
From Pittsburgh Streets

"City to vacate alley for project." Pittsburgh Press, Feb. 12, 1952, p. 24. 142962821.

City to Vacate Alley for Project

An ordinance to vacate Resort Way to provide a trucking ramp for the May Department Store, owners of Kaufmann's, has been introduced in Council.

The closed alley extends from Cherry Way, back of Kaufmann's, to Scrip Way, which will be kept open through its entire length from Diamond Street to Fifth Avenue.

Store operators plan to send their trucks into Scrip Way, turn up the ramp on Resort Way and then swing onto an overhead loading platform to be built above Cherry Way.

The petition to vacate the alley, was signed by Irwin D. Wolf as vice president of the May Department Store, and J. E. Lose, executive vice president in charge of operations for U. S. Steel, which owns the adjoining Carnegie Bldg.

The bill went to Council's Cmmittee [sic] on Public Service and Surveys.