E. M. Bigelow. "Pittsburgh Coach Factory." Daily Morning Post (Pittsburgh), Feb. 27, 1852, [p. 2]. 86644758.
Pittsburgh Coach Factory,
No. 46 Diamond alley, near Wood street
WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has now one hundred light Vehicles under way of construction, the greater part of which are finished, or nearly so, comprising light no top Buggies, weight from 200 to 275 pounds; or, top Buggies, from 325 to 425 pounds. Also, an assortment of Rockaway, with one or two seats; some fine two horse Barouches. The above work will be warranted, and is constructed from the best material that could be selected in the eastern market or at home; and, attending personally to each branch of his factory, he feels confident of risking his reputation on his work, where it is used and not abused.
Persons at a distance, ordering work through their friends, or commission merchants at this place, will receive our most strict attention.
References: | |
Col. Rody Patterson, | R. H. Hartley, Esq., |
Hon. William Wilkins, | Col. George A. Byard, |
William M. Lyon, Esq., | Logan, Wilson & Co., |
Singer, Hartman & Co., | Hon Jacob Forsyth, |
J. Kidd & Co., | George Weyman, Esq., |
T. G. Moore, New Orleans, | M. B. Muford, Clarksville, Tennessee. |