Notes:Preble Avenue
1832-04-26: Source:Manchester-plan
1867-04-11: Source:Lgeo-manchester-annexation
1868: Source:Preble, pp. 287–305
1871-04-27: Source:Ordinance-1871-allegheny-duplicated: "Market street [modern Metropolitan Street], in the 9th ward, and Preble street is declared one street from Greenwood street [formerly Walnut Street, modern Pennsylvania Avenue] to Woods' Run, and will be known as Western avenue."
1872-04-11: Source:Allegheny-councils-1872-04-12: "Allegheny Councils held a regular meeting last evening in their Chambers, City Building. ¶ . . . ¶ . . . Ordinance changing the names of Lake alley to Lake street and Western avenue, Ninth ward, to Preble avenue; passed finally."
1915-06-06: Source:Fleming-french-allies: "On Tuesday, May 30, La Fayette was entertained by Mrs. Thomas Barlow at her residence at Stockton avenue. She was a niece of Commodore Preble, U. S. N., and a most beautiful woman. La Fayette was an old friend. She had met him in Paris some years previously."
1917-03-04: Source:Fleming-patriots: "From the War of 1812 we can refer to Perry, Pike, Lawrence, Dearborn, Decatur and Preble."
1927: Source:Miller-chronicles, pp. 58–60