No. 673. RESOLUTION vacating Clark Way from Roberts Street to Miller Street, Clark Street from Miller Street to Crawford Street, Tannehill Street from Centre Avenue to Webster Avenue, Protectory Place from Centre Avenue to Webster Avenue, Molo Street from Centre Avenue towards Wylie Avenue, Hoffer's Way from Protectory Place to Molo Street, Unnamed Way from Crawford Street to Tannehill Street, Unnamed Way from Tannehill Street to Protectory Place, Hoffer's Way from Arthur Street to Roberts Street, Peru Way from Arthur Street to Roberts Street, Keating Way from Arthur Street to Roberts Street, and Peach Way from Webster Avenue to Gilmore Street in the 3rd Ward, 6th Voting District of the City of Pittsburgh. All utilities in these streets will be abandoned and no easements need to be retained. New utilities will be installed in a new dedicated right-of-way to serve the site.
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the Office of the City Clerk that the owners of the majority of the property fronting or abutting on the line of Crawford-Roberts Project, between the above mentioned terminals in the 3rd Ward, 6th Voting District of the City of Pittsburgh have petitioned the Council of the City of Pittsburgh to enact a Resolution for the vacation of the same, and
WHEREAS, said petition contains inter-alia, an indemnification of the City from any claims and from the payment of any damages whatsoever resulting to any properties owned by the petitioners or by any persons whatsoever, abutting or non-abutting, for or by reason of said vacation; therefore
SECTION 1. That Clark Way, Clark Street, Tannehill Street, Protectory Place, Molo Way, Hoffer's Way, Unnamed Way, Peru Way, Keating Way in the 3rd Ward, 6th Voting District of the City of Pittsburgh, shall be and the same is hereby vacated.
SECTION 2. Any Resolution or Ordinance or part thereof conflicting with the provisions of this Resolution is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Resolution.
Passed June 25, 1991.
Approved July 9, 1991.
Recorded July 9, 1991.