Bandera Street

From Pittsburgh Streets
Bandera Street
Neighborhood Lower Lawrenceville
Origin of name Maybe Quintín Bandera
Bank Street (until 1910)

This street was originally named Bank Street; it appears with that name in the 1852 map of R. E. McGowin[1] and in plans of lots from the early 1860s.[2][3]

In 1910, three years after the annexation of Allegheny into the city of Pittsburgh, over 900 streets were renamed to fix duplicates. The name Bank Street conflicted with Bank Street on the North Side, so this street in Lawrenceville was renamed Bandera Street.[4]

Bandera is the Spanish word for 'flag.' The name of the street may refer to Quintín Bandera (ca. 1834 – 1906), a Black military leader in the Cuban War of Independence, who led an uprising against the new government in 1906 and was killed, making newspaper headlines in Pittsburgh.[5][6][7] In any case, the similarity of Bandera to the former name Bank was almost certainly a factor in the choice of the new name.

See also


  1. R. E. McGowin. Map of the Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny and of the Boroughs of South-Pittsburgh, Birmingham, East-Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Duquesne & Manchester etc. Schuchman & Haunlein, Pittsburgh, 1852. [view source]mcgowin-1852
  2. "Plan of building lots situate in the Borough of Lawrenceville laid out at the request of Messrs. Hoeveller [sic], Unversagt, & Wirth." Laid out July 25, 1860; recorded July 30, 1860, Plan Book 2, p. 162. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778431. [view source]hoeveler-unversagt-wirth-plan
  3. "Malcolm Leech's administrator plan of lots situate in the Borough of Lawrenceville laid out by Robert Bell Esq. administrator of the estate of Malcolm Leech Esq. Decd'." Laid out July 1862; recorded Oct. 2, 1863, Plan Book 2, p. 203. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3778478. [view source]malcolm-leechs-administrator-plan
  4. "An ordinance changing the names of certain avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1910, no. 715. Passed Mar. 31, 1910; approved Apr. 5, 1910. Ordinance Book 21, p. 342. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Years 1909–1910, appendix, pp. 312–328, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1910 (Google Books doQzAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223832; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1909). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Apr. 19, 1910, pp. 10–11 ( 86611990, 86612022), Apr. 20, pp. 10–11 ( 86612278, 86612297), and Apr. 21, pp. 10–11 ( 86612601, 86612625). [view source]ordinance-1910-715
  5. "Revolution in Cuba spreading alarmingly: Palma is adopting strenuous measures to put down insurrection: Pinar del Rio center of island uprising: Menacing reports have been received from other places in republic: Black leader is held to be real danger: Bandera, is [sic] is feared, may start trouble it will be hard to quell." Pittsburgh Post, Aug. 22, 1906, p. 1. 86403611. [view source]revolution-in-cuba
  6. "Rodriguez claims Cuba can cope with the insurrection: Commander of the rural guard says no help will be needed from the United States—attempt to corner Quentin Bandera." Pittsburgh Gazette Times, Aug. 23, 1906, p. 1. 85932887. [view source]rodriguez-claims
  7. "Palma has made appeal to United States for aid: Cuban president wants guns from this country to use against the rebels: Battle looked for in Santa Clara province: Another town in Pinar del Rio has been captured by insurgents: But they lose leader in western Havana: Negro general Quentin Bandera and two companions killed in fight near capital." Pittsburgh Post, Aug. 24, 1906, pp. 1, 10. 86403937, 86404075. [view source]palma-appeal