
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Deaths of a day." Pittsburg Dispatch, Apr. 1, 1890, p. 4. 76219975.


Vice Admiral Stephen C. Rowan.

Washington, March 31.—Vice Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, United States Navy (retired), died here at 1 o'clock this morning of Bright's disease, aged 85 years. Admiral Rowan was born in Ireland, and came to this country in the early part of the century. He was appointed to Annapolis Naval Academy from Ohio in 1826, and had a record of 60 years in the service of the United States. He was one of the most gallant naval officers in the late war. His last service was as Chairman of the Lighthouse Board. He leaves one son, Lieutenant Rowan, who will arrive here to-night.

William Andrews.

Mr. William Andrews, father of J. P. Andrews, Superintendent of the Bureau of Highways and Sewers, and of Samuel Andrews, Principal of the Howard schools, died Sunday morning, aged 84 years. Mr. Andrews was the oldost [sic] male resident of Robinson township. He was born near Coleraine, Ireland, in 1806, and came to America in 1822. Early in life he was a railroad contractor. He finally settled on a fine farm in Robinson township. The funeral will take place to-day, at 1 p. m.

James S. Closson.

Yesterday morning one of the oldest passenger conductors on the Pennsylvania Railroad, James S. Closson, died at his home in Dallas station. He had been for 30 years conductor with the road and dies regretted by thousands with whom he came in business contact, and upon whom his courteous manners and obliging disposition made a favorable impression. He died of erysipelas, and leaves a wife and six children, two of whom are adults.

Captain W. J. Means.

Captain W. J. Means, one of the old-time river pilots, who has been piloting from Pittsburg to Louisville all his life nearly, and was for years on the steamer Rescue, died at his home in McKeesport yesterday morning of typhoid fever. His funeral will take place Wednesday morning.

Mrs. Catherina Schnider.

Catherina Schnider, the mother of Lieutenant George Schnider, died yesterday. Mrs. Schnider was 73 years old. She was a most estimable lady and her friends will miss her sweet presence. She will be buried to-day from her son's home on Taylor street.

B. M. Price.

B. M. Price, freight agent at Buffalo for the Western New York and Pennsylvania road, died suddenly yesterday. Mr. Price formerly represented the road here, and he is well known in Pittsburg.