
From Pittsburgh Streets

Ephraim Jones. "Sheriff's sales." Pittsburgh Gazette, Apr. 27, 1799, [p. 2]. 96058273.

Sheriff's Sales.

BY virtue of ſundry writs of venditioni exponas to me directed, will be expoſed to ſale on Monday the 20th day of May next, at the Court Houſe in the Borough of Pittſburgh, the following deſcribed property, viz.

Lot No. 9, with the appurtenances, being part of Farm No. 3, in the manor of Pittſburgh. Taken in execution as the property of John Crawford, at the ſuit of James G. Heron.

Alſo, Lot No. 12, part of Farm No. 3, in the manor of Pittſburgh, containing 2 acres and 79 perches, and Lot No. 7, containing 2 acres and 25 perches, with the appurtenances, likewiſe, one fourth part of Lot No. 284, in the borough of Pittſburgh, ſituate on Wood ſtreet, containing in front on Wood ſtreet 40 feet, and extending back 60 feet to Lot No.   adjoining part of ſaid Lot No. 284, belonging to Abner and Jeſſe Barker northwardly, and another part of ſaid Lot ſoutherly, with the appurtenances. Taken in execution as the property of Joſeph Engleman, at the ſuit of George Creſinger.

Alſo, one Meſſuage and Lot of Ground, ſituate in the Borough of Pittſburgh, and marked on Col. Wood's plan of the town of Pittſburgh, No. 174, containing 35 feet front on Water ſtreet, and 80 feet deep, with the appurtenances—one Meſſuage and Lot of Ground, ſituate in the borough aforeſaid, and marked on the general plan No. 222, containing 60 feet front on Front ſtreet and 160 feet back to Second ſtreet—one Iſland in the Allegheny river about two miles above the ſaid Borough, containing 33 acres 3 quarters and 37 perches, with the appurtenances, and one Tract of Land ſituate in Moon townſhip, adjoining lands of Morris Eberly,   Creegh and others, containing 300 acres and allowance, with the appurtenances.—Taken in execution as the property of William Wilſon, deceaſed, at the ſuit of William Jones for the uſe of Iſaac Gregg.

By adjournment, at the ſame time and place will be ſold,

One Lot of Ground in the Borough of Pittſburgh, No. 273, with a Brick Houſe and Kitchen, being 60 feet front on Second ſtreet, and 160 feet back along Chancery lane to Third ſtreet, adjoining Lot No. 272—alſo, Lots No. 433 and 434, in ſaid Borough, and part of Lot No. 328 in ſaid Borough, being   feet in front, and extending back along Chancery lane   feet, to part of ſaid Lot. Taken in execution as the property of John Gibſon at the ſuit of Wilſon Hunt.

One Out Lot adjacent to the town of M'Intoſh or Beaver, marked in the plan of the out lots of the ſaid town, No. 81, containing ten acres. Taken in execution as the property of Moſes Ford, at the ſuit of William Irwin and Adam Burchfield.

A certain Tract of Land in Mead townſhip, containing 400 acres, in the neighbourhood of Cuſſewago, adjoining lands of the Holland Company and John Mead, warranted in the name of Joſeph Clarkſon, late the property of Alexander W. Foſter; alſo, two Lots in the town of Meadville, marked in the plan of ſaid town, No. 99, and No. 100, bounded by the Public Square, by Cheſnut ſtreet, Plumb alley, and Lot No. 101—alſo, all the right and title of John Garden in a Tract of Land on the weſt ſide of French creek adjoining James Harrington up French creek, and Alexander Buchanan, Eſq. below, in the poſſeſſion of Samuel Culbertſon. All taken in execution as the property of John Garden, at the ſuit of Peacock, Wrenſhall and Company.

Alſo, Lots K and L, being portions of Lots No. 132 and 133, in the Borough of Pittſburgh, containing each 60 feet in front upon Liberty ſtreet, and extending back 110 feet to Brewery alley, which alley is unknown in the general plan of ſaid Borough, but laid out for the accommodation of the inhabitants. Alſo, Lots N, O, P, Q, R and T, being portions of Lots No. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, containing each 60 feet front on Penn ſtreet, and extending back to Butler ſtreet, which was alſo laid off for the convenience of the inhabitants, as per plan of the Point Lots, recorded in the office for Recording of Deeds of Allegheny county, may be ſeen—alſo, one Lot in the general plan of the Borough of Pittſburgh aforeſaid, No. 371—Taken in execution as the property of Turnbull, Marmie & Co. at the ſuit of Elliot, Williams & Co.

Alſo, five parcels of Ground, with the appurtenances, on the ſouth ſide of the Monongahela river, in St. Clair townſhip, on the upper end of what is called Ormſby's bottom, laid out in Samuel S. Mahon's plan, to be ſeen in the office for Recording of Deeds, in Allegheny county, marked in ſaid plan No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, adjoining Beck's run, the Monongahela river, and lands of Charles Smith, containing in the whole about fifty two acres. Taken in execution as the property of John Garden, at the ſuit of Samuel S. Mahon, Eſq. and to be ſold by me,


April 23, 1799.