
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Valentine Gast dead: Demise of the Allegheny alderman and ex-councilman." Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, Mar. 29, 1894, p. 6. 85588022.

Demise of the Allegheny Alderman and Ex-Councilman.

Valentine Gast, alderman of the Thirteenth ward, Troy Hill, Allegheny, died at his home at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon of Bright's disease. Deceased was about 52 years of age and one of the best-known men in Allegheny. He represented his ward several terms in select council, and on the death of Alderman Welty, who committed suicide about a year ago, was appointed alderman of that ward by Gov. Pattison to fill the vacancy. At the February election Mr. Gast was elected to succeed himself.

He was aparently [sic] in good health up to last Sunday afternoon, when his sister with whom he lived left him reading in the parlor when she went to church. When she returned shortly after 4 o'clock she found him still sitting in his chair but unconscious. It was first supposed he was suffering from apoplexy, but Drs. Davidson and Hartman who attended him, say he died of Bright's disease.

Deceased was never married and for many years past lived with his sister on Troy Hill.

Mr. Gast had considerable property, and it is said he leaves an estate valued at $10,000. No arrangements has [sic] yet been made for the funeral.