
From Pittsburgh Streets

Ephraim Jones. "Sheriff's sales." Pittsburgh Gazette, Oct. 12, 1799, [p. 4]. 96058872.

Sheriff's Sales.

BY virtue of ſundry writs of venditioni exponas to me directed, will be expoſed to ſale at the Court Houſe in the Borough of Pittſburgh on Saturday the 12th of October next, the following deſcribed property, viz.

One Tract of Land of 250 acres, being part of a tract of 400 acres, warranted in the name of Andrew Potter, being part of a tract on which James Quigley is ſettled, on Watſon's run near Cuſſewago, bounded by lands of John Quigley, &c. Taken in execution as the property of A. W. Foſter, at the ſuit of James Sample, Eſq.

Two Lots of Ground ſituate in the Borough of Pittſburgh on Liberty ſtreet, viz. No. F. ſixty feet in front on Liberty ſtreet, and extending to Brewery alley in depth 110 feet, bounded by ſaid ſtreet, lot No. G, Brewery alley, &c.—alſo Lot No. H. 60 feet in front on Liberty ſtreet, and extending 110 feet to Brewery alley, bounded by ſaid ſtreet and alley, and lots No. I and G. Taken in execution as the property of Wm. Larwill, at the ſuit of Lenton and Agnew, aſſee. of James Sample, Eſq. late ſheriff.

Five Tracts of Land north weſt of the Allegheny river, in Diſtrict No. 8, held by improvements in the following names—John Young, 430 acres, Charles M'Clutchey, 270 acres, John Kerr, 304 acres, Dominick M'Donald, 357 acres, Charles M'Clutchey, 400 acres. Taken in execution as the property of Alexander Deniſton, at the ſuit of Daniel Reeſe.

One Lot of Ground in the Borough of Pittſburgh, No. 306, on which there is a brick houſe erected, ſituate between Third and Fourth ſtreets, bounded by Lots No. 305 and 307.—Taken in execution as the property of John M'Namee, at the ſuit of William Gray.

One undivided moiety of a Lot of Ground in M'Kee's Port, containing in the whole 14 acres and 54 perches, together with the brewery, diſtillery, ſtills, ſtill veſſels, brewery veſſels, horſe mill, &c. Taken in execution as the property of John Reed, at the ſuit of Gabriel Blakeney, for the uſe of John M'Donald.

Two hundred and thirty acres of land on Street's run, adjoining lands of William Walker and others. Taken in execution as the property of John Reed, at the ſuit of Gabriel Blakney, for the uſe of John M'Donald.

A certain Tract of Land ſituate on the ſouth ſide of the Monongahela river, about three miles above Pittſburgh, containing 324 acres and 124 perches, with the allowance for roads, except about 63 acres already ſold and laid off in Lots, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, bounded by the Monongahela river, and land of Charles Smith and others. Taken in execution as the property of John Garden, at the ſuit of Jeremiah Barker.

Two ſeveral Tracts of Land on the north ſide of the Allegheny river, about eleven miles from Franklin, containing 200 acres each, held by ſettlement by John and Thomas Bullion. Taken in execution as the property of John Garden, at the ſuit of Jeremiah Barker, aſſignee of Sam. S. Mahon.

One Tract of Land ſituate on the margin of Lake Erie above Preſqu'iſle, containing 400 acres, ſurveyed on warrant in the name of   Carothers. Taken in execution as the property of William Carſon, at the ſuit of George Balfour, and to be ſold by me,


Pittſburgh, September 23, 1799.