
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Rodriguez claims Cuba can cope with the insurrection: Commander of the rural guard says no help will be needed from the United States—attempt to corner Quentin Bandera." Pittsburgh Gazette Times, Aug. 23, 1906, p. 1. 85932887.

Commander of the Rural Guard Says No Help Will Be Needed from the United States—Attempt to Corner Quentin Bandera.

[By Associated Press to Gazette Times.]

HAVANA, Aug. 22.—Gen. Rodriguez, commander of the rural guard tonight, after relating the incidents of the day, said:

"You can tell the American people Cuba is entirely competent to cope with the insurrection. The flood of rumors in all directions about the organization of insurrectionary bands in great numbers are not borne out by our reports, or, so far as can be learned, by the facts. The result of the encounter at San Luis is still not known definitely, but it is known we inflicted some losses on the enemy in that vicinity. The much talked of movement in Santa Clara province has not been encountered, and no insurrectionists have been seen there by our forces.

A detachment of 100 recruits on the way to Guinas had a slight encounter today with insurgents, but no one on either side was hurt.

An attempt is being made with 200 mounted rural guards and regulars to corner Quentin Bandera, who, with 150 men, is continuing his dodging tactics in the western part of the province of Havana.

Three large bands of insurgents are out in the province of Santa Clara. The insurrection appears to be growing, but the loyalists of the towns claim that they will be able to resist the movement.