
From Pittsburgh Streets
I Remember

—And perhaps numerous old timers recollect when Marshall Avenue, North Side, was known as Black Lane. Stephen S. McKain of Mercer writes me that Marshall Avenue was named for "Glorious Old Tom," who lived in that thoroughfare around three score years ago. McKain also recalls the toll gate at the head of East Street, at Perrysville Avenue.

—Jennie Devore was president of the Pennsylvania College for Women from 1894 to 1900. Prior to that she had taught in the public schools and for four years was teacher of mathematics in Gloverdale College and next principal at Oxford College for five years. Her specialty was political economy. She was a firm believer in the objective method of teaching and favored the Australian ballot system.

—When the Misses Matilda and Jennie Smith of Watson Boulevard, North Side, answered the last roll call, they left their wealth to charity. The former passed on in 1909 and the latter in 1911. Gifts to the North Side Observatory included oil portraits of the late S. P. Langley, of Airplane fame, and long with the observatory and those of Dr. John A. Brashear and Prof. Edward Keeler.

(What do you remember? Drop me a line.)