Source notes:Ordinance-1861-prr-liberty
Shortly following the passage of this ordinance, the following resolution was passed (Source:Digest-1869, p. 371; Source:Digest-1887, p. 562; Source:Digest-1897, p. 653):
A Resolution
Relating to the removal of the Pennsylvania railroad track from Liberty street.
Resolved, By the mayor, aldermen and citizens of Pittsburgh, in select and common councils assembled, That the action of these councils, by which an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to enable the Pennsylvania railroad company to remove its tracks from a portion of Liberty street in the city of Pittsburgh," passed a third reading and final passage on the 12th inst., be reconsidered, and that said ordinance be referred to Thomas Bakewell, Reuben Miller, Jr., and John Bissell, who are hereby requested to confer with the directors or agents of the Pennsylvania railroad company, and prepare and present to councils an ordinance to encourage the said railroad company to remove its tracks from Liberty street, and do justice alike to the city and company.
In select council, December 21st, 1861, read three times and passed.
In common council, December 27th, 1861, read twice and laid over under the rules.
In common council, December 30th, 1861, read a third time and passed.
Did anything ever come from this?