
From Pittsburgh Streets

An Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Zoning Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article 1, Chapter 902, Section 902.03, Zoning District Maps No. 7 and 8 by changing various zoning district classifications in the Allentown community in accord with the Pittsburgh Neighborhood Remapping Project relative to the City's new Urban Zoning Code.

Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:

Section 1. Section 902.03, Zoning District Maps No. 7 and 8, of the Pittsburgh Code is hereby amended so as to change the following zoning district classifications:

a) From "R2-L" Residential Two-Unit, Low Density and "LNC" Local Neighborhood Commercial to "R1D-H" Residential Single-Unit Detached, High Density all that certain property bounded by: East Warrington Avenue, Amanda Street, Arlington Avenue, Cedarhurst Street, Beltzhoover Avenue, Manton Way, Fern Way, lot Number 185, Block 14-E, in the Allegheny County Lot and Block System, Millbridge Street, Manton Way, Helen Way, Industry Street, Arlington Avenue, Manton Way, lots numbered 379 and 380, Block 14-B in the aforesaid system;

b) From "PO" Park and Open Space and "R2-L" Residential Two-Unit, Low Density to "R1D-H" Residential Single-Unit Detached, High Density all that certain property bounded by: McLain Street, lot numbered 166, Block 3-P in the aforesaid system, Lot numbered 180, Block 3-J in the aforesaid system, lots numbered 86, 94, 97 and 101, Block 3-P in the aforesaid system, Hanover Street, lots numbered 75, 82, 67, 63 and 59, Block 3-P in the aforesaid system, Hanover Street, lot numbered 109, block 3-P in the aforesaid system, the unnamed Way located east of Emerald Street, lot numbered 181, Block 3-R in the aforesaid system, McLain Street, Renwick Street, lot numbered 297, block 3-R in the aforesaid system, Drain Way, Excelsior Street, lots numbered 21 and 26, block 14-C in the aforesaid system, lot numbered 397, block 14-B in the aforesaid system, that line projected in a southwest direction to lot numbered 400, block 14-B, lot numbered 400, block 14-B [sic] in the aforesaid system, Emerald Street, Carnival Way, lot numbered 270, block 14-B in the aforesaid system, Excelsior Street, Allen Street, Carnival Way, lots numbered 209 and 197, block 14-A in the aforesaid system, Guyman Way and Beltzhoover Avenue;

c) From "R2-L" Residential Two-Unit, Low Density to "R1D-M" Residential Single-Unit Detached, Moderate Density all that certain property bounded by: McLain Street, Beltzhoover Avenue, Bailey Way, Tank Way, Lot Numbered 180, Block 3-J in the aforesaid system, lot numbered 166, Block 3-P in the aforesaid system;

d) From "PO" Park and Open Space and "R2-L" Residential Two-Unit, Low Density to "H" Hillside District all that certain property bounded by: Arlington Avenue, Hartford Street, Firtz Street, Brosville Street, Keeling Way, Martin Street, Amanda Street, East Warrington Avenue, Lot 388, Block 14-B in the aforesaid system, Brosville Street, Lot 391, Block 14-B in the aforesaid system, Arlington Avenue, Emerald Street, Lot No. 401, Block 14-B in the aforesaid system, that line project in a northwesterly direction to lot numbered 402, block 14-B in the aforesaid system, lots numbered 402, 403, 404 and 405, block 14-B in the aforesaid system, lots numbered 25, 24, 23 and 22, block 14-C in the aforesaid system, Excelsior Street, Drain Way, lot numbered 296, block 3-R in the aforesaid system, Renwick Street, McLain Street, Lot 134, block 3-P in the aforesaid system, the Unnamed Way located east of Emerald Street, lots numbered 120 and 102, block 3-P in the aforesaid system, Hanover Street, lots numbered 61, 68, 70, 71 and 73, block 3-P in the aforesaid system, Hanover Street, lot numbered 180, block 3-J in the aforesaid system, Roanoke Street, lot numbered 32, block 3-K in the aforesaid system;

e) From "PO" Park and Open Space to "H" Hillside District all that certain property bounded by Arlington Avenue, lots numbered 180 and 36, block 3-J in the aforesaid system and Williams Street.

f) From "PO" Park and Open Space to "H" Hillside District all that certain property bounded by: Williams Street, lot numbered 331, block 4-H in the aforesaid system, lot numbered 180, block 3-J in the aforesaid system, lot numbered 238, block 4-M in the aforesaid system.