"An ordinance approving a draft or plan of the roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways in the Borough of Carrick, heretofore laid out and adopted, and providing that hereafter the said roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways shall be known and designated by the names shown on said draft or plan." Carrick borough ordinance, no. 15. Passed Feb. 6, 1905; approved Feb. 14, 1905. In Ordinances and Resolutions: The Borough of Carrick, vol. 1, pp. 56–57, 1904–1906 (
AN ORDINANCE approving a draft or plan of the roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways in The Borough of Carrick, heretofore laid out and adopted, and providing that hereafter the said roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways shall be known and designated by the names shown on said draft or plan.
WHEREAS, Prior to the incorporation of The Borough of Carrick, certain corporations, associations and individuals laid out various plans of lots now included in the corporate limits of said Borough, and it is now desired that a connected draft or plan of all the adopted roads, streets, lanes, alleys, and ways within the corporate limits of said Borough be made, which shall show the exact location of said roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways, as heretofore adopted and laid out; and
WHEREAS, The names by which many of said roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways were heretofore known are conflicting and inappropriate: NOW THEREFORE
SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by The Borough of Carrick in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the draft or plan of the roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways in The Borough of Carrick, exhibited herewith and authenticated by a certificate thereon, duly executed under the corporate seal of the Borough, be and the same is hereby adopted as the official plan of The Borough of Carrick.
SECTION 2. That all of said roads, streets, lanes, alleys and ways shown on said draft or plan be known by the names shown on said draft or plan and underscored by parallel lines in red, the old or former names thereof being marked on said draft or plan in brackets, and all of said old or former names, insofar as they differ from the names so underscored by parallel lines in red, are hereby changed accordingly.
SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed.
ORDAINED AND ENACTED into a law, this Sixth day of February, A. D. 1905.
Wm. E. Sankey,
President of Council.
R. T. Rossell,
Secretary of Council.
APPROVED this 14th day of February, 1905.
Adam Diehl,
See also
- Source:Carrick-map-1905: the "draft or plan" to which this ordinance refers