Source notes:Pittsburgh-1795
Source:Dahlinger, p. 71: "The descriptions of Fort Pitt and of the Redoubt as they were printed in these two articles [in the American Pioneer of June 1842], including the map, were followed in 1869 by A. G. Haumann, who drew and published a plan of Pittsburgh as it was supposed to be in 1795. In this plan even the mistake made in Ratzer's name was followed, being given as 'R.' Ratzer instead of 'B.' Ratzer, and the gardens as laid out by Ratzer east of the fort, were omitted. Haumann's plan with only slight variations has been republished many times since 1869, and has always been given out as if it were an original picture of Pittsburgh, instead of having been laboriously built up, mostly from data obtained from Neville B. Craig's History of Pittsburgh."