Notes:Bandera Street
Quintín Bandera in Pittsburgh newspapers:
- 1895-04-19, Pittsburg Post, "Fire and torture" ( 86404329): "Among the leaders of the various bands are Emilio Ciral, a white man, who commands 200 men; Alfonso Goulet, mulatto, 500; Bernardo Camacho, white, 100; Victoriana Garzen, white, 400; Luis Bonne, mulatto, 200; Edurado [sic] Dominguez, white, 200; Victoriano Hierrezuello, mulatto, 300; Quintan Bandera, negro, 1,000, and Perico Periz, white, 1,000, a total of 3,900 men."
- Reprinted on 1895-04-23 ( 86405376).
- 1895-05-15, Pittsburg Press, "Lively fights in Cuba" ( 141564722): "A band of 300 insurgents, commanded by Quinten Bandera, was intrenched near Santana, beyond St. Luis. They were attacked by the government troops. The insurgents were victorious."
- 1895-07-27, Pittsburg Post, "Killed 14 insurgents" ( 86379344): "HAVANA, July 26.—Lieutenant-Colonel Tejada, of the guerrilla forces, has routed the insurgents near San Luis, in the province of Santiago de Cuba. The insurgents left 14 dead on the field, and retired with their wounded. The troops lost three killed, had nine wounded and captured arms and ammunition. The insurgents greatly outnumbered the troops, and were commanded by Quintin Bandera. On the side of the troops Major Prunet and Captain Lopez were wounded, and five privates killed and seven wounded. ¶ The guerrilla forces have had a brush with the insurgents in the Rio Seco district, as a result of which the latter lost two killed."
- Reprinted on 1895-07-30 ( 86379766).
- 1895-12-28, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Gomez will win" ( 85452611): "Quintin Bandera is said to be with his column at Sumidero, about twenty kilometers from Matanzas and only a little way from Limonaire, where, according to the official announcements, Campos defeated the insurgents at Coliseo. But Sumidero is nearer to Matanzas than Coliseo, which would not seem to confirm the story that Bandera's column was defeated." More analysis follows.
- Also in the Pittsburg Post on 1895-12-28 as "In smoke of cane fields" ( 86486599).
- 1895-12-29, Pittsburg Post, "Wants reinforcements" ( 86486627): "Quintin Bandera, has been on the Toro sugar estate, below Limonar. He is moving east, also. General Prat is in pursuit."
- 1896-01-01, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Moving on Havana" ( 85424946): "Havana, Dec. 31.—The most conflicting reports were in circulation again to-day regarding the movements of the insurgent forces under Gens. Gomez, Maceo, Bandera and others. . . . ¶ Quintin Bandera, the third in command of the Cuban forces, at the head of a strong column of insurgents, said to number several thousand men, is reported to be near Macurijes (Corralfalso), half-way between Union de Reyes and Jaguey Grande, where the Spaniards claim Gomez is retreating, or has retreated, into Santa Clara. Now, if it is true that the Spaniards are pursuing Gomez through Jaguey Grande and into Santa Clara, the insurgents commanded by Quintin Bandera are behind the pursuing Spanish columns, and between them and their base of supplies at Union de Reyes, a not very pleasant position for the Spanish troops to be in."
- 1896-01-04, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette ( 85425085): "Quintin Bandera, the third in command of the insurgent forces, has transferred his headquarters to a spot between Guines and Sabana, which is not far from Jaruco. Sabana is not much more than 20 miles from this city. Another report has it that Bandera has moved his forces between Guines and Sabana and Robles to Xenes, in the direction of Bainoa."
- 1896-01-04, Pittsburg Press, "Martial law at Havana" ( 141573576): "Quintin Bandera, the third in command of the insurgent forces, has transferred his headquarters to a spot between Guines and Sabana, about 20 miles from this city. . . . ¶ Last night it was reported that the advance guard of insurgent cavalry under Gen. Lacret was at Lapaste, which is only 18 miles from Havana. The cavalry is a scouting party in advance of the insurgent wing commanded by Bandera."
- 1896-01-14, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Burned de Paula" ( 85425615): "Gen. Maceo was last reported at Bahia Honde and Bandera is said to be at San Cristobal, both of which are toward Havana and in the province of Pinar del Rio."
- 1896-02-29, Pittsburg Press, "A great Cuban victory" ( 141574781): "Tampa, Fla., Feb. 29.—The details of the battle of Palo Prieto, between Santa Clara and Placeta, about February 20, have arrived. The result is considered more important than the battles of Paralejo, Coliso or Lascacaos. Serafin Sanchez commanded the Cubans, and Gen. Palanco the Spanish. The outcome was the greatest triumph the Cubans ever had, the Spanish loss being 700. Gen. Palanco was severely wounded, and his horse is now in the possession of Quintin Bandera. In their fight many Spaniards threw themselves into the river."
- 1896-03-10, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Gomez will move east" ( 85429063): "Gen. Prats, at Anton, while on his way from Boquerones to Aguada, has been engaged with a numerous band of insurgents under Quintin Bandera. The troops had two wounded and actively pursued the enemy in the direction of Banos, Santa Rosa Laguna, Colorado and Carillo."
- 1896-03-15, Pittsburg Press, "Big victory for Cuba" 141573090): "On the 7th we encamped in Viajacas Gordas, four leagues from the capital of Las Villas. Brig. Bandera did not, as expected, as he had received orders from the general in chief, calling him urgently with his forces."
- 1896-04-06, Pittsburg Post, "Spaniards surrounded" ( 88230533): "Quintin Bandera, the insurgent chief, has sent a letter to General Weyler requesting humane treatment for helpless families."
- 1896-04-08, Pittsburg Post, "Still using the torch" ( 88230548): "HAVANA, April 7.—The insurgents under Bandera recently surprised a detachment of Spanish troops at night, by advancing upon the latter's outposts and cheering for Spain. But the troops soon found out the deception and fired upon the insurgents. The latter, however, threw the place into a panic and succeeded in burning five stores. The insurgents plundered and burned three stores at Sumidero, province of Pinar del Rio, a number of houses and the splendid farm of La Cavina and all the fields about Vegas, Rio Seco, San Luis, Barbarcoa, Tirado and Barrigonas."
- 1896-04-08, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Insurgents hold their own" ( 85457400): "The insurgents, under Bandera, recently surprised a detachment of Spanish troops at night by advancing upon the latter's outposts and cheering for Spain. But the troops, consisting of the guerrilla of the village of Consolacion, and the garrison of the town Del Norte, soon found out the deception and opened fire upon the insurgents. The latter, however, threw the place into a panic and succeeded in burning five stores before they were beaten off. The engagement lasted about three hours and was remarkable for the brilliant defense of the small fort made by the troops. The insurgents left 29 killed in the streets, and in the morning the troops sent out to reconnoiter found 60 newly-made graves of insurgents, and it is supposed that the latter retired with many wounded."
- 1896-04-12, Pittsburg Press, "Rich estates destroyed" ( 141573831): "Gen. Suarez Valdiz reports that the rebel leader, Quintin Banderas, made an attempt to attack Guayabo, in the Pinar del Rio province, and was repulsed, leaving 35 dead on the field. The Spanish troops had one captain wounded."
- 1896-05-16, Pittsburg Post, "Rebel Romero shot" 88230861): "Dissensions are said to exist between Antonio Maceo and Quintin Bandera on account of the anger of Maceo because Bandera disobeyed orders in not allowing the peaceful countrymen to concentrate in the villages."
- 1896-09-28, Pittsburg Post, "A defeat and a victory" ( 86470921): "HAVANA, Sept. 27.—Colonel Lara has encountered the insurgent band of Bandera intrenched in an ancient fort at Veguita in the Trinidad district. Bandera's forces were dislodged, leaving four killed."
- 1896-11-21, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Battles in Cuba" ( 85437154): "Quintin Bandera, the well-known insurgent leader, was reported yesterday to be in the vicinity of the Pinar del Rio military line with a strong force of insurgent cavalry and infantry, and Calixto Alvarez is said to be with him."
- 1896-12-07, Pittsburg Post, "Rebels hem in city of Havana" ( 86485438): "Seven thousand men, supposed to be Quintin Bandera's band, are encamped at Managua, six miles from Canabacoa."
- 1897-01-13, Pittsburg Post, "Lack arms and ammunition" ( 86484437, 86484451): "They have some infantry, notably the brigade of the famous negro leader, General Quintin Bandera."
- 1897-01-15, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Santa Clara captured" ( 85402480): "The famous cavalry leader, Quintin Bandera, was mortally wounded, the Press says, and Gen. Luque, commanding the Spanish, was also wounded."
- 1897-02-28, Pittsburg Post, "Cuba the theater of terrors" ( 86486330):
And yet, according to the press dispatches of January 15, Santa Clara fell, and the brave Cuban general, Banderas, with it, and General Luque, the Spanish commander, was utterly routed. Of course, all of these things may have happened, but no one in Santa Clara mentioned them to me at the time. The death of Banderas at this battle of Santa Clara, which filled three columns, not including war maps, is so beautifully told that it will bear repeating, if only to illustrate what literary talent lies undiscovered in Key West and Tampa, and lies with convincing detail.
Thrilling Story of Death.
We are just informed by the war correspondent how Banderas fell at the head of 4,000 cavalrymen, and, scorning his wound, lit a cigarette and refused to die until he had learned the result of the battle. How this news was brought to him I quote in full:
"'Santa Clara has fallen, sir,' cried a soldier. 'The enemy has been routed.'
"'And Luque?' asked Banderas, taking the cigarette from his lips.
"'He escaped in a volante with six horses, sir.'
"'Aye, well, let him go,' replied the general. "I die content."
"There was a puff of smoke, a shiver ran through Banderas's body, and he was dead."
How simply told, and yet how dramatic it is! The cool courage of the Cuban dare-devil is so admirably suggested by the cigarette, and how convincing the corroborative detail of the six horses! Not two horses driven tandem, as is the fashion with ordinary volantes, but a full half dozen. The temptation to make it six white horses must have been great, but was most nobly resisted, and the writer confined himself to the exact truth.
The fact that volantes are not now used in Santa Clara, nor indeed in any Cuban city, but are reserved for the country, is superficial criticism, for on an occasion of this importance a general such as Luque would naturally wish to fly in state. One horse and a saddle would perhaps have been safer, but these Spanish generals are not all cowards, and I believe that General Luque maintained his dignity behind the six horses to the last. When I saw him at the time of the battle he was driving around Santa Clara in a weather-beaten hack, but it is probable that he reserves the volante for special occasions, like a wedding or fete day, or a sudden flight. The copy reader might have been struck by the similarity between the death of Banderas and that of Wolfe before Quebec, as told in our histories: "The French fly!" "Then I die happy," is not unlike the "Enemy are routed." "Then I die content." But history repeats itself, and the fact that Wolfe did not smoke a cigarette, and that the French governor did not fly in a volante with six horses, makes the greatest possible difference between these two memorable victories.
- 1898-05-21, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Gomez near Havana" ( 85460421): "NEW YORK, May 20.—A copyright special from Port au Prince to the Evening World says that information has reached that place that Gen. Gomez, at the head of an army of 15,000 insurgents, is closing in on Havana. His advance guard, led by Quentin Bandera, the dispatch says, had a skirmish with and put to flight 800 Spanish troops. Santiago de Cuba, according to the same report, is menaced by 5,000 insurgents under Gen. Calixto Garcia. The dispatch also reports that Spanish warships have been sighted off Yucatan convoying three transports carrying troops and provisions for Havana."
- 1899-02-21, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Cubans may float a loan" ( 85433086): "HAVANA, Feb. 20.—Gen. Quintin Bandera, with two aides de camp, all colored, arrived here last night from Santiago de Cuba and put up at the Hotel Inglaterra. The news of their arrival brought crowds of colored people to the hotel. They blocked the sidewalks in front of the building and invaded the dining room and cheered the general. ¶ Gen. Bandera has arrived here for the purpose of consulting with the Cuban assembly and to meet Gen. Maximo Gomez."
- 1899-02-27, Pittsburg Press, "The negro in Cuba" ( 141840783): "Antonio Maceo's devotion to the cause of Cuba libre was like that of a mother to her child. Money could not buy him, nor specious promises deceive him, and he died as he had lived, standing nobly by his principles. His half-brother, Jose Maceo, was captured early in the war and sent to that dreadful African prison, Ceuta, whence he escaped later on with Quintin Bandera and others of his staff. ¶ The last-named negro colonel is to-day a prominent figure in Havana. 'Quintin Bandera' means 'fifteen flags,' and the appellation was bestowed upon him by his grateful countrymen after he had captured 15 Spanish ensigns. Everybody seems to have forgotten his real name, and 'Quintin Bandera' he will remain in history. While in the African penal settlement the daughter of a Spanish staff officer fell in love with him. The little blind archer who laughs at locksmiths induced her to assist in his escape and flee with him to Gibraltar, and there he became a British subject and married his rescuer. She is of Spanish and Moorish descent and is said to be a lady of education and refinement; at any rate, she taught her husband to read and write and feels unbounded pride in his achievements."
- 1899-12-09, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Hostile to Americans" ( 85466076): "All criticised President McKinley's Cuban policy, although Gen. Quinten Bandera disapopinted [sic] his hearers by a mild speech in which he advised patience until the American policy has been fully defined."
- 1900-03-05, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, "Good chance in Cuba" ( 85571035): "HAVANA, March 4.—Quintin Bandera has written to the Patria, saying that a post has been offered him by the intervening government and been accepted by him after consultations with Gens. Padro, Rabi and Lars, who have themselves accepted positions. He says: ¶ 'Although I have accepted the position, I nevertheless belong heart and soul to Cuba.'"
- 1900-09-01, Pittsburg Press, "Gen. Gomez is the favorite" ( 141340939): "Quintin Bandera tied Aleman with four votes. He is as black as tar. He is also a general and has some influence. He once made a speech in Santiago in which he said he wanted to see the flag of Africa wave over Cuba. The whites are fearful of his influence with his fellow blacks."
- 1906-08-21, Pittsburg Press, "Rebels invade Havana" ( 142154138): "A state of civil war exists in Cuba today. ¶ In the first formal battle of the conflict, Lieutenant Roque, of the Rural Guards, has been killed and a number wounded and eight guards were captured by the rebels. General Quentin Bandera, a Cuban war hero, commanded the insurgents. General Emilio Nunez, governor of the province of Havana, led the government forces."
- 1906-08-21, Pittsburgh Post, "Rural guards are increased" ( 86403446): "The first death resulting from the insurrection occured [sic] this afternoon. Rural guards encountered one of Bandera's bands and in a rapid exchange of shots which ensued Lieutenant Gregario Roque, the commander of the rural guards was killed. The band escaped."
- 1906-08-22, Source:Revolution-in-cuba: "The fact that the famous colored guerrilla Quentin Bandera is one of the revolutionary leaders is looked on here as one of the most disquieting factors in the situation. He is a man of intelligence and determination with unbounded influence over the colored element of the population. He was a highly successful guerrilla leader during the revolutionary period preceding the American occupation and gave the Spaniards more trouble than almost any other man."
- 1906-08-23, Pittsburgh Post, "First town captured by Cuban insurgents" ( 86403769): "Bandera Being Pursued. ¶ An attempt is being made with 200 mounted rural guards and regulars to corner Quentin Bandera who, with 150 men, is in the western part of Havana province."
- 1906-08-23, Source:Rodriguez-claims: "An attempt is being made with 200 mounted rural guards and regulars to corner Quentin Bandera, who, with 150 men, is continuing his dodging tactics in the western part of the province of Havana."
- 1906-08-24, Gazette Times, "Negro bandit killed by the rural guards" ( 85932924, 85932927): "HAVANA, Aug. 23.—The body of Gen. Quintin Bandera, the negro bandit, lies in the morgue at Havana flanked by those of two mullato [sic] comrades, all frightfully gashed by the long, heavy machetes of the rural guards, who ended their careers." Whole article is about the skirmish that led to his death.
- 1906-08-24, Source:Palma-appeal
- 1906-08-24, Gazette Times, "Cuba's request for aid" ( 85932933): "Sufficient details of the character of the Cuban uprising are now at hand to warrant the belief that the affair is ephemeral. Its origin is directly traceable to the jealousies of practical politics and not to any motive appealing to a large proportion of the people. The case of Gen. Quentin Bandera, the negro leader, who was killed in a skirmish with the rural guards affords a typical illustration. Bandera, who was a veteran of both the Cuban insurrections against the Spaniards, looked to the Palma government for a handsome reward. He was appointed to a minor office, but demanded a higher post and, failing to secure this, associated himself with other malcontents in inciting the people to mutiny."
- 1906-08-25, Pittsburg Press, "Rebels win big victory" ( 142157330): "Havana province is almost cleared of insurgents. The killing of General Bandera has caused most of the revolutionists to flee, and they are returning to their homes. The work of clearing this province was advanced yesterday when a detachment of rurales defeated a band of insurgents near San Antonio de Los Banos, killing two of the latter and scattering the band. ¶ Whether the government will profit in the end through Bandera's death is doubtful. The report has been industriously circulated among the negroes that he was not killed in battle, but after being captured was disposed of in a small hut to which he was taken. As a result many negroes have left here to join the insurgents' forces."
- 1906-08-25, Gazette Times, "Palma facing prospects of long warfare" ( 85932961, 85932965): "While there are several insurgent bands at large in Santa Clara and Matanzas provinces, they are meager in numbers, and since the killing of Banderas in Havana province, at the head of his small band, are considered of little importance. . . . ¶ . . . ¶ There is a heavy negro population in Santiago, with hundreds of veterans of the Spanish wars who, in the old days, were the devoted comrades of Quintin Bandera. His killing by the Rurales, it is thought, enraged many of the negro veterans in the eastern provinces."
- 1906-08-28, Gazette Times, "Palma says his blood will be shed for Cuba" ( 85933291): "The chief of the secret service has formally charged Senator Morua Delgado with being one of the initiators of the insurrection and with being at present one of its chief supporters. The chief claims Delgado led the late Quentin Bandera to revolt, against the latter's better judgment. ¶ Delgado, who is the only colored senator, was charged with instigating the outrage at Guanabacoa in February last."
- 1907-06-09, Gazette Times, "Mystery of Root; his passing from the public eye at this time" ( 85691032): "It was Bacon who went to Cuba with Taft to straighten out the tangle resulting from the revolt of Bandera and Guerra and President Palma's betrayal of his duty."