
From Pittsburgh Streets


🏠 THE large and commodious Brick Building, on the corner of Fourth and Market streets, lately occupied by Mrs. Hetich, as a Boarding House. The first floor may, with a trifling expense, be converted into an elegant Store Room, 33 feet deep by 18 feet wide, affording, from its location, an eligible stand for business. The remainder of the house is sufficiently spacious for the accommodation of a family.


🏠 A neat and convenient two story frame Dwelling House, with offices attached, situated on Erin Hill, one mile from the city. Surrounding the house, there is a large yard, ornamented with flowering shrubs, and containing a number of choice fruit trees. In the yard, and but a few steps from the kitchen, there is a well of excellent water, and a cistern for holding rain water. From its neighborhood to the city, and healthy location, this would be an agreeable residence, particularly during the summer months, for a private family. Possession will be given immediately. For terms, inquire on the premises, or of W. W. IRWIN, Fourth Street.

May 4.—tf