"An ordinance changing the duplicated streets and alley names." Allegheny city ordinance, 1871. Enacted Apr. 27, 1871. Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Gazette, May 4, 1871, p. 1 ( 86352849), May 5, [p. 4] ( 86352856), and May 6, [p. 4] ( 86352860).
Whereas, a large number of the names of certain streets, alleys, &c., are duplicated two or three times, owing to the consolidation of outside districts with the city; and
Whereas, Considerable trouble and inconvenience arises from such multiplicity of similar names; therefore
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the city of Allegheny, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That on and after the passage of this ordinance the names of the herein mentioned streets, alleys, &c., shall be changed and known as follows:
Ohio street and Western avenue is hereby declared one street, and will be known as East and West Ohio street, Federal street being the dividing line.
Beaver street, in 1st and 2d wards, is hereby changed to Arch street.
Market street, in the 9th ward, and Preble street is declared one street from Greenwood street to Woods' Run, and will be known as Western avenue.
Ohio avenue, in 5th ward, to Pennsylvania avenue.
Pasture Lane, 2d ward, to Irwin avenue.
Union street, 2d ward, to Taggart street.
Ann street, 7th ward, to Oak street.
Angle street, from Spring Garden avenue to Hardtmeyer's line, to Filbert street.
Canal street, 7th ward, to Forest street.
Hill street, 6th ward, to Knox street.
James street, 3d ward, to West street.
Long Lane, 3d ward, to William street.
Hamilton street, 5th and 6th wards, to Locust street.
Locust street, 3d ward, to Ray street.
Linden street, on Bell's plan, to Callowhill street.
Market street, Troy Hill, to Overhill street.
Main street, Troy Hill, from its intersection with Lowrie street to Gardiner street, to Lowrie street.
Main street, Troy Hill, from Lowrie street to Ravine street, to Branch street.
Mary street, 4th ward, to Middle street.
Mary street, 2d ward, to Myrtle street.
Union street, 7th ward, from Main street to Chestnut street to Clark street.
Union street, 3d and 7th wards, from North avenue to terminus of street, to Howard street.
Chestnut street, Troy Hill, to Hazel street.
Walnut street, 5th ward, to Greenwood street.
Walnut street, 9th ward, to Benton street.
Anderson street, 9th ward, to Kerr street.
Washington street, Troy Hill, to Hamilton street.
Ferry street, 9th ward, to Wilkins street.
Sampson street, 9th ward, to Superior street.
Pine street, 9th ward, to Porter street.
Spring alley, from Perry street, to Third street, to Eagle alley.
Chestnut street, Herr's Island, to Almond street.
Washington street, Herr's Island, to Hugh street.
Franklin street, Herr's Island, to James street.
Centre street, Herr's Island, to Sand street.
Ordained and enacted into a law this 27th day of April, 1871.
President of Select Council.
Attest: J. R. Oxley,
Clerk of Select Council.
President of Common Council.
Attest: R. Dilworth,
Clerk of Common Council.