwell to Centre av., 3d wd.

Millerton av., from Hiona to Termon av., 27th wd.

Milligan, from Lelia to prop. line, 19th wd.

Millvale av., from Centre av. to Breedshill, 8th and 11th wds.

Milo, from Cape May av. to Suburban av., 19th wd.

Milroy, from Perrysville av. to East, 26th wd.

Miltenberger, from Fifth av. to Bluff, 1st and 4th wds.

Milton, from Biddle to city line, 14th wd.

Milwaukee, from Herron av. to Jefferson, 5th wd., formerly Madison.

Mimosa ay., from Eloise to Tarleton, 22d wd., formerly Mifflin ay.

Mina, from Ruff to Luella, 26th wd., formerly Main.

Minden, from Second av. to Monongahela River, 15th wd.

Mineral ay., from 38th to 39th, 6th wd.

Minerva, from Pearl to Cayuga, 8th wd.

Mingo, from Grotto to Oberlin, 12th wd.

Minnesota, from Winterburn to Bigelow, 14th wd.

Minnie, from Beckham to prop. line, 27th wd.

Minott, from Brighton rd. to Central, 27th wd., formerly Mary.

Minsinger, from Southern av. to Boggs av., 18th wd.

Mint ay., from South 6th to prop. line, 17th wd.

Minton, from Zephyr av. to Brunot, 20th wd.

Mission, from South 18th to prop. line, 16th and 17th wds., part formerly Quincy.

Missouri, from Olivant to Lemington av., 12th wd.

Mitchell, from Moore to Wesley, 5th wd.

Mitre ay., from Edmond to Gross, 8th wd.

Moale, from Davis av. northward, 27th wd., formerly Morewood.

Mobile, from second av. to Sylvan av., 15th wd.

Moddiz ay., from Stieren to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Mingo ay.

Modoc st. and ay., from Cotton ay. to 48th, 9th wd.

Moffit ay., from Colbert to Shingiss, 1st wd.

Mohamet, from Dawn av. to Sebring av., 19th wd., formerly Merchant av.

Mohawk, from Soho to prop. line, 4th wd.

Mohler, from Wheeler to city line, 13th wd.

Mohn ay., from Hawkins to Searles ay., 26th wd., formerly Miami ay.

Molo, from Centre av. to prop. line, 3d wd.

Monaca pl., from Cassatt to Ledlie, 3d wd.

Monastery, from Birmingham to South 18th, 16th wd.

Monastery pl., from South 18th to Monastery, 17th wd.

Moneta, from Suismon to Spring Garden av., 23d wd., formerly Mobile.

Monfort, from Gerrit [sic] to prop. line, 12th wd., formerly Morrison.

Monhagen, from Ketchum to Eckert, 27th wd., formerly Matilda.

Monitor, from William Pitt blvd. to William Pitt blvd., 14th wd.

Monongahela, from Sylvan av. to Marsden, 15th wd.

Monroe, from Grant blvd. to Danube, 5th wd.

Montague ay., from Mayberry ay. to Centennial ay., 5th wd.

Montana, from Franklin rd. to Bards ay., 26th wd.

Montclair, from Greenfield av. to McCaslin, 15th wd.

Monteiro, from Windsor to Greenfield av., 15th wd., formerly Monitor.

Monterey, from North av. to Redknap, 22d and 25th wds.

Montezuma, from Lyrie [sic] to Lemington av., 12th wd.

Montgomery av., from Sherman av. to Union av., 22d wd.

Monticello, from Beecher to Brushton av., 12th and 13th wds.

Montooth, from Warrington av. to city line, 18th wd.

Montour way, from 6th av. to 7th av., 2d wd.

Montrose, from Rosemary to Kensington, 14th wd.

Montview st. and ay., from Dorsey to Roosevelt av., 26th wd., formerly Melwood av.

Monumental ay., from Nevada to city line, 14th wd.

Moody, from Sherman av. to Union av., 22d wd., formerly North Diamond.

Moon ay., from Bigelow to Randall, 15th wd.

Moore st. and ay., from Bedford av. to Arcena, 5th wd.

Moose ay., from Wasp ay. to Connor, 15th wd.

Mora ay., from Morningside av. [sic] to Morningside av. [sic], 11th wd.

Moravian st. and ay., from North av. to North Canal, 23d wd., formerly Monitor–Burke ay.

Moreland, from Marbury to Penobscot ay., 4th wd.

Morewood, from Forbes to Millvale av., 7th, 8th and 14th wds.

Morgan, from Allequippa to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Morningside av., from Butler to Stanton av., 10th wd.

Morrell, from California av. to Hiawatha, 27th wd., formerly Mansion av.

Morrison, from Sedgwick to A, 21st and 25th wds.

Morrow, from Bond to prop. line, 11th wd.

Morrowfield av., from Shady av. to William Pitt blvd., 14th wd., formerly Midway av. and McClure av.

Morse ay., from Flowers av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Morton ay., from Rescue to Miles ay., 26th wd.

Moschell, from Cass to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Meyer.

Moss ay., from Municipal to Toledo, 20th wd.

Mossfield, from Rebecca to Mathilda, 9th and 10th wds., formerly Morningside av.

Motive ay., from Preble av. to Magnolia, 21st wd.

Motor, from Slope to Ashlyn, 20th wd.

Moultrie, from Tustin to Centre av., 4th and 5th wds.

Mound ay., from Steep to Fountain, 23d and 25th wds.

Mount Hope rd., from California av. to O. C. R. R., 27th wd.

Mount Oliver, from Warrington av. to Amanda, 16th wd.

Mount Vernon, from Lincoln av. to Brushton av., 12th and 13th wds.

Moyer, from Huxley to Francisco, 20th wd.

Mozart, from Colwyn to Ashlyn, 20th wd.

Mugele ay., from Colwell to Wick, 3d wd., formerly Gerty [sic] ay.

Mulberry st. and ay., from 11th to 38th, 2d and 6th wds.

Mulford, from Braddock av. to Oakwood, 13th wd.

Mulhatton, from Beacon to Darllington rd., 14th wd.

Mullins, from Woodland av. to Reserve line, 27th wd.

Mulvey ay., from Stobo to Kulp ay., 22d wd.

Mumford, from Reedsdale to Ohio River, 21st wd., formerly Mulberry.

Municipal, from Chartiers av. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Murat, from East to Madison av., 24th wd., formerly Mill.

Muriel, from South 10th to South 17th, 17th wd.

Murdoch, from Wilkins av. to Belmont, 14th wd.

Murko ay., from Meadville to Sandusky, 25th wd., formerly Mint ay.

Murray av., from Wilkins av. to Hazelwood av., 14th wd.

Murray Hill av., from Fifth av. to Wilkins av., 14th wd.

Murtland, from Chaucer to Homewood Cemty., 12th and 13th wds.

Musgrave, from Yoder to prop. line, 15th wd., formerly Marshall.

Music, from Woods Run av. to Sweet ay., 27th wd., formerly Mitchell.

Muskego ay., Boggs av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Montana ay.

Muth, from Aner to city line, 26th wd., formerly Main.

Muti ay., from Mulford to Tioga, 13th wd.

Mutton ay., from Rhode Island to Crest ay., 19th wd.

Mutual, from Middletown rd. to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Mytrle ay., from Ellsworth av. to Kentucky, 7th wd.

Mystic ay., from Erie to Montgomery av., 22d wd., formerly Morton.

McAlvy, from Federal to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly McKee pl.

McBride, from Semicir to Riverview Park, 26th wd., formerly McCombs.

McBrier ay., from Parkhurst to Balph, 23d wd.

McCandless, from Stanton av. to Allegheny River, 10th wd.

McCartney, from Wabash to prop. line, 20th wd.

McCaslin, from Winterburn to Wheatland, 14th wd.

McClarren, from Wylie av. to prop. line, 5th wd.

McClary ay., from Larimer av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

McClintock av., from Perrysville av. to prop. line, 25th wd.

McClure av., from Eckert to Benton, 27th wd.

McClurg, from South 30th to city line, 16th wd.

McConnell av., from Pioneer av. to city line, 19th wd., formerly McNeilly av.

McCombs, from Frankstown av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

McCooks ay., from Epiphany to Fernando, 3d wd.

McCord, from Barry to Oakley ay., 16th wd.

McCrory ay., from Federal to Loraine, 25th wd., formerly Home pl.

McCullough, from Columbus av. to Mero ay., 25th wd., formerly McCauslin.

McCune, from Eider ay. to Olivant, 12th wd.

McDevitt pl., from Hamlet to Forbes, 4th wd.

McDonald, from Meadow to Shetland, 12th wd.

McDowell, from Woodland av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd., formerly McDonald.

McElroy, from Pennsylvania av. to Beymer ay., 21st wd., formerly McClurg way.

McFadden, from Ohio to River av., 23d wd.

McFarland, from LaCrosse to Gittens, 27th wd.

McFarren ay., from Willock to unnamed ay., 14th wd.

McIntyre av., from Lyzell to Euterpe, 26th wd.

McKean, from South 1st to South 4th, 17th wd.

McKee pl., from Fifth av. to Ward, 4th wd., part Brooks.

McKeever av., from Irwin av. to Twain, 26th wd.

McKenzie, from Washington blvd. to Seely, 11th wd.

McKirdy ay., from Boyle to Porterfield, 25th wd.

McKnight, from Independence to Wilmerding, 20th wd.

McLain, from Brownsville av. to Beltzhoover av., 18th wd., formerly part Melrose way.

McNally ay., from Rutherglen east and west, 15th wd.

McNary ay., from Reddour to Arch, 22d wd., formerly McKain ay.

McNaugher, from Letsche to Madelia, 25th wd.

McNeal ay., from Kerr to Walbridge, 20th wd.

McPherson, from Fifth av. to city line, 12th wd.

Nadir ay., from Felicia ay. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Nance av., from Montgomery av. southward, 22d wd., formerly Murtland ay.

Nansen, from Hazelwood av. to Flowers av., 15th wd.

Nantasket, from Greenfield av. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Nantuck av., from Mackinaw av. to Shiras av., 19th wd., formerly Newport av

Naomi ay., from Independence to Steel av., 20th wd.

Naples av., from Earl to prop. line, 20th wd.

Napoleon, from Coast av. to city line, 19th wd., formerly Norway av.

Narcissus av., from South Bergman to Brunot, 20th wd.

Narragansett, from Banksville rd. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Neeld av.

Narrow way, from Strickler to Joslyn, 20th wd.

Nash, from Ohio to Park way, 23d wd., formerly Nelson.

Nashville ay., from Gloster to Herbert ay., 15th wd.

Nassau ay., from Shawnee to Cherokee, 5th wd.

Natchez, from Southern av. to Ottowa [sic], 19th wd.

Natrona ay., from Stanton av. to 55th, 10th wd.

Navajo way, from Wyanet way to Pinerue av., 20th wd.

Navarre, from Carson, west, to Powell av., 20th wd.

Naylor, from Boundary to Forward av., 14th wd., formerly Nixon..

Nebo ay., from Idaho to Vonark ay., 16th wd.

Neeb, from Lydia to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Neff, from Jennie to Lava, 19th wd., formerly Nimick.

Neffle, from Olcott to Unity, 16th wd., formerly Norwood.

Negley av., from Roup to Highland Park, 8th and 11th wds.

Neidel, from Steuben to prop. line, 20th wd.

Nelson, from Paulson av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Nemora ay., from Ballard ay. to A. V. R. R., 10th wd.

Neptune, from Wabash to South Main, 20th wd.

Nettie, from Royal to South Side av., 26th wd.

Neuhart, from Drifton to Venture, 26th wd., formelry Niagara.

Neuman ay., from Mulford to Frankstown av., 13th wd., formerly Dorrel.

Nevada, from Lippert to city line, 14th wd.

Neville, from Herron av. to Boundary, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th wds.

Newcomer, from Kelvin to Allendale, 20th wd.

Newport way, from Sprague to Everton, 12th wd.

Newry, from California av. to Island av., 21st wd.

Newton, from Brownsville av. to German sq., 16th wd.

New York, from Springfield to Camden, 19th wd.

Niagara, from Craft av. to Lawn, 4th wd.

Nicholson, from William Pitt blvd. to Murray av., 14th wd.

Nightingale ay., from Onondago to Jackson prop., 14th wd.

Niggel, from Lowrie to Straub's lane, 24th wd.

Niles, from Cologne to prop. line, 16th wd.

Nimick pl., from Oakwood to Crestline, 13th wd.

Nimrod ay., from Wilmot to Zulema, 4th wd.

Nina ay., from Montooth to Delmont, 18th wd.

Nineteenth, from Penn av. to Pike, 2d wd.

Ninetta ay., from Steel av. to Springfield av., 20th wd.

Nixon, from Beaver av. to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 21st wd.

Noble, from Claybourne to Potter, 8th wd.

Nokomis, from Thayer pl. to Eliska, 20th wd.

Nolo ay., from Adelphia to prop. line, 10th wd.

Nordica, from Electric to Edington, 15th wd.

Norfolk, from Melbourne to Frank, 15th wd.

Norman, from Buena Vista to Overlook, 25th wd.

Norris, from East lane to Sunset av., 26th wd., formerly North.

North av., from Allegheny av. to Madison av., 22d and 23d wds.

North Canal, from Federal to Variety, 22d and 23d wds., part formerly Church av.

North End av., from Barris av. to prop. line, 26th wd., part formerly Imbrie–Kennedy.

North View, from Arlington av. to Patterson, 16th wd.

Northumberland, from Dallas to Woodlawn av., 14th wd.

Norton, from Cowan to Adderly, 19th wd.

Norwich av., from Castlegate av. to city line, 19th wd.

Norwood, from Taggart to Marshall av., 26th wd.

Notley, from Hazelwood av. to Calvary Cemetery, 15th wd.

Notz ay., from Lougheay av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Novelty, from Susquehanna to Hamilton av., 12th wd.

Nublock, from Taggart to A, 25th wd., formerly Nevada.

Nusser, from Birmingham to prop. line, 16th wd.

Nutmeg ay., from Warburton to Brosius way, 19th wd., formerly North ay.

Nye way, from Mertz to Adell way, 20th wd.

Oak ay., from Allegheny av. to Irwin av., 22d wd.

Oakdale, from Woods Run av. to city line, 26th and 27th wds.

Oakdene, from Sprague to Oberlin, 12th wd.

Oakfield way, from Taft av. to Montooth and Blanco way to Chicora way, 18th wd.

Oakford ay., from Sprague to Latana av., 12th wd.

Oak Grove, from Lucilla to city line, 14th wd.

Oakhill, from Shadeland av. to Oxfield, 27th wd., formerly Oakwood av.

Oakland av., from Fifth av. to Dawson, 4th wd.

Oakley ay., from Josephine to Success, 16th wd.

Oakwood, from Frankstown av. to city line, 13th wd.

Oasis st. and ay., from Ruby to Berlin ay., 10th wd.

Ober, from Blackoak to Goodman, 14th wd.

Oberlin, from Sprague to Lemington av., 12th wd.

O'Brien, from 38th to 39th, 6th wd.

Observatory av., from Perrysville av. to Riverview Park, 26th wd., formerly Riverview av.

Ochill ay., from Harding to Herron av., 5th wd.

O'Connell, from Butler to Seely, 11th wd.

Odessa ay., from Puckety rd. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Odin, from Kilbourne to unnamed ay., 15th wd.

Oetting, from Chartiers av. to twp. line, 20th wd.

Ogle ay., from Liberty av. to Grant, 2d wd., formerly Oak ay.

Ogleby ay., from Sharp ay. to Livery ay., 11th wd., formerly Orchard ay.

O'Hara, from Lothrop to Craig, 4th wd.

O'Hern, from Irwin av. to Perrysville av., 25th wd.

Ohio, from P., Ft. W. & C. R. W. bldg. to city line, 22d, 23d and 24th wds.

Oklahoma, from Howard to Venture, 26th wd.

Olcott, from Mission to South 21st, 16th wd.

Oldfield ay., from Friendship av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Old Franklin rd., from Perrysville av. to Perrysville av., 26th wd.

Oldson ay., from Covett to Hillway ay., 20th wd.

Oleatha ay., from Glenarm av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd., formerly Olive ay.

Olga ay., from Friendship av. to Graham, 8th wd.

Oliffe, from Chartiers av. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Olindo, from Argentina pl. to prop. line, 4th wd., formerly N. Oakland sq.

Olivant, from De Silver to Bowers, 12th wd.

Olive, from Lafayette av. to prop. line, 25th and 26th wds.

Oliver ay. [sic], from Liberty av. to Grant, 2d wd.

Olivia, from Ober to Blackoak, 14th wd.

Olney, from Danube to 10-foot ay., 5th wd.

Oltman, from Chartiers av. to Pilgrim, 20th wd.

Olympia, from Woodville av. to Grandview av., 19th and 20th wds.

Omaha, from Bingham to Merrimac, 19th wd.

Omar ay., from Pueblo to Miami, 4th wd.

Omega, from St. Andrews to Station, 11th and 12th wds.

Oneida, from Grandview av. to Meta, 19th wd.

O'Neil ay., from Strawberry way to Dante ay., 2d wd.

Onondago, from Whipple to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Ontario.

Ontario, from Ohio River to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 27th wd.

Opal ay., from Sylvania to Cedarhurst, 18th wd.

Ophelia, from Niagara to Forbes, 4th wd.

Ophir, from Watson entrance to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Omaha.

Oporto, from Pius to prop. line, 16th wd.

Oral, from Marbury to Fresco ay., 4th wd.

Orange ay., from Lenora to Indiana ay., 12th wd.

Orangewood av., from Princess to prop. line, 19th wd.

Orator, from Chartiers twp. line to Krupp, 20th wd.

Orbin, from Wandless east and west, 5th wd., formerly Olive.

Orbit, from Island av. southward, 27th wd.

Orchard, from North av. to Knoll, 23d wd.

Orchlee, from California av. to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Arthur av.

Oregon, from Stadium to Fernwood, 20th wd.

Oriana, from Sunday to Margaret, 21st wd., formerly Oakland.

Orient, from Ardale to Montooth, 18th wd.

Orinoco, from Kilbourne to Elizabeth, 15th wd.

Oriole ay., from Breedshill to Rosetta, 11th wd.

Orion, from Milwaukee to Monroe, 5th wd.

Orlanda ay., from Kentucky av. to Walnut, 8th wd.

Orleans, from Viola to Delaware, 26th wd.

Orlena ay., from Shannon to Rutledge, 19th wd.

Ormsby, from German sq. to prop. line, 16th wd.

Orphan, from Larimer av. to Butler, 12th wd.

Orpwood, from Wilmot to Childs, 4th wd., formerly Oliver.

Orr, from Moultrie to Moultrie, 4th wd., formerly Ohio.

Orsenius ay., from Robley to Jackson, 11th wd., formerly Orchard ay.

Orville ay., from Corday ay. to Rosina ay., 9th wd., formerly Orwell ay.

Orwell ay., from Minerva to Panama, 8th wd.

Osage lane, from Penn av. to Lloyd's prop. 14th wd.

Osay ay., from Webster av. to Ajax, 5th wd.

Osborne, from 62d east and west, 10th wd.

Oscar ay., from Grant blvd. to Bethoven, 6th wd.

Osceola, from Liberty av. to Cypress, 8th wd.

Osgood, from Maripoe to McIntyre av., 25th and 26th wds.

Osprey ay., from Flowers av. to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Ossian ay., from Mulberry ay. to Railroad, 2d wd.

Ossipee, from Herron av. to prop. line, 5th wd.

Oswald, from Wilkesboro av. to Chellis, 27th wd., formerly Oak Grove av.

Oswego, from Termon av. to Belgium, 27th wd.

Ottawa, from Spahrgrove to Ennis, 19th wd.

Otter ay., from Amanda to Birmingham, 18th wd.

Otterson, from Glen Mawr av. to Glasgow, 20th wd.

Ottis ay., from Acorn to prop. line, 15th wd.

Our ay., from Elm to Dinwiddie, 3d wd.

Outlet, from Allequippa to Wadsworth, 5th wd.

Overbeck, from Buente to Solar, 24th and 26th wds., part formerly Hill.

Overcliff ay., from Atmore to Sorrell, 27th wd., formerly Oregon ay.

Overhill, from Reed to Linton, 3d wd.

Overlea ay., from Nevada to city line, 14th wd., formerly Overlook ay.

Overlook, from Geranium to Ridgewood av., 25th wd.

Overman ay., from Baum av. to Eva, 7th wd.

Overton, from Lancaster to city line, 14th wd.

Owatonna, from Riverview av. to Chickasaw, 26th wd., formerly Ottawa.

Owens ay., from Apple to Bower, 12th wd.

Owenton, from Dunlap to Mahoney, 26th wd., formerly Omega.

Oxford, from Larimer av. to Album, 12th wd.

Oxfield, from Geyer av. to reserve line, 27th wd., formerly O'Neil.

Oxline, from Jubilee to Fayette, 21st wd., formerly Ogden.

Oyer ay., from Passaic to Nordica, 15th wd.

Ozan ay., from Ferndale to city line, 13th wd.

Ozark ay., from Dike to Herbert ay., 15th wd.

P, from East to Howard, 26th wd.

Paca ay., from St. Clair to Beatty, 11th wd.

Pace, from Washington blvd. to Lenora, 12th wd.

Pacific av., from Liberty av. to Morningside av., 8th and 10th wds.

Padget st. and ay., from Woods Run av. to Cordell, 26th wd., formerly Purkiss st. and Milton ay.

Page, from Beaver av. to Fontella, 21st wd.

Painter, from Stobo to Park way, 22d wd., formerly Parker ay.

Palen way, from Brighton rd. to Wilson av., 26th wd.

Palisade lane, from Marshall av. northward, 26th wd., formerly Pasture lane.

Pallas ay., from Biddle av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Palma ay., from Sheridan to Collins, 11th wd.

Palm Beach av., from Skidmore av. to Shiras av., 19th wd.

Palmer ay., from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd.

Palmetto ay., from Ardale ay. to Opal ay., 18th wd.

Palo way, from Navajo way to Ramona, 20th wd.

Palo Alto, from North av. to Tarleton, 22d wd.

Pampa ay., from Lelia to Arion, 19th wd.

Panama ay., from Taylor to Cayuga, 9th wd.

Panke av., from Tioga to prop. line, 13th wd.

Panola, from Kirkpatrick to Wesley, 5th wd.

Pannier, from Howard to East, 24th wd.

Pansy ay., from Waverly to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Buttercup ay.

Paola ay., from Carter ay. to Refuge, 27th wd.

Paper ay., from Mathilda to Marble ay., 8th wd.

Parade st. and ay., from Hilltop to Bigelow, 15th wd.

Paradise ay., from Bernd to Montooth, 18th wd.

Pardee ay., from Templeton av. to Belle Isle av., 19th wd., formerly Penn ay.

Paris ay., from Neuhart to Watsonia blvd., 26th wd.

Park way, from Sherman av. to Madison av., 22d and 23d wds., formerly part Washington pl.

Parker av., from Suffolk to Elmira, 25th and 26th wds.

Parkhurst, from Federal to Sandusky, 22d wd., formerly Pearl.

Parkman blvd., from Forbes to O'Hara av., 4th wd., formerly Grant blvd.

Parkomo ay., from Queensboro av. to city line, 19th wd., formerly Plum ay.

Park View av., from Wilmot to Oakland sq., 4th wd.

Parnassus way, from Valier way to Pinerue av., 20th wd.

Parnell st. and ay., from north of Home Rule to south of Hilltop, 15th wd.

Parody ay., from Rutherford av. to Beechview av., 19th wd., formerly Peach ay.

Parquet, from Jillson av. to Brookline blvd., 19th wd., formerly Polland av.

Parrotts lane, from Brighton rd. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Parsley ay., from Edmond to Gross, 8th wd.

Parson, from Motor to Stafford, 20th wd.

Parviss, from Termon av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd., formerly Pacific av.

Pasedena [sic], from Ruxton to Kingsboro av., 19th wd.

Pascoe ay., from Tripoli to Spring Garden av., 23d wd., formerly Palmer ay.

Passaic, from Electric to Quipo, 15th wd.

Passavant ay., from Clark to Centre av., 3d wd.

Pasture, from Elm to Fullerton, 3d wd.

Path ay., from Langhorn to Gloster, 15th wd.

Patrick pl., from Federal to Boyle, 25th wd.

Patterson st. and ay., from Fernleaf to Arlington av., 16th wd.

Paul, from Boggs a. to Ruth, 19th wd.

Paula way, from Lethans to Lorenz av., 20th wd., formerly part Paulaski.

Paulding av., from Brunot av. to Narrow way, 20th wd.

Pauley av., from Johnston av. to Elizabeth, 15th wd.

Paulowna, from 30th to Herron av., 6th wd., formerly Preble av.

Paulson av., from Frankstown av. to Lemington av., 12th wd., formerly Park av.

Pawling ay., from Emerson to Festival, 7th wd., formerly Paxton ay.

Pawnee, from Oneida to Meridan, 19th wd.

Pawpaw ay., from Gate Lodge ay. to Hepatica ay., 15th wd.

Paxico av., from Verona blvd. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Paxton ay., from Allegheny av. to Irwin, 22d wd.

Payne way, from Lorenz av. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Peach ay., from Webster av. to Bedford av., 3d wd.

Pear ay., from Travella blvd. to city line, 12th wd.

Pearl, from Penn av. to Lorigan, 8th wd.

Pearson ay., from 43d to 44th, 9th wd.

Peck ay., from Boggs av. to Southern av., 19th wd.

Pedder ay., from Olive to Biggs av., 26th wd., formerly Primrose ay.

Pedro ay., from McLain to Ecelsior, 18th wd.

Peebles, from Penn av. to city line, 14th wd.

Peerless av., from Warburton to prop. line, 19th wd.

Pegg, from Beltzhoover av. to Guyman way, 18th wd., formerly Payne.

Pemberton, from Wapello to Campus, 27th wd., formerly Princeton rd.

Pembroke pl., from Aiken av. to Amberson av., 8th wd.

Penelope, from Simms to Grace, 19th wd.

Penn av., from Water to city line, 1st, 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 14th wds.

Pennant av., from Provile av. to Suburban av., 19th wd.

Pennsylvania v., from Irwin av. to Ohio River, 21st and 25th wds., formerly part Greenwood.

Penobscot ay., from Mawhinney to Boundary, 4th wd.

Penrose, from Mansion to Glenwood, 15th wd.

Pentland, from Tunnel to 7th av., 2d wd., formerly Fountain.

Peoples Plank rd., from Evergreen rd. to city line, 26th wd.

Peoria ay., from Penn av. to 38th, 6th wd.

Peralta, from Madison av. to Troy Hill rd., 23d wd., formerly Perry.

Perchment, from Blackadore to Standard av., 13th wd.

Percilla way, from Montooth to Bigger, 18th wd.

Percival, from Ferguson av. to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Peach terrace.

Percy st. and ay., from Davison to Hugo ay., 9th wd.

Pernod, from Federal to Reddour, 22d wd., formerly West Pearl.

Perry, from Wylie av. to Bedford av., 5th wd.

Perrysville av., from Carroll to city line, 25th and 26th wds.

Perth, from Rebecca to prop. line, 11th wd.

Perthshire pl., from Willard to prop. line, 14th wd.

Petosky, from Ketchum to Eckert, 27th wd., formerly Petrel.

Peru ay., from Arthur to Roberts, 3d wd.

Peterson, from Probst to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Patterson.

Petrel ay., from McLain to Excelsior, 18th wd.

Pettis, from Reedsdale northward, 22d wd., formerly Pawnee.

Petty ay., from Fadette to Kelvin, 20th wd.

Pfeil, from Boggs av. to Curtis ay., 19th wd.

Phelan st. and ay., from 30th to Herron av., 6th wd.

Phelps ay., from Scoville eastward, 23d wd., formerly Post ay.

Philander, from Blackoak to Goodman, 14th wd.

Phillips av., from Pocusset to Biddle, 14th wd.

Phineas st. and ay., from Madison av. to Wettach, 23d wd., formerly Pike.

Phoenix, from Arnold to Hassler, 20th wd.

Picket ay., from Chartiers av. to Isoline, 20th wd.

Pier, from Bouquet to Oakland av., 4th wd.

Pierce, from College to Summerlea, 7th wd., formerly Parker.

Piermont, from Bingham to Oneida, 19th wd.

Pike, from 11th to 21st, 2d wd.

Pilgrim, from Prosser ay. to Oldman, 20th wd.

Pilot ay., from Sunbury ay. to Allequippa, 4th wd.

Pindam, from River av. to Ohio, 23d wd., formerly Pine.

Pine, from Merango to Fernleaf, 16th wd.

Pinedale av., from Ferndale to city line, 13th wd.

Pineridge, from Mt. Vernon to Hermitage, 13th wd.

Pinerue av., from Lethans to city line, 20th wd., formerly part Rush.

Pioneer av., from Warrington av. to city line, 19th wd.

Pitcairn, from Fifth av. to Ellsworth av., 7th wd.

Pitcher ay., from Well to Plymouth way, 19th wd.

Pitham, from Warren to Wampum, 23d wd., formerly Pitt.

Pitkin, from Susam [sic] to Burgess, 26th wd., formerly Phillips.

Pitney, from Montana av. to Botkin, 26th wd., formerly Peebles.

Pittock, from Phillips av. to Tilbury av., 14th wd.

Pius, from Birmingham to South 18th, 16th wd.

Plainfield, from Forbes to Murdoch, 14th wd.

Plainview av., from Ray av. east and west, 19th wd.

Planet, from Steuben to Attica, 20th wd.

Plank, from Warden to Independence, 20th wd., formerly Park way.

Pleasant, from 42d to 44th, 9th wd.

Plough, from Superior av. to Woodland av., 27th wd., formerly Patterson.

Plover way, from Fairview av. to Lorenz av., 20th wd.

Plum ay., from 47th to 51st, 9th wd.

Plummer, from 44th to Butler, 9th wd.

Plush, from Federal to Sandusky, 22d wd., formerly Penn.

Plutarch, from Grant blvd. to Brereton, 6th wd.

Plyer ay., from Vira ay. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Plymouth, from Grandview ay. to Meta, 19th wd.

Pocono, from Ober to city line, 14th wd., formerly Pitt.

Pocussett, from Murray av. to schenley Park, 14th wd.

Poe ay., from 53d to Stanton av., 10th wd.

Poinsett ay., from Wellesley av. to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Point, from Province to Brabeck, 24th wd.

Point View, from Arbor to Montezuma, 12th wd.

Poketa rd., from Lincoln av. to Verona blvd., 12th wd.

Polk ay., from Ashley to prop. line, 12th wd.

Pollard way, from Navajo way to Ramona, 20th wd.

Pollmey, from Galveston av. to Sturgeon, 22d wd., formerly Park.

Pompeii ay., from Junius to Butternut, 19th wd.

Ponka ay., from Oneida to Meridan, 19th wd.

Pontefract ay., from Wellesley av. to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Pontiac ay., from Termon av. to Stonelea, 27th wd.

Poplar ay., from Hickory ay. to Fullerton, 2d and 3d wds.

Porter, from Preble av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Porterfield, from North av. to Fountain, 22d and 25th wds., formerly Poplar.

Portland st. and ay., from Hays to Bryant, 11th wd.

Portman av., from Swamp to Perrysville av., 26th wd.

Portola av., from Delaware to Delaware, 26th wd., formerly Pleasant av.

Portugal, from Benton av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Post st. and ay., from Main to 45th, 9th wd.

Postal way, from Penn av. to Shakespeare, 7th wd.

Potter, from Aiken av. to Graham, 8th wd.

Powell av., from Edgecliff to Earl, 20th wd.

Powhattan, from Osceola to Atherton, 8th wd.

Pratt, from Muth to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Pearl.

Preble av., from Fayette to Spruce, 21st and 27th wds.

Prentice ay., from Swoger prop. northward, 19th wd., formerly Press ay.

Prescott, from Edington to Graphic, 15th wd.

President ay., from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd.

Press ay., from Boyle to Sandusky, 22d wd., formerly Palmer ay.

Pressler, from Maline to Wabana, 26th wd., formerly Pheasant–Milton.

Pretense ay., from South 9th to South 10th, 17th wd., formerly Pontiac ay.

Pride, from Colwell to Bluff, 1st and 3d wds.

Primrose, from Sterling to Eleanor, 16th wd.

Princess av., from Westfield to Profile av., 19th wd.

Princeton pl., from Everett to Broad, 11th wd.

Pringell, from Marietta to prop. line, 10th wd., formerly Syracuse.

Pritchard, from Fadette to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Probst, from benton to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Parnell.

Proctor ay., from Amanda to Montooth, 18th wd.

Profile av., from Princess av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Promenade, from Emahalia [sic] to prop. line, 15th wd.

Prospect, from Southern av. to Norton, 19th wd.

Prosser ay., from Creve ay. to Pilgrim, 20th wd.

Province, from Brabec to Troy Hill rd., 24th wd., formerly Point–Prospect.

Pryor ay., from Alpine av. to Japanese, 25th wd.

Puckety rd. from Lyric to Upland, 12th wd.

Pueblo, from Mohawk to Allequippa, 4th wd.

Pulawski ay., from 30th to Harmer [sic], 6th wd.

Pump ay., from Eloise to McNary ay., 22d wd.

Purkess ay., from Perchment to Standard av., 13th wd.

Purse ay., from Harpster to Hatteras, 24th wd., formerly Proctor ay.

Pusey, from Perrysville av. to Veteran, 26th wd., formerly Evans.

Putnam, from Frankstown av. to Fifth, 12th wd.

Putney ay., from 32d to 33d, 6th wd.

Pynchon, from Biggs av. to Parker, 25th and 26th wds., formerly Plumb.

Quadrant, from Ridgway to Harding, 5th wd.

Quaker way, from Attica to Quinton way, 20th wd., formerly Quaker.

Quarry, from South 21st to South 18th, 17th wd.

Quartz, from Nordica to Kilbuck, 15th wd.

Quay, from La Marido to Warrington av., 18th and 19th wds.

Quebec, from Hazelton to East, 26th wd.

Queen, from Rife to ward line, 24th wd., formerly Quarry.

Queensboro av., from Dorchester av. to city line, 19th wd.

Quell st. and ay., from Spring av. to Graib, 25th wd., formerly Quarry ay.

Query ay., from Penasy ay. to Peebles, 14th wd.

Quince ay., from Pride to Marion, 1st wd.

Quinter ay., from Olivant to McCune, 12th wd., formerly Quarry ay.

Quinton, from Attica to Fairview av., 20th wd.

Quipo, from Kilbourne to Nordica, 15th wd., formerly Quebec.

Race st. and ay., from Beecher to Brushton av., 12th and 13th wds.

Racook, from Warburton to La Marido, 19th wd., formerly Randall av.

Radcliffe, from Stadium to Joslyn, 20th wd.

Radner, from Queen to Rostock, 24th wd.

Raeburn ay., from Dubroff ay. to Glenarm av., 14th wd., formerly Rustic ay.

Raff, from Agler to Lydia, 15th wd., formerly Ronald.

Railroad, from 20th to 33d, 2d and 6th wds.

Rainbow, from Torrnes [sic] to Putnam, 12th wd.

Ralston, from Lemington av. to Hartman, 12th wd.

Ramage ay., from Jarvella to Alpine av., 25th wd.

Rambo ay., from Hethlon to Valora, 19th wd.

Ramona, from Lakewood av. to Pinerue av., 20th wd.

Rampart, from Iowa to Camp, 5th wd.

Ramsey, from Ashtola to Tuxedo, 20th wd.

Randall, from Gladstone to Stanley, 15th wd.

Randolph, from Penn av. to Eva, 8th wd.

Range ay., from River av. to Plush, 22d wd., formerly Rampart ay.

Rankin av., from Mexico to Fleming av., 27th wd.

Ransom, from Festoria to Textor, 26th wd., formerly Richard.

Raphael Terrace, from Phillips av. to Biddle, 14th wd.

Rapidan ay., from Xenia ay. to Thompson, 12th wd.

Rapp ay., from Nineta ay. to Abbs ay., 19th wd.

Raspberry ay., from A to Brighton rd., 25th wd.

Rastus ay., from Frankstown av. to Louden, 12th wd., formerly Richie ay.

Ravenna, from Shady av. to Spahr, 7th wd.

Ravine, from Jasepr [sic] to Boggs av., 19th wd.

Ray av., from Fair av. to Pioneer av., 19th wd.

Raymond, from Nevada to city line, 14th wd.

Realty av., from Baltimore to prop. line, 19th wd.

Ream ay., from Roller to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 27th wd., formerly Ross ay.

Rebecca, from Centre av. to Stanton av., 8th, 10th and 11th wds.

Recinto, from Sebring av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Renton av.

Recoup ay., from Atlantic av. to Pacific av., 8th wd., formerly Rosina ay.

Reddour, from North av. to Sampson, 22d wd., formerly Race.

Redknap, from Buena Vista to Monterey, 25th wd., formerly Robert.

Redmond ay., from Allendale to Furman ay., 20th wd.

Redoak ay., from Virginia av. to Piermont, 19th wd.

Redstone ay., from Chatsworth to Monongahela, 15th wd.

Reed, from Fullerton to Centre av., 3d and 5th wds.

Reedsdale, from Mumford to Cremo, 21st and 22d wds., formerly Rebecca.

Reese, from Rutledge to Grandview av., 19th wd.

Refuge, from Doerr to Westhall, 27th wd.

Regent, from Haslett to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Reserve.

Regina, from St. Thomas to prop. line, 17th wd.

Reifert, from Camfield to city line, 18th wd.

Reimer ay., from Paulson av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Reiss, from Haller to Lapish rd., 27th wd.

Reiter, from Larimer av. to Everett, 11th wd.

Reliance, from Scotland to Hope, 22d and 23d wds., formerly Robinson.

Relic ay., from Rapidan ay. to Vermillion ay., 12th wd.

Relief ay., from Carver to Meadow, 12th wd.

Remus ay., from Gardner ay. to Post, 9th wd.

Renfrew, from Lincoln av. to Vanilla ay., 12th wd.

Rennig, from Marchand to prop. line, 7th wd., formerly Richards ay.

Renova, from Dike to prop. line, 15th wd.

Renwick, from McLain to Excelsior, 18th wd.

Repeal ay., from Glenarm av. to unnamed ay., 19th wd., formerly Rural ay.

Republic, from Grandview av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Rescue, from Varley eastward, 26th wd., formerly Reserve.

Reseca pl., from North av. to Tarleton, 22d wd.

Reserve, from Shadeland av. to Victor ay., 27th wd.

Resort ay., from Cherry way to Scrip ay., 2d wd., formerly Relief ay.

Retail ay., from Peralta to Tripoli, 23d wd., formerly Red Oak ay.

Retanus ay., from Tate ay. to Hemlock, 22d wd., formerly Regina ay.

Return, from Troy Hill rd. to Welser ay., 24th wd.

Reuben, from Woods Run av. to Gass av., 27th wd., formerly part Alma.

Reva way, from Navajo way to Ramona, 20th wd.

Revere ay., from Dobson to Downey, 5th wd.

Reward ay., from Webster av. to Bedford av., 5th wd.

Reyner ay., from Mathews ay. to Black, 11th wd.

Reynolds, from William Pitt blvd. to Braddock av., 14th wd.

Reynton lane, from Highfield av. east and west, 14th wd.

Rhine, from Itin to Buente, 24th and 26th wds.

Rhode Island, from Springfield to Camden, 20th wd.

Rialto, from Ohio to Wicklines lane, 24th wd., formerly Ravine.

Ribb, from Cook to Brace ay., 27th wd., formerly Ruth.

Richards st. and ay., from Woods Run av. to Glendale av., 26th wd., formerly part Richmond.

Richardson av., from McClure av. to Antrim, 27th wd.

Richdale, from Perrysville av. to Ruggles, 26th wd., formerly Richey av.

Richland, from Edgerton av. to Fairfax ay., 13th and 14th wds.

Richmond, from Hutchison to city line, 14th wd.

Rickenbach, from Suismon to prop. line, 23d wd.

Ridge av., from Chateau to Merchant, 21st and 22d wds.

Ridgeville, from Barnesdale to Dallas av., 14th wd., formerly Ridgewood.

Ridgewood, from Yale to Perrysville av., 25th wd.

Ridgway, from Cliff to Monroe, 2d, 5th and 6th wds., formerly Ridge.

Rieseck ay., from Federal to Sandusky, 22d wd., formerly Rose ay.

Rienzi, from Livonia east and west, 10th wd.

Rife, from Leister to Solar, 26th wd., formerly unnamed.

Riffle ay., from Columbus av. to Kirkbride, 25th wd., formerly Relief ay.

Riggo ay., from Bailiff ay. to Devine ay., 21st wd., formerly Bailiff–Reed.

Ringwalt, from Curranhill av. to Longmore av., 19th wd., formerly Rockland av.

Rippey, from Negley av. to Highland av., 11th wd.

Risby av., from Tropical av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Rising way, from Fifth av. to De Ruad, 4th wd.

Rising Main av., from Howard to Meadville, 24th and 25th wds.

River av., from Dasher to Bridge, 22d, 23d and 24th wds.

Riverside av., from South Main to Maloney, 19th wd.

Rivet ay., from Linwood to Perrysville av., 26th wd., formerly Roscoe ay.

Roach, from Livonia east and west, 10th wd.

Roalman, from Leeds ay. to Oxline, 21st wd., formerly Rosedale.

Roane ay., from Annetta to Dunmore, 12th wd.

Roanoke, from Brownsville av. to Hanover, 18th wd.

Robb ay., from Braddock av. to city line, 14th wd., formerly Reseca ay.

Roberta ay., from Shreve to city line, 26th wd.

Roberts, from Reed to Bedford av., 5th wd.

Robina, from sherwood av. to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Robinson, from Fifth av. to Berthoud, 2d and 5th wds.

Robley ay., from Euclid av. to Beatty, 11th wd.

Rochelle, from Glen Mawr av. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Rock st. and ay., from Maurice to prop. line, 4th wd.

Rockland av., from suburban av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Rockledge, from Damas to Romanhoff, 24th and 26th wds., formerly Robinson rd.

Rockway, from Tiffany to Riverview Park, 27th wd.

Rodgers, from Reedsdale to South av., 22d wd.

Rodman, from Highland av. to Collins av., 11th wd.

Rodney, from Woods Run av. to Davis av., 27th wd., formerly Rose av.

Roedler ay., from Cloverdale to city line, 20th wd.

Roessler, from Lowrie to Straub's lane, 24th wd.

Roethlein ay., from Spring Garden av. to Voskamp, 24th wd.

Roland, from South 15th to South 17th, 17th wd.

Rolfe, from Dornbush to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Rolla, from Irwin to Buena Vista, 25th wd.

Roller, from Island av. northward, 27th wd., formerly Randolph.

Roma ay., from Hollywood to prop. line, 15th wd.

Romanhoff, from Hespen to Rockledge, 26th wd.

Romeo, from Bates to Ethel, 4th wd.

Romig, from Fenway to Woodland av., 27th wd., formerly Reserve.

Ronald, from William Pitt blvd. to prop. line, 15th wd.

Roosevelt av., from Wabana to city line, 26th wd.

Rope ay., from North av. to Ridge av., 22d wd.

Roscoe, from Oporto to prop. line, 17th wd.

Rose, from Overhill to Kirkpatrick, 3d and 5th wds.

Rosebud, from Mansion to Johnston av., 15th wd.

Rosecrans ay., from Gardner's [sic] ay. to prop. line, 9th wd.

Rosedale, from Mulford to Division, 13th wd.

Rosella ay., from Dallas to Galena, 14th wd., formerly Rutland ay.

Rosemary, from Braddock av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Roseton av., from Bon Air av. to Fordyce, 18th wd.

Rosetta, from Fairmount to Mathilda, 11th wd.

Rosina ay., from Howley to Pearl, 9th wd.

Roslyn ay., from Meadow to Sago, 12th wd.

Ross, from Water to 6th av., 1st and 2d wds.

Rossmore av., from Pioneer av. to Glenarm av., 19th wd.

Rostock, from East to Rife, 24th wd., formerly Raymond.

Rothpletz, from Hall eastward, 27th wd., formerly Rural av.–McKee.

Roup av., from Forward av. to Penn av., 7th, 8th and 14th wds., formerly Negley av.–Roup pl.

Rowan, from Lincoln av. to Paulson av., 12th wd.

Rowley, from Roberts to Devilliers, 3d wd.

Roxana ay., from Wellesley to Jackson, 11th wd.

Roxbury ay., from Ridgway to Paulowna, 5th and 6th wds.

Roy, from Lang to prop. line, 14th wd.

Royal, from East to South Side av., 26th wd.

Royster ay., from Chelsea to Breckenridge, 5th wd., formerly Royal ay.

Rubicon, from Mason east and west, 19th wd.

Ruby, from Strassberg to Oasis, 10th wd.

Ruch, from Reed to Wyandotte, 5th wd.

Rudd, from Corliss to Danley, 20th wd.

Rudolph, from Campau to Lakewood, 20th wd.

Ruff, from Terrace to South Side av., 26th wd., formerly Reserve.

Rufus ay., from Neuhart to Talco, 26th wd., formerly Ritchie ay.

Rugby, from Worthington av. to Somerset, 12th wd.

Ruggles, from Gould to Dunlap, 26th wd., formerly East Richey.

Rugraff, from Angelo to South 18th, 17th wd., formerly Rubens.

Rupp ay., from Arlington av. to Wave ay., 16th wd.

Rupple ay., from Lydia to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Rural, from Negley av. to Highland av., 11th wd.

Rush, from Chateau to Bidwell, 21st wd.

Russell, from Irwin av. to Holyoke av., 26th wd., formerly Highland av.

Russet ay., from Minnesota to Blanche, 15th wd.

Rust ay., from Ridgway to Grant blvd., 6th wd.

Rustic ay., from Phillips av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Ruth, from Bailey av. to Warrington av., 18th and 19th wds.

Rugherford av., from Crane av. to Baltimore, 19th wd.

Rutherglen, from Second av. to Lytle, 15th wd.

Ruthven, from Herron av. to prop. line, 6th wd.

Rutland, from Grizella to Evergreen rd., 26th wd.

Rutledge, from Greenleaf to Augusta, 19th wd.

Rutter, from Saline av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Ruxton, from Haberman av. to Craighead, 18th wd.

Ryolite, from Mathews ay. to Black, 11th wd., formerly Rogers ay.

Sabina, from Hazelwood av. to Frank, 15th wd.

Sabula ay., from Warburton to West Side B. R. R., 19th wd., formerly South ay.

Sachem ay., from Clark to Hazel, 3d wd.

Sackett, from Enterprise to prop. line, 12th wd., formerly Snyder.

Sacremento [sic] av., from Strickler to Vienna, 20th wd.

Sagamore, from Carson, west, to Oregon, 20th wd.

Saginaw, from Carson, west, to Esplen, 20th wd.

Sago ay., from Roslyn ay. to Carver, 12th w.d [sic]

Sagwa, from Lapish rd. to prop. line, 27th wd. ,formerly Saginaw.

Said, from Superior av. to Ohio River, 27th wd.

Saint Marie, from Highland av. to Wightman's line, 11th wd., formerly Bond.

Salem ay., from Fred ay. to Orlando ay., 8th wd.

Saline, from Forward av. to Biddle, 14th and 15th wds.

Salisbury, from Arlington av. to Julia, 16th wd.

Salmon ay., from Reedsdale to Medley, 21st wd., formerly Salma ay.

Salter ay., from Spring Garden av. to prop. line, 23d wd., formerly Sioux ay.

Sam, from Carrie to prop. line, 25th wd.

Samantha ay., from Black to Wellesley av., 11th wd., formerly Sandusky ay.

Samoan ay., from Samantha to Chislett, 11th wd.

Sample ay., from Arch to Burd, 22d wd.

Sampson st. and ay., from Federal to Irwin av., 22d and 25th wds., part formerly Dawson.

Sanders, from Trevanion to city line, 14th wd.

Sandrun ay., from Dawn av. to Mango way, 19th wd., formerly South ay.

Sands ay., from Preble av. to Bison, 27th wd.

Sandusky, from Liberty av. to Bell av., 2d, 22d and 25th wds., formerly part 7th.

Sandwich st. and ay., from Southern av. to Dorsch [sic], 19th wd.

Sanford, from Carson, west, to Esplen, 20th wd.

Santiago, from Franklin rd. eastward, 26th wd.

Sapphire ay., from Lorigan to Liberty av., 8th wd.

Sarah, from South 7th to South 32d, 16th and 17th wds.

Saratoga, from Brunot av. to Strickler, 20th wd.

Sardis ay., from Leech to 37th, 6th wd.

Sardina ay., from Kepler ay. to prop. line, 5th wd.

Saroney ay., from Munsell to Leon ay., 10th wd.

Sartwell, from West Magnolia to C. & P. R. R., 27th wd., formerly Sampson.

Sassafras ay., from 28th to 33d, 6th wd.

Sassafras, from Liberty av. to 38th, 6th wd.

Saturn ay., from Jarvella to Star ay., 25th wd.

Satyr ay., from Pocono to Nevada, 14th wd.

Savannah, from Springfield to Camden, 20th wd.

Savilla ay., from Wallace to Battalion ay., 4th wd.

Savina, from Spring Garden av. to High, 24th wd.

Savoy, from Antrim to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Sloan.

Saw Mill ay., from Madison av. to Pindam, 24th wd.

Sawyer, from 62d east and west, 10th wd.

Saxon ay., from Lincoln av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Schenley av., from Mathilda to Morningside av. [sic], 11th wd.

Schiller, from Olcott to Greely, 16th wd.

Schimmer, from Shadeland av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd.

Schnuttgen, from Lappe lane to List, 26th wd.

School ay., from Cessna ay. to Sherrod, 9th wd.

Schuchert, from Camfield to city line, 18th wd.

Schuck way, from Ark way to Taft av., 18th wd.

Science, from Roanoke to prop. line, 18th wd.

Sciota, from Edmond to Atlantic, 8th wd.

Scotland, from Martindale to W. P. R. R., 22d wd., formerly School.

Scott pl., from Penn av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Scoville, from River av. to W. P. R. R., 23d wd., formerly Scott.

Scrip ay., from 4th av. to 5th av., 1st and 2d wds., formerly part Bakewell ay.

Scroll ay., from Bellaire av. to Eathan av., 19th wd., formerly Sage ay.

Seabright, from Ferguson av. to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Seward.

Seal, from Webster av. to Bedford av., 5th wd., formerly Shelby.

Seam ay., from Preble av. westward, 21st wd., formerly Scrip ay.

Searles ay., from Ellis to Mohn ay., 26th wd., formerly Seneca ay.

Sebolt way, from Taft av. to Bigger, 18th wd.

Sebring av., from Rutherford av. to Mohamet, 19th wd., formerly South Sharon av.

Secane av., from Ruth to Laclede, 19th wd.

Second av., from Liberty av. to south city line, 1st, 4th, 14th and 15th wds.

Section ay., from Berwin av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Sylvan ay.

Sedan, from Snyder to Taggart, 26th wd.

Sedgwick, from Pennsylvania av. to Sunday ay., 21st wd., formerly part Dill.

Seeley, from Haights to prop .line, 11th wd.

Sefton way, from Halstead av. to Shawhan av., 19th wd., formerly Short way.

Seine ay., from Wallace to Herr, 5th wd.

Seitz, from Colbert to prop. line, 1st wd., formerly Maria.

Selby ay., from South 8th to South 10th, 17th wd.

Sellers, from Shady av. to Emerson, 7th wd.

Selma, from Rippey to Black, 11th wd.

Selwyn, from Hastings to Reynolds, 14th wd.

Semicir, from Perrysville av. to Gilliford, 26th wd., formerly Hobart–Meyran.

Semple, from Dawson to Forbes, 4th wd.

Seneca, from Fifth av. to Second av., 1st and 4th wds.

Senlich, from River av. to Ohio, 23d wd., formerly Sycamore.

Sentinel ay., from Joseph to Orphan, 12th wd.

Sepoy, from West Liberty av. to Magic av., 19th wd., formerly Short.

Seventh av., from Liberty av. to Webster av., 2d wd.

Seventeenth, from Liberty av. to Pike, 2d wd.

Seward, from Grandview av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Sextant ay., from Waltham to Mohamet, 19th wd., formerly Spring ay.

Seymour, from Beaver av. to Ohio River, 21st wd., formerly Stanton av.

Shadeland av., from Superior av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd., formerly Shady av.

Shadwell, from Grafton to prop. line, 11th wd., formerly Sheridan pl.

Shady av., from Penn av. to Wm. Pitt blvd., 7th and 14th wds.

Shafer, from Bedford av. to Arcena, 5th wd.

Shakesperare st. and ay., from Centre av. to Putnam, 7th wd.

Shaler, from Grandview av. to Woodville av., 19th wd.

Shalom, from Fifth av. to Middlesex ay., 4th wd., formerly Solar.

Shamokin, from Oporto to prop. line, 16th wd.

Shamrock ay., from Mathilda to Elora ay., 11th wd.

Shank, from Luella to Nettie, 26th wd., formerly Short.

Shannon way, from Buffington av. to Taft av., 18th wd.

Shannopin, from Shaler to Wyola, 19th wd.

Sharon, from St. Thomas to Amanda, 16th wd.

Sharp ay., from Samantha to Chislett, 11th wd.

Shaw av., from William Pitt blvd. to Beacon, 14th wd.

Shawano, from James to East, 23d wd., formerly Shawnee.

Shawhan av., from Aidyl av. to Brookline blvd., 19th wd.

Shawnee, from Iowa to Ossipee, 5th wd.

Sheffield, from Beaver av. to Bidwell, 21st wd.

Shelby, from Hall to Langtry, 27th wd.

Shelly, from Oakley ay. to prop. line, 16th wd.

Sheridan, from Centre av. to Grafton, 8th and 11th wds.

Sheriff, from Stayton av. to McDowell, 27th wd.

Sherlock, from Hawkins to North End av., 26th wd., formerly Sheridan.

Sherman av., from Stockton av. to Jarvella, 22d and 25th wds.

Sherrod, from 42d to 45th, 9th wd., formerly Irwin pl. and Sherman.

Sherwood av., from Aschenez to Zephyr, 20th wd.

Shetland, from Washington blvd. to Lenora, 12th wd.

Shevlin, from Warnock to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Short.

Shields, from Bigelow to Farnsworth, 15th wd.

Shiloh, from Grandview av. to Southern av., 19th wd.

Shine ay., from Luella to Landgraf av., 27th wd., formerly South ay.

Shingiss, from Diamond to Bluff, 1st wd.

Shippen, from Longworth to Hazelwood av., 15th wd.

Shipton, from Webster av. to Bedford av., 3d wd.

Shiras av., from Candace to prop. line, 19th wd.

Shockoe ay., from Fountain to McBrier ay., 25th wd., formerly Steels way.

Shomin, from Clark to Hazel, 3d wd., formerly Scott.

Short, from Water to Liberty av., 1st wd.

Shreve, from Sunset av. eastward, 26th wd., formerly Summer.

Shrub ay., from Cust to Glenwood av., 15th wd.

Shull ay., from Ancona to Tell, 24th wd., formerly Shiloh.

Shulze, from Quarry to prop. line, 16th wd.

Shypole, from Hemlock to Fountain, 25th wd., formerly Springfield.

Siam ay., from Natchez to Ennis, 19th wd.

Sicily ay., from Ridgway to Arcena, 5th wd.

Sickles, from Allison to city line, 13th wd.

Side ay., from Grant blvd. to Brereton, 6th wd.

Sidney, from South 17th to South 25th, 16th and 17th wds.

Siebert, from Main to 42d, 9th wd.

Sierra, from Sterling to Eleanor, 16th wd.

Sigel, from California av. to prop. line, 21st wd.

Sigma ay., from Delaware to Catoctin, 26th wd.

Sigsbee way, from Pennsylvania av. to Locust, 21st wd.

Silver ay., from Denver to Byron, 6th wd.

Silverdale, from Perchment to Ferndale, 12th wd.

Silverton av., from Everton to Hilldale, 12th wd.

Simen av., from Brighton rd. to Etola, 27th wd.

Simms, from Southern av. to Grace, 19th wd.

Simonton, from Dallas to Fifth av., 14th wd., formerly Simen.

Simpson, from Second av. to Monongahela river, 4th wd.

Sinaloa ay., from Fifth av. to Wylie av., 3d wd., formerly State ay.

Singer, from Tioga to Frankstown av., 13th wd.

Sioux ay., from Pawnee to Ponka, 19th wd.

Sipe, from Hubbard north and south, 27th wd.

Sister ay., from Brother to Surban av., av. [sic], 20th wd.

Sixth av., from Liberty av. to Diamond, 2d wd.

Sixteenth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny River, 2d wd.

Sixty-second, from Butler to Osborne, 10th wd.

Skitmore av., from West Liberty av. to Shiras av., 19th wd., formerly Saratoga av.

Slagle, from Howe to Walnut 8th wd.

Sloan st. and ay., from Frustum to Tabor, 20th wd.

Slocum ay., from Liberty av. to Penn av., 2d wd.

Slope, from Wyncotte to Stadium, 20th wd.

Slush ay., from Federal to Burd, 22d wd.

Smallman, from 21st to Yazoo ay., 6th wd.

Smith way, from Boggs av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Smithfield, from Liberty av. to Carson, 1st, 2d, 17th and 19th wds.

Smithton av., from Westborn to Holmes, 26th and 27th wds.

Snively ay., from Euclid to St. Clair, 11th wd., formerly Sharp ay.

Snow ay., from Martha to Gael ay., 10th wd.

Snowden, from Brushton av. to Claire, 13th wd.

Snyder, from Irwin av. east and west, 26th wd.

Sobieski ay., from Brereton to Phelan ay., 6th wd.

Social ay., from Diagonal to Festival, 7th wd.

Soffel, from Boggs av. to Chess, 19th wd.

Soho, from Fifth av. to Wylie av., 4th and 5th wds.

Solar, from Brahm to Lappe lane, 24th wd.

Solway, from Forbes to Shady av., 14th wd.

Somers, from Wylie av. to Bedford av., 5th wd.

Somerset, from Westmoreland to city line, 12th wd.

somerville, from Hawthorne to prop. line, 10th wd.

Sophia, from Leister to Florence, 24th wd.

Sorento, from Hall to Westborn, 26th wd.

Sorg ay., from Thornton to Ashlyn, 20th wd.

Sorrell, from Hodgkiss to Marshall av., 27th wd., formerly Shady av.

South av., from Cremo to Ohio River, 21st and 22d wds., formerly part Ann.

South 1st, from Carson, east, to South Water, 17th wd.

South 2d, from Carson, east, to South Water, 17th wd.

South 3d, from Carson, east, to South Water, 17th wd.

South 4th, from Carson, east, to South Water, 17th wd.

South 5th, from Carson, east, to South Water, 17th wd.

South 6th, from Manor to Bingham, 17th wd.

South 7th, from Manor to South Water, 17th wd.

South 8th, from Manor to South Water, 17th wd.

South 9th, from Manor to Monongahela river, 17th wd.

South 10th, from Manor to Second av., 1st and 17th wds.

South 11th, from Manor to Muriel, 17th wd.

South 12th, from Manor to Monongahela river, 17th wd.

South 13th, from Breed to Monongahela river, 17th wd.

South 14th, from Manor to South Water, 17th wd.

South 15th, from Manor to prop. line, 17th wd.

South 16th, from Manor to South Water, 17th wd.

South 17th, from Josephine to P. & L. E. R. R., 17th wd.

South 18th, from Arlington av. to Monongahela river, 17th wd.

South 19th, from Josephine to South Water, 17th wd.

South 20th, from Mary to Monongahela river, 17th wd.

South 21st, from Josephine to Monongahela river, 16th and 17th wds.

South 22d, from Josephine to Monongahela river, 16th wd.

South 23d, from Josephine to Monongahela river, 16th wd.

South 24th, from Josephine to Fox, 16th wd.

South 25th, from Mary to Monongahela river, 16th wd.

South 26th, from Josephine to Carson, east, 16th wd.

South 27th, from Josephine to Carson, east, 16th wd.

South 28th, from Mary to Carson, east, 16th wd.

South 29th, from Sarah to Carson, east, 16th wd.

South 30th, from Mary to Sumpter, 16th wd.

South 31st, from Mary to McClurg, 16th wd.

South 32d, from Mary to P. & L. E. R. R., 16th wd.

South 34th, from Carson, east, to Monongahela river, 16th wd.

South Bergman, from Hammond av. to P., C., C. & St. L. R. R., 20th wd.

South Canal, from Madison av. to Pindam, 23d wd.

Southern av., from Wyoming to Boggs av., 19th wd.

South Main, from Ohio river to city line, 19th and 20th wds.

South Side av., from Sunset to city line, 26th wd., formerly part Centre.

South Water, from South 1st to South 26th, 16th and 17th wds.

Spahr, from College to Ellsworth av., 8th wd.

Spahrgrove, from Sandwich to Bigham prop., 19th wd.

Spann ay., from Graib to Fountain, 25th wd., formerly Smith ay.

Sparta, from Walbridge to Kerr, 20th wd.

Speck, from Edwin to Lapish rd., 27th wd.

Speer av., from Phillips av. to Eliza, 14th wd.

Spencer, from Lincoln av. to Upland, 12th and 13th wds.

Spice, from Glenside av. to Ashland av., 26th wd., formerly Spencer.

Spin ay., from Chaucer to Lang, 13th wd.

Spionkop ay., from Quartz to prop. line, 15th wd.

Spiral, from Suffolk to Montrose av., 26th wd., formerly Spring av.

Sprague, from Spencer to Oberlin, 12th wd.

Sprain, from Compromise to Wigwam, 25th wd., formerly Spring av.

Spring ay., from 11th to Ligonier, 2d and 6th wds.

Springer ay., from Chislett to Samantha, 11th wd.

Springfield, from Hamburg to Camden, 20th wd.

Spring Garden av., from Madison av. to city line, 23d and 24th wds., formerly part O'Hara.

Sproat ay., from Ridge av. to South av., 21st wd.

Spruce ay., from 22d to 36th, 2d and 6th wds.

Squirrel Hill av., from Northumberland av. to Beeler, 14th wd.

Stack ay., from Friendship av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Stadium, from Strickler to Slope, 20th wd.

Standard av., from Frankstown av. to city line, 13th wd.

Standish, from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd.

Stanford rd., from Brighton rd. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Stanhope, from Allendorf to twp. line, 20th wd., formerly Swatsworth.

Stanley, from Connor to Laercher, 15th wd.

Stanton av., from Highland Park to Butler, 9th, 10th and 11th wds.

Stanwix, from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd., formerly Fifth.

Stapleton, from West Liberty av. to Waddington av., 19th wd., formerly Sturgiss av.

Star way, from Kearsarge to Shiloh, 19th wd.

Starch, from Excelsior to Sweden ay., 18th wd., formerly Oswego–Hecla way.

Starkamp, from Bellaire av. to Eathan av., 19th wd., formerly Stanford av.

Starling ay., from Murtland to Dallas, 12th wd.

State ay., from Lorigan to Liberty av., 8th wd.

Station, from Highland av. to Penn av., 11th wd.

Staud, from Howard to East, 24th wd.

Staver, from Dewey av. to Gibsoney, 26th wd.

Stayton, from Marshall av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd.

Stebbins av., from Dorchester av. to Brookline blvd., 19th wd., formerly Sherwood av.

Stedman, from Beaver av. to Bidwell, 21st wd., formerly Stewart.

Steel av., from Cavett to Hamburg, 20th wd.

Steese, east from Lapish rd., 27th wd., formerly Slocum.

Steigerwalt ay., from Madison av. to East, 23d wd., formerly Ludwig ay.

Steine, from Hunnel to Rhine, 24th wd.

Stella, from Barry to Oakley ay, 16th wd.

Stengel, from South av. to Reedsdale, 22d wd., formerly Snowden.

Sterling st. and ay., from Lebanon to Arlington av., 16th wd.

Sterrett, from Hamilton av. to Upland, 12th and 13th wds.

Stetson, from West Liberty av. to Pioneer av., 19th wd., formerly Summerhill av.

Steuben, from Caron west, to city line, 20th wd.

Stevenson, from Colwell to Bluff, 1st and 3d wds.

Stewart, from Highland av. to Stanton av., 11th wd.

Stieb ay., from Black to Mathilda, 11th wd.

Stieren, from Preble av. to Ohio river, 27th wd., formerly Spruce.

Stiles ay., from Saturn to Perrysville av., 25th wd., formerly Star ay.

Stilwell, from Maline to Wabana, 26th wd., formerly Seloma.

Stimple, from Meyran av. to Riverview Park, 26th wd.

Stobo, from Sherman av. to Union av., 22d wd., formerly South Diamond.

Stockholm, from Plutarch to Haran, 2d and 6th wds.

Stockton av., from Merchant to Union av., 22d wd.

Stoddart ay., from Arbuckle ay. to Anderson, 23d wd.

Stoebner ay., from Paulson av. to Larimer av., 12th wd.

Stokes av., from Reuben av. to prop. line, 27th wd.

Stoltz, from Dorsey to Groom ay., 26th wd., formerly Sabina av.

Stonelea, from Hiawatha to Wilksboro av., 27th wd., formerly Syracuse.

Stoneville, from Perchment to Ferndale, 13th wd.

Storey ay., from Entrance av. to Roberta ay., 26th wd., formerly Short ay.

Straka, from Frontenac to Chartiers av., 20th wd.

Stranmore, from Oriana to California av., 21st wd., formerly Somerset st.

Strap ay., from Davis av. to Woods Run av., 27th wd., formerly Shrub ay.

Strasburg, from Ruby to Berlin ay., 10th wd.

Stratford av., from Penn av. to Roup av., 8th wd.

Stratton lane, from Howe to Walnut, 8th wd.

Straub's lane, from Sundeman to city line, 24th wd.

Strauss, from Taggart to Irwin av., 26th wd., formerly Sarah.

Strawberry way, from Liberty av. to Pentland, 2d wd.

Strickler, from Esplen to Sacremento [sic] av., 20th wd.

Stroble ay., from Babbitt ay. to Sturgeon, 22d wd., formerly St. Clair.

Stromberg, from Cobden to Barry, 16th wd., formerly Sedgwick.

Strong, from Allegheny av. to Walker, 21st wd., formerly Sheilds [sic].

Stroud, from Allendorf to Allendale, 20th wd.

Stulen, from Furman av. to Sutherland, 20th wd.

Sturgeon, from south av. to Ridge av., 22d wd.

Sturm, from Daisey av. to Quebec, 26th wd., formerly Shingiss.

St. Andrews, from River av. to Pace, 12th wd.

St. Augustine, from Cobalt to 36th, 6th wd.

St. Clair, from Baum av. to Bunkerhill, 8th and 11th wds.

St. Ives, from Columbus av. to Kunkle ay., 21st wd., formerly St. Clair Terrace.

St. James, from Fifth av. to Ellsworth av., 7th wd.

St. John's ay., from 40th to 42d, 9th wd., formerly Irwin ay.

St. Leo, from Crossman to Roscoe, 16th wd.

St. Mark's place, from Columbus av. to Uniondale Cemetery, 21st and 25th wds.

St. Martin, from Monastery to Amanda, 17th wd.

St. Mary's court, from Lacock to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 22d wd.

St. Michael, from Birmingham to prop. line, 17th wd.

St. Patrick, from South 18th to Arlington av., 17th wd.

St. Paul, from Monastery to Oporto, 17th wd.

St. Thomas, from Hackstown to South 18th, 17th wd.

Suburban av., from Hampshire av. to Sebring av., 19th wd.

Success, from Uniondale Cemetery westward, 21st wd , formerly Sumner.

Succop, from Province to Basin, 24th wd., formerly Summit.

Suffolk, from East to Hazelton av., 26th wd.

Sugdon way, from Independence to Chippewa, 20th wd., formerly Station way.

Suismon, from Cedar av. to Wettach, 23d wd., formerly Second–Green.

Sullivan, from Columbo to prop. line, 11th wd.

Sulphite ay., from Somerville to prop. line, 10th wd., formerly Superior ay.

Summerlea, from Walnut to P. R. R., 8th wd.

Summit, from 43d to 44th, 9th wd.

Sumner, from Cobden to Barry, 16th wd.

Sumpter, from Costume ay. to South 30th, 16th wd.

Sun ay., from Lydia to Winterburn, 15th wd.

Sunbury ay., from Alva to Miami, 4th wd.

Sunday st. and ay., from California av. to Oriana, 21st wd., formerly Sweeney st. and ay.

Sundeman, from Lowrie to city line, 24th wd., formerly Sassafras lane.

Sunnyside, from Almeda to Glenwood av., 15th wd.

Sunol way, from Shiras av. to Crosby av., 19th wd.

Sunset av., from South Side av. to Gerschon, 26th wd.

Superior av., from Preble av. to Stayton, 27th wd.

Supreme ay., from stanton av. to Hays, 11th wd.

Surban av., from Sherwood to twp. line, 20th wd.

Susan, from Osgood to Hazelton av., 26th wd.

Susannah ay., from Albany to Hamburg, 19th wd.

Susquehanna, from Dallas to Dunbar, 12th and 13th wds.

Sussex av., from Berkshire av. to city line, 19th wd.

Sutherland, from Chartiers av. to city line, 20th wd.

Sutton, from Catoma to Sandusky, 25th wd., formerly Sidney.

Swamp, from Woods Run av. to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Sylvan av.

Swan ay., from Vetter to Gael and Stanton av. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Swaney, from Municipal to Fusion, 20th wd.

Swanson, from Gibbony to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Stewart.

Swantek, from Middletown rd. to Thayer pl., 20th wd., formerly Swentzell way.

Sweden ay., from Brownsville av. to prop. line, 18th wd.

Sweeney ay., from Ford and Enoch, 3d wd.

Sweet ay., from Central to prop. line, 27th wd.

Sweetbriar, from Grandview av. to Meta, 19th wd.

Sweitzer, from Shafer to Marcella, 5th wd.

Swentzell, from Straka to twp. line, 20th wd.

Swift ay., from Thornton to Elmira ay., 20th wd.

Swope st. and ay., from Ravenna to Alder, 8th wd.

Sycamore, from Carson, east, to Plymouth, 18th and 19th wds.

Sygan ay., from Kermit to city line, 19th wd.

Sylva ay., from Phillips av. to Busoda, 14th wd.

Sylvan av., from Second av. to Hazelwood av., 4th wd.

Sylvania av., from Beltzhoover av. to Boggston av., 18th wd.

Syracuse, from Springfield av. to Crest ay., 20th wd.

Tabor, from Carson, west, to city line, 20th wd.

Tacoma, from Oakwood to Rosedale, 13th wd.

Taft av., from Montooth to Boggston av., 18th wd.

Taggart, from Columbus av. to Hazelton av., 25th and 26th wds., formerly Charles–Maryland.

Talbot, from Steuben to Elliott, 20th wd.

Talco, from Watsonia blvd. to Neuhart, 26th wd., formerly Tacoma.

Tamello ay., from Mignonette to Beatty, 8th wd.

Tampa ay., from Michigan to Vandalia, 18th wd.

Tan ay., from Winterburn to Minnesota, 15th wd.

Tank ay., from Beltzhoover av. to prop. line, 18th wd.

Tannehill, from Centre av. to Webster av., 3d wd.

Tanner, from Spring Garden av. to Voskamp, 24th wd.

Tara ay., from Filbert to Telephone ay., 8th wd.

Tareld ay., from Eliza to prop. line, 14th wd.

Tariff ay., from Thistle ay. to Sussex av., 19th wd., formerly Tulip ay.

Tarleton av., from Irwin av. to Sherman av., 22d wd., formerly Taylor av.

Tarragonna, from Dane to Camfield, 18th wd., formerly Telfair av.

Tasso, from Christmas to Home Rule, 15th wd.

Tate ay., from Rambo ay. to James, 22d wd.

Tay ay., from Maryland av. to P. R. R., 7th wd.

Taylor, from Liberty av. to Lorigan, 8th wd.

Tech, from Woodlawn av. to Schenley Park, 4th wd.

Tecumseh, from Gertrude to Monongahela river, 15th wd.

Telegraph ay., from Walnut to Ellsworth av., 7th wd.

Telephone ay., from Walnut to Tara ay., 7th wd.

Telescope, from Arlington av. to Shelly, 16th wd.

Telford, from Carson, west, to Powell, 20th wd.

Tell, from Spring Garden av. to prop. line, 24th wd.

Templeton, from West Liberty av. to Pioneer av., 19th wd.

Tenner ay., from Dallas to Hamilton av., 12th wd.

Tennis st. and ay., from Puckety rd. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Tenth, from Liberty av. to Duquesne way, 2d wd.

Termon av., from Warsaw av. to Wickshire, 27th wd.

Terrace, from Miami to Bouquet, 4th wd.

Test ay., from Lager to Purse ay., 24th wd., formerly Troy ay.

Teton ay., from Tecumseh to Trenton, 15th wd.

Texola ay., from Briar ay. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Tulip ay.

Textor, from Edwin to unnamed ay., 27th wd., formerly Emerson av.

Thalia ay., from Hampton to Bryant, 11th wd.

Thayer, from Ladoga to Tuxedo, 20th wd.

Thays ay., from Hutchison av. to Overton av., 14th wd., formerly Theta ay.

Theobald, from Camargo av. to unnamed ay., 18th wd., formerly Taft av.

Theodolite ay., from Hazelwood av. to Frank, 15th wd.

Theta ay., from Hyperion to Catoctin, 26th wd.

Third av., from Liberty av. to Try, 1st wd.

Thirteenth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d wd.

Thirtieth, from Grant blvd. to Allegheny river, 6th wd.

Thirty-first, from Sassafras ay. to A. V. R. R., 6th wd.

Thirty-second, from Sassafras ay. to Putney ay., 6th wd.

Thirty-third, from Liberty av. to Putney ay., 6th wd.

Thirty-fourth, from Liberty av. to A. V. R. R., 6th wd.

Thirty-fifth, from Penn av. to Allegheny river, 6th wd.

Thirty-sixth, from Sassafras ay. to Allegheny river, 6th wd.

Thirty-seventh, from Neville to A. V. R. R., 6th wd.

Thirty-eighth, from Neville to A. V. R. R., 6th wd.

Thirty-ninth, from Neville to A. V. R. R., 6th wd.

Thisbe ay., from Bond to Stanton av., 11th wd.

Thistle ay., from Fordham av. to Woodbourne av., 19th wd.

Thomas, from Fifth av. to city line, 14th wd.

Thompson, from Shetland to Washington blvd., 12th wd.

Thora ay., from Ward to Juliet, 4th wd.

Thorn, from Brushton av. to Mohler, 13th wd.

Thornton, from Sherwood av. to Bergman, 20th wd.

Thropp, from James to East, 23d wd., formerly Tower.

Thum ay., from Claim to Froman, 24th wd., formerly Troy ay.

Tiffany, from Wardwell to Riverview Park, 27th wd., formerly Thorn.

Tilden, from Oakford ay. to Silverton av., 12th wd.

Tilbury av., from Shady av. to Morrowfield, 14th wd.

Timberland av., from Warrington av. to Edgebrook av., 19th wd.

Tinsbury, from Lowrie to Harpster, 24th wd.

Tinsley ay., from Wilkins av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Tioga, from Homewood av. to Oakwood, 13th wd.

Tionesta av., from Westfield to Brookside av., 19th wd.

Tisace ay., from Alsace to Tioga, 13th wd.

Toberg, from Wachob ay. to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Thompson.

Tobin, from Irwin av. to Babbitt ay., 22d wd., formerly Thomas.

Toboggan, from Rising Main av. to Ferguson av., 25th wd.

Toga ay., from Lemington av. to Westmoreland, 12th wd.

Tokio, from Frankstown av. to Calistoga, 13th wd.

Toledo, from Straka to Swaney, 20th wd.

Tomahawk ay., from Chauncey to Duff and Kirkpatrick to Wesley, 5th wd.

Tonopah av., from Belasco av. to Westinghouse, 19th wd.

Torley, from Edmond to Friendship av., 8th wd.

Toronto ay., from Olcott to Vonark ay., 16th wd.

Torrens, from Frankstown av. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Totten ay., from Kearns rd. to Independence, 20th wd., formerly Thompson way.

Towanda, from Oakwood to prop. line, 13th wd.

Tower, from Brereton to Tyrone, 2d wd.

Townsend, from Colwell to Webster av., 3d wd.

Trade ay., from Baum av. to Centre av., 7th wd.

Transit ay., from Torrens to Fifth av. and Putnam to Enterprise, 12th wd.

Transvaal av., from Edmond to Haller, 27th wd.

Travella blvd., from Lincoln av. to city line, 12th wd.

Traymore av., from Sebring av. to Suburban av., 19th wd.

Tredegar, from Bristol to Sylvan av., 15th wd.

Trelon ay., from Pioneer av. to city line, 19th wd., formerly Thorn ay.

Tremont ay., from Dabbs av. to prop. line, 14th wd.

Trent, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd.

Trenton, from Second av. to Gelnwood av., 15th wd.

Tress ay., from Middletown rd. to prop. line, 20th wd.

Tretow, from Bothwell to Watsonia blvd., 26th wd., formerly Tioga.

Trevanion, from Sanders to Richmond, 14th wd.

Trimble, from Stayton av. to Plough, 27th wd.

Trimber, from Linwood to Linwood, 26th wd., formerly Trenton.

Trinity, from Elmwood to prop. line, 10th wd.

Tripod ay., from Meadow to Washington blvd., 12th wd.

Tripoli, from Cedar av. to Chestnut, 23d wd., formerly Third.

Tropical av., from Crane av. to city line, 19th wd.

Trout ay., from Chartiers av. to Allendale, 20th wd.

Trowbridge, from Gertrude to Glenwood av., 15th wd.

Troy ay., from Boundary to Juno, 4th wd.

Troy Hill rd., from Vinial to Gardner, 23d and 24th wds.

Truax ay., from Basin westward, 24th wd., formerly Tripod ay.

Trueman, from Buena Vista to Irwin av., 25th wd., formerly Terrace av.

Truro pl., from Melwood to Craig, 5th wd.

Try, from Second av. to Monongahela river, 1st wd.

Tulip, from Fred ay. to Orlando ay., 7th wd.

Tullymet, from Second av. to Sylvan av., 15th wd.

Tumbo, from Plough to Trimble, 27th wd., formerly Terrace pl.

Tunnel, from Diamond to Pentland, 2d wd.

Tunstall, from Greenfield av. to Alvin, 15th wd.

Tupelo, from Dickson to unnamed st., 27th wd., formerly Tustin.

Turbett, from Kelvin to Allendale, 20th wd.

Turner, from Shady av. to Landview, 14th wd.

Turrett, from Meadow to Renfrew, 12th wd.

Turtle ay., from Guckert ay. to prop. line, 24th wd., formerly Turner ay.

Tuscarora, from Hastings to Peebles, 14th wd.

Tucker st. and ay., from Syra to Camden, 19th wd.

Tustin, from Marion to Brady, 1st and 4th wds.

Tuxedo, from Ancora way to Ramsey, 20th wd.

Twain, from Marshall av. to McKeever av., 26th wd., formerly Towando.

Tweed, from Chartiers av. to Surban av., 20th wd.

Twelfth, from Liberty av. to Pike, 2d wd.

Twentieth, from Liberty av. to Pike, 2d wd.

Twenty-first, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d wd.

Twenty-second, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d wd.

Twenty-third, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d wd.

Twenty-fourth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d wd.

Twenty-fifth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d wd.

Twenty-sixth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d wd.

Twenty-seventh, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 2d and 6th wds.

Twenty-eighth, from Brereton to Allegheny river, 6th wd.

Twenty-ninth, from Liberty av. to Allegheny river, 6th wd.

Tyler ay., from Lowell to Ashley, 12th wd.

Tyndall, from Landpark to Middletown rd., 20th wd.

Tyrone, from Grant blvd. to Brereton, 2d wd.

Tyson st. and ay., from Batavia to Mohler, 13th wd.

Uhlman, from Azimuth ay. to Bryant, 11th wd.

Ulp, from Jacks Run rd. to Wealth, 27th wd.

Ulysses, from Grandview av. to Virginia av., 19th wd.

Umpire ay., from Butler to Plummer, 9th wd.

Unadilla, from Mathilda to Allegheny Cemty., 11th wd.

Undercliff ay., from Hartman's lane to unnamed ay., 12th wd.

Uneeda ay., from Ohio to Vinial, 23d wd., formerly Unity ay.

Union av., from North Canal to Montgomery, 22d wd.

United ay., from River av. to W. P. R. R., 23d wd., formerly Upland ay.

Unity, from Idaho ay. to Vonark ay., 16th wd.

Universal, from Frankfort to Cress ay., 20th wd.

University av., from Perrysville av. to prop. line, 25th wd.

Upfold ay., from Duff to prop. line, 5th wd.

Upland, from Lincoln av. to Brushton av., 12th and 13th wds.

Uptegraf, from Ober to Blackoak, 14th wd.

Upton, from Junilla to Watt, 5th wd.

Urbana ay., from St. John's ay. to Geneva, 9th wd.

Ursina, from Collins av. to Broad, 11th wd.

Ursuline st. and ay., from Coral to Austin ay., 8th wd.

Utica ay., from Henry to Forbes, 4th wd.

Uvilla, from Attica to Ramona, 20th wd.

Uxor ay., from Sarah to Breed, 17th wd.

Vale, from saw Mill run to city line, 19th wd.

Valentine, from Dehaven westward, 24th wd.

Valette, from Rostock to Queen, 24th wd., formerly Vine.

Valier way, from Marlow to Lorenz av., 20th wd.

Vallejo, from Centre av. to Webster av., 3d wd., formerly Vine.

Valley, from 44th to 47th, 9th wd.

Valonia, from Elliott to Ramona, 20th wd., part Valentine.

Valora, from Wittman to city line, 19th wd.

Van Braam, from Fifth av. to Bluff, 1st wd.

Vance ay., from Henry to prop. line, 4th wd., formerly Victor ay.

Vancroft, from Herron av. to Ossipee, 5th wd.

Vandalia, from Bernd to Eldora, 18th wd.

Vania ay., from Huxley to Allendale, 20th wd.

Vanilla ay., from Shetland to Vermillion ay., 12th wd.

Vantassel, from Haslett to Aner, 26th wd., formerly Vestper.

Varley, from Buente to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Vine.

Vassar, from Lincoln av. to Gladefield, 12th wd.

Vaughn, from Rutledge to Bradley, 19th wd.

Vaux ay., from Bingham to Red Oak ay., 19th wd.

Veazie ay., from Madrone to South Canal, 23d wd., formerly Vine ay.

Vega ay., from Gertrude to Glenwood av., 15th wd.

Venango, from Overbeck to Buente, 24th and 26th wds.

Vendome, from Mingo to Vining, 12th wd.

Vennette, from Adams to Deldorf, 21st wd., formerly Vermont.

Vensel ay., from Dickson to reserve line, 27th wd., formerly Victor ay.

Ventmore ay., from Ludwick to Shady av., 14th wd., formerly Vulcan ay.

Venture, from East to Perrysville av., 26th wd., formerly Valley.

Venus ay., from Larimer av. to Butler, 12th wd.

Vera, from Breckenridge to prop. line, 5th wd.

Verbena ay., from Woodbourne av. to Berkshire av., 19th wd., formerly Violet ay.

Verdant ay., from Chauncey to prop. line, 5th wd.

Vermillion ay., from Xenia ay. to Thompson, 12th wd.

Vermont ay., from Marengo to Sterling, 16th wd.

Verna, from Independence to Butternut ay., 20th wd.

Vernita, from Saw Mill run to city line, 18th and 19th wds., formerly Venue av.

Verner av., from Spruce to California av., 27th wd.

Verona blvd., from Lincoln av. to city line, 12th wd.

Veronica, from Sundeman to prop. line, 24th wd.

Verse ay., from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd., formerly Venango ay.

Vesper, from Hancock to Osay ay., 5th wd.

Vespucius, from Second av. to Dike, 15th wd.

Veteran, from North End av. to prop. line, 26th wd., formerly Virginia av.

Veto, from Eloise to Jarvella, 22d and 25th wds.

Vetter, from Chislett to Duffield, 10th wd.

Viaduct ay., from Midland to city line, 19th wd., formerly Vine ay.

Vickory [sic], from Colbert to Pride, 1st wd.

Victor ay., from Meadow to Renfrew, 12th wd.

Victoria, from De Soto to Darragh, 4th wd.

Vidette, from Dornbush to Wilkinsburg av., 13th wd.

Vienna, from Stafford to Glasgow, 20th wd.

View ay., from Travella blvd. to city line, 12th wd.

Villa, from Baum av. to Roup av., 8th wd.

Vilsack, from Duffield to prop. line, 10th wd.

Vincennes ay., from Wandless east and west, 5th wd.

Vincent, from Climax to Warrington av., 18th wd.

Vine, from Fifth av. to Kosher, 3d wd.

Vinecliffe, from Sycarmore to Wyoming, 18th and 19th wds.

Vinial, from Spring Garden av. to Ohio, 23d and 24th wds.

Vining, from Grotto to Vendome, 12th wd.

Vintage ay., from Baum av. to Friendship av., 8th wd., formerly Vista ay.

Vinton, from Tyndall to Barry, 20th wd.

Viola, from Milroy av. to Orleans, 26th wd.

Violet ay., from Saw Mill run to unnamed ay., 20th wd.

Violin ay., from Bond to prop. line, 11th wd., formerly Viola ay.–White ay.

Vira ay., from Plymouth to Sweetbriar, 19th wd.

Virgin ay., from Cedar av. to Park way, 23d wd.

Virginia av., from Wyoming to Plymouth, 19th wd.

Vista, from Madison av. to Goehring, 23d and 24th wds.

Vivian way, from Climax to Taft av., 18th wd.

Voeghtly st. and ay., from River av. to W. P. R. R., 23d wd., formerly part Hickory.

Volt ay., from Elizabeth to Way ay., 15th wd.

Volunteer, from Spring Garden av. to Firth, 24th wd., formerly Victoria.

Voltz, from Butler to Allegheny river, 10th wd.

Vonark ay., from Josephine to Schiller, 16th wd., formerly Veto ay.

Vonderlehr, from Nettie to South Side av., 26th wd.

Voorhees ay., from Fernando to Epiphany, 3d wd., formerly Verona ay.

Vosco ay., from Cornell av. to Termon av., 27th wd., formerly Vassar lane.

Voskamp, from Vinial to prop. line, 24th wd., formerly Villa.

Vulcan ay., from Isabella to Plush, 22d wd.

Wabana, from Perrysville av. to Dorsey, 26th wd., formerly Wabash.

Wabash, from Attica to Wilberding, 20th wd.

Wabash sq., bounded by Albany, Jennings, Handy way and Steel av., 20th wd.

Wachob ay., from Woodland av. to unnamed ay., 27th wd.

Waco ay., from Queen to Madison av., 24th wd., formerly Watson ay.

Waddington av., from Pioneer av. to Aidyl av., 19th wd.

Wade, from Spahrgrove to Ennis, 19th wd.

Wadlo [sic], from Brighton rd. southward, 27th wd., formerly Waltham [sic].

Wadsworth, from Soho to Robinson, 5th wd.

Waino ay , from Reliance to Lacock, 22d wd., formerly Wade ay.

Wakefield, from Romeo to Furnace ay., 4th wd.

Walbridge, from South Main to Mansfield av., 20th wd., formerly Western.

Walcott, from Florien to Tabor, 20th wd.

Waldeck, from Sylvan av. to Bigelow, 15th wd., formerly Williams.

Waldo ay., from Hawthorne to Coleridge, 10th wd.

Waldorf, from Staver to Perrysville av., 26th wd., formerly Wabash.

Waldron, from Tilbury to William Pitt blvd., 14th wd.

Walker, from South av. to Ridge av., 21st wd.

Wall, from Pace to Venus ay., 12th wd.

Wallace, from Breckenridge to Terrace, 4th and 5th wds.

Wallingford, from Morewood av. to Neville, 4th and 7th wds.

Walnut, from Aiken to Diagonal av., 7th wd.

Walrus ay., from Sepov to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Walter ay.

Walter, from Warrington av. to Lillian, 18th wd.

Waltham, from Dawn av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Weidman av.

Walz, from Rhine to Homer, 24th wd., formerly Robinson rd.

Wampum, from Pitham to Wigwam, 25th wd.

Wandless, from Webster av. to Centre av., 5th wd.

Waneka ay., from Natchez to Prospect, 19th wd.

Wapello, from Davis av. to Goe av., 27th wd., formerly Walker av.

War, from Costume ay. to city line, 16th wd., formerly Wampum.

Warble, from Rebecca to prop. line, 11th wd.

Warburton, from Quay to West Side B. R. R., 19th wd., formerly Weidman av.

Ward, from Semple to Wakefield, 4th wd.

Warden, from Mansfield av. to McCartney, 20th wd.

Wardwell, from Hall southward, 27th wd., formerly Wallace.

Warfield, from River av. to South Canal, 23d wd., formerly Walnut.

Waring, from Breckenridge to Berthoud, 5th wd.

Warlo, from Manhattan to Allegheny av., 21st wd., formerly Ward.

Warner, from Gironde to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 21st wd.

Warnock, from Stetson to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Woodward av.

Warren, from Henderson to Rising Main av., 25th wd., formerly part Quincy.

Warrington av., from St. Thomas to city line, 17th, 18th and 19th wds., formerly Kaiser av. and Washington av. S.

Warsaw, from McKee to Tioga, 13th wd.

Warwick ay., from Paulson av. to Missouri, 12th wd.

Waseon ay., from Pocono to Commercial, 14th wd., formerly Warner ay.

Washington blvd., from Frankstown av. to Haights Run Bridge, 11th and 12th wds., formerly Beechwood av.

Wasp ay., from Moose ay. to Ibex ay., 15th wd.

Water, from Duquesne way to Try, 1st wd.

Water Works ay., from Carson, east, to prop. line, 16th wd.

Watson, from Boyd to Brady, 1st and 4th wds.

Watson entrance, from Perrysville av. to Ophir, 26th wd., formerly Fairview.

Watsonia blvd., from Perrysville av. to Perrysville av., 26th wd., formerly Watson blvd.

Watt, from Centre av. to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Wave ay., from Arlington to Solstice, 16th wd.

Waverly, from Braddock av. to city line, 14th wd.

Way ay., from Electric to Volt ay., 15th wd.

Wayland ay., from Portola av. to Portola av., 26th wd.

Wayleska ay., from Nimick pl. to city line, 13th wd.

Wayne, from Brereton to Harmer [sic], 6th wd.

Weak ay., from prop. line to prop. line, 14th wd., formerly Warren ay.

Wealth, from Gittens to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Warsaw av.

Weaver, from Buttonwood to Harker, 20th wd.

Webb, from Yoder to prop. line, 15th wd.

Webster av., from Grant to Jefferson, 2d, 3d and 5th wds.

Wedgmere, from Brookline blvd. to Gallion av., 19th wd., formerly West Point av.

Weinman, from Southern av. to Chess, 19th wd.

Weiser, from Stockton av. to Montgomery av., 22d wd., formerly East Diamond.

Welcome, from Chellis to Winhorst, 27th wd., formerly Westminster.

Weld ay., from Hoffman to Probst, 27th wd., formerly Woods ay.

Weltz ay., from Probst north and south, 27th wd., formerly Wilson ay.

Weldin st. and ay., from Euclid av. to prop. line, 11th wd.

Well, from Oneida to Shaler, 19th wd.

Wellesley av., from Morningside av. to Stanton av., 10th and 11th wds.

Wellington st. and ay., from Sterling to Clover, 16th wd.

Wellston ay., from Highland av. to Negley av., 11th wd.

Welser ay., from Vinial to Tanner, 24th wd., formerly Water ay.

Welsford, from Zulema to Wilmot, 4th wd., formerly Wilmot pl.

Welsh way, from Birmingham to Birmingham, 16th wd.

Welto, from Muth northward, 26th wd., formerly Willow.

Wentworth av., from Fallowfield av. to Alverado av., 19th wd.

Wenzell way, from West Liberty av. to city line, 19th wd.

Werneberg ay., from Davison to Cessna, 9th wd.

Wernet, from Lytle to Gloster, 15th wd.

Wertz ay., from Taylor to Ella, 8th wd.

Wesley, from Bedford av. to Ridgway, 5th wd.

Wessell ay., from Rhine to Lappe lane, 26th wd.

West, from Water to Liberty av., 1st wd.

Westborn, from Grand av. to Rothpletz, 27th wd., formerly Brighton av.–Wilson.

West Canal, from Lacock to Reliance, 22d wd.

West Liberty av., from Warrington av. to city line, 19th wd.

West Magnolia, from Island av. to Said, 27th wd.

West Point av., from Cleveland av. to Bismark av., 27th wd.

Western av., from Beaver av. to P., Ft. W. Bridge, 21st and 22d wds.

Westfield, from Suburban av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Woodside av.

Westhall, from Ohio river to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., 27th wd., formerly Wilkins.

Westinghouse, from Tonapah [sic] av. to Longmore av., 19th wd., formerly Woodside av.

Westmar, from Superior av. to Island av., 27th wd., formerly West Market.

Westminster, from Amberson to Aiken, 7th wd.

Westmoreland av., from Lemington av. to Asthalter, 12th wd.

Weston way, from Steuben to Weaver, 20th wd.

Wettach, from Ohio to Vinial, 23d wd., formerly Wooster.

Wettengel, from Warden to Walbridge, 20th wd.

Wharton, from South 17th and South 24th, 16th and 17th wds.

Wheatland, from Greenfield av. to Frank, 15th wd.

Wheeler, from Batavia to city line, 13th wd.

Whig, from Ohio to Stobo, 23d wd.

Whipple, from Goodman to Oakgrove, 14th wd.

Whiston ay., from Ark ay. to Sandusky, 24th wd.

Whitcomb, from Elm to Fullerton, 3d wd., formerly Wilson.

White, from Marcella to prop. line, 5th wd.

Whited, from Milan av. to city line, 19th wd., formerly Weston av.

Whitesides ay., from Fullerton to Manilla, 3d wd.

Whitfield, from Baum av. to Broad, 7th and 11th wds.

Whitla, from Woods Run av. to prop. line, 27th wd., formerly Watson.

Whitney, from Frazier to Furnace ay., 4th wd.

Whittaker, from Naylor to Forward av., 14th wd.

Whittier, from Joseph to Orphan, 12th wd.

Whitworth, from Boggs av. to Southern av., 19th wd.

Wichita ay., from Adelaide to Herron av., 5th wd.

Wick, from Colwell to Dinwiddie, 3d wd.

Wickliff, from 52d to 54th, 10th wd.

Wickline's lane, from Spring Garden av. to Sundeman, 24th wd.

Wicklow, from Breedshill to Cornwall, 11th wd.

Wickshire, from Pemberton to Cornell av., 27th wd., formerly Wellesley av.

Wightman, from Dunmoyle av. to Pocussett, 14th wd.

Wigwam, from Wampum to Sprain, 25th wd.

Wilbert, from Prospect to Grace, 19th wd.

Wilcox, from Lytle to B. & O. R. R., 15th wd.

Wildflower, from Olympia to Woodville av., 19th wd.

Wilhelm, from Lorenz av. to Marlow, 20th wd.

Wilkins, from Fifth av. to Dallas, 14th wd.

Wilkinsburg av., from Calistoga to Frankstown av., 13th wd.

Wilksboro av., from Termon av. to Bonaventure, 27th wd., formerly Wheeler av.

Williard, from Homewood Cemetery to Dallas, 14th wd.

William, from Brownsville av. to Boggs av., 18th and 19th wds.

William Pitt blvd., from Putnam to Schenley Park, 7th, 14th and 15th wds., formerly Beechwood av.

Willing, from Mohler to city line, 13th wd.

Willock, from Berwick to 2d av., 15th wd.

Willoughby, from Brookline blvd. to Belle Isle av., 19th wd., formerly Woodward av.

Willow, from 40th to 44th, 9th wd.

Wills, from Peck ay. to prop. line, 19th wd.

Wilmar st. and ay., from Edith to Wyola, 19th wd.

Wilmerding, from Wabash to Lewis, 19th wd.

Wilmot, from Halket to Schenley Park, 4th wd.

Wilna way, from Lakewood to Crucible, 20th wd.

Wilson av., from Perrysville av. to Taggart, 25th and 26th wds.

Wilt, from Haslage northward, 24th wd., formerly Waldo.

Wiltsie, from Ralston east and west, 12th wd.

Winamack, from Cloverdale to Valora, 19th wd.

Winders, from Gladstone to Bigelow, 15th wd.

Windom, from German sq. to prop. line, 16th and 17th wds.

Windsor, from Greenfield av. to Flemington av., 15th wd.

Winebiddle, from Breedshill to P. R. R., 8th and 11th wds.

Winfield, from Meadow to Renfrew, 12th wd.

Wing ay., from Frederick to Brighton rd., 27th wd.

Wingate, from Ray av. east and west, 19th wd., formerly Woodward av.

Winhorst, from Brighton rd. to Belgium, 27th wd., formerly Winthrope.

Winifred, from Mar Vista to Island av., 21st wd.

Winnebago, from South 9th to South 10th, 17th wd.

Winona, from Wittman to Effingham ay., 20th wd.

Winshire, from Kleber to unnamed ay., 27th wd., formerly Westminster.

Winslow, from Lincoln av. to Lenora, 12th wd.

Winston, from 2d av. to Johnston av., 15th wd.

Winter, from Denver to prop. line, 5th wd.

Winterburn av., from Hazelwood av. to Schenely [sic] Park, 15th wd.

Winterhill, from Frew av. to Pioneer av., 19th wd., formerly Willison av.

Winterton, from Callery to Highland Park, 11th wd.

Winthrop, from Bellefield av. to Neville, 4th wd.

Winton from Estella av. to Craighead, 18th wd.

Wister ay., from Ridgway to Arcena, 5th wd.

Witherspoon, from Chislett to Antietam, 10th wd.

Witt ay., from Motor to Glen Mawr av., 20th wd.

Wittman, from Hethlon to Kearns rd., 19th wd.

Woessner av., from Lappe lane to Rhine, 24th and 26th wds.

Wolf ay., from Parkview to Childs, 4th wd.

Wolfendale, from Allegheny av. to Sproat ay., 21st wd., formerly Windsor.

Wolford, from Gallion av. to prop. line, 19th wd., formerly Waldon av.

Wolfrum, from Eloise to Tarleton av., 22d wd., formerly Winters.

Wolpert ay., from Armandale to Jarvella, 25th wd., formerly Wood.

Wood, from Water to Liberty av., 1st and 2d wds.

Woodbine, from Stanton av. to prop. line, 10th wd.

Woodbourne av., from Pioneer av. to city line, 19th wd.

Woodhouse, from Atmore to Shadeland av., 27th wd.

Woodland av., from California av. to Brighton rd., 27th wd.

Woodlawn av., from Joncaire to Forbes, 14th wd.

Woodmont, from Murray av. to Wightman, 14th wd.

Woodruff, from Lewis to Virginia av., 19th and 20th wds., formerly Woodville av.

Woodsdale, from Ashland to Glenside av., 26th wd.

Woods Run av., from McClure av. to Perrysville av., 26th and 27th wds.

Woodstock, from Woodville to prop. line, 20th wd., formerly part Woodville–Doan.

Woodville av., from Saw Mill run to Lupton, 20th wd., part formerly Hahn ay.–Olympia.

Woodwell, from Dallas to Barnesdale, 14th wd.

Woodworth, from Atherton av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Woolslayer, from Friendship av. to prop. line, 8th wd.

Wooster, from Wylie av. to Webster av., 5th wd.

Worth, from Maitland av. to Wilkins av., 14th wd., formerly Wilma.

Worthington, from Joshua to city line, 12th wd.

Wortman, from Falck av. to Verner av., 27th wd., formerly Wyoming.

Wren ay., from Dallas av. to prop. line, 12th wd.

Wrights ay., from South 17th to South 25th, 16th and 17th wds.

Writt ay., from Narrow way to Vienna, 20th wd.

Wry, from Madison av. to Callen, 24th wd., formerly Wright.

Wurzell av., from Bradford av. to Barnes av., 26th wd.

Wyandotte, from Fifth av. to Wallace, 4th wd.

Wyanet way, from Navajo way to Ramona, 20th wd.

Wyatt ay., from Stafford to Glasgow, 20th wd.

Wyckoff av., from Glen Mawr av. to Glasgow, 20th wd.

Wylie av., from Fifth av. to Herron av., 2d, 3d and 5th wds.

Wyman st. and ay., from Woods Run av. to Dhrew av., 26th wd., formerly Dhrew av.

Wymore, from Steuben to Hansen way, 20th wd.

Wyncotte, from Surban av. to Glen Mawr av., 20th wd.

Wynett, from Thayer to Middletown rd., 20th wd.

Wyola, from Wells to prop. line, 20th wd.

Wyoming, from Grandview av. to Boggs av., 19th wd.

Wyona ay., from Hiawatha av. to Wilksboro av., 27th wd., formerly Winona ay.

Xenia ay., from Meadow to Vermillion, 12th wd.

Yale, from Ridgwood av. to Rolla, 25th wd.

Yard ay., from South 18th to Pius, 17th wd.

Yardley ay., from Alder to Ravenna, 7th wd., formerly Yale ay.

Yarmouth ay., from Olivant to Warwick ay., 12th wd.

Yarrow ay., from Boundary to prop. line, 4th wd.

Yazoo ay., from Charlotte to Smallman, 6th wd.

Yetta av., from Wilt to Rhine, 24th wd.

Yew, from Edmond to Aspen, 8th wd.

Yoder, from Kaercher to Greenfield av., 15th wd.

York ay., from Bates to prop. line, 4th wd.

Young ay., from Park way to Hemp ay., 22d wd.

Yuba ay., from Voorhees ay. to McCook's ay., 3d wd., formerly Young ay.

Zang ay., from Thine to prop. line, 24th wd.

Zara ay., from Foote ay. to prop. line, 5th wd.

Zaza ay., from Oyer to Quipo, 15th wd., formerly Zara ay.

Zebina ay., from Henry to Flossie ay., 4th wd.

Zenda ay., from Motive ay. to Zeig ay., 21st wd.

Zenith ay., from Finance to Felicia ay., 12th wd.

Zephyr av., from Ashlyn to Glen Mawr av., 20th wd.

Zero ay., from Allequippa to Herald, 5th wd.

Zeus ay., from Saline to prop. line, 14th wd.

Eieg av. [sic], from Preble av. to Magnolia 21st wd.

Zion, from Walbridge to Dorset ay., 20th wd.

Zodiac ay., from Frankstown av. to P. R. R., 12th wd.

Zulema, from Halket to Ward, 4th wd.

Zulu ay., from Smallman to Melville ay., 6th wd.

Section 2. That all names not otherwise designated in this Ordinance shall be and the same are hereby fixed as "streets."

Section 3. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed March 31, 1910.

Approved April 5, 1910.

Ordinance Book 21, page 359.