
From Pittsburgh Streets
Sheriff's Sales.

BY virtue of sundry writes of venditioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court-House in the Borough of Pittsburgh, on Monday the 9th day of January next, One Lot or Piece of Ground, situate in Noblesburgh, Fayette township, bounded by a lot the property of George Williams, Esq. by a lot the property of Isaac Richardson, and by Mill-street, fronting on said street, 80 feet, and extending back 160 feet; on which is erected one square log house.⸺Also, one other lot, bounded by the above described lot, by a lot the property of Obediah Holmes, and by Mill-street, fronting on said street 80 feet, and extending back 160 feet; on which is erected a cabin stable. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Isaac Richardson.

Also, a lot or piece of ground in the Borough of Pittsburgh, beginning on Second-street, at the corner of lot No. 299, thence northwardly a parallel line with Cherry Alley, 80 feet; thence westwardly a parallel line with Second-street, 60 feet to lot No. 297, and thence by the same southwardly 80 feet, to the place of beginning: subject to 7 dollars and 50 cents ground rent annually. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John McKinney.

Also, Seventy acres of Land, more or less, in Pitt township, about twelve acres cleared, on which are erected one two story house, square log, 25 by 25 feet, one cabin, one saw mill, one grist mill and horse mill; bounded on the north by land of Johnston, on the south by land of Anthony Walters, and on the north east by the Allegheny river. Also, thirty-six acres, more or less, about five acres cleared, on which are erected one cabin, and one still house; bounded on the west by the above described land of William Bonner, on the north by land of John Johnston, and on the south by land of William Wart. Seized and taken in execution as the property of William Bonner and Charles Bonner.

Also, a lot or piece of ground in the borough of Pittsburgh, part of the lot which is marked in the general plan of said borough, No. 403, to wit: beginning on Fifth-street, at the corner of lot No. 402, and running thence towards Wood-street, 23 1-2 feet; thence by a line running parallel with Market and Wood streets, along King's alley, 120 feet; thence across, parallel line with Fifth-street, to lot No. 402, 23 1-2 feet; thence along same parallel line with Market and Wood streets, 120 feet to the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James McCandless.

Also, one hundred and ninety-nine acres and forty perches, more or less, in Deer township, on which is erected one cabin, about fifty-five acres cleared; bounded on the north by land of Col. Dunning McNair, on the west by land of Robert Thompson, and on the east by land of Robert Porter. Seized and taken in execution as the property of William Thompson.

Also, sixty acres of land, more or less, in Pitt township, on which are erected a small square log house and cabin, a small tanyard, a square log shop and frame mill house; thirty-five or forty acres cleared, and about eighty young fruit trees; adjoining lands of of [sic] Robert Galbraith on the north, Thomas Carral on the west, William Reed on the south, and Samuel Murphy on the east. Seized and taken into execution as the property of John S. Cavet and Michael Hellman.

By virtue of sundry writs of venditioni exponas, will be sold at the time and place aforesaid—One hundred acres of land, more or less, in St. Clair township, about thirty-five acres cleared, on which are erected a square log house, thirty by thirty-eight feet, one cabin, one still house, and one barn and stables twenty by sixty feet; bounded on the north by land of George Mushrush, on the west by land of John Wilson, on the south by land of David Boggs, and on the east by land of James Laughlin.—Seized and taken in execution as the property of William Fulton.

Also, one lot of ground in the borough of Pittsburgh, beginning at the corner of lots No. 4 and 5, on Church alley, described on the general plan of James Horner's lots, recorded in the office for recording of deeds in and for the county of Allegheny, in book N. page 293, and running thence by Church alley towards Strawberry alley 15 feet; thence by a line running parallel with Eighth street, 55 feet, towards Wood street; thence by a line running parallel with Wood street, 15 feet, to lot No. 4, in the aforesaid plan of James Horner's lots; and thence by same lot No. 4, to the place of beginning,—on which is erected a small house.—Also, a lot or piece of ground, being part of lots No. 404 and 405, in the borough of Pittsburgh, fronting 20 feet on Virgin alley, and running back towards Fifth street 68 feet.—Seized and taken in execution as the property of Christopher Coffman.

All which property will be sold by me.

Wm. WOODS, Sheriff.

Sheriff's Office, Dec. 14, 1808.