"Regatta at Tighnabruaich." Glasgow Daily Herald, Aug. 26, 1867, p. 4. 393215060, 1158714909.
A regatta, got up under the auspices of Mr G. R. Stephenson, nephew of the celebrated George Stephenson, came off at Tighnabruaich on Saturday, and was the occasion of a great turn out.
Before entering upon the details of the competition, it may be well to explain that Mr Stephenson came into possession lately of the estate of Calve, at the entrance of Loch Ridden, Kyles of Bute, and since then has been engaged in forming roads up the face of the hill, and otherwise improving the place as a summer retreat. Since entering into possession of Calve he has endeared himself to the hearts of the people there and in the surrounding neighbourhood by his generous conduct and his desire on all occasions to administer to their gratification. We had lately the satisfaction of noticing the pleasure he gave one evening by sailing a large boat round the bay tastefully lighted up with lamps, on board of which was a magnificent band, which played a number of airs, to the delight of hundreds who lined the beach.
Mr Stephenson, it appears, also takes a great interest in aquatic sports, and in order to encourage the fishermen in the district in doing the same he recently gave about £150 to be divided in prizes, which were competed for on Saturday last at Tighnabruaich, in presence of an immense gathering of people. The day was dull, with a tendency to rain, but it kept well up till 5 o'clock p. m., when rain fell heavily. The Iona on leaving Rothesay was crowded to excess, while the Wemyss Bay Steamboat Company ran special trips to Tighnabruaich and was largely patronised. In spite of the rain the Vulcan left Rothesay for the same destination at 5 o'clock, and had a large complement of passengers on board. The arrangements for the regatta were excellent. There was a large party of ladies and gentlemen on board of Mr Stephenson's magnificent screw steam yacht Northumbria, amongst whom we observed, besides the owner and family, Messrs C. and E. Harrison, Miss Harrison, Mr Rishton, Mr J. and Mrs Roach, Mr Acton Sillitoe, Mrs and Miss Sillitoe, Dr and Mrs M'Kenzie, &c., &c. In the course of the day the party sat down to a sumptuous dinner, provided by Mr Stephenson. The band belonging to the yacht added to the day's enjoyment by performing a number of beautiful airs. The commodore's barge was the yawl St Lawrence, also the property of Mr Stephenson, on board of which were the Committee of Management, which consisted of Capt. Cooke, Northumbria; Captain Miller, Harbour Master, Rothesay; and Mr Rankine, Rothesay. Captain Miller started the boats, and performed his duties in a highly satisfactory and creditable manner, for which he was justly extolled. The races commenced about 9 a. m., with the following results:—
Sailing Matches.
For fishing smacks, not exceeding 26 ft. keel. Time allowance, one minute per foot. First prize, £25; second do., £10; 3d do., £5.
Twenty-four smacks were entered for this race, nineteen of which put in an appearance. The course was from flag-ship moored off Tighnabruaich Quay to a boat moored off Little Laggan Bay, from thence to Powder Mill. Twice round, a distance of about 20 miles. At the start, which took place about 9.30 a. m., the wind was light, but as the day advanced it blew fresh. The winning boats were—
H. | M. | S. | |
1. May Lily, Robert Malcolm, | 3 | 6 | 3 |
2. Catherine, Robt. M'Arthur, | 3 | 6 | 19 |
3. Foam, Lach. M'Tavish, | 3 | 28 | 25 |
4. Rosina, James Faulds, | 3 | 30 | 32 |
A protest was entered against the May Lily by the Catherine, she alleging that the May Lily was a foot longer than the specified length. The matter has been referred to a competent person to measure and report.
For fishing smacks, not exceeding 22 ft. keel. Time allowance, one minute per foot. Prizes, £25, £10, £5.
Twenty boats were entered, sixteen of which came forward—the course same as last. They came in as follow:—
H. | M. | S. | |
1. Louisa, James Hill, | 4 | 41 | 42 |
2. Rifleman, John Thorburn, senr., | 4 | 52 | 45 |
3. Katty, Alex. M'Dougal, | 5 | 8 | 57 |
For lugsail boats, not more than 18 ft. keel. Time allowance, half-minute per foot. Prizes—£5, £3, £1.
There were fourteen entries, but not more than the half put in an appearance. The following were the winners:—
Elizabeth, Ruby, Twilight.
The Elizabeth won by three minutes; a long time between second and third.
Rowing Matches.
Four-oared match, for workmen engaged on the Glencaladh Estate. Prizes—£3, £2, £1.
The course was round flags moored about 300 yds. apart. Thrice round:—
1. Blue Bell, Andrew Dow.
2. Edith, James Aitken.
3. Ann, Robert M'Farlane.
Came in wide.
Four-oared match for galleys, not exceeding 28 feet keel, and not less than 3 feet 6 in. beam. Prizes—1st, £7; 2d, £3. A capital start was effected, and a most exciting race ensued. The winners were as fellows [sic]:—1st, Sylph (m. M'Lellan); 2d, Blue Bell (A. Meikle); 3d, Lily (J. & J. Fyfe).
Ding race, not exceeding 12 feet keel. Prizes—1st, £1; 2d, 10s; 3d, 5s. 1st, Breeze; 2d, Thetis; 3d, Mary. The Little Maggie took the second place, but being over the specified length was thrown out.
Sculling match, length not exceeding 12 feet. Prizes—1st, £1; 2d, 10s; 3d, 5s. 1st, Vulcan; 2d, Alabama; 3d, Christina. This was an excellent race. The boats kept close together throughout, won by about half a yard.
Four-oared race, for workmen engaged on the estate. Prizes—£3, £2, £1. Winner of No. I. exempted. This race did not came [sic] off owing to the crews not being at hand.
For four-oared skiffs in the herring fisheries, not exceeding 20 feet keel, to be rowed only by fishermen. Prizes—£3, £2, £1. Nine boats were entered, but four only came up to the scratch—1st, Lily; 2d, Rover; 3d, Favourite; 4th, Maid of Bute. This was the best race of the day; during the first round a boat's length did not separate the different boats.
For two-oared boats, not exceeding 14 feet keel, and not less than 4 feet 6 inches beam, rowed by men engaged in the herring fisheries. Prizes—30s, 20s, 10s—1st, Rose; 2d, Ruby; 3d, Bee. The Annie was the second boat, but being over the length by nine inches was thrown out.
Duck hunts. Duck to have five minutes' start, and not to be caught within five nor over ten minutes. Prizes—Winner, £1; loser, 5s. (1) Duck, William Rankin, Rothesay; chaser, Snipe, Rothesay. This race caused great amusement to the spectators on the shore. The duck was rather an adept at his work, and was not caught within the time. (2) Duck, Wm. M'Lellan; chaser, Snipe. The duck in this case was not so fortunate as his fellow—he was caught.
Land Sports.
Foot Race, 200 yards. Prizes, 10s, 5s, and 2s 6d.—1st, And. Turner, Greenock; 2d, Hugh M'Kellar; 3d, Geo. Fairlie.
Putting the Stone, 22 lbs. Prize, 10s.—Dun. Gillies.
Wheel-Barrow Race, blindfold. Prize, 7s 6d.—Dun. Gillies.
Climbing the Greasy Pole. The first to gain the top was a little fellow of 15 years of age, named Lamont, from the yacht Swallow, Rothesay.
Throwing the Hammer.—Duncan Gillies; Duncan M'Vicar.
Sack Race.—1st, Dun. Gillies; 2d, Gavin Clark.
Our parcel left before the finish.
A display of fireworks was to take place about nine o'clock, under the management of Mr Payne, London.
Considerable surprise was expressed at the absence from this regatta of any of the yachts belonging to the various clubs in the surrounding neighbourhood, as it was thought some of them might have graced the regatta with their presence. The Hon. G. T. Boyle's yacht Valetta arrived in the bay in the afternoon, accompanied by a number of yachts, and after cruising about for a little sailed in the direction of Largs.