A stranger in a strange town will be as much at home as Pittsburghers in Pittsburgh when the names of 933 streets are changed in September. Robert Clark, assistant city clerk, has compiled a list of changes which are embodied in an ordinance to be presented to councils in September.
Honors are as plentiful as commissions were in the Confederate army according to Private John Allen, but some obscure Pittsburgh family may claim the distinction of not having a street named after it.
The time-honored custom of taking a railway time table and naming streets from the stations or from the mystical combination of letters used as titles for Pullman cars was abandoned and instead, scores of amateur and professional politicians have been honored by having streets named for them.
Mrs. Samuel A. Ammon, former regent of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was delighted with the change made in Fifth avenue's name. From Ross street to Frankstown avenue it will be called Washington avenue. Other suggestions by her and the D. A. R. committee were acted upon.
"It is never wise, though, to name streets after living persons," Mrs. Ammon said in commenting on the numerous new names.
A feature in the ordinance is the renaming of streets in Diamond square, Northside, surrounding the old Allegheny city hall. South Diamond will be Fortitude street; North Diamond, Temperance street; East Diamond, Prudence street, and West Diamond, Justice street.
The commercial interests were not forgotten, for there will be a Starch and Chianti street. Ball players and even "Nick" Longworth is remembered. Superintendent of Police McQuaide bestows his name on Steuben street.
Many celebrities in Pittsburgh's early history are remembered in the renaming, particularly men who fought in the French and Indian wars and who were prominent here in Revolutionary times.
Kosher street, in the Hill district, is apt, for many Hebrews live in the locality, but no reason is known for the changing of Craig street, Northside, to Cremo street.
Ninth street will be considered a continuation of Anderson street, Northside, Seventh street a continuation of Sandusky street and Sixth street a continuation of Federal street.
Streets in the vicinity of the blockhouse will all be given historical names and Beechwood boulevard, from Schenley park to Fifth avenue, will be called Fort Pitt boulevard.
Some of the streets named after latter-day men are: Adair, for W. J. Adair, former councilman; Riggo for the Italian violinist; Goehring, for the late district attorney; Hooper, for M. J. Hooper, councilman; Baldauf, for former Councilman J. P. Baldauf; Frock, for the Pittsburgh pitcher; Chesbro, for the former Pirate twirler; Kalson, for Councilman Harry Kalson; Grenet, for the delinquent tax collector; Rothpletz, for a former Northside councilman; Ridgway, for the late director of public safety, and Wettach, for a former Northside councilman.
Following are the old names of the streets, the proposed names and their locations:
Old Name of Street. | Changed to | New Ward. |
Adrain | Adair | 24 |
Alaska alley | Ainger | 24 |
Albert alley | Aboite ay | 24 |
Allegheny | Alluvian | 15 |
Alma | Reuben | 27 |
Alpine | Alpena | 5 |
Anderson alley | Andem ay | 25 |
Anderson | Anaheim | 5 |
Angle | Ancona | 24 |
Ann | South av | 22 |
Ann | Aner | 26 |
Ann | Watson | 1–4 |
Anna | Howard | 26 |
Arch | Arcena | 2–5 |
Arcola | Ardale ay | 18 |
Arlington avenue | Armandale av | 25 |
Arthur avenue | Orchlee | 27 |
Ash alley | Ater ay | 6 |
Ashland | Ashmead | 5 |
Ashton | Atmore | 27 |
Atlantic avenue | Atkins | 27 |
Atlantic avenue | Atherton av | 8–10 |
Avery | Ayers | 4 |
Bailey | Bainton | 27 |
Bailiff | Riggo ay | 21 |
Baker | Banker | 24–26 |
Bakewell | Baldridge | 27 |
Bakewell alley | Scrip ay | 1 |
Bank | Bandera | 6 |
Banks alley | Buscola ay | 14 |
Barker alley | Bard ay | 26 |
Barnett alley | Brim ay | 22 |
Bartlett | Bartold | 27 |
Basin alley | Bustrick ay | 3 |
Bayard | Branchport | 21 |
Bayne | Devine ay | 21 |
Beaver | Geyer av | 27 |
Beech alley | Beade ay | 11 |
Beech alley | Bolin ay | 23 |
Beech | Breesport | 10 |
Bell alley | Bronco ay | 23 |
Belmont | Covode | 14 |
Benton | Bison | 27 |
Benton av | Belgium | 27 |
Benton | Belinda | 5 |
Benton av | Bascom | 26 |
Bennett | Boyer | 26 |
Beta ay | Billiard ay | 14 |
Bidwell | Devonshire | 7 |
Blaine ay | Bavarta place | 23 |
Blaine | Bohem | 4 |
Blaire ay | Boer ay | 25 |
Blanche | Blanton | 15 |
Blossom ay | Board ay | 14 |
Bluff | Goehring | 24 |
Bond ay | Brace ay | 27 |
Boquet | Behan | 22 |
Borland ay | Babbitt ay | 22 |
Beechwood av | William Pitt blv | 7–14–15 |
Boston | Brenham | 4 |
Bothwell | Bowden | 11 |
Boundary | Botkin | 26 |
Bradford | Bradish | 17 |
Braddock | Bowater | 22 |
Braddock | Brocket | 22 |
Bradley av | Boyson | 26 |
Brereton | Bethoven | 6 |
Brady | Blevins | 21 |
Branch | Ley | 24 |
Branch | Marcella | 6 |
Branch | Blakely | 6 |
Brighton av | Westborn | 27 |
Brighton place | Brightridge | 25 |
Brighton | Brintell | 10 |
Broad | Damas | 24–26 |
Brookline | Bertillion | 14 |
Brooks | McKee place | 4 |
Browne | Broughton | 8 |
Bryn Mawr av | Diploma | 27 |
Burgess ay | Buhl ay | 22 |
Burns ay | Bucher ay | 26 |
Burke ay | Moravian ay | 23 |
Buttercup ay | Pansy ay | 14 |
Byron ay | Beryl ay | 26 |
Bellefield av | Blessing | 5 |
Cabinet | Cassidy | 21 |
Cairo ay | Cajon ay | 22 |
Caldwell | Cohutta | 27 |
California | Cedarhurst | 18 |
Cambridge | Cambronne | 27 |
Campbell | Campau | 20 |
Cana ay | Canada ay | 13 |
Carpenters ay | Conductor ay | 3 |
Carrie | Carrillo | 5 |
Carroll | Carrington | 25 |
Carroll | Ditzler | 20 |
Carson | Carsell | 21 |
Carson's lane | Henricks | 27 |
Catawba | Itin | 24 |
Cato | Catoma | 25 |
Cedar ay | Ceredo ay | 27 |
Cedar | Cedarville | 8 |
Cecil | De Silver | 12 |
Centre | South Side av | 26 |
Charles | Taggart | 25–26 |
Charlotte | Crispen | 26 |
Chartieres [sic] | Chateau | 21 |
Chelsea | Chellis | 27 |
Cherry | Chesbro | 23 |
Cherry | Chidell | 27 |
Chester ay | Chinn ay | 11 |
Chestnut | Hooper | 1 |
Cherokee | Cherryfield | 26 |
Church av | North Canal | 22–23 |
Church | Coffey ay | 2 |
Chislett ay | Citron ay | 22 |
Christian st and ay | Chopin | 9 |
Cicero ay | Carnival ay | 18 |
Clark | Claim | 24 |
Clay ay | Cake ay | 27 |
Cliff | Clifferty | 22 |
Clifton av | Chautauqua | 25–26 |
Clifton av | Cutler | 26 |
Clyde | Chilson | 26 |
Coleman | Chenoa | 22 |
Columbia | Colville | 2 |
Columbia av | Colescott | 20 |
Compromise | Composite | 15 |
College av | Campus | 27 |
Concord ay | Covel ay | 5 |
Conestoga ay | Casanova ay | 11 |
Congress | Constance | 23 |
Cook ay | Coppay ay | 23 |
Cooper | Colbert | 1 |
Cornell | Cornwall | 10 |
Corona ay | Costar ay | 11 |
Cottage | Cottage place | 27 |
Cottage ay | Cessna ay | 9 |
Courtland | Courtright | 27 |
Cowan | Cantril | 27 |
Craig | Cremo | 22 |
Cross ay | Crosat ay | 26 |
Cross | South Tenth | 1 |
Curtin av | Craighead | 18 |
Cypress ay | Czar ay | 21 |
Daisy av | Daisy | 26 |
Daisy ay | Della ay | 12 |
Darrah | Dasher | 22 |
Davis | Davenport st.–ay. | 5 |
Dawson | Sampson ay | 22 |
Dean ay | Defree ay | 26 |
Decatur | Delray | 1 |
Delaware | Deldorf | 21 |
Delaware | Delger | 26 |
Delaware ay | Desplane ay | 5 |
Denniston | Diagonal | 7 |
Denny | English st.–ay. | 22 |
Denny | Lalus | 20 |
Diana ay | Diaz ay | 3 |
Dickson | Dobson | 6 |
Dill | Sedgwick | 21 |
Dill ay | Doll ay | 21 |
Dilworth ay | Devers ay | 21 |
Dilworth | Dosch | 19 |
Division | Divinity st.–ay. | 25 |
Doan | Woodstock | 20 |
Dorsey | Dornestic | 26 |
Douglas place | Dounton ay | 22 |
Donald way | Donald place | 20 |
Donegal | Anthony | 15 |
Downing | Dehaven | 24 |
Dunlap | Dunseith | 4 |
Dunmoyle place | Delphas place | 14 |
Durango | Drifton | 26 |
Duquesne av | Dritt av | 26 |
East Diamond | Prudence | 22 |
East Diamond | Drummond | 1 |
East End av | Elkland | 26 |
East End av | Eastnor av | 14 |
Edison | Elkton | 20 |
Edmond ay | Enipo ay | 27 |
Edward | Etola | 27 |
Eighth | Ellesmere | 2 |
Elgin | Elreno | 27 |
Ella | Edenvale | 25 |
Ellis av | Ellzey | 26 |
Ellsworth av | Eloise | 22 |
Elm | Embury | 27 |
Elwood av | Hazelton av | 26 |
Eleanor | Enoness | 20 |
Eleanora | Emlin ay | 23 |
Emerson place | Emodi ay | 26 |
Emerson av | Textor | 27 |
Erie | Baldauf | 17 |
Euclid av | Burgess | 26 |
Eudora av | Euterpe | 26 |
Eudora ay | Eustace ay | 19 |
Evans | Pusey | 26 |
Evergreen ay | Edata ay | 14 |
Excelsior ay | Burd ay | 22 |
Fair Oaks | Fennimore | 14 |
Fairview av | Watson entrance | 26 |
Fall | Falba | 5 |
Fayette | French | 2 |
Fifth | Stanwix | 2 |
Fifth av | Wash'on av | 2–3–4–7–12–14 |
Federal lane | Federal | 26 |
Federal | Fernando | 3 |
Federal Hill av | Landview | 14 |
Ferry lane | Fenway | 27 |
Filbert | Firth | 24 |
Filmore | Freedmore | 25 |
First | Foreland | 23 |
Fisk | Filson | 22 |
Florence | Elba | 5 |
Fleming ay | Flash ay | 15 |
Folsom | Flowers av | 15 |
Flora ay | Floree ay | 19 |
Flora | Fonville | 5 |
Florida ay | Flossie ay | 4 |
Flowers av | Kilbourne | 15 |
Flowers av | Hansen | 15 |
Forest av | Fleeger ay | 26 |
Forest | Froman | 24 |
Fourth | Fancourt | 2 |
Fairmount | Henderson | 25 |
Fountain | Pentland | 2 |
Francis av | Freitag | 26 |
Franklin | Foxhurst | 3 |
Frazier | Fontella | 21 |
Frederick | Freyburg | 17 |
Fremont | Brighton road | 25 |
Fremont | Fram | 13 |
Fremont | Flocker ay | 25 |
French ay | Felbinger | 20 |
Friendship ay | Fireman ay | 25 |
Fritz ay | Frock ay | 24 |
Fulton | Fullerton | 3 |
Fulton | Furber ay | 26 |
Funston ay | Pride | 3 |
Gardeners [sic] ay | Garwood ay | 9 |
Garnet ay | Gazena ay | 23 |
Garrison | Geranium | 25 |
Gas | Gasoline | 1 |
Geneva | Glenrose | 26 |
George | Crawford | 3 |
Geyer ay | Gentry ay | 22 |
Geyer road | Gershom | 26 |
Gilpin ay | Gilchrist ay | 26 |
Girard ay | Galena ay | 4 |
Gibson av | Giboney | 26 |
Glosser ay | Bloomer ay | 5 |
Gladstone | Gaymont | 21 |
Gladstone | Gironde | 21 |
Grace way | Guyman way | 18 |
Graham | Gribble | 26 |
Graham | Greeves ay | 22 |
Graham | Garvin | 26 |
Grant av | Galveston av | 22 |
Grant | Goshen | 26 |
Green | Suismon | 23 |
Girty ay | Mugele ay | 3 |
Greenwood | Pennsylvania av | 21 |
Gross way | Groom ay | 26 |
Grove | Groyne | 26 |
Grove | Gravity | 5 |
Hahn ay | Woodville av | 20 |
Hall | Hubley | 19 |
Hamilton place | Hippo | 26 |
Hamilton | Hatteras | 24 |
Hampton | Heppner | 21 |
Hancock | Honduras | 25 |
Hanover | Eckert | 27 |
Harding | Hardesty | 22 |
Harold ay | Honora ay | 27 |
Harriet | Hackney | 26 |
Harrison av | Holyoke | 25–26 |
Harrison av | Harbor | 26 |
Hoellerman | Hunnel | 24 |
Hawkins | Herndon | 20 |
Haworth av | Heldron | 26 |
Hay | Heisel | 26 |
Hays ay | Habit ay | 24 |
Hays | Huntress | 11 |
Hazel | Harpster | 24 |
Heath | Highview | 11 |
Hecla ay | Starch | 18 |
Hemlock ay | Hulburt ay | 9 |
Henderson | Ajax st.–ay. | 5 |
Hendricks | Higden | 15 |
Herron ay | Hydro ay | 22 |
Hiawatha | Hooten | 14 |
Hickory ay | Voegtly st.–ay. | 23 |
Highland av | Holstein | 26 |
Hiland | Hillis | 26 |
Hill | Hybla | 27 |
Hill | Overbeck | 24–26 |
Hill | Husk | 26 |
Hill | Horace | 1 |
Hobart av | Semicir | 26 |
Hobart av | Munhall | 14 |
Hoffer av | Hertzog | 27 |
Hoffman way | Hankla way | 19 |
Holmes | Henley | 27 |
Home | Hodgkiss | 27 |
Home place | McCrory ay | 25 |
Homer | Huguenot | 11 |
Hope ay | Herb ay | 22 |
Hope | Hobbs | 26 |
Howard | Hyperion | 26 |
Howard ay | Hyoid ay | 6 |
Howard | Hollace | 5 |
Howe | Hotop | 24 |
Hudson av | Hiona | 27 |
Hudson | Havre | 4 |
Hudson ay | Hike ay | 4 |
Hudson | Hanlon | 21 |
Hughes ay | Garwood ay | 9 |
Humboldt | Hutoff | 27 |
Isabella | Idaline | 8 |
Ionia ay | Ionic ay | 11 |
Iowa ay | Colorado st.–ay. | 27 |
Itasco ay | Ishar ay | 5 |
Irwin av | Isleboro av | 22–25–26 |
Irwin place | Sherrod | 9 |
Irwin ay | St. John's ay | 9 |
Irene | Idolia | 20 |
Imbrie | North End av | 26 |
Island av | Izora | 26–27 |
Ivanhoe place | Ivonton ay | 25 |
Jackson | Jarvella | 25 |
James st. and ay. | Janero | 11 |
Jane ay | Jesup ay | 27 |
Jeanette | Jonathan | 14 |
Jefferson | Jarbola | 25 |
Jefferson, West | Japanese | 25 |
John | Hallett | 5 |
Joliet | Jawett | 27 |
Jones | Breretos | 2–6 |
Juniata | Jubilee | 21 |
Juno ay | Jabok ay | 22 |
Justice | Judge ay | 3 |
Kaiser av | Warrington av | 18 |
Kansas ay | Kalorama ay | 27 |
Katherine | Kathleen | 18 |
Keeling place | Kimbol | 17 |
Kennedy av | North End av | 26 |
Kennedy | Kellogg | 14 |
Killy-Moon | Kennebec | 15 |
Kentucky av | Goebel | 21 |
Kenova | Ketler | 27 |
Kent ay | Kalson ay | 26 |
Kenwood | Kambach | 18 |
Kenwood | Kemper | 14 |
Keokuk ay | Key ay | 15 |
Kerr | Ketchum | 27 |
Kilbuck | Hypolite | 22 |
Kilbuck | Kilbourne | 15 |
King ay | Kilday ay | 23 |
King | Dougan | 27 |
Kirkpatrick ave | Kirkbride | 21–25 |
Kirkpatrick ay | Kunkle ay | 21 |
Knox | Atmore | 21–27 |
Knox ay | Kulp ay | 22 |
Lafayette ave | Langhorn | 15 |
Lake | Ladson | 12 |
Lanark | Lovelace | 20 |
Lane ay | Ludene ay | 27 |
Laclede | Luster | 14 |
Landis | Laveta | 26 |
Latrobe ay | Leeds ay | 21 |
Laurel | Lorigan | 6–8–9 |
Lawn ay | Gazena ay | 23 |
Lawrence ave | Loresch | 25 |
Leckey ay | Leduc ay | 25 |
Lee ay | Leaton ay | 19 |
Leland | Lippert | 14 |
Lemon ay | Lieb ay | 27 |
Lenox ay | Light ay | 13 |
Lewis | Leydon | 10 |
Liberty | Lockhart | 23 |
Lillian | Leister | 24 |
Lillian ay | Lehr ay | 18 |
Lincoln | Goebel | 21 |
Lincoln | Lynndale ave | 21–22 |
Linden | Le Feore | 23 |
Linden | La Schall | 12 |
Linden ay | Lutton ay | 18 |
Lindsay | Law | 27 |
Llewellyn ay | Lizardi ay | 19 |
Lloyd | Linus | 26 |
Locust | List | 26 |
Locust | Liverpool | 1 |
Logan | Lysle | 21–25 |
Lombard | Letsche | 25–26 |
Long ay | Lovett ay | 23 |
Long lane | Lappe lane | 24–26 |
Longview ave | Loeffler | 27 |
Louis ay | Lucia | 27 |
Louis | Levene | 14 |
Louise ave | Letort | 27 |
Lowry | Longworth | 15 |
Ludwig ay | Steigerwalt ay | 23 |
Lyon terrace | Lyseum [sic] | 25–26 |
Lyons ave | Lyzell | 26 |
Madison | Milwaukee | 5 |
Magee ay | Mace ay | 25 |
Magnolia | Magdalene | 17 |
Main | Mina | 26 |
Main | Madrone | 23 |
Main | Muth | 26 |
Main | Creek | 26 |
Manchester way | Birn ay | 22 |
Manilla ay | Maolis | 21–22 |
Mansion ave | Morrell | 27 |
Manton | Maud | 27 |
Maple ave | Merritt | 26 |
Maple ave | Madelia | 25–26 |
Maple | Millbridge | 18 |
Marble ay | Mero ay | 25 |
Margaret | Mar Vista | 21 |
Margaretha | Mazant | 26 |
Maria | Seitz | 1 |
Marine ay | Marvin ay | 27 |
Marion av | Merchant | 22 |
Maripoo | Marsonia | 25 |
Market | Metropolitan | 21 |
Marlboro av | Marmaduke | 27 |
Martin av | Martindale | 22 |
Marshall | Musgrave | 15 |
Mary | Minott | 27 |
Maryland av | Taggart | 26 |
Masters way | Drummond | 1 |
Mathilda | Monhagen | 27 |
May av | Matson | 26 |
Meade | Meadville | 25 |
Mellow | Dickson | 27 |
Melrose way | McLain | 18 |
Melwood ave | Montview st–ay | 26 |
Merton | Maline | 26 |
Meyer | Meschell | 26 |
Meyran av | Semicir | 26 |
Miami ay | Mohn ay | 26 |
Michigan av | Mexico | 27 |
Middle | Marohn | 5 |
Mifflin ay | Mimosa ay | 22 |
Mifflin | Milgate | 9 |
Mildred | Loeffler | 27 |
Mill | Murat | 24 |
Miller | Medley | 21 |
Milroy | Maromas | 14 |
Mingo ay | Moddiz ay | 27 |
Milton ay | Padget st–ay | 26 |
Mint ay | Murko ay | 25 |
Mitchell | Music | 27 |
Mitchell ay | Haydon ay | 5 |
Mobile | Moneta | 23 |
Mohawk | Mattern | 27 |
Monitor | Moravian | 23 |
Monitor | Monteiro | 15 |
Montana ay | Muskego ay | 19 |
Monterey | Mattisee | 18 |
Montgomery | Mellinger | 20 |
Moore ay | Malden ay | 27 |
Moorwood | Moale | 27 |
Montrose av | Magnet | 26 |
Morgan | Mendota | 23 |
Morningside av | Mossfield | 9–10 |
Morris | Mercy | 25 |
Morris | Mackey | 4 |
Morrison | Monfort | 12 |
Morton | Mystic ay | 22 |
Mound ay | Mend ay | 8 |
Mulberry | Mumford | 21 |
Murtland ay | Nance ay | 22 |
Myron ay | Mend ay | 8 |
Myrtle | Metcalf | 25 |
McCauslin | McCullough | 25 |
McClure av | Grenet | 27 |
McClure av | McComber av | 14 |
McClure av | Eckert | 27 |
McClurg way | McElroy | 21 |
McCombs | McBride | 26 |
McDonald | McDowell | 27 |
McKain ay | McNary ay | 22 |
McKee | Rothpletz | 27 |
McKee place | McAlvy | 26 |
Negley av | Roup av | 7–8–14 |
Nelson | Nash | 23 |
Nevada | Nublock | 25 |
Niagara | Neuhart | 26 |
Nimick | Neff | 19 |
Nixon | Naylor | 14 |
North | Norris | 26 |
North Diamond | Temperance | 22 |
North Diamond | Byng | 1 |
Norwood | Neffle | 16 |
Oak ay | Ogle ay | 2 |
Oak Grove av | Oswald | 27 |
Oakland | Orlana | 21 |
Oakland square | Argentine place | 4 |
North Oakland square | Olindo | 4 |
Oakwood av | Oakhill | 27 |
Ogden | Oxline | 21 |
O'Hara av | Spring Garden av | 23 |
Ohio | Orr | 4 |
Oliver | Orpwood | 4 |
Olive | Orbin | 5 |
Olympia | Woodville | 20 |
O'Neil | Oxfield | 27 |
Omaha | Ophir | 26 |
Omega | Owenton | 26 |
Ontario | Onendago | 14 |
Orchard ay | Orsenius ay | 11 |
Orchard ay | Ogleby ay | 11 |
Oregon ay | Overcliff ay | 27 |
Orwell ay | Orville ay | 9 |
Oswega | Starch | 18 |
Ottawa | Owatonna | 26 |
Overhill | Lager | 24 |
Overlook ay | Overlea ay | 14 |
Pacific av | Parviss | 27 |
Palmer ay | Press ay | 22 |
Palmer ay | Pascoe ay | 23 |
Palo Alto ay | Humber ay | 5 |
Paoli ay | Kirsch | 5 |
Parker ay | Painter | 22 |
Parker | Pierce | 7 |
Park View av | Catoma | 25 |
Park | Pollmey | 22 |
Park av | Paulson av | 12 |
Park way | Plank | 20 |
Parnell | Probst | 27 |
Pasture lane | Palisade lane | 26 |
Patterson | Plough | 27 |
Pattison | Peterson | 27 |
Pawnee | Pettis | 22 |
Paxton ay | Pawling ay | 7 |
Payne ay | Hamlin ay | 21 |
Payne | Pegg | 18 |
Peach terrace | Percival | 26 |
Pearl, West | Pernod | 22 |
Pearl | Parkhurst | 22 |
Pearl | Pratt | 26 |
Peebles | Pitney | 26 |
Penn | Plush | 22 |
Perry | Peralta | 23 |
Petrel | Petosky | 27 |
Pheasant | Pressler | 26 |
Phillips | Pitkin | 26 |
Pike | Phineas st.–ay. | 23 |
Pine | Pindam | 23 |
Pitt | Pitham | 25 |
Pitt | Pocono | 14 |
Pleasant av | Portola av | 26 |
Plumb | Pynchon | 25–26 |
Point | Province | 24 |
Pontiac ay | Pretense ay | 17 |
Poplar | Porterfield | 22–25 |
Porter | Charles | 5 |
Post ay | Chelps ay | 23 |
Preble av | Paulowna | 6 |
Primrose ay | Pedder ay | 26 |
Princeton road | Pemberton | 27 |
Proctor ay | Purse ay | 24 |
Prospect | Province | 24 |
Paulaski | Paula way | 20 |
Purkiss | Padget | 26 |
Quaker | Quaker way | 20 |
Quarry | Queen | 24 |
Quarry ay | Quell st.–ay. | 25 |
Quarry ay | Quinter ay | 12 |
Quebec | Quipo | 15 |
Quincy | Warren | 25 |
Quincy | Mission | 16–17 |
Race | Reddour | 23 |
Rampart ay | Range ay | 22 |
Randolph | Roller | 27 |
Ravine | Rialto | 24 |
Daymond [sic] | Rostock | 24 |
Rebecca | Reedsdale | 21–22 |
Red Oak ay | Retail ay | 24 |
Reed | Riggo ay | 27 |
Regina ay | Retanus | 22 |
Relief ay | Riffle ay | 25 |
Relief ay | Resort ay | 2 |
Reseca ay | Robb ay | 14 |
Reserve | Romig | 27 |
Reserve | Regent | 26 |
Reserve | Rescue | 26 |
Reserve | Ruff | 26 |
Richard | Ransom | 26 |
Richards ay | Rennig | 7 |
Richey, East | Ruggles | 26 |
Richey av | Richdale | 26 |
Richie ay | Rastus ay | 12 |
Ritchie ay | Rufus ay | 26 |
Richmond | Richards st.–ay. | 26 |
Ridge | Ridgway | 3–5–6 |
Ridgewood | Ridgeville | 14 |
River av | Chianti | 11 |
Roberts | Redknap | 25 |
Robinson | Rockledge | 24–25 |
Robinson | Reliance | 22–23 |
Robinson road | Walz | 24 |
Rogers ay | Ryolite | 11 |
Ronald | Raff | 15 |
Roscoe ay | Rivet ay | 26 |
Rose ay | Rodney | 27 |
Rose ay | Rieseck ay | 22 |
Rose | Kosher | 3 |
Rosedale | Roalman | 21 |
Rosina ay | Recoup ay | 8 |
Ross ay | Ream ay | 27 |
Roup place | Roup av | 8 |
Roup | Roup ave | 8 |
Royal ay | Royster ay | 5 |
Rubens | Rugraff | 17 |
Rugby ay | Aquatic ay | 27 |
Rural ave | Rothpletz | 27 |
Rush | Pinerune ave | 20 |
Ruth | Ribb | 27 |
Rutland ay | Rosella ay | 14 |
Sabina ave | Stoltz | 26 |
Saginaw | Sagwa | 27 |
Sarah | Strauss | 26 |
Sandusky ay | Samantha ay | 11 |
Sassafras lane | Sundeman | 24 |
School | Scotland | 22 |
Scott | Scoville | 23 |
Scott | Shomin | 3 |
Scrip ay | Seam ay | 21 |
Second | Suismon | 23 |
Sedgwick | Stromberg | 16 |
Seloma | Stilwell | 26 |
Seneca ay | Searles ay | 26 |
Seneca ay | Mohn ay | 26 |
Seward | Seabright | 26 |
Seventh | Sandusky | 2 |
Shady ave | Sorrell | 27 |
Shady ave | Shadeland ave | 27 |
Sharp ay | Snively ay | 11 |
Shawnee | Shawano | 23 |
Shelby | Seal | 5 |
Sheridan | Sherlock | 26 |
Sheridan place | Shadwell | 11 |
Sherman | Sherrod | 9 |
Sherwood place | DeVictor place | 11 |
Shiloh | Shull ay | 24 |
Shields | Strong | 21 |
Shingiss | Sturm | 26 |
Short | Shank | 26 |
Short ay | Storey ay | 26 |
Shrub ay | Strap ay | 27 |
Sidney | Sutton | 25 |
Simen | Simonton | 14 |
Simpson | Sartwell | 27 |
Sioux ay | Salter ay | 23 |
Sixth | Federal | 2 |
Sloan | Savoy | 27 |
Slocum | Steese | 27 |
Smith ay | Spann | 25 |
Snowden | Stengel | 22 |
Snyder | Sackett | 12 |
Solar | Shalom | 4 |
Somerset | Stranmore | 21 |
South ay | Shine ay | 26 |
South Diamond | Fortitude | 22 |
South Diamond | Marjorie | 1 |
South End ave | Hawkins ave | 26 |
South Thirty-third | Handler | 16 |
Spencer | Spice | 26 |
Spring ave | Sprain | 25 |
Spring ave | Spiral | 26 |
Springfield | Shypole | 25 |
Spruce | Stieren | 27 |
Stanton ave | Seymour | 21 |
Star ay | Stiles ay | 25 |
State ay | Sinaloa ay | 3 |
Station way | Sugdon way | 20 |
St. Clair | Stroble ay | 22 |
St. Clair Terrace | St. Ives | 21 |
Steels way | Shockoe ay | 25 |
Sterling | Doerr | 27 |
Stewart | Swanson | 26 |
Stewart | Stedman | 21 |
Sturgeon ay | Book ay | 2 |
Summit | Succop | 24 |
Summer | Shreve | 26 |
Summer | Success | 21 |
Superior ay | Sulphite ay | 10 |
Swatsworth | Symphony | 20 |
Sweeney st–ay | Sunday st.–ay. | 21 |
Swentzell way | Swantek | 20 |
Sylvan av | Swamp | 26 |
Sylvan av | Frazier | 4 |
Syracuse av | Stonelea | 27 |
Syracuse | Pringell | 10 |
Tacoma | Talco | 26 |
Taylor av | Tarleton av | 22 |
Tempest | Ingham | 27 |
Tennis ay | Heinz ay | 14 |
Terrace av | Trueman | 25 |
Terrace place | Tumbo | 27 |
Theta ay | Thays ay | 14 |
Third | Tripoli | 23 |
Third | Barbeau | 1–2 |
Thomas | Tobin | 22 |
Thompson | Toberg | 27 |
Thompson way | Totten ay | 20 |
Thorn | Tiffany | 27 |
Tioga | Tretow | 26 |
Towanda | Twain | 26 |
Tower | Thropp | 23 |
Trenton | Trimbur | 26 |
Tripod ay | Truax ay | 24 |
Troy ay | Test ay | 24 |
Troy ay | Thum ay | 24 |
Turner ay | Turtle ay | 24 |
Tustin | Tupelo | 27 |
Union | Graeme | 1 |
Unity ay | Uneeda ay | 23 |
Upland ay | United ay | 23 |
Unnamed street | Flora | 27 |
Unnamed street | Kirby | 27 |
Unnamed street | Loeffler | 27 |
Unnamed street | Rife | 26 |
Unnamed street | Hespen | 26 |
Unnamed alley | Ireland ay | 27 |
Unnamed street | Tumbo | 27 |
Unnamed st. and ay. | Trimble st.–ay. | 27 |
Unnamed street | Speck | 27 |
Valentine | Valonia | 20 |
Vassar lane | Vosco ay | 27 |
Valley | Venture | 26 |
Venango ay | Verse ay | 10 |
Vermont | Vennette | 21 |
Verona ay | Voorhees ay | 3 |
Vesper | Vantassel | 26 |
Veto ay | Vonark ay | 16 |
Victor ay | Vensel ay | 27 |
Victor ay | Vance ay | 4 |
Victoria | Volunteer | 24 |
Villa | Voskamp | 24 |
Vine | Valette | 24 |
Vine | Varley | 26 |
Vine ay | Veazie ay | 23 |
Vine | Vallejo ay | 23 |
Viola ay | Violin ay | 11 |
Virginia av | Veteran | 26 |
Vista ay | Vintage ay | 8 |
Vulcan ay | Ventnor ay | 14 |
Wabash | Wabana | 26 |
Wabash av | Waldorf | 26 |
Wade ay | Waino ay | 22 |
Waldo | Wilt | 24 |
Walker av | Wapello | 27 |
Wallace | Wardwell | 27 |
Walnut | Warfield | 23 |
Wampum | War | 16 |
Ward | Warlo | 21 |
Warner ay | Waseon ay | 14 |
Warren ay | Weak ay | 14 |
Warsaw av | Wealth | 27 |
Washington place | Park Way | 22–23 |
Washington av | Columbus av | 21–25 |
Washington | Van Buren | 2–3 |
Washington av, south | Warrington av | 17–18–19 |
Wayne | Gironde | 21 |
Water ay | Welser ay | 24 |
Water st., South | South Water | 16–17 |
Watson ay | Waco ay | 24 |
Watson | Whitla | 27 |
Watson blvd | Watsonia blvd. | 26 |
Wellesley av | Wickshire | 27 |
West Canal | Gorecomar | 22 |
West Diamond | Justice | 22 |
West Diamond | Graeme | 1 |
West Market | Westmar | 27 |
Western | Walbridge | 20 |
Westminster | Welcome | 27 |
Westminster | Winshire | 27 |
Wheeler av | Wilksboro av | 27 |
White ay | Violin ay | 11 |
Wilkins | Westhall | 27 |
William | Wadlow | 27 |
Williams | Waldeck | 15 |
Willow | Welto | 26 |
Wilma | Worth | 14 |
Wilmot place | Welsford | 4 |
Windsor | Wolfendale | 21 |
Wilson | Westborn | 27 |
Wilson ay | Weitz ay | 27 |
Wilson | Whitcomb | 3 |
Winona ay | Wyona ay | 27 |
Winters | Wolfrum | 22 |
Winthrope | Winhorst | 27 |
Wolf ay | Hyena ay | 21 |
Woods ay | Weld ay | 27 |
Wood | Wolpert ay | 25 |
Wooster | Wettach | 23 |
Wright | Wry | 24 |
Wyoming | Wortman | 27 |
Woodville av | Woodstock | 20 |
Woodville | Woodruff | 19–20 |
Yale ay | Yardley ay | 7 |
Young ay | Yuba ay | 3 |
Zara ay | Zaza ay | 15 |