
From Pittsburgh Streets
Roosevelt Acres Open for Public Inspection
Modern Homes Priced for Less Than $10,000 Each On Lots 50 by 150 Feet.

Roosevelt Acres, a corporation of which Hyman T. Little is secretary and treasurer and which recently bought 80 acres in the Thirty-first ward, Pittsburgh, and subdivided 50 acres into 175 lots, announce that five houses are under construction and open for public inspection. Twenty more will be built.

The plot is situated in the vicinity of Homestead. Recognizing the need of constructing moderate priced houses, the plot is to be covered with homes to sell for less than $10,000 each. This figure is what the average home seeker wishes to pay. The houses are to be modern in every particular.


Each dwelling will contain six rooms, tile bath with shower. The interiors will be finished in California stucco and will have hot water heat and hardwood floors throughout. The exterior construction will be of brick veneer. Celotex and Rocklath will be used for insulating purposes. Easy terms will be arranged in order to give those desiring to own a home opportunity to obtain it.

All improvements are in. Lots for the average home site are 50 feet in width by 150 feet deep, with ample room for lawns and a garden.

Roosevelt Acres in fact offer every convenience. The plan marks the first sub-division development in that territory. It is accessible and convenient not only to Homestead, but also to Munhall, Lincoln Place, Bettis Field, Hays, Glenwood and the Hazelwood Country Club. It is a section which it is assured is bound to come into prominence because of its nearness to one of the county's foremost flying fields.


The ground is situated on an elevation and is rolling, giving it the picturesqueness which goes to make a splendid home community. The plan was formally opened a month ago and has excited much interest among the people of the territory.

On Sunday, July 28, Roosevelt Acres will open one of the new modern six-room dwellings, completely furnished, for public inspection. This will be known as the model home in Roosevelt Acres. The first home built was sold for $9,500.

The activity now under way and the numerous dwellings which are being planned promises to make the section one of the most desirable in which to live.