Notes:Erin Street
1830: Source:Barbeau: "Erin Hill" appears at the east edge of the map, with a house labeled "Irwin."
1830-05-04: Source:Ww-irwin-1830-05-04: "TO BE LET, ¶ . . . ¶ A neat and convenient two story frame Dwelling House, with offices attached, situated on Erin Hill, one mile from the city. Surrounding the house, there is a large yard, ornamented with flowering shrubs, and containing a number of choice fruit trees. In the yard, and but a few steps from the kitchen, there is a well of excellent water, and a cistern for holding rain water. From its neighborhood to the city, and healthy location, this would be an agreeable residence, particularly during the summer months, for a private family. Possession will be given immediately. For terms, inquire on the premises, or of W. W. IRWIN, Fourth Street."
1832-04-13: Source:Died-1832-04-13: "The funeral will leave the residence of Mrs. A. Irwin, at Erin Hill . . ."
Western Female Collegiate Institute
1832-06-26: Source:Western-female-collegiate-institute: "The Western Female Collegiate Institute ¶ WILL be opened, by the Rev. WILLIAM B. LACEY, D. D., President and Miss ELIZABETH H. SMITH, Governess, on the first Monday of September next, in that elegant, commodious, and delightfully situated mansion, now occupied by Mrs. Agnes Irwin, on Erin Hill, one mile east of the City of Pittsburgh, and near the right bank of the Monongahela river."
1832-09-18: Source:A-card-1832-09-18: Advertisement by Wm. B. Lacey, president of the Western Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies, "Erin Hill, near Pittsburgh."
1832-10-02: Western Female Collegiate Institute is now open ( 96013392).
1832-12-28: Called the "Erin Hill Seminary" ( 96051761).
1834-02-15: Called the "Western Collegiate Female Institute at Erin Hill" ( 96007099).
1834-04-30: "John Herron, Erin Hill" ( 96011711).
1834-12-10: "[The subscriber] also proposes to rent, for a term of years, a few acres of unimproved land, being part of the Erin Hill Estate, and within one mile of this city. ¶ AGNES IRWIN. ¶ December 10, 1834." ( 96012771)
1835: Source:Keyon: Same as Barbeau.
1835-07-20: "FOR LEASE. ¶ THE Subscriber will let, for the term of one year, from the first day of October next, all that portion of the Erin Hill Estate, now in the tenure of Mr. John Louis, containing between 30 and 40 acres of land, with an excellent dwelling house and barn thereon. ¶ This property is situate on the Pittsburgh and Coal Hill Turnpike Road, and the ground occupied by the Rev. Dr. Lacy. Terms will be made known on application to the Subscriber. ¶ AGNES IRWIN."
1835-07-29: "LACY'S MORAL PHILOSOPHY. ¶ A SYSTEM of Moral Philosophy, or Christian Ethics; designed for the use of Parents in their Domestic Instruction, advanced classes in Sunday Schools, and Literary Institutes. By the Rev. William B. Lacey, D. D. Principal of the Western Female Collegiate Institute, Erin Hill, near Pittsburgh, Pa., author of Principles of Elocution, Rhetoric, &c. Just published and for sale by D. M. HOGAN, No. 78 Wood street."
1837: Source:Harris, p. 63: "Mahon J D, Attorney at Law, office Diamond, d h Erin Hill"
1837-03-06: Daily Pittsburgh Gazette, [p. 2] ( 96048391): "TO LET, ¶ FOR six months, from the first of April, the house now occupied by the subscriber, situated on Erin Hill. For Terms, inquire of John I. Kay & Co. ¶ DANIEL STONE. ¶ Erin Hill, mar 6—tf"
1837-08-05: Daily Pittsburgh Gazette, [p. 2] ( 96044304): "FOR RENT. ¶ THE subscriber will rent, for one or more years, the following described property, situate in Pitt township, Allegheny county, within one mile of the city of Pittsburgh: ¶ 1st. The Mansion House, on the Erin Hill estate, formerly occupied by the Rev. Dr. Lacey, together with about 100 acres of land thereunto attached, and occupied with the same, including a spacious garden, garden and spring house, &c. The building is a large double two story house, with every convenience which could be desired by a tenant—including an orchard of fine fruit. ¶ 2d. A farm, adjoining thereto, containing from 26 to 30 acres, on which there is erected a good farm house, barn, and orchard, with an excellent pump of water at the door. The land is situate on the right hand side of the Coal Hill Turnpike road leading from Pittsburgh, eastwardly. Also several vacant fields on the left hand side of the road, which will also be rented. Also an extensive range of stone quarries on the said road, which have been opened and are in good working condition. ¶ Of all the above described pieces of property, possession can be delivered on the first day of October next. ¶ AGNESS IRWIN."
1841-12-24: Source:Erin-hill-farm-plan recorded. Erin Street appears in this plan, though it is not given a name.
1845: Source:Mcgowin-1845: Erin Street is the easternmost labeled street.
1881-02-28: Source:Ordinance-1881-33: "Erin street, from Centre avenue to Ridge street, Eleventh and Thirteenth wards."
1910-03-31: Source:Ordinance-1910-716: "Erin, from Centre av. to Ridgway, 3d and 5th wds."
1915-09-26: Source:Fleming-addison: "Across Addison street were the spacious grounds of Attorney Alexander H. Miller, whose mansion fronted on Center avenue opposite Erin street. This was originally the home of John D. Mahon, also an attorney, whose name is preserved in Mahon avenue in the vicinity."
1915-10-10: Source:Fleming-lacyville discusses Dr. Lacy and Lacyville.
1917-09-02: Source:Fleming-dickens-incidents: "John D. Mahon, a celebrated attorney of Pittsburgh and contemporary of William W. Irwin, was his brother-in-law, having married a daughter of John Irwin, Sr. Mr. Mahon came to Pittsburgh from Carlisle. A daughter, Miss Agnes Irwin Mahon, now resides in Carlisle, and was a recent visitor in Pittsburgh. We have Mahon avenue on the 'Hill' named for the family. The Mahon mansion, long the residence of Alexander H. Miller, was on the elevation on Center avenue opposite Erin street. It was razed within the last decade. The Irwin family owned several blocks of land on the opposite side of the street, as old plans and deeds show."
1925-03-08: Source:Fleming-minersville: "John D. Mahon was one of Pittsburgh's leading attorneys from the time of his arrival in the city. Like many subsequent Pittsburgh people of prominence, he hailed from Carlisle, Pa. His old mansion was on the terrace on Center avenue, opposite Erin street. About 1866, the Mahon homestead and grounds became the property of the late Alexander H. Miller, also an attorney. The old mansion was razed a few years ago. In Harris' Directory of 1837, after Attorney Mahon's name is the statement, 'dwelling house, Erin Hill.'"