From Pittsburgh Streets
"Street names: The committee to change duplicate named thoroughfares ready to report." Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, June 29, 1880, [p. 4]. 85554654.
The Committee to Change Duplicate Named Thoroughfares Ready to Report.
The Committee appointed by Council to change the names of streets where there are two or more bearing the same cognomen have completed their work, and have drawn up an ordinance which will be presented at the next meeting of Councils, embodying the changes given below:
Bailey's line, Thirty-second ward, is changed to Albert street. Knox alley, Thirty-first ward, to Alice alley. Anna street, Twenty-third ward, to Allegheny street. Fairview avenue, Fourteenth ward, to Alva street. Arthurs alley, Fourteenth ward, to Alward street. DeSoto street, Fourteenth ward, to Anchor street. Robb street, Thirty-sixth ward, to Angle street. Ann street, Eighteenth ward, to Antietam street. Ann street, Thirty-fifth ward, to Antelope street. Arlington avenue and Barkhammer streets, Twenty-seventh and Thirty-first wards, to Arlington avenue. Arch street, Twenty-first ward, to Armand. Ann street, Nineteenth ward, to Arran. Albert street, Twenty-second ward, to Artesian. Apple alley, Thirteenth ward, to Arbal. Adelaide way, Thirty-first ward, to Astervide way. Albert street, Fourteenth ward, to Avery. Boyd way, Third ward, to Baden alley. Foundry way, Thirty-sixth ward, to Balfour street. Bismarck way, Tenth ward, to Balboa way. Bank street, Eighteenth ward, to Ballet. Bishop street, Thirty-second ward, to Bangor. Bates alley, seventeenth ward, to Banner alley. Boundary way, Fourteenth ward, to Battalion alley. Boundary street, Thirty-sixth ward, to Beaumont. Bedford street, Thirty-second ward, to Bertha street, Twenty-first ward, to Belliveir [sic]. Berg street, Sixteenth ward, to Belvidere. Oak street, Twentieth ward, to Belfonte. Bradford street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Beulah. Bank street, Twenty-sixth ward to Binning. Bank street, Twenty-second ward, to Blackhawk. Black alley, Sixth ward, to Bonns alley. Bank alley, Eighth ward, to Boon alley. Brown alley, Seventeenth ward, to Bowery alley. Brown street, Thirty-first ward, to Brake. Bigham street, Twenty-eighth, Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth wards, to Browning. Boundary street, Nineteenth ward, to Bryant. Basin alley, Thirteenth ward, to Buda alley. Beatty alley, Eleventh ward, to Burmah alley. Chestnut alley, Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth wards, to Cabot way. Carey street, Thirty-second ward, to Cairo. Clay street, Seventeenth ward, to Colton. Center avenue, Sixteenth ward, to Canoe alley. Center street, Sixteenth ward, to Carroll. Catharine street, Twentieth ward, to Carron. Charles street, Fourteenth ward, to Carolina. Cemetery street, Seventeenth ward, to Carleton. Catharine alley, Eleventh ward, to Corbin alley. Clay alley, Thirteenth ward, to Caramel alley. Catharine alley, Thirty-fifth ward, to Castor street. Clay alley, Eighteenth ward, to Catawba alley. Chestnut street, Sixteenth ward, to Cayugo. Chestnut street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Caesar alley. Cherry alley, Thirty-first ward, to Ceres alley. Centre street, Thirty-sixth ward, to Chartiers. Clay street, Thirteenth ward, to Cherokee. William street, Sixteenth ward, to Christian. Chestnut alley, Thirty-first ward, to Cicero alley. Charles alley, Eighth ward, to Clairant alley. Cross alley, Thirty-second ward, to Clara alley. Third street, Thirty-first ward, to Clinax [sic]. Church street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Clinton. Coal street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Clover. Church alley, Fifteenth ward, to Cobalt alley. High street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Cobden. Center street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Cologne. Cherry alley, Twentieth ward, to Comet alley. Cross street, Thirty-second ward, to Cona. Church street, Thirty-first ward, to Continental. Catherine street, Eighteenth ward, to Conewago alley. Center street, Twentieth ward, to Copeland. Coal way, Thirty-fifth ward, to Corinth street. Cross street, Fourteenth ward, to Cornet. Center alley, Twenty-fourth ward, to Costume alley. Cedar alley, Seventh ward, to Cotton alley. Chislett alley, Seventeenth ward, to Cottage alley. Church street, Twenty-third ward, to Courtland. Craig street, Eleventh ward, to Covington. Chestnut street, Thirteenth ward, to Croesus alley. Cedar alley, Thirteenth ward, to Crockett. Cherry alley, Thirty-sixth ward, to Cricket alley. Coal alley, Twentieth ward, to Culloden alley. Center way, fourteenth ward, to Custer way. Foster street, Thirty-second ward, to Curtis. Charles street, Thirty-second ward, to Cuthbert. Denny alley, Fifth ward, to Dante alley. Ditheridge alley, Twenty-first ward, to Derby alley. Denny street, Fourteenth ward, to DeSoto. Davis alley, Eleventh ward, to Diana alley. Loeffler alley, Sixteenth ward, to Dryden alley. Spruce alley, Seventeenth ward, to Eden alley. Elizabeth street, Thirty-sixth ward, to Edison. Elm street, Sixteenth ward, to Edmond. Euclid street, Thirty-second ward, to Elmington. East street, Eighteenth ward, to Elmwood. Elizabeth street, Twenty-second ward, to Eallyson [sic]. East street, Twenty-first ward, to Emerald. Evans avenue and Center street, Twentieth ward, to Emerson street. Walter street, Twenty-third ward, to Emmett. Edwards alley, Twenty-eighth ward, to Enon alley. East alley, Thirty-second ward, to Enola alley. Evans alley, Twenty-seventh ward, to Eola alley. Ella street, Nineteenth ward, to Erasmus street. North street, Thirty-first ward, to Eureka. Euclid street, Thirty-second ward, to Eutaw. Fourth street, Twenty-first ward, to Fairfax. First alley to Farrell alley. First street, Sixteenth ward, to Fawn street. Francis way, Thirty-first ward, to Fern street. Finley street, Twentieth ward, to Festival street. Fulton street, Thirty-fifth ward, to Fingal. Fairmount street, Thirteeth [sic] ward, to Finland. First street, Twenty-first ward, to Finance. Franklin street, Nineteenth ward, to Flavel. Fayette street, Thirteenth ward, to Flavin. Fort alley, Thirty-second ward, to Flag alley. Forward street, Thiteenth [sic] ward, to Flora. First street, Sixteenth ward, to Forfar. Fourth street, Thirty-first ward, to Freeland. George alley, Second ward, to Gala alley. Garrison street, Eighteenth ward, to Gallatin. Virgin alley, Twenty-ninth ward, to Garman alley. Foster alley, Third ward, to Garland alley. Garden alley, Thirty-second ward, to Gayton alley. Fourth street, Sixteenth ward, to Geary. Grant street, Seventeenth ward, to Geneva. Gross street Twenty-first ward, to Gerrit. Garden avenue, Thirteenth and Thirty-second wards, to Gettysburg street. Grape street, Twenty-third ward, to Gilding. George street, Thirty-second ward, to Gilbert. George alley, Eleventh ward, to Girty street. Grape street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Glencoe. George street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Gloster. Grite [sic] street, Thirteenth ward, to Gomery. Grant street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Gomer. Virgin alley, Twenty-ninth ward, to Gorman. Graff street, Nineteenth ward, to Grafton. Grant line [sic], Twenty-seventh ward, to Greeley street and alley. Grant street, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth wards, to Greenleaf street. Garden street, Thirty-second ward, to Greenbush. George street, Eighteenth ward, to Greenwood. Garden alley, Twentieth ward, to Greenbriar alley. High street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Hackstown. Spruce street, Thirty-fifth ward, to Hallock. Hemlock street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Halibut. High street, Twenty-seventh ward, to Hamilton. Washington pike, Thirty-fifth ward, to Hamilton pike.