Source notes:Ordinance-1905-15

From Pittsburgh Streets

To do

Find this "draft or plan."

Resolution no. 36, Source:Carrick-ordinances-1904-1906, p. 59: "RESOLVED, That the Council hereby authorize the issuance of a voucher in favor of WAKEFIELD & DONLEY, for the following:— ¶ Preparing lists of streets, ways and alleys changed, making and furnishing one blue-line print of borough map on cloth, showing names changed, and arranging list of all streets, ways and alleys in alphabetical order, $20.00." says, "This 1905 Carrick Borough map is now framed and hanging on the 'Carrick Room' of the Carrick Branch of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh." There is a small unreadable image of the map. Below is a high-resolution version of the 1912 version of the map, which bears the name "Wm. McClurg Donley."