
From Pittsburgh Streets
Town Lots.

TO be Sold at Public Sale, on Monday the 8th of May next, or if not then ſold to continue from day to day, till the whole are ſold, THIRTY LOTS at the Point in Pittsburgh, eight of which begin at Marbury ſtreet, bounded on the north ſide of Penn ſtreet to an alley called Croſs alley, each Lot 60 feet front and 105 feet deep, to a new laid out ſtreet 30 feet wide, which runs from Marbury ſtreet aforeſaid along the end of ſaid Lots to Croſs alley, alſo eleven Lots beginning from Marbury ſtreet on the ſouth ſide of Penn ſtreet, each Lot is 60 feet front on Penn ſtreet, and 110 feet deep to a new laid out alley of 20 feet, called Brewery alley, running from Marbury ſtreet to Croſs alley aforeſaid—alſo eleven Lots on the north ſide of Liberty ſtreet from Marbury ſtreet aforeſaid, each Lot 60 feet front, and 110 feet deep to the 20 feet alley—aforeſaid—a ſmall triangular Lot No. 260, bounded by Front, Weſt and Liberty ſtreets—alſo a large triangular Lot No. 261, on which is a two ſtory log Houſe with a ſtone chimney, and rents for twenty five pounds per annum, bounded by Second, Short, and Liberty ſtreets—alſo a triangular Lot No. 338 with an extenſive front on Liberty ſtreet, running from ſaid ſtreet to Fourth ſtreet and the end of the jail lots—alſo Lot No. 371 running 240 feet along Grant ſtreet, with a front of 60 feet on Fifth ſtreet and Diamond Alley.

The whole to be ſold to the higheſt bidder as the property of the late company of Turnbull, Marmie & Co. One third of the purchaſe to be paid on the day of ſale, and for the remainder conſiderable time will be allowed. For further particulars apply to STEEL SEMPLE Eſq. with whom a plan of the Point Lots may be alſo ſeen.

Pittſburgh, Feb. 22, 1797.