
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Real estate transfers." Pittsburgh Gazette, Apr. 6, 1868, p. 4. 86346337.

Real Estate Transfers.

The following Deeds were admitted of record, by H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, Friday, April 3d, 1868:

C. Hanson Love to Catharine Bracken, Feb. 6, 1868, two lots in Chartiers township, No. 57 and 58, in the Lorenz plan, 50 by 100 feet $200

James S. Craft, Trustee, to Caroline Bloome, et al, August 9, 1867, interest of the heirs of Emily Craft, deceased, in several tracts of land in Fayette and Allegheny counties, Pa. $1068

Richard Woods to C. Hanson Love, April 1, 1868, a tract of land in South Fayette township, containing 62 acres and 88 perches, and the coal underlying 2 acres in said township $4402

Jacob Spang to Robert Moffett, April 1, 1868, two lots in Shaler township, 66 feet front, also one-half of an adjoining lot having a front of 33 feet $3900

William Lecky to Charles Hartman, Sept. 29, 1860, the undivided half of a lot in M'Clure township, containing 51 perches, $250

Harrison P. Reynolds to Gotlieb Brinkerman, April 1, 1868, a lot on East Lane, Allegheny, 12½ by 75 feet $1850

Wm. Woolslayer to Alex. B. Boal, April 1, 1868, lots No. 90 to 93 inclusive, in Woolslayers' plan of Bloomfield, in Liberty township, on Main street, 124 by 139 feet $2200

Samuel B. Cluley, Sheriff, to Jno. Brown, March 21, 1868, interest of Thomas Thomas, in lots No. 6 and 7, and part of No. 5, in Browns' plan of lots in Union Township $50

Same to same, Sept. 14, 1867, interest of Thomas Thomas in lots No. 80 and 81, in Browns' plan of lots in Union township, also a lot on Mary street, in said township $60

John Cunningham to Stewart S. Cunningham, March 28, 1868, lots Nos. 1 and 2 in Hazelton's plan of lots in the Sixth ward, Allegheny, on Bidwell street, 63 by 86 feet $700

William Reed to Columbus Coleman, March 17, 1868, lot in Sewickley borough, fronting on the Ohio river, containing 1 acre, with buildings $5,000

Mrs. Mary A. Stewart et al. to J. O. Miltenberger et al., August 25, 1866, tract of land in Fayette and Allegheny counties, containing 111 acres; also the interest of the said Mary Stewart et al. to 600 acres of land in said counties; also the coal underlying several other tracts of land in said counties $1,239

James S. Craft to Dr. M. Cote, August 9, 1867, interest of George B. Miltenberger to a tract of land in Allegheny and Fayette connties [sic], containing about 1,500 acres $1,400

James Dalzell to James C. Cummings, April 2, 1868, lot on Arthurs street, Seventh ward, Pittsburgh, 19 by 54 feet, with buildings $2,000

Alex. McDonald to John Harper, January 22, 1868, lot in Sewickley borough, Chestnut street, 20 by 125 feet $250

Benj. Bolton to Fred. Height, January 1, 1867, lot in Greenoak, Elizabeth township, containing three-quarters of an acre $900

Barbara Gramback to Philip Lower, June 9, 1865, lot on Hoevler street, Collins township, 60 by 120 feet $900

Edward Kelley to Henry Moos, July 1, 1867, lot on Manor street, South Pittsburgh, 22 by 120 feet $900

A. J. Woolslayer to Thomas Mellon, March 4, 1868, lots Nos. 34, 35, 74 and 75 in Woolslayer's plan in Collins township, the first two fronting on Railroad street 50 feet, and extending back 97 feet, and the second two fronting on Jackson street 50 by 100 feet $800

F. C. Negley to Mrs. Mellor, January 18, 1868, a lot in 5th ward, Pittsburgh, on Liberty street, 50 by 100 feet, with buildings; also lots No. 6 and 7, in Baldwin and Cherry's plan of lots, in the borough of Braddock, on the plank road, 50 by 130 feet, with buildings, etc.; also a lot containing 1 acre, with coal railroad, sidings, &c., at the tipple of the Braddock's Fields Colleries, Wilkins township, with all the necessary improvements; also 43 acres and 92 perches of land in Wilkins township; also several coal privileges in said township $37,688

John Beecher to Mrs. Sarah Porter, January 14, 1868, lots No. 1 and 2 in Beecher's plan of lots in Collins township, on Houk street, 30 by 140 feet $650

Franklin Collins to John Sarver, October 22, 1867, a lot in 6th ward, Allegheny, on Locust street, 24 by 130 feet $1470

J. C. Coleman to Reason Tigber, March 31, 1868, a lot in Moon township, cotaining [sic] one-third of an acre and 16 perches $200

Andrew Porter to James White, April 2, 1868, lots No. 1 and 2 in John Beecher's plan of lots in Collins township, on Honk street, 60 by 140 feet $2000

Geo. Simblet to Dr. Joel K. Vankirk, August 10, 1863, part of a lot in Elizabeth borough, on which is erected a saw mill, $500