Notes:Resort Way

From Pittsburgh Streets

See Notes:Scrip Way for notes about Pittsburgh's early pumped water system, "city scrip," and the sale of the old basin lot.

Source:Local-matters-1850-06-19: "New Alleys—Singular Names.—In laying off the old basin lots, a space was reserved for two alles [sic], the one running from Grant Street to Cherry Alleyy [sic], the other from Fifth Street to Diamond Alley. They are to be called by the singular names of Scrip Alley and Relief Alley."

Source:Ordinance-1910-715: "Relief ay., from Cherry way to Scrip ay., old 2d wd., changed to Resort ay., 2d wd."

"Relief way" mentioned in the Municipal Record, 1916 and 1937, in the context of constructing bridges over it.

Called "Relief street" by Danver, Pittsburghesque, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 1937-02-25, p. 12 ( 90317705).

1951-12-18: Source:Demolition, Source:Store-to-raze

Source:Ordinance-1951-674: Authorized an agreement with The May Department Stores Company to vacate Resort Way, etc.

Source:Danver-1951: "Panic Way ¶ Mait Wilson of Indiana (Pa.) writes: 'I was surprised to read that the name of the alley between the Carnegie Building and the Frick Annex is "Resort Way." I built those foot bridges over it for the steel company—the last one about 1941—and when I took out the permit at the city's office the name was Panic Way. We all got a kick out of that name.' No wonder—bridging a Panic." There is no evidence this alley was ever named Panic Way. Maybe Wilson was misremembering a joke about "Relief" and "Panic"?

1952-02-12: Source:City-to-vacate-alley

Source:Ordinance-1952-48: Actual vacation.