Notes:Scorer Street

From Pittsburgh Streets

1900: Source:Hopkins-1900-southeast, plate 16: This street does not exist. But its location is the dividing line between "Thos. Brierly Hrs." and "United Traction Co. 'Calhoun Park.'" Neither of these have any streets laid out.

1902-09: Source:Brierley-plan: Park Way, 20 feet wide, on the boundary with Calhoun Park.

1917-06: Source:Calhoun-park-plan-1917: Park Ave., 40 feet wide.

1930-03-24: Source:Ordinance-1930-100: Changed Park Avenue to Scorer Street.

Calhoun Park

To do

More about Calhoun Park.

  • 1895-04-16: "Personalities", Pittsburg Press, p. 6 ( 141562954): "Capt. Sam Barr has been appointed solicitor for Calhoun park, on the new route of the Second avenue traction line to McKeesport. He is meeting with much success in booking dates for the new grove."
  • 1895-04-28: "Pushing the work: Second Avenue electric extensions to be opened Decoration day," Pittsburg Press, p. 11 ( 141563887): "In speaking of the new lines yesterday, Mr. Reilly said: '. . . The company has also purchased one of the finest picnic grounds to be found anywhere in the state. It is called Calhoun park, and will be a great resort for recreation and pleasure. We have recently given a contract for the erection on these grounds of an elegant pavilion and dancing platform, to cost $10,000. The platform will be 132 by 60 feet. In the second story will be the dining hall and other rooms. A grand circular promenade will be made, including the entire building. It will be 16 feet wide. These grounds have fine springs, and we will have excellent places for baseball, lawn tennis and other outdoor sports. The first picnic will be given on these grounds on Decoration day, when both lines will be put in operation.'"
  • 1900: Source:Hopkins-1900-southeast, plate 16, shows "United Traction Co. 'Calhoun Park.'"
  • 1909-03-21: "Denies Calhoun Park rumor," Pittsburgh Post, p. 7 ( 86422125): Rumors that Calhoun Park would close and be converted to a plan of lots.
  • 1933-04-23: Ruth Ayers, "Parachute jumpers made him airminded in youth so Cliff Ball grew up to found air mail lines," Pittsburgh Press, society section, p. 12 ( 146692021): Story of Cliff Ball, who as a boy watched Madame Zeno parachute at Calhoun Park.
  • 1935-07-17: Flashbacks, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, p. 6 ( 89670099): ". . . Picnic grounds, 40 years ago, were abundant in the Pittsburgh district. The Second Avenue Traction Company had Calhoun Park; the Homestead and Highland Street Railway had Brown Park; there was a Hillside Park at Braddock; Kinney's Grove just opposite; the Pennsylvania Railroad had Thompson's Grove at Thompson station. . . ." Taken from "Some bits of gossip of people and things," Pittsburg Post, 1895-07-11, [p. 6] ( 86405920).
  • 1940-07-31: Flashbacks, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, p. 6 ( 90130384): ". . . Attractions at Calhoun Park, 40 years ago included, the 'hit-his-head-with-a-baseball' man; the 'ring-a-cane' man; the 'tintype' man; the 'merry-go-round' man. Also a snake den. 'In this pit are 100 glistening, writhing snakes.' . . ."
  • 1954-08-01: George Swetnam, "Pittsburgh's pursuit of play," Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh's Family Magazine, pp. 5–7: "The pioneer coaster hereabouts was a gravity ride at Calhoun Park, now Lincoln Place, built about 1895. The car went down and up some gentle dips after being given a push by some husky roustabouts, who then went to the other end to turn the car in the other direction on a turn-table, like those of Frisco trolleys."
  • 1959-01-18: "Amusement Parks got biggest boost here," Pittsburgh Press, sec. 6, p. 15: "Kennywood Park, for instance, was started in 1898 and is the county's oldest amusement institution. West View dates back to 1905. ¶ They were just two of many in the district near the turn of the century. Old-timers will remember Calhoun (Lincoln Place), . . ."
  • 1960-03-02: "'Dream city' revived at East Hills," Pittsburgh Press, p. 58 ( 141367351): "Pittsburgh rightly claims the honor of being the birthplace of the amusement park. Kennywood Park, oldest of them all, was established in 1898, and will open again on Easter Sunday for the 62nd year. West View dates back to 1905. ¶ The pioneer coaster here was a gravity ride at Calhoun Park in Lincoln Place, built about 1895. ¶ Principle Still Used ¶ The first chain-lift coaster, built on a figure-eight style, was built in 1898 at Kennywood, and the principle still is used in present-day coasters."
  • 1975-11-05: Joe Browne, Our Towne, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, [p. 29] ( 89778937): Readers write in with information about and reminiscences of Calhoun Park.
  • 1995-04-14: Bob Hoover, "A fast track back: Lost Kennywood, the park's newest and biggest project ever, plunges riders through history," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Weekend, pp. 14–15: Table with the title "Lost amusement parks" says "Calhoun Park, Lincoln Place, (1897)–1906."
  • 2002-10-21: Jan Ackerman, "Lincoln Place limbo: Small city neighborhood caught in fight over land for community center," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, pp. A-9 – A-10 ( 90211594, 90211595): "One of the most interesting things they found was that an amusement park called Calhoun Park was opened in 1895 by Pittsburgh Railways Company on Mifflin Road, where the trailer park now stands. The park closed about 1910."
  • 2023-06-21: Brian Butko, "From Kenny's Grove to Kennywood, Part 1 of 2," Heinz History Center ( "When Second Avenue Traction opened Calhoun Park in Lincoln Place in 1896, that park's rapid rise caught the attention of Andrew Mellon, who set his sights on developing Kenny's Grove into a park that would sit right between two populated mill towns."