
From Pittsburgh Streets


THE subscriber offers for sale, at unusually low prices and upon accommodating terms, One Hundred and Fifty Seven Building Lots, situated on the Fourth street road, adjoining land owned by the heirs of C. Magee deceased, and between said road and Bluff street, on the bank of the Monongahela—the numbers and special locations of said Lots can be seen by reference to the plan recorded on the 18th Nov, 1841, in the Recorder's office of Allegheny county in Deed Book, Vol. 63 and last page, or upon application to the subscriber.

The attention of persons desirous of improving or having money to invest, is earnestly solicited, as an opportunity equally advantageous is rarely presented, and the subscriber is determined to sell.

The Lots will be sold according to the recorded plan—and unexceptionable titles will be given.

Apply to

Penn St., near Canal bridge

Nov 10—tf