"An ordinance vacating Westhall Street, from Preble Avenue eastwardly 297 feet more or less to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Eckert Street, from the westerly line of Petosky Street as vacated, to the westerly line of Preble Avenue; Carter Way, from Eckert Street to the southerly line of Ketchum Street; Ketchum Street, from the westerly line of Carter Way to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Doerr Street, from Ceredo Way as vacated, to Preble Avenue; Ferry Lane, from Ketchum Street to Hoople Way; Ferry Lane, from Hoople Way to Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; hoople [sic] Way, from Ferry Lane to its southerly terminus; Ontario Street, from the Ohio River to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Preble Avenue from Westhall Street to the easterly line of new Beaver Avenue, as shown on Drawing Accession No. A5234-15-12-2 and that portion of Preble Avenue lying without the street lines of new Beaver Avenue, as shown on Drawing Accession No. A5237-15-12-3 in the Twenty-Seventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, excepting and reserving an easement for the 24-inch sewer line in Westhall Street, the 144-inch sewer line in Eckert Street, the 30-inch sewer line in Preblem [sic] Avenue and abandoning all other sewer and water lines located in the aforementioned Streets, lanes and ways." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1974, no. 426. Passed Sept. 16, 1974; approved Sept. 20, 1974. Ordinance Book 74, p. 521. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1974, appendix, pp. 225–226, Artcrafts Unlimited, Inc., Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1974).
No. 426
AN ORDINANCE—Vacating Westhall Street, from Preble Avenue eastwardly 297 feet more or less to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Eckert Street, from the westerly line of Petosky Street as vacated, to the westerly line of Preble Avenue; Carter Way, from Eckert Street to the southerly line of Ketchum Street; Ketchum Street, from the westerly line of Carter Way to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Doerr Street, from Ceredo Way as acated, to Preble Avenue; Ferry Lane, from Ketchum Street to Hoople Way; Ferry Lane, from Hoople Way to Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; hoople [sic] Way, from Ferry Lane to its southerly terminus; Ontario Street, from the Ohio River to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Preble Avenue from Westhall Street to the easterly line of new Beaver Avenue, as shown on Drawing Accession No. A5234-15-12-2 and that portion of Preble Avenue lying without the street lines of new Beaver Avenue, as shown on Drawing Accession No. A5237-15-12-3 in the Twenty-Seventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, excepting and reserving an easement for the 24-inch sewer line in Westhall Street, the 144-inch sewer line in Eckert Street, the 30-inch sewer line in Preblem [sic] Avenue and abandoning all other sewer and water lines located in the aforementioned Streets, lanes and ways.
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. That Westhall Street, from Preble Avenue eastwardly 297 feet more or less to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Eckert Street, from the westerly line of petosky [sic] Street as vacated to the westerly line of Preble Avenue; Carter Way, from Eckert Street to the southerly line of Ketchum Street; Ketchum Street, from the westerly line of Carter Way to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Doerr Street, from Ceredo Way as vacated, to Preble Avenue; Ferry Lane, from Ketchum Street to hoople [sic] Way, Ferry Lane, from hoople [sic] Way to Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way, Hoople Way, from Ferry Lane to its southerly terminus; Ontario Street, from the Ohio River to the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way; Preble Avenue, from Westhall Street to the easterly line of new Beaver Avenue as shown on Drawing Accession No. A5234-15-12-3 and that portion of Preble Avenue lying without the Street lines of new Beaver Avenue as shown on Drawing Accession No. A5237-15-12-3 in the Twenty-Seventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh shall be and the same are hereby vacated, excepting and reserving an easement for the 24-inch sewer line in Westhall Street, the 144-inch sewer line in Eckert Street, the 30-inch sewer line in Preble Avenue and abandoning all other sewer an [sic] water lines located in the aforementioned streets, lanes and ways.
Section 2. That any ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Ordinance.
Ordained September 16, 1974.
Approved September 20, 1974.
Ordinance Book 74, Page 521.