Branch Way

From Pittsburgh Streets
Branch Way
Neighborhood Lincoln Place
Origin of name Perhaps because the northern segment branches off Halchess Street
Poplar Alley (until 1930)
Portion From Mohrbach Street to Fredanna Street
Branch Alley (until 1930)
Portion Off Halchess Street near McBride Avenue
Origin of name Perhaps because it branches off the street

Branch Way has two segments. The southern segment, from Mohrbach Street to Fredanna Street, was laid out as Poplar Alley in 1899.[1] The northern segment, which meets Halchess Street at an angle near McBride Avenue, was laid out as Branch Alley in 1925,[2] perhaps referring to the way the alley branches off the street.

Lincoln Place was annexed by Pittsburgh in 1929.[3] The following year, a Pittsburgh city ordinance changed both Branch Alley and Poplar Alley to Branch Way.[4]


  1. "McElhinny plan of lots laid out for McElhinny heirs: Situated in Mifflin Township Allegheny Co. Pa." Laid out Jan. 1899; recorded Apr. 26, 1900, Plan Book 17, p. 198. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3781543. [view source]mcelhinny-plan
  2. "Parkview plan of lots: Situate in Mifflin Township, Allegheny Co. Pa.: Laid out by Charles & Fred C. Degenkolb." Laid out Apr. 1925; recorded May 22, 1925, Plan Book 31, pp. 36–37. Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds 3783720. [view source]parkview-plan
  3. Mark A. Connelly. "Pittsburgh City Ordinance 58." Local Geohistory Project. [view source]lgeo-lincoln-place-annexation
  4. "An ordinance changing the names of certain avenues, streets, roads, alleys and ways in the 31st Ward of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly a portion of Mifflin Township)." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1930, no. 100. Passed Mar. 24, 1930; approved Mar. 31, 1930. Ordinance Book 42, p. 388. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1930, appendix, pp. 139–141, City Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1930). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Apr. 7, 1930, p. 27 ( 88824970), and Apr. 8, p. 31 ( 88825039). [view source]ordinance-1930-100