
From Pittsburgh Streets

NOTICE—THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCES relative to Street Improvements is [sic] published for information, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of an Act of Assembly, entitled "a further Supplement to an act entitled an act concerning Streets and Sewers in the City of Pittsburgh," approved March 20th, 1873:

Section 6. That no Ordinance for any improvement and no report of viewers shall be finally acted upon by both branches of Councils until at least one week after its presentation and publication in official papers authorized to do the city printing.

And will be presented to Councils for final action on Monday, January 12, 1874.

AN ORDINANCE—Changing the names of duplicated streets and alleys.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of the various streets included in the Schedule presented herewith and marked "Schedule A, A. C. Hayes, chairman," and intended to be filed in the office of the City Clerk, be and the same are hereby fixed as severally therein set forth:

Ann street, Negley's property to Bayne avenue, Andover street.

Allen avenue, Ridgeview avenue to Lillian street, Allen street.

Allaquippa street, Spring street to unnamed street, Adaline street.

Brownsville road and Barhamer [sic] street, Washington avenue to Railroad avenue, Arlington avenue.

New Washington road, Washington avenue to Virginia street, Amhurst [sic] avenue.

Birmingham road, Plane avenue to P. V. & C. R. R., Birmingham avenue.

Boundary street, Rue Grandview avenue to Chartiers avenue, Beaumont street.

Boundary Way, Wyandotte avenue to Allequippa street, Ray street.

Bingham street, High street to West Oak lane, Budd street.

Brown's avenue, McLean's avenue to St. Clair borough, Brown street.

Bank alley, Fifth avenue to Virgin alley, Book alley.

Bank street, Wettingell avenue to Wettingell avenue, Baker street.

Bedford street, Kirkpatrick to A. C. Patterson's property, Boon street.

Rea avenue, Allaquippa street to Spring way, Benton street.

Third street, Beltzhoover avenue to Manor line, Belvidere street.

Coal-hill road, Pine to Oxford streets, Birmingham avenue.

Cedar alley, Windlass avenue to Alton property, Cypher alley.

Chestnut street, Monitor avenue to Chartiers township line, Choctow [sic] street.

Chestnut street, Elanor to unknown street, Cherokee street.

Coal way, Wellington avenue to Union burough [sic] line, Claybourne street.

Cross street, Prospect to Cowans street, Crompton street.

Chesnut street, South First to South Third street, Coast street.

Chesnut alley, South First to South Third street, Coast alley.

Church street, unnamed street to unnamed street, Clifford street.

Cherry alley, Houston alley to Beltzhoover avenue, Chase alley.

Clay alley, Chatham to Washington street, Coke alley.

Charles street, Schmertz's property to Bates street, Carlos street.

C harles [sic] alley, Nassau to Virginia street, Carter alley.

Catharine alley, Wellington avenue to Hartford street, Cypress alley.

Center street, Pennsylvania Railroad to Fifth avenue, Cutter street.

Center street, Beaumont to city line, Council street.

Center street, Winebiddle to Ellword street, Calhoun street.

Center street, Larimer avenue to Park street, Cummins street.

Center street, Ellsworth avenue to Howe street, Copeland street.

Center Way, Wyandotte avenue to Allaquippa street, Cannon street.

Center street, Beaumont to Elliott street, Curtis street.

Willow street, Friendship avenue to Elwood street, Cass street.

Evaps [sic] alley, Arch street to Jones avenue, Elden street.

Eighth street, Rebecca to Baum streets, Elvin street.

Edwards alley, Sarah avenue to Breed street, Enon alley.

Elm street, Penn avenue to Pennsylvania Railroad, Ellwood street.

Ella street, Laurel street to Liberty avenue, Eauclair street.

Emmilla street, Crafts avenue to Halcot, Enfield street.

Elizabeth street, Mononagahela river to Second avenue, Elk street.

Eighth street, Railroad avenue to Monongahela river, South Eighth street.

Eighteenth street, South Water street to Railroad avenue, South Eighteenth street.

Eleventh street, Monongahela river to Railroad avenue, South Eleventh street.

Fourteenth street, Breed to Neville street, South Fourteenth street.

Fifteenth street, Railroad avenue to Monongahela river, South Fifteenth street.

First street, Monongahela avenue to Monongahela river, South First street.

Fourth street, Monongahela avenue to Monongahela river, South Fourth street.

Fifth street, Monongahela avenue to Monongahela river, South Fifth street.

First street, Washington avenue to manor line, Plain avenue.

Fayette street, Winter to Thirty-eighth streets, Fillmore street.

First street, Ellwood to unnamed street, Forest street.

First street, Pennsylvania Railroad to Sassafras street, Fawn street.

Fourth street, Sassafrass [sic] street to Pennsylvania Railroad, Fleming street.

Fourth street, Rebecca street to Pennsylvania Railroad, Fredonia street.

Fifth street, Sassafrass [sic] street to Pennsylvania Railroad, Fairburn street.

Fifth street, Rebecca to Baum streets, Fair street.

Fulton street, unnamed street to Shaler's property, Fannie street.

Fort alley, Cowan to Compton streets, Flag alley.

Four-mile run road, Bounday [sic] street to Shady Lane, Forward avenue.

Third street, Ellwood to unnamed street, Falcot street.

Grant street, Penn avenue to Forty-fifth street, Geary street.

Grape street, unnamed street to Mellon's property, Grade street.

Gray's road, Nimick street to Washington avenue, Grand avenue.

Hays street, Negley street to Hiland avenue, Hampton street.

Hill street, Brereton avenue to S. D. Herron's property, Hamilton street.

Hill street, Allegheny Valley Railroad to Spring street, Harlem street.

Hill street, Cypress street to E. S. Denny's property, Hartford street.

Hill alley, Ottawa street to Rea avenue, Houston alley.

Hill alley, Grand avenue to unnamed street, Holley street.

Hill alley, Beaumont to unnamed street, Hooker street.

Hill alley, Schinley street to Third avenue, Hibernia street.

Hill way, Silver to unnamed street, Hiawatha street.

Hill street, Addison to Kirkpatrick street, Hepburn street.

Hill street, Eleanor to unnamed street, Hartford street.

Hill street, Baker street to Steubenville avenue, Hudson street.

High street, Birmingham avenue to unnamed street, Hunter street.

Harrison street, Forty-second street to Stanton avenue, Humbold street.

Harrison street, Aiken avenue to unnamed, Howe street.

Walter street, Sweeney alley to Devilliers street, Hanson street.

Isabella street, Eauclare to Pease street, Iowa street.

John street, Malverne street to Penn avenue, Julien street.

Jackson street, Pennsylvania Railroad to Frankstown avenue, Johnson street.

Kirkpatrick street, High to Nassau street, Kilpatrick street.

Liberty street, J. Lorentz's property to Orphan's avenue, Livingston street.

Liberty street, unnamed street to Frankstown avenue, Lyman street.

Locust alley, Fortieth to Forty-third street, Lemon street.

Locust street, unnamed street to Mellon's property, Lexington street.

Loag street, Rock's property to Reed srteet [sic], Lasalle street.

Linden street, Kirkpatrick street to E. P. Jones's property, Leonidas street.

Lincoln street, Eleanor to unnamed street, Lee street.

Maple avenue, McLain's avenue to Lillian street, Maple street.

Maria avenue, High to Oak lane, Monticello street.

Mary street, South Seventeenth to South Thirtieth streets, Magnolia street.

Mary street, unnamed street to unnamed alley, Magazine street.

Mary street, from river to Second avenue, Myrtle street.

Mary street, Euclare to Pearl street, Malta street.

Mary street, Julian street to unnamed alley, Malvarna avenue.

Main street, Monongahela avenue to J. Herrett's property, Mackinaw street.

Madison street, Minor street to Jefferson street, Marian avenue.

Morgan street, Kirkpatrick to Wooster street, Masonic street.

Marion street, Lytle to unnamed street, Mason street.

Manor and Josephine streets, Washington avenue to South Thirty-second street, Railroad avenue.

North street, Rea avenue to Beltzhoover avenue, Ridgeview avenue.

Neville street, Amherst avenue to P. Sullivan's property, Nassau street.

Norton street, South avenue to unnamed street, Norwood street.

Ninth stseet [sic], Railroad avenue to Monongahela river, South Sixth [sic] street.

Nineteenth street, South Water street to Railroad avenue, South Nineteenth street.

Oak street, J. Scott's property to Hoeveler street, Ontario street.

Overhill street, Butler alley to Arlington avenue, Olympia street.

Charlotte street, Fifth avenue to Bates street, Oakland avenue.

Porter alley, Wylie to Webster avenue, Page alley.

Perry street, Sixteenth to Eighteenth street, Platt street.

Pine street, Shakespeare to unnamed street, Pawnee street.

Pine alley, South Ninth to South Tenth street, Poker alley.

Perry street, Hudson to unnamed street, Peoria street.

Quarry street, Hamilton to Harrison street, Queen street.

Quarry street, Olympia street to Blakeley's coke ovens, Quality street.

Quarry street, Twelfth to Sixteenth streets, Quaker street.

Ross street, Hiland to Collins avenue, Rosedale street.

Rea avenue, Allaquippa street to Spring way, Ringgold avenue.

Railroad street, Kilpatrick to Walsh & Wilbert's property, Otoe street.

Ross street, South Fifteenth to South Seventeenth streets, Milton street.

Spring street, Coon to Hoeveler streets, Spring avenue.

Seventh street, Rebecca street to Fifth avenue, Scranton avenue.

Second street, Monongahela avenue to Monongahela river, South Second street.

Sixth street, Rebecca to Baum streets, Sardis street.

Sixth street, Sassafras street to Pennsylvania Railroad, Saybrook street.

Sixth street, Railroad avenue to Monongahela river, South Sixth street.

Seventh street, Railroad avenue to Monongahela river, South Seventh street.

Sixteenth street, Railroad avenue to South Water street, South Sixteenth street.

Seventeenth street, Railroad avenue to Monongahela river, South Seventeenth street.

Short alley, Iron City Park to Ellwood street, Sharp's alley.

Short street, Bay to Allequippa street, Seymour street.

Short street, South Seventeenth to South Eighteenth street, Schuman street.

Short street, Norton to Amherst avenue, Singer street.

Spring street, High to Virgin street, Springdale street.

Summit street, Olympia street to St. Paul's monastery, Selma street.

Sarah street, South Seventh to city line, Sara [sic] avenue.

Sarah avenue, Beatty avenue to Winslow street, Sumner street.

Spruce street, Hudson street to Noblestown avenue, Seminole street.

Spruce alley, Twenty-second to Twenty-third street, Sampson's alley.

Scott street, Penn avenue to J. Aiken's estate, Sussex street.

Second street, Sassafraso [sic] to Pennsylvania Railroad, Sanford street.

Second street, Ellwood to Matilda streets, Salima street.

Third street, Sassafraso [sic] street to Pennsylvania Raliroad [sic], Faber street.

Union street, Collins avenue to Broad street, Unity street.

Union street, Lorenze avenue to Beaumont street, Urbana street.

Union street, High to Leslie streets, Utica street.

Union alley, Penn avenue to Thirty-eight [sic] street, Utah alley.

Vine street, Eleanor street to Mellon lane, Vandalia street.

Virginia street, Monongahela river to Second avenue, Victor street.

Virginia street, Beaumont to Lorenze streets, Vienna street.

Virgin alley, South Eleventh to South Thirteenth streets, Vernon alley.

Wood street, Monongahela river to D. Jones' property, Wabash avenue.

Water street, Warsaw to Mackinaw street, Winnebago street.

Walnut street, Choctaw to Warden street, Warsaw avenue.

Washington street, High to Watt street, Winslow street.

Willow street, Wylie to Webster avenues, Warsaw street.

Wilson street, Spring street to unnamed street, Washburn street.

Walker avenue, Washington avenue to Lilian street, Water street.

Washington road, Monongahela avenue to city line, Washington avenue.

Washington street, Penn avenue to Center avenue, White street.

Washington street, Bellefield avenue to Boundary street, Windsor street.

Washington pike, Warden street to city line, Wellington avenue.

Willow street, Wylie to Webster avenues, Wilmington street.

William street, Black street to Stanton avenue, Wakefield street.

William street, Monongahela river to Second avenue, Waldo street.

William street, Joseph street to Orphan's avenue, Waterloo street.

William street, Gray street to Washington avenue, Watt street.

In addition to the above the word "south" has been prefixed to the following numbered streets on the South Side—for instance, Third street is now South Third street; Third, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixtb [sic], Twenty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Thirty-second, Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth.

AN ORDINANCE—Authorizing the opening of Webster avenue from Kirkpatrick street to Thirty-third street.

Whereas, It appears that a majority in interest has petitioned for the opening of Webster avenue from Kirkpatrick street to Thirty-third street; therefore,

Section 1t [sic]. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and is hereby authorized and directed to Survey and Open Webster avenue from Kirkpatrick street to Thirty-third street.

The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act concerning streets and Sewers in the City of Pittsburgh," approved January 6th, 1664 [sic], and the several supplements thereto.

AN ORDINANCE—Locating Smallman street, from Thirty-first street to Thirty-eighth street.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That Smallman street, from Thirty-first street to Thirty-eighth street, be and is hereby located in accordance with annexed plan marked, "G. B."

AN ORDINANCE, Authorizing the opening of Smallman street, from Thirty-first street to Thirty-eighth street.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to survey and open Smallman street, from Thirty-first street to Thirty-eighth street, in accordance with plan marked "G. B.," annexed to an ordinance locating this part of said Smallman street. The damages caused thereby, and the benefits to pay the same, to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act concerning Streets and Sewers in the City of Pittsburgh," approved January 6, 1864, and the several supplements thereto.

AN ORDINANCE—Re-locating Thirty-fourth street from Butler street to A. V. R. R.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That Thirty-fourth street be and the same is hereby re-located from Butler street to the A. V. R. R. at a width of 40 feet, in accordance with the annexed plan marked "E. S. M.," December 29, 1873.

AN ORDINANCE—Allowing "Diamond Savings Bank" to increase width of sidewalks on Fifth avenue between Union and Liberty streets.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, That the privilege be and is hereby granted to the "Diamond Savings Bank" to increase the width of the sidewalk on Fifth avenue in front of their property between Union and Liberty streets from twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet, to be taken from the present roadway or cartway, subject, however, to the provisions of the Ordinance passed March 26th, 1868, increasing width of sidewalks on Fifth avenue.

AN ORDINANCE—Authorizing the opening of Grandview avenue from Washington street, Thirty-second ward, to Fulton street, Thirty-fifth ward.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to survey and open Grandview avenue from Washington avenue, Thirty-second ward, to Fulton street, Thirty-fifth ward, in accordance with an ordinance passed, and a plan approved the 27th day of October, A. D. 1873.

The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act concerning streets and sewers in the City of Pittsburgh," approved January 6th, 1864, and the several supplements thereto.

E. S. MORROW, Clerk.