
From Pittsburgh Streets

NO. 100.

AN ORDINANCE—Changing the names of certain avenues, streets, roads, alleys and ways in the 31st Ward of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly a portion of Mifflin Township).

SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of certain avenues, streets, roads, alleys and ways in the 31st Ward of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly a portion of Mifflin Township) shall be and the same are hereby changed as follows, to-wit:—

Arthur Avenue West line of Lincoln Place Plan Seif Avenue Session Street
"B" Way Greenwood Avenue Oakdale Ave. Oakleaf Way
Branch Alley South line of Parkview Plan Charles Street Branch Way
Brierley Ave. Miller Ave., east City Line West Run Road
Charles Street South line Parkview Plan McBride Street Halchess Street
Clifton Avenue Park Avenue Brierley Ave. Lougean Avenue
Davis Avenue McAdams Avenue Marion Avenue Margray Street
Davis Avenue City Line, north Marion Avenue Lauder Street
Drexel Avenue Homer Avenue Park View Ave. Mohrbach Street
Edgewood Avenue West line of Calhoun Park Plan Main Street Leaside Drive
Edwards Alley McElhinny Ave. Century Ave. "X" Way
Ford Alley McElhinny Ave. Century Ave. "Y" Way
Frederick St. South line of Parkview Plan McBride Street Fredanna Street
Gem Street Haslett Avenue Lincoln Avenue Mere Street
Girard Ave. Neel Avenue Lincoln Avenue Ollie Street
Grace Street Haslett Avenue Park View Ave. Beggs Street
Greenwood Ave. West line of Calhoun Park Plan Park Avenue Lougean Avenue
Haslett Street West line Lincoln Place Plan Woodland Ave. Muldowney Ave.
Helen Avenue Traction Avenue Woodland Ave. Apdale Street
Highland Street Park View Ave. Century Avenue Naugle Street
Homer Avenue McAdams Avenue Helen Avenue Rodgers Street
Homestead Ave. Traction Ave. Woodland Ave. Homeland Ave.
Leonard Ave. Woodrow Ave. north Woodrow Avenue Delford Street
Lexington Ave. Oakdale Avenue Edgewood Ave. Delehanty Street
Lincoln Ave. Girard Avenue Grace Street Elwell Street
Locust Street Miller Ave., east City Line Diller Avenue
Locust Alley South Line Parkview Plan McBride Street "U" Way
Madison Street Park View Avenue McElhinny Ave. Mohrbach Street
Magee Avenue Girard Avenue Neel Avenue Stock Street
Main Street Park View Ave., North City Line Interboro Ave.
Main Street Park View Avenue Century Ave. McElhinny Ave.
Maple Avenue Park Avenue Miller Ave. Kinley Avenue
Maple Alley South line Parkview Plan McBride St. "V" Way
Marion Avenue Davis Avenue Risher Avenue Margray Street
May Street Main Street North line McElhinny Plan Halchess Street
McAdams Ave. Magee Avenue Haslett Ave. Cox Avenue
McBride Street Park View Ave. East line of Parkview Plan McBride Avenue
McBride Street McElhinny Ave. Century Ave. Nollhill Street
McElhinney Ave. South line of McElhinny Plan Ext. No. 1 North line of McElhinny Plan Fredanna Street
Miller Avenue Park Avenue Maple Avenue Barberry Street
Miller Avenue Maple Avenue Walnut Street Kinley Avenue
Miller Avenue Walnut St., north City Line Kinley Way
Neel Alley West Line Lincoln Place Plan Seif Avenue McElhinny Way
Neel Avenue Seif Avenue East line of Lincoln Place Plan McElhinny Ave.
Oak Alley Property line north of Helen Avenue Neel Avenue Margray Way
Oak Street McElhinny Avenue Century Ave. Orchid Street
Oakwood Ave. Brierley Ave., north City Line Plaport Street
Oakdale Ave. "B" Way Main Street Oakleaf Drive
Park Avenue Miller Ave., east City Line Scorer Street
Park View Ave. South line McElhinny Plan Main St. in Calhoun Park Plan Mifflin Road
Pine Alley McElhinny Avenue Century Avenue Poppy Way
Pine Alley Helen Avenue Neel Avenue Cooley Way
Pittsburgh and McKeesport Blvd. City Line north and west Former Hays Borough Line Mifflin Road
Poplar Alley McElhinny Ave. Madison Street Branch Way
Risher Avenue Neel Avenue Haslett Avenue Interboro Way
Seif Avenue Neel Avenue Haslett Avenue Dellaglen Ave.
Short Street Seif Avenue Girard Avenue Stock Street
Short Street Main Street Locust Street Plaport Street
Spruce Street McElhinny Ave. Century Ave. Placid Street
Stark Alley McElhinny Ave. Century Ave. "Z" Way
Traction Avenue Helen Avenue Neel Avenue Interboro Avenue
Wall Street McElhinny Ave. Century Ave. Cosmos Street
Walnut Street Miller Ave., east City Line Lindberg Avenue
Wilson Avenue West line of Lincoln Place Plan Seif Avenue Stock Street
Woodlawn Ave. Helen Avenue Park View Ave. Keefe Street
Woodrow Avenue Main Street in Calhoun Park Plan Main Street Leaside Drive

SECTION 2. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed in Council March 24, 1930.

Approved March 31, 1930.


Recorded in O. B. Vol. 42, Page 388.