
From Pittsburgh Streets
Arrested Because They Did Not Have a Good Lookout.

Thomas O'Neil, John Goodman and Thomas Smithson wkere [sic] given a hearing before Police Magistrate McKenna to-day and each was fined $10 and costs.

The men were arrested last night on Diamond street by Detectives McQuaide and Thomas McKelvy. They were charged with taking wagers on the street for horse races.

Supt. O'Mara, of the bureau of detectives, testified as to having ordered the detectives to arrest all men who accept wagers. "Some persons," said the superintendent, "ecidently [sic] looked upon the order as a joke. They now understand that I meant business."

The defendants admitted that they had a book and had gone into Chicken alley. Smithson admitted that only one wager had been made. They were in Chicken alley and had the entry book when arrested. He said he supposed they were arrested because they did not have a good lookout.

Each of the defendants paid his fine.